Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (2024)

Amphiprion ocellaris, also known as the Ocellaris Clownfish, has become one of the most well-known and most popular saltwater aquarium fish species. These waddling and adorable striped fish have been legendary, for years, and their prominent role in movies like Finding Nemo and Finding Dory have all but cemented their place in the Saltwater Fish hall of fame. But this fish isn’t so popular among reef tank owners because of a Children’s animated movie, they are “common” for a reason–they’re perfect for the home aquarium. Let’s take a closer look at what it takes to care for the Ocellaris Clownfish.

Table of contents

If you have a specific question, you can use the Table of Contents below to jump right to it or read the rest of the article.

  • Quick facts
  • Natural habitat
  • Life Cycle
  • Clownfish and anemone relationship
  • Aquarium care
    • Minimum tank size
    • Are they reef safe?
    • Water chemistry
    • Feeding
    • Compatibility with host anemone species
    • Compatibility with other saltwater fish
    • Breeding
  • Designer Ocellaris Clownfish Types
  • References

Quick Facts About the Common Clownfish:

  • Scientific Name: Amphiprion ocellaris
  • Common Names: Ocellaris Clownfish, False Percula Clownfish, Common Clownfish, Nemo
  • Max Size: ~3-3.5 inches (7.6 – 9 cm), with females significantly larger than males
  • Minimum tank Size: 10-gallons (~38 liters)
  • Aggression Level: Peaceful & suitable for community aquariums
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet: Omnivores
  • Lifespan: 15+ years

Optimal clownfish aquarium temperature

The optimal temperature for a clownfish aquarium is 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit, due to the fact that their natural habitat is tropical oceanic reefs with the same temperature.

Ocellaris clownfish tank size

The minimum tank size for Ocellaris clownfish is 10-gallons. The recommended tank size could increase from the minimum depending on the number of other fish, corals, and invertebrates in the same aquarium, as well as the relative aggressiveness of those other tankmates.

While 10-gallons is the recommended minimum, more than 50% of Saltwater Aquarium Owners who indicated that they have Ocellaris clownfish in their tanks indicated the volume of the tank was between 20 and 90 gallons.

Tank size% of Ocellaris clownfish owners
Less than 5 gallons0
Between 5 and 20 gallons14.6%
Between 20 and 55 gallons33.3%
Between 55 and 90 gallons22.9%
Between 90 and 120 gallons20.8%
Larger than 120 gallons8.3%

No one who answered the survey had tried to keep them in a tank of less than 5 gallons, and the most common tank size was between 20 and 55 gallons.

What do ocellaris clownfish need in a tank?

Here is a list of the minimum equipment needed to keep ocellaris clownfish in a saltwater tank:

  1. Tank size 10-gallons or larger
  2. Lid or mesh to cover the top of the tank
  3. Water movement: created by either an air pump (bubbles) or a small in-tank pump called a powerhead
  4. Heater: to keep the temperature between 78-82 degrees
  5. Biological filter: sponge filter, hang-on-back filter, or live rock in the tank
  6. Lights: ideally set on a timer

Ocellaris clownfish DO NOT need an anemone, nor do they need sand in the bottom of the tank to be happy and healthy.

Ocellaris clownfish size

The size of Ocellaris clownfish will range from 3mm to 3.5 inches (9cm), throughout their lives. Female clownfish are generally larger than males and will grow to about 3.5 inches in total length. In stores, most fish sold are over 1-inch in length.

According to a survey of 37 people who had Ocellaris clownfish in their tank (81% had 2 or more), nearly half (48.6%) were between 2 and 3 inches in length at the time of the survey.

1 inch or less% of Ocellaris clownfish by size
1 inch (2.5 cm) or less10.6%
Between 1 inch (2.5 cm) and 2 inches (5 cm)29.8%
Between 2 inches (5 cm) and 3 inches (7.5 cm)38.3%
Larger than 3 inches (7.5 cm)21.3%

A great fish for beginners or anyone

The common clown is a great saltwater fish for beginners. I’ve had them almost every year I’ve had a saltwater aquarium. But don’t just take my word for it. 89% of people who have had them in their own aquarium recommend them somewhat or stongly for beginners–and none of them are strongly opposed to recommending them for beginners.

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Natural habitat: where do Ocellaris clownfish live?

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (2)

The natural habitat of Amphiprion ocellaris is on reefs from the Western Pacific Ocean and Eastern Indian Ocean, where they are typically found nestled in closely with their host anemone, seldom straying more than a few meters from the protection of their stinging tentacles. Their mutualistic relationship with these stinging cnidarians that would otherwise gladly make a meal of other saltwater fish, how this relationship began, why and how it even came to be are some of nature’s great mysteries, and undoubtedly one of the reasons the clownfish’s status is the king of the reef, rather than just a jester.

