What is the minimum Set up for one clown fish? | Saltwater Aquarium Setup Forum (2024)

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  • Oct 16, 2010
  • #1

I am a currently have 2 fresh water tank but I am very fascinated with Saltwater tanks. I don't think I am quite ready for a reef tank or anything like that. but I would like to have a small tank for a single clown fish some time in the near future. please tell me the minimum setup I need to support a single clown fish.

I have a spare 10 gallon tank that I may be able to use but as I read on another thread it is recommended to have a min of 20 gallon to support one clown fish. thoughts?

also I did read the set up guide in the beginner article section of this site but there are some things I am confused about. do I really need a protein skimmer or live rocks?

I was thinking of using my spare 10 gallon tank and buy a Penguin 150B Bio-Wheel Power Filter, add sand, maybe a powerhead, a heater, and install an LED lighting system. am I missing anything?

Would that be okay? please don't hassle me if this is totally wrong




Active Member


  • Oct 16, 2010
  • #2

A Ten would be fine for a Clown. What would do is
go to your LFS buy about 8-10lbs of Live Rock make sure its live(that’s your filter) and 10 gal of salt water
10lbs of sand put in your 10gal tank add your heater let all settle then add a power head that’s a must. After about a week of cycling test the water if it looks good wait a day test again do this for a week if stayed stable your good to go. 15-20%weekly water changes watch temp and salinity top off evaporated water with RO fresh water. Enjoy your fish





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  • Oct 17, 2010
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  • #3

A Ten would be fine for a Clown. What would do is
go to your LFS buy about 8-10lbs of Live Rock make sure its live(that’s your filter) and 10 gal of salt water
10lbs of sand put in your 10gal tank add your heater let all settle then add a power head that’s a must. After about a week of cycling test the water if it looks good wait a day test again do this for a week if stayed stable your good to go. 15-20%weekly water changes watch temp and salinity top off evaporated water with RO fresh water. Enjoy your fish

thanks for the reply, about the filter, so do I need a hang filter if I have enough live rocks and a power head? also can I use distilled water from the grocery store instead of RO water?

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Fishlore VIP


  • Oct 17, 2010
  • #4

Welcome to FL! I hadn't seen you around yet so excuse the late welcome.

IMHO, a 20 gallon would be much better for a clown. Even then, you'll need to stick to the smallest species (Amphiprion ocellaris or percula, although perideraion or sandaracinos may also work). Mixing different species of clowns often leads to disaster, so choose one species that you like. In a 20 gallon, you could also add something like a small goby, and if you like shrimp gobies you could try to pair one up with a pistol shrimp.




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  • Oct 17, 2010
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  • #5

I would really like to use my ten gallon spare tank so I would not need to buy a bigger tank. and I only plan on keeping a single clown for now. I want the minimum setup so I can see how it goes and if it goes well I will definitely get a bigger tank.

on a related note, my LFS displays a 5 gallon fluval chI with 2 clowns and a coral.

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Fishlore VIP


  • Oct 17, 2010
  • #6

Cool, it was just a suggestion. I would not personally keep a clown in a 10 gallon, but a lot of people do and it can work. If you're really set on the idea, the only species I'd suggest would be A. ocellaris.

2 clowns in a Fluval ChI is a really, really bad idea. Shame on the LFS.




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  • Oct 17, 2010
  • #8

so do I need a hanging filter or is the live rock and the power head good enough?

There great for chemical filter corbon ect just don't run it for over a week with out cleaning And also filter floss


Stang Man

Well Known


  • Oct 17, 2010
  • #9

Are you wanting to use a HOB instead of a power head?




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  • Oct 17, 2010
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  • #10

Are you wanting to use a HOB instead of a power head?

No I mean do I need a HOB filter along with the live rocks and power head
or can it be one or the other?

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  • Oct 17, 2010
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  • #11

okay now I have 2 tanks both 10 gallons but one is taller than the other, it has a 5.5 gallon footprint. the other one is the standard shape.. which of these would be best my Saltwater set up

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Stang Man

Well Known


  • Oct 17, 2010
  • #12

You don't need one all it will be used for is circulation. Bio wheels are a thing for fresh doesn't work for salt the live rock is the base for the nitrogen cycle you need a lot of circulation around the rock to keep tank rolling strong. I would suggest a protein skimmer instead you can use a air driven type that cost a lot less than a venturI driven type this will help in removing algaes and proteins and waste from the water and will also aid in maintenance.




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  • Oct 17, 2010
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  • #13

Are you wanting to use a HOB instead of a power head?

You don't need one all it will be used for is circulation. Bio wheels are a thing for fresh doesn't work for salt the live rock is the base for the nitrogen cycle you need a lot of circulation around the rock to keep tank rolling strong. I would suggest a protein skimmer instead you can use a air driven type that cost a lot less than a venturI driven type this will help in removing algaes and proteins and waste from the water and will also aid in maintenance.

