Unit Circle | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (2024)

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The unit circle is a circle of radius 1 unit that is centered on the origin of the coordinate plane.

Unit Circle | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (1)

The unit circle is fundamentally related to concepts in trigonometry. The trigonometric functions can be defined in terms of the unit circle, and in doing so, the domain of these functions is extended to all real numbers.

The unit circle is also related to complex numbers. A unit circle can be graphed in the complex plane, and all roots of unity will lie on this circle.


  • Relation to Right Triangles
  • Angles in the unit circle
  • Coordinates in the unit circle
  • Special angles on the unit circle

Relation to Right Triangles

Every point on the unit circle corresponds to a right triangle with vertices at the origin and the point on the unit circle. The right triangle has leg lengths that are equal to the absolute values of the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates, respectively.

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This right triangle is used to apply trigonometric relations.

\[ \begin{array}{rll}\sin (\theta) & = \frac{\text{opposite}}{\text{hypotenuse}} & = \frac{b}{c} \\ \\\cos (\theta) & = \frac{\text{adjacent}}{\text{hypotenuse}} & = \frac{a}{c} \\ \\\tan (\theta) & = \frac{\text{opposite}}{\text{adjacent}} & = \frac{b}{a} \\ \\\end{array}\]

Since the hypotenuse of the right triangle is always 1 unit long, the values of the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates of a point on the circle are always equal to the cosine and sine (respectively) of the angle \(\theta.\)

This angle is measured in a unit called radians, which corresponds to the distance around the unit circle from the point \((1,0).\) The circumference of the unit circle is \(2\pi,\) so \(2\pi\) radians is the same as 360\(^\circ.\) Any other angle less than 360\(^\circ\) can be represented as some fraction of \(2\pi\) radians. For example, A 90\(^\circ\) angle is the same as \(\frac{1}{4}\) of the way around the circle, which would be \(\frac{2\pi}{4}=\frac{\pi}{2}.\)

Some possible values of \(\theta\) are listed below, along with their corresponding values of sine and cosine.

\[ \begin{array} { | c | c | c | }\hline \text{angle measure, } \theta & \sin \theta & \cos \theta\\\hline 0 & 0 & 1 \\\hline \dfrac{\pi}{6} & \dfrac{1}{2} & \dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \\\hline \dfrac{\pi}{4} & \dfrac{\sqrt{2}}{2} & \dfrac{\sqrt{2}}{2} \\\hline \dfrac{\pi}{3} & \dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2} & \dfrac{1}{2} \\\hline \dfrac{\pi}{2} & 1 & 0 \\\hline \end{array} \]

The trigonometry we are familiar with so far is based on only right triangles and acute angles. However, with help of Unit Circle we can extend our understanding of trigonometric functions plus also become familiar with the use of non-acute angles.

More information about the circular system of angle measurement can be found on its wiki page.

Angles in the unit circle

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An angle on Unit Circle is always measured from the positive \(x\)-axis, with its vertex at the origin. It is measured to a point on the unit circle. The ray that begins at the origin and contains the point on the unit circle is called the terminal side.

An angle is said to be positive if it is measured by going in anticlockwise direction from the positive \(x\)-axis and negative if it is measured by going in clockwise direction from the \(x\)-axis.

Since \(2\pi \text{rad}=360^\circ,\) any degree measurement can be converted to radians, and vice versa.

Let \(d\) be an angle's measurement in degrees, and let \(r\) be that same angle's measurement in radians.

\[r = \frac{\pi d}{180}\]

\[d = \frac{180r}{\pi}\]

Coordinates in the unit circle

A right triangle \(AOB\) with right angle at \(A\) lies on the Cartesian plane such that \(\overline{OA}\) lies on the \(x\)-axis , point \(O\) lies on the origin and point \(B\) lies anywhere on the Unit Circle. Note that \(OB=1\) units.