Life cycle

The vibrantly-colored, orange, white and black Ocellaris clownfish you see on this page all started out as tiny, transparent larvae that looked like small pieces of glass, that broke out of their eggs after a time period of about 8-10 days, depending on the temperature of the water. After hatching, they swim towards the surface of the ocean, drawn by the moonlight, where they will feast, as larvae, on the ocean’s bounty (plankton), for about 1-2 weeks, until they transform (undergo a metamorphosis) from larvae into juvenile fish.

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As a juvenile fish, the young False Percula Clownfish gives up life drifting among the plankton to settle down and find an anemone home of their own. If they are lucky, they will find a mate and continue the cycle.

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All clownfish, including Amphiprion ocellaris, are hermaphrodites and are capable of becoming either male and female. But they aren’t able to flip flop back and forth. The gender changes happen predictably, in a one-way direction. Among any small, local population of Ocellaris clownfish, the largest, most dominant individual will be the reproducing Female. She will have a single, mature male mate. All the other fish will be small or immature males.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (5)

If the female is lost, the fish will establish a new pecking order, with one of the males becoming female. The most likely scenario is that her male mate will reprise the role of matriarch, assuming the previous pecking order is maintained and not upset by a rival.

The new pair will bond and eventually begin spawning and protecting a clutch of eggs about every 2 weeks, and the cycle continues.

Clownfish and anemone relationship

So how does the relationship between a clownfish and their anemone work, anyway? The truth is, we don’t fully know, just yet. There have been several different theories, but to my knowledge, none of them, as of yet, have been fully proven, nor have rival theories been disproven. To better explore the theories and how this might work, let’s dive a little deeper into the topic.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (6)

Anemones are normally fish-killing machines. Their tentacles have specialized cells, called nematocysts, which are designed to inject would-be prey with paralyzing chemicals when triggered, typically when prey touches the area with the nematocyst.

So how does it work? Are clownfish immune to the sting? Does the anemone hold back on the sting deliberately and not pull the trigger? If so, what is the mechanism? Do the clownfish send a signal that says, “Fish are friends, not food?” Or maybe the slime coating a clownfish’s scale either insulates them against the sting, rendering it harmless or prevents detection and stinging, in the first place?

Even if the secret is in the mucus, as many are concluding, is the clownfish born with this ability, or is it acquired? Is it universal to all anemones or just the individuals they associate with? Do they need to warm up or can they dive right in? Not sure we know the answers yet, to all of these questions, and I’m not sure we need to understand in order to observe, be amazed, and enjoy.

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Do Ocellaris clownfish need anemones?

Ocellaris clownfish do not need anemones if kept in a saltwater aquarium. They will live happily in tanks without anemones.

Clownfish care in an aquarium

The Ocellaris clownfish is peaceful, generally hardy, and does well in a home aquarium. Let’s look a little more closely at what it takes to care for them in an aquarium.

Are they reef safe?

Amphiprion ocellaris is a reef-safe saltwater fish. They will not bother corals, clams, or other invertebrates. In a survey of Ocellaris owners, 38 of 39 indicated they were totally reef safe.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (8)

The only thing they may do that might be slightly problematic is to treat one of your corals as a surrogate anemone. This is always an adorable behavior to watch. Most times, it is fine and doesn’t cause any problems, but occasionally, the constant attention from your clowns may annoy your coral to the point it retracts its polyps and may ultimately decline as a result of the attention.

I don’t think this relatively small risk is enough to warrant a pause in considering them for your tank, but you may want to watch if your clownfish does adopt a friend.

This is a picture of the ocellaris clownfish in my reef tank at home. They adopted a Toadstool coral that was completely fine with the arrangement.

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Water chemistry

False Percula clownfish are not picky about their water chemistry, assuming it approximates reef quality. Here are the standard values you should aim for:

  • Temperature: kept stable, but between 73-84 Fahrenheit, 22.8 – 28.8 Celcius
  • pH: kept stable, but between8.1-8.4
  • Specific gravity: 1.025
  • Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates: 0 ppm

You can learn more about the ideal reef tank water parameters (including a few values not covered above) here.

With that said, those are ideal parameters, but based on my personal experience, Ocellaris clownfish are tolerant of some fluctuation and less-than-ideal conditions. That doesn’t mean we are not still responsible to do our best to meet their husbandry needs, but for those of you who are new to the hobby or unsure about keeping a saltwater tank, you should be reassured that Amphiprion ocellaris is a great choice, because they can work with you while you figure things out.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (10)


False Percula clownfish are generally hardy eaters, eager to accept whatever food is offered. Most of the fish I have seen come from aquaculture (meaning they were born and raised in aquarium conditions, not collected from wild reefs), and they have therefore been acclimated to taking prepared foods for quite some time.