If I get a protein skimmer do I still need a power head? sorry for the amateur questions


Stang Man

Well Known


  • Oct 17, 2010
  • #14

Yes for sure you will need one the smallest type. you will need a power head that will turn water 15-20 times so around 200 GPH I can't remember the ratio on the smallest power heads I would suggest the Korila nano pump or a Tunze.



New Member


  • Oct 18, 2010
  • #15

I have had a 10 gallon salt tank running for about 2 months--bit of a newbie myself. I have about 13 lbs. of live rock, a HOB filter, and a koralia nana powerhead (240 gph) and everything seems to be going okay. In the tank so far I have one o. clownfish, one bi-color chromis and some inverts. I am doing a 10% to 15% waterchanges every two weeks. I let the tank cycle for about 5 weeks before adding anything to it.
This is a very fun hobby, and I already want more tanks.

In the short time I have been doing this, I have learned there are lots of differing opinions about what is best. I have found it most helpful to get at least 3 opinions before making a decision.---hope this helps



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  • Oct 18, 2010
  • #16

I am thinking of setting up a sw tank nothing to large I know 55 + is better but I was thinnking if I went small and could take care of it with ease LOL then I could always go to the 55 G If I would do say a 20 G to start just with maybe a couple of clows and a little reef just to get the feel for it. What should I get to get started I have read a lot and alls that has done is got me confused so many different opions Salt mix or buy the Saltwater premix so many questions to use a skimmer or not? And or filters I have gotten lost on the whole set up process can any one help me out? I have done fresh water for many years but Saltwater I am total lost on.I have ask fish stores and they seem to be no help they just want to sale sale sale.Would like to know average cost for Saltwater ect per month not the electric bill just to keep a healthy tank. Why have a tank if you can't keep it healthy?


Stang Man

Well Known


  • Oct 18, 2010
  • #17

Hello Dliles and Susaneckert welcome to Fish Lore!!!! Also welcome to the land of Salties!!! As for salt water tanks it is best that you read as much as you can on the web or by books this will help to understand more about the salt world I can go on and on about this subject but I have to be very honest with you about these small nano tanks It's a lot to take on from the start you are better off starting with a bigger tank you can and probably will have more faults with a smaller tank than a bigger tank go with the bigger tank if you are just starting out it's much easier. my next suggestion is starting out with just fish and live rock but the rock must be cured it can take up to 3 month's for a tank to establish it's self at a full nitrogen cycled rate. I am not trying to be a snob about this hobby please don't take this wrong I am only trying to help. Like I mentioned Read and Read till you can't read no more.Lol!!! That's the best advice I can give you till you have the knowledge to carry on with this hobby. I will help in any way I can just like everyone here at Fish Lore!!! Ohh and the other thing is take your time do not rush this is a very slow process to begin with. Good Luck and if you have more questions please ask!!!



New Member


  • Oct 18, 2010
  • #18

Thanks Stang Man! I have definitely learned that patience is a virtue in this hobby. I have been reading, reading, and then reading some more It is very helpful getting help from people who know what they are doing. Thank you for taking the time to respond.



Active Member


  • Oct 18, 2010
  • #19

Thanks Stang Man! I do understand about a SLOW Process. and to read read read and ask lots of questions. I do have a 20 G tank along with a 55 G tank that is not in use at the moment I have a 60G Freshwater tank running now. I have always love the sw tanks but I have been told over and over that they are very hard to keep up.So I have never tryed but some times you have to just do it.It is a costly hobby and I would hate to fail with all the work that is put into sw beside all the $$ were I live there is not very many places to go for fw & sw fish mostly hole in the wall that just want to sale you any thing.So you would suggest setting up a 55 g tank instead of a 20 gallon ? I will have to do every thing slow any ways could you please tell me what should I get for a 55 G skinner filteration ect I do have 6 power heads for a 55 g tank and I am not really sure on the chillers ect or sums I don't really under stand them so that is more reading lol on filtration would I want one that works up to a 200 gallon tank? Or would the rocks be ok or both? thanks for any help you may have for me


Stang Man

Well Known


  • Oct 19, 2010
  • #20

Well since you are that far into it I believe I can help with your questions without going over your head. It's hard to make people realize the structure of the saltwater world. It helps when people take the time to study this hobby before jumping into the ocean and don't now how to swim.Lol



Active Member


  • Oct 19, 2010
  • #21

Thanks I guess I will just buy all of the above skimmer, filtration, RO, sump ,chiller,heater,refractometer , and sand live rock. Should I have my tank circulating for 3 months before I put in a live rock or is it ok to put it in once every thing is added to the tank?Then I wait another 2 months before fish would that be best?





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  • Oct 19, 2010
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  • #22

I am having difficulty figuring out what I need to buy to start this Saltwater tank. Can some one tell me if this list is correct?

get a tank, say 30 gallons
~30 lbs of live rock
1-2 power heads
Live sand (not sure how much)
water conditioner
testing kit
reef accelerator?
water of course
in tank or HOB protein skimmer (optional?)
[no additional filters needed?]

set up tank cycle for 8 weeks and do routine tests
then add fish

can some one verify that?

also how important is it to use RO water rather than tap water + water conditioner?

