Dawntrail Job Changes (2024)


Dawntrail Job Changes

In Dawntrail, the level cap of all jobs will be raised to 100. With the newlevel cap comes new and exciting actions that flesh out a rotation, as well asmany core changes to jobs as well as small reworks to how others function. Thispage gives a quick overview of every job's new additions as well as links to thein-depth job changes and potential new rotations discovered by our expert players.

If you're looking for our guides to the newest jobs, Viper and Pictomancer,visit the pages below.

Dawntrail Viper GuideDawntrail Pictomancer Guide



The developers have deemed tanks to be relatively complete. Tanks will receivean upgrade to their role actions, Dawntrail Job Changes (1) Rampart and Dawntrail Job Changes (2) Reprisal, aswell as their 2-minute mitigation ability being increased to 40% with a uniqueupgrade for each tank. Their overall DPS rotation and performance will not changedrastically, with new actions becoming upgrades to current actions and capstoneactions learned at level 100 being tied to their burst window.



Dawntrail Job Changes (3)

No longer will Paladins have to use Dawntrail Job Changes (4) Atonement thrice: they receive upgradesto the weaponskill as well as a fancy capstone ability unlocked after theDawntrail Job Changes (5) Confiteor combo. Learn about these changes and more on the Dawntrail Paladin guide.

Dawntrail Paladin Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (6)

Warriors love Dawntrail Job Changes (7) Fell Cleave, so they've decided to reward them for pressing theFell Cleave button. Press it three times during Dawntrail Job Changes (8) Inner Release and a new action,Primal Wrath is unlocked! Learn about these changes and more on the DawntrailWarrior guide.

Dawntrail Warrior Changes


Dark Knight

Dawntrail Job Changes (9)

Dark Knight has received a few minor changes to the core playstyle. The gapcloser Plunge has been removed and replaced with Shadowstride, a gap closer withno potency attached. The buffs Dawntrail Job Changes (10) Delirium andDawntrail Job Changes (11) Blood Weapon have been merged, and allows for the executionof the Scarlet Delirium combo. Their capstone ability is another lineAoE that Esteem also gets to cast! Learn about the Dark Knight changes on theDawntrail Dark Knight guide.

Dawntrail Dark Knight Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (12)

Gunbreakers are Ready to Reign with the new Lion Heart combo, their capstoneactions inspired by the power of Squall from FFVIII. They've also had theirgap closer removed and replaced with a gap closer with no potency attached, andattaching Dawntrail Job Changes (13) Sonic Break to Dawntrail Job Changes (14) No Mercy freesup some hotbar space. Learn about these changes and how they'll affect theGunbreaker burst window on the Dawntrail Gunbreaker guide.

Dawntrail Gunbreaker Changes

Healers receive perhaps the most unique changes of all the roles. Like theirCaster DPS comrades, Dawntrail Job Changes (15) Swiftcast's cooldown is being reduced to 40 seconds atlevel 94. Though not too involved, healers did receive new DPS actions addressinga common complaint of having only one button to press when contributing to damage.They've also received powerful new healing and mitigation actions that willhelp protect the party from harder-hitting duties, including a unique upgrade toeach healer's GCD AoE heal.


White Mage

Dawntrail Job Changes (16)

A unique action in the Bozjan Southern Front, Lost Seraph Strike, gave healersa gap closer. White Mages wanted it so bad everywhere else that the developersgave them Aetherial Shift, a forward dash like Dancer's En Avant unlocked atlevel 40! They also get two new powerful buttons locked behind Dawntrail Job Changes (17) Presence of Mindand Dawntrail Job Changes (18) Temperance. Learn more about the White Mage changes onthe Dawntrail White Mage guide.

Dawntrail White Mage Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (19)

Eat the fairy? Why not become the fairy? Scholar's capstone ability, Seraphism,turns them into an angelic being granting all party members in 50 yalms a healover time. Dawntrail Job Changes (20) Adloquium and Dawntrail Job Changes (21) Succor are upgradedand have no cast time under this effect! Finally, Scholar receives an AoE DoTthat can be used after Dawntrail Job Changes (22) Chain Stratagem. Learn more about theScholar changes on the Dawntrail Scholar guide.