Nutritionally, they are omnivores and will do best, when presented with a variety of food options, including live foods like blackworms and brine shrimp, frozen foods like mysis shrimp, or omnivore diets, as well as flakes and pellets.

Check out this article to learn how to hatch your own live brine shrimp.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (11)

Compatibility with host anemone species

It goes without saying that most of us, myself included, tend to picture the iconic Ocellaris clownfish nestled in their anemone as the most natural of settings and the North Star towards which we should navigate, as recreators of our slices of the reef. But it might surprise you to know that not every anemone will safely host clownfishes, and there are certain naturally occurring pairings that exist on the reefs.

The 4 anemone species known to host Amphiprion ocellaris are:

  1. Entacmaea quadricolor, the Bubble-Tip or Rose Anemone (but only known in captivity, not on natural reefs)
  2. Heteractis magnifica, the Magnificent Sea Anemone
  3. Stichodactyla gigantea, the Gigantic Sea Anemone
  4. Stichodactyla haddoni, Haddon’s Saddle Carpet Anemone
Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (12)

In general, striving to reproduce natural, reef-like settings is an admirable mission, but in the case of anemones, the jury is still out. With a few exceptions (to be discussed in a moment), most of the anemones you find at your local fish store are wild-caught.

Unfortunately for us and the anemones, they are slow-growing. Wild-caught anemones tend to be old souls that take a long time to replace and, unlike their stripey companions, they have a terrible track record of acclimating to life in the home aquarium.

This catastrophic co*cktail means wild collection has a meaningful negative impact on the reefs and isn’t likely to even translate into any meaningful amount of appreciation, enjoyment, or quality of life in your home.

There is one exception to this rule–Entacmaea quadricolor, the Bubble-Tip Anemone. This is a fast-growing anemone, by comparison, that actively splits and divides, creating identical clones. They are reproducing well enough to have taken some of the pressure off of wild harvesting. However, even though Entacmaea quadricolor may be the ideal anemone for a home aquarium, it doesn’t mean this or any anemone is ideal for a home aquarium.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (13)

Anemones all have two qualities that make them less than ideal for life in the home aquarium:

  1. As established before, they have stinging nematocysts locked and loaded, ready to fire off and sting anything they come into contact with
  2. They are surprisingly mobile and will move around your tank–they can get sucked into powerheads, redirect the flow of pumps, causing splashing or flooding, and perhaps worst of all, in combination with # 1, they can blaze a path of destruction, stinging and murdering anything in their paths.

As such, it is actually advised that you do not keep your Ocellaris Clownfish with a host anemone.

However, if the appeal is too hard for you to resist, the most responsible choice would be a Bubble tip anemone that was aquaculture or split from another already in captivity.

Compatibility with other community fish

Ocellaris clownfish are generally very peaceful community saltwater fish, with a few exceptions. You can keep more than one (even several) Amphiprion ocellaris together, but they will be aggressive to or receive significant aggression from, other clownfish species kept in the same tank. So don’t mix them with Tomato, Maroon, or any other clownfish species, including designer species like Picasso clowns.

That incompatibility also likely extends into the Damselfish family, including Chromis.

You should also expect some additional aggression once your pair starts breeding, as they more assertively define and defend their territory and egg nest.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (14)

But other than that, Ocellaris clownfish are delightfully peaceful saltwater aquarium fish and get along with almost any other fish that will get along with it.

In a survey of 48 Ocellaris clownfish owners, here are the 10 Most Common tankmates, listed in order of popularity:

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (15)

  • Gobies
  • Wrasses
  • Tangs
  • Blennies
  • Angelfish
  • Grammas
  • Chromis
  • Dottybacks
  • Cardinalfish
  • Anthias

Incompatibility with other community fish

Common clowns are generally very peaceful community fish and are considered to be compatible with the vast majority of other peaceful community fish. The vast majority of owners report absolutely no issues with incompatibility between their clowns and another fish type. But there are a few exceptions.

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In a survey of 48 people, the 3 most common fish types reported to have been problematic with their clowns are:

  • Other clownfish
  • Green chromis
  • Damselfish

I can support these data with my own personal experiences, as well. In my very first saltwater tank, I tried to keep a Bluefin damselfish unsuccessfully, as well as a Pink Skunk clown. The damsel harrassed my clowns to the point of stress and disease and the common clown did the same to the Pink clown. Many years later, I also had issues with a Green chromis being a bully to the clowns.