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Stang Man

Well Known


  • Oct 19, 2010
  • #23

Thanks I guess I will just buy all of the above skimmer, filtration, RO, sump ,chiller,heater,refractometer , and sand live rock. Should I have my tank circulating for 3 months before I put in a live rock or is it ok to put it in once every thing is added to the tank?Then I wait another 2 months before fish would that be best?

Fitration no chiller very costly if you have the money to spend about 1200. dollors on I don't use them I keep my house at no more than 82 degrees and use fans during hot winter month's. As for everything else yes those are very much needed you have a 55 gallon and will have a sump then get a venturI driven skimmer to put in the sump yhis will need a pump to drive the water in the chamber in order to work. I personally like the Red Sea type skimmers there are many but beware of the cheap type they are not good. Send me a link to look at what you find I am not sure of the area you are. As for live rock and sand do those first do not add any thing but those you will need test kits I would suggest getting them on line. You will need an ammonia kit,nitrite,nitrate, to get started and then you will need other test kits for the rest when you get to that point The rest will follow takes some time for rock that is delevered on line to cure it is best to get a 24 hour shipment if at all possible. If you choose a fish only or a reef then you will not need all the equipment I listed. Let me know!!!



Active Member


  • Oct 30, 2010
  • #24

Thanks Stang Man!! Patience is a must as I have read. I am thinking of just a small LOL one maybe 60G or a 80 G I keep changing my mind on which one to switch over or just buy a new one. So I have a lot of time to figure all this out.Buying little by little so it don't hurt as bad LOL this way I can move slower than a to make it right. I know I still have a lot more reading my plan is to have everything I possible could need or might need and at least two months of salt mix or more I am wanting for now lol yea right! just some live rock, some coral and a few fish like clowns nothing real big.My be way down the road some reef but that won't happen for at least 2 years from now min. I did have a few questions and this will be based on a 80 G tank since if I do convert my 80 g tank over but I won't go any bigger than this tank. what type of the following would be best for this size brand , size , and what type of sea mix is good.And keep in mind that I live in southern calif so winters are not COLD like a lot places are and I am not sure if I need every thing below or if I am forgetting something along the way Please let me know If one brand is better than the other I would hate to just throw away
1 R/O/DI
2. Protein skimmer
3. refugium
4.sump ? totally lost on
7.Live Rock is it 2-3 lbs per Gallon
8.Filter canister or not
11.Tester of course
12 Thermometer
Thanks for your reply Stang Man I don't trust to many fish stores area here in my area they will sale you any and every thing and even the in between just to make a sale.



Active Member


  • Oct 30, 2010
  • #25

OH yea what is the differance between the Hydrometer and refractometer which one would be better for my type of set up???


Stang Man

Well Known


  • Oct 31, 2010
  • #26

Thanks Stang Man!! Patience is a must as I have read. I am thinking of just a small LOL one maybe 60G or a 80 G I keep changing my mind on which one to switch over or just buy a new one. So I have a lot of time to figure all this out.Buying little by little so it don't hurt as bad LOL this way I can move slower than a to make it right. I know I still have a lot more reading my plan is to have everything I possible could need or might need and at least two months of salt mix or more I am wanting for now lol yea right! just some live rock, some coral and a few fish like clowns nothing real big.My be way down the road some reef but that won't happen for at least 2 years from now min. I did have a few questions and this will be based on a 80 G tank since if I do convert my 80 g tank over but I won't go any bigger than this tank. what type of the following would be best for this size brand , size , and what type of sea mix is good.And keep in mind that I live in southern calif so winters are not COLD like a lot places are and I am not sure if I need every thing below or if I am forgetting something along the way Please let me know If one brand is better than the other I would hate to just throw away
1 R/O/DI
2. Protein skimmer
3. refugium
4.sump ? totally lost on
7.Live Rock is it 2-3 lbs per Gallon
8.Filter canister or not
11.Tester of course
12 Thermometer
Thanks for your reply Stang Man I don't trust to many fish stores area here in my area they will sale you any and every thing and even the in between just to make a sale.

1. Yes for sure always use this water
2.Skimmers made by red sea are the best in my opinion
3.I don't use them but many people do
4.I do use them and I build them as well for sure get one!!
5.I prefer metal hylide HQI of 14,000K or above
6.I have both types sand in one tank and crushed coral in the other I like the sand better looks more natural
7. 1 1/2 - 2 lbs per gallon
8.No you don't need one
9.submersible type to put in the sump to use when needed
10.As long as you keep your house cool then you don't need one very expensive too!!!
11.Ammonia,nitrites,nitrates,phosphate,magnessium,ph, kh, is all you need ohh and calcium
12Don't use the glass type I prefer the digital with a probe that hangs in the tank

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What is the minimum Set up for one clown fish? | Saltwater Aquarium Setup Forum (2024)


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