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What does deer antler velvet do to men? ›

The estrogen hormone most affected by deer antler velvet is estradiol. Estradiol is a precursor to testosterone. Deer antler velvet is used to increase libido, treat male erectile dysfunction, and improve fertility.

Does deer antler velvet mess with testosterone? ›

In another study, velvet antler didn't seem to improve sexual function in middle-aged and older men. Deer velvet might have an effect due to the hormones it may contain, including testosterone, androstenedione, and dehydroepiandrosterone.

Does deer antler velvet have any side effects? ›

No major side-effects have been reported in previous studies on humans lasting six months. Androgenic (male hormone type) side-effects have been noted in animal studies. The effect antler velvet might have on other medication hasn't been well studied.

Does deer antler velvet actually work? ›

Early research suggests that taking deer velvet extract or powder by mouth for 10 weeks does not improve strength or aerobic capacity in active males undergoing strength training. However, there may be small improvements in knee extension strength.

Does deer antler velvet grow muscle? ›

Deer antler velvet is full of essential nutrients that may encourage muscular development. For example, deer antler velvet can increase testosterone levels. Testosterone is one of the most important chemicals in your body and it plays a vital role in the development of larger muscles.

Is deer antler velvet anabolic? ›

Therefore, deer antler velvet is sometimes considered a natural "steroid alternative" because its benefits include anabolic and performance enhancing effects. But it clearly does not meet the definition of an anabolic steroid.

Why is deer antler a banned substance? ›

Deer antler velvet is ground-up material obtained from antlers that is harvested before they harden. S.W.A.T.S further claimed that the active ingredient in the “Ultimate Spray” was insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), a substance banned both in- and out-of-competition on the WADA Prohibited List.

Does deer antler velvet help hair growth? ›

Bioactive extracts from deer antler velvet (DAV) have the potential to stimulate hair growth, and the efficacy of bioactive compounds depends on effective transdermal and transfollicular delivery systems.

How long does antler velvet stay in your system? ›

How long does deer antler velvet stay in your system? Deer antler velvet (capsules) is a food product. Its nutrients are digested into the body and expelled like any other food in 24 to 72 hours. It does not stay in the body and there is no way to detect it in the body.

Is deer antler velvet FDA approved? ›

The FDA has considered applications but does not currently recognize any therapeutic effects of velvet antler. Velvet antler products, however, may be marketed as dietary supplements or nutriceuticals.

Does deer antler velvet give you energy? ›

Deer Antler Velvet has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for millennia, and limited animal studies suggest its potential to support energy, endurance, and bone health.

What does deer velvet do to your body? ›

Traditionally, deer antler velvet has been used to strengthen bones, improve immunity, and treat ailments including toothaches and tissue damage ( 2 , 7 , 8 , 9 ).

Does deer antler contain testosterone? ›

The primary hormones associated with antler growth and development are testosterone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), although other hormones and local factors are also involved throughout the growth process.

What are the benefits of wearing deer antler? ›

From the viewpoint of western medicine research, deer antler has been traditionally used to promote blood flow, strengthen bones and muscles and to promote blood flow.

Is deer antler good for humans? ›

Deer Antler Velvet has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for millennia, and limited animal studies suggest its potential to support energy, endurance, and bone health. However, many animal rights advocates have serious concerns about these supplements and the way they are sourced.

How long does deer antler velvet stay in your system? ›

How long does deer antler velvet stay in your system? Deer antler velvet (capsules) is a food product. Its nutrients are digested into the body and expelled like any other food in 24 to 72 hours. It does not stay in the body and there is no way to detect it in the body.


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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.