Dawntrail Scholar Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (23)

Astrologian receives their bi-yearly rework of the card system. This time,it's a combination of the Stormblood system and current system: cards are nowunique again, but the order of which Astrologians draw the cards are set in stone.Maybe they have power over fate itself? Their capstone ability is Sun Sign,accessible after casting Dawntrail Job Changes (24) Neutral Sect, which grants partymembers 10% mitigation for 15 seconds. Learn more about the card changes on theDawntrail Astrologian guide.

Dawntrail Astrologian Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (25)

Sage was released in Endwalker and therefore has minimal changes to the kit.Sage players receive a few fancy damage buttons: the first is an AoE DoT,Eukrasian Dyskrasia (say that ten times fast) at level 82, and the second isPsyche, a powerful ability with a 60 second recast timer. Their capstone abilityis Philosophia, a healing buff that essentially gives the entire party Kardion!Learn more about the Sage changes on the Dawntrail Sage guide.

Dawntrail Sage Changes


Melee DPS

With the addition of Viper, several melee DPS have received substantial changesto increase their potential. While their playstyle remains intact, Monk andDragoon has received several major changes that impact their rotations.Dawntrail Job Changes (26) Second Wind has its healing increased, and Dawntrail Job Changes (27) Feint has itsduration increased to 15 seconds, both at later levels.



Dawntrail Job Changes (28)

Monks have solved the riddle of their rotation, receiving the new powerful Replyabilities accessed after using their Riddle abilities. Monk's gameplay has alsobeen streamlined: instead of Dawntrail Job Changes (29) Twin Snakes and Dawntrail Job Changes (30) Demolishgranting a buff and a DoT, they'll increase the power of your next base form GCDweaponskill, which all have received upgrades. The rotation still remains intact,and you can learn more about the Monk changes on the Dawntrail Monk guide.

Dawntrail Monk Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (31)

Dragoon will receive significant changes to its actions and how they use them,though the core gameplay loop of two distinct combos with five steps and Jumpsremain. Many changes affect the job prior to Dawntrail's leveling.Dawntrail Job Changes (32) Spineshatter Dive is replaced with Dawntrail Job Changes (33) Winged Glide,and like Gunbreaker and Dark Knight, it's a replacement gap closer with nopotency attached. Dawntrail Job Changes (34) Drakesbane is a new combo ender unlocked atlevel 64 which replaces the fifth weaponskill in the combo. The Life of the Dragonsystem is also changed, though the gameplay inside it is the same. As for Dawntrail,the job gains new follow-up actions to Dawntrail Job Changes (35) Battle Litany andDawntrail Job Changes (36) Stardiver and upgrades to existing actions; learn more aboutthem in the Dawntrail Dragoon guide!

Dawntrail Dragoon Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (37)

Ninja has received some gameplay changes that do not affect the core playstyle.Their Huton buff that grants bonus attack speed is now baseline, a newtrait received at level 15. The new Dawntrail Job Changes (38) Huton is the AoE version ofDawntrail Job Changes (39) Suiton, granting players a new buff called Shadow Walker thatfunctions the same as Hide. The Dawntrail Job Changes (40) Armor Crush combo finisher nowgrants a buff that increases the potency of the next two Dawntrail Job Changes (41) Aeolian Edges.Their capstone ability is accessible after casting Dawntrail Job Changes (42) Ten Chi Jin.To learn more about the Ninja changes, visit the Dawntrail Ninja guide.

Dawntrail Ninja Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (43)

The other melees have all received significant changes, but Samurai is one ofthe two melee to receive strict upgrades. They've received a new abilityaccessible after Dawntrail Job Changes (44) Ikishoten, and Dawntrail Job Changes (45) Meikyo Shisuigrants them the Tendo buff. This will upgrade their next Dawntrail Job Changes (46) Tenka Gokenor their next Dawntrail Job Changes (47) Midare Setsugekka to the Tendo variants, TendoGoken or Tendo Setsugekka. Learn more about the Samurai changes in the DawntrailSamurai guide.

Dawntrail Samurai Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (48)

Reaper is the other melee that receives strict upgrades. They've receivedQoL changes to existing ranged abilities, which now grant them Soul Gauge uponuse. In addition, Dawntrail Job Changes (49) Plentiful Harvest now grants a buff allowingReapers to access Dawntrail Job Changes (50) Enshroud instead of gauge, simplifying gaugemanagement. New abilities include upgrades to existing actions whenDawntrail Job Changes (51) Gluttony is used, as well as the exciting new actions Sacrificiumand Perfectio. Learn more about the Reaper changes in the Dawntrail Reaper guide.