Compatibility with Ocellaris clownfish

For more information about which fish are compatible with clownfish species like the Ocellaris, check out this Saltwater fish compatibility tool.

Breeding and reproduction

As mentioned before, clownfish are hermaphrodites–and Ocellaris clownfish are relatively peaceful, which means that any two individual fish can and will very likely form a pair. When put together, they may spar a bit, to establish a pecking order (and who gets to be Female), but after that, harmony should likely take over, and your pair should bond.

It is possible to keep more than two False Percula clownfish in your tank, but only one pair will establish at a time, with the largest individual being Female, her chosen mate the breeding male, and the rest as immature males.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (17)

Please note, this is not the same for all clownfish species–pairing up Maroon clownfish requires more care, planning, and a distinct approach.

As long as you provide a caring, safe, and clean environment for your fish, breeding will very likely happen on its own, on its own time. If you wish to speed things along a bit, the most you can do is be sure to feed them a few times each day, with a calorie and nutritionally rich diet. Live foods will generally spark the flame more than prepared foods.


As your Ocellaris clownfish become more acquainted with each other, the breeding process is often initiated with some pre-spawning behaviors–a little bit like underwater dancing, darting, twitching, shaking, nipping, chasing, biting. The male will also start cleaning a spawning site by biting and removing algae, detritus, etc., from a rock or surface, like the aquarium glass, near their nest.


This is when the eggs are deposited by the female on the nest site that was prepared by the male and he fertilizes them, swimming over the eggs after each pass.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (18)

Egg tending

The male will guard and tend to the eggs, fanning them and cleaning them with his mouth, until they hatch. Generally speaking, the Ocellaris Clownfish female does not play a major role other than to be aggressive to some of the other fish in the tank, at this time (perimeter defense). In my experience, she plays a role in protecting the larger territory but seems to have a short memory or lack of sustained interest.

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False Percula Clownfish larvae emerge from the eggs after about 8 days.

Raising larvae

Raising the larvae is a difficult task and the subject of another article. Check out this deep dive into clownfish breeding, where I share lots of tips and advice from my own adventures.

Disease susceptibility

The Common clown is a hardy fish that isn’t problematically susceptible to disease. 83% of people report never having any problems with disease or parasites. Of those who have reported at least some problems, over the years, the most common is Saltwater Ich, reported by 14% of survey respondents. Marine Velvet and and Fin Rot were also reported.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (20)

Ocellaris clownfish types (designer clownfish and color morphs)

Since the Ocellaris clownfish responds so well to aquarium life and readily breeds, the aquarium hobby has an embarrassment of riches, in terms of the availability of different color morphs or varieties.

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (21)

Every few months, it seems, the major aquaculture facilities announce the release of the next best, supplies are limited and available only for a limited-time offering of the (insert two jazzy marketing buzzwords together) designer clownfish.
Here is a listing of a few offerings that have a distinct look yet belong to theAmphiprion ocellaris, False Percula genus, and species:

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (22)

Are ocellaris clownfish high maintenance?

The ocellaris clownfish is one of the easiest saltwater fish to care for in an aquarium. Here are some of the maintenance steps required:

  1. Daily feeding
  2. Replacing water that has evaporated to keep water levels consistent
  3. Cleaning aquarium glass every few days
  4. Water changes and waste removal every couple of weeks
  5. Periodic water testing to ensure water quality is maintained

Where To Buy

You should be able to find Ocellaris clownfish wherever quality saltwater fish are sold, and even some places with questionable quality. While not all pet stores carry marine fish, they most certainly have Amphiprion ocellaris if they carry any saltwater fish at all.

Do Ocellaris clownfish need saltwater?

Ocellaris clownfish are a saltwater fish species that live in water containing 35 parts per trillion of saltwater. They can be safely kept in water with lower salt concentrations as long as they are carefully acclimated.

What to read next:

Hopefully, you enjoyed reading all about the Ocellaris clownfish. Be sure to check out a few of these other great articles:

  • How to set up a saltwater aquarium
  • Choosing the best salt mix

Looking for a great companion fish? Check out these other species:

  • Royal gramma
  • Neon goby
  • Orchid dottyback
  • Mandarin goby
  • Foxface rabbitfish

Learning more about the False Percula Clownfish

If you want to learn more, check out this video:

Keeping Ocellaris Clownfish


Wilkerson, Joyce D. Clownfishes: A Guide to Their Captive Care, Breeding & Natural History. T.F.H Publications. 2001. Neptune City, NJ

Michael, Scott W. Marine Fishes: 500+ Essential-to-Know Aquarium Species. TFH Publications. Neptune City, NJ: 2001.

Original Saltwater Aquarium Blog Survey Data

Ocellaris clownfish care: size, lifespan, types & more (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.