Dawntrail Reaper Changes


Ranged DPS

The three ranged DPS will receive some quality of life changes, some utilitybuffs, and cool new capstone actions. Like melee DPS, Dawntrail Job Changes (52) Second Wind isgetting a potency increase at later levels. Ranged DPS unique mitigation isgetting buffed to 15% at later levels as well.



Dawntrail Job Changes (53)

Bard receives a few QoL changes as well as new actions. Songs do not requirea target anymore, which makes downtime in a fight easier to manage.Dawntrail Job Changes (54) Pitch Perfect is now also AoE. New actions include Resonant Arrow,accessible after Dawntrail Job Changes (55) Barrage, and Radiant Encore, accessible afterDawntrail Job Changes (56) Radiant Finale. Learn more about the Bard changes in the DawntrailBard guide.

Dawntrail Bard Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (57)

The Full Metal Machinist blazes into Dawntrail with upgrades to existing actionsand new capstone actions. Dawntrail Job Changes (58) Barrel Stabilizer now grants a buff whichallows Hypercharge usage instead of gauge, simplifying gauge management. It alsogives the Full Metal Machinist buff, allowing for the use of their capstoneweaponskill, Full Metal Field. Dawntrail Job Changes (59) Gauss Round andDawntrail Job Changes (60) Ricochet are upgraded to Double Check and Checkmaterespectively. Learn more about the Machinist changes in the Dawntrail Machinistguide.

Dawntrail Machinist Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (61)

Dancer's gameplay remains the same: a proc-based reactive and supportive DPS.Their new actions give them a ton of firepower in their burst window, includingan upgrade to Dawntrail Job Changes (62) Standard Step under Dawntrail Job Changes (63) Flourish, afollow-up attack after Standard Step called Last Dance, and a capstone actionthat changes Dawntrail Job Changes (64) Saber Dance into Dance of the Dawn after castingTechnical Finish. Learn more about the Dancer changes in the Dawntrail Dancerguide.

Dawntrail Dancer Changes


Caster DPS

Summoner and Red Mages will be pleased to know that their job remains intact,with new shiny buttons and finishers acting as upgrades. Black Mages had theirgameplay streamlined, and whether players will like this change remains to be seen.For those wanting a fresh coat of paint, Pictomancer is a unique caster thatplayers will be sure to want to dip their brush into! Like healers, theDawntrail Job Changes (65) Swiftcast role action's cooldown is reduced to 40 seconds at laterlevels, and their mitigation Dawntrail Job Changes (66) Addle has its duration increased to15 seconds at later levels.


Black Mage

Dawntrail Job Changes (67)

Black Mage players will be happy to know that they'll be able to move theirDawntrail Job Changes (68) Ley Lines once during its duration with the new ability Retrace.No more pesky ground DoTs preventing you from standing in them! The three elementalphases has been streamlined: ice now grants 10,000 MP when casting an ice spellunder Umbral Ice III, six fire casts now unlocks the capstone ability Flare Star,and thunder procs are only received from gaining Astral Fire or Umbral Ice.Learn more about the Black Mage changes in the Dawntrail Black Mage guide.

Dawntrail Black Mage Changes



Dawntrail Job Changes (69)

Despite popular demand, Summoners did not receive new Primal summons. They'veinstead invoked the power of Solar Bahamut, granting them the new powerfulcapstone Dawntrail Job Changes (70) Astral Flow and Enkindle actions Sunflare and Exodus.They've also received upgrades to Dawntrail Job Changes (71) Fester and a follow up toDawntrail Job Changes (72) Searing Light, Searing Flash. The core gameplay of Summonerremains the same, and you can learn more in the Dawntrail Summoner guide.

Dawntrail Summoner Changes


Red Mage

Dawntrail Job Changes (73)

Players who thought Red Mage would get another combo finisher aftertheir melee combo were proven right...except the finisher is an ability, not aspell. Red Mages receive two new fancy abilities accessible afterDawntrail Job Changes (74) Manafication and Dawntrail Job Changes (75) Embolden: Vice of Thorns andCineration. Manafication also receives a QoL change as it allows Red Mages touse their melee combo without granting gauge, simplifying gauge management. Tolearn more about the Red Mage changes, visit the Dawntrail Red Mage guide.

Dawntrail Red Mage Changes



  • 07 Jun. 2024: Page added.

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Dawntrail Job Changes (2024)


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