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The sine and cosine trigonometric functions are given below. When defining these functions in terms of the unit circle, it is possible to have negative lengths. If \(\overline{OA}\) is along the negative \(x\)-axis, then \(OA\) is considered to be negative. Likewise, if \(\overline{AB}\) extends below the \(x\)-axis, then \(AB\) is considered to be negative.

\[ \begin{align}\sin (\theta) &= \frac{\text{opposite}}{\text{hypotenuse}} = \frac{AB}{OB} = \frac{AB}{1} = AB\\\cos (\theta) &= \frac{\text{adjacent}}{\text{hypotenuse}} = \frac{OA}{OB} = \frac{OA}{1} = OA.\end{align}\]

By this convention, the sine of an angle is considered to be the \(y\)-coordinate of a point on the unit circle given by that angle. Likeways, the cosine of an angle is considered to be the \(x\)-coordinate of a point on the unit circle given by that angle. In general, to compute the sine or cosine of any angle \(\theta,\) look at the coordinates of the point on unit circle made by that angle.

Special angles on the unit circle

Main Article: Special Angles on Unit Circle

The special angles are angles on the unit circle for which the coordinates are well-known. These coordinates can be solved for with right-triangle relationships.

Unit Circle | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (5) \[\text{The sixteen special angles (measured in radians) on the unit circle, each labeled at the terminal point.}\]

Unit Circle | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (6)

Given that a line passes through the unit circle with the angle \(\theta=\dfrac{\pi}{4}\) find the x,y. Refer to the given diagram.

We know that \(\begin{cases} \cos(\theta)= x \\ \sin(\theta)=y\end{cases}\). put the value of theta to find\[\begin{cases} x=\dfrac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\\y=\dfrac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\end{cases}\]We are done\(_\square\)

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A line passes through the unit circle at the point at \(x=\dfrac{1}{2}\). find the value of \(\tan^2(\theta)\)

first, we know that \(x^2=\cos^2(\theta)=\dfrac{1}{4}\). we also know \(y^2=\sin^2(\theta)=1-cos^2(\theta)=\dfrac{3}{4}\). using another trig identity we have \(\tan^2(\theta)=\dfrac{\sin^2(\theta)}{\cos^2(\theta)}=\boxed{3}\) we are done\(_\square\)

\[R=0\] \[R≤0\] \[R<0\] \[R>0\]

If \(R = \sin 130^\circ+\cos 130^\circ\), then which of the following is true?

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Image Credit: Wikimedia Geek3.

Cite as: Unit Circle. Brilliant.org. Retrieved from https://brilliant.org/wiki/unit-circle-basic-concept-for-higher-trigonometry/

Unit Circle | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (2024)


What is a unit circle in math? ›

A unit circle is a circle on the Cartesian Plane that has a radius of 1 unit and is centered at the origin (0, 0). The unit circle is a powerful tool that provides us with easier reference when we work with trigonometric functions and angle measurements.

Who invented the unit circle? ›

Hipparchus invented trig tables and the unit circle. He wrote many books about chords in circles and applied trig to astronomy and geography.

Is it hard to memorize the unit circle? ›

At first, the unit circle may seem intimidating, but learning the unit circle is much easier than it seems. You can use memory tricks to help you more easily learn the unit circle.

Is the unit circle used in calculus? ›

These critters are going to pop up over and over again in Calculus. The unit circle is a great way to remember your trig values. Remember that it's just a circle with a radius of one... but, it gives us such cool info! If you haven't already, it's time to memorize this thing!

What is the unit circle used for in real life? ›

How is the unit circle used in real life? It's used to study light, sound and electric waves. Determinate geometric patterns in building and create 3-D figures and in astronomy is created to organize the starts (according to their luminosity and surface temperature.

What is the sin of the unit circle? ›

Using the unit circle, the sine of an angle t equals the y-value of the endpoint on the unit circle of an arc of length t whereas the cosine of an angle t equals the x-value of the endpoint. See Example.

What are the rules for the unit circle? ›

In a unit circle, any line that starts at the center of the circle and ends at its perimeter will have a length of 1. So, the longest side of this triangle will have a length of 1. The longest side of a right triangle is also known as the hypotenuse.

Why is the unit circle important? ›

The unit circle, or trig circle as it's also known, is useful to know because it lets us easily calculate the cosine, sine, and tangent of any angle between 0° and 360° (or 0 and 2π radians).

Who is the father of circle in math? ›

A circle is a plane figure. In other words, if you draw a design, without lifting your pencil, and end at the point you began, it would be a closed curve. There is no way in or out of the shape. The first theorems related to circles are attributed to Thales around 650 BC.

Are there negatives on unit circle? ›

The unit circle is a platform for describing all the possible angle measures from 0 to 360 degrees, all the negatives of those angles, plus all the multiples of the positive and negative angles from negative infinity to positive infinity. In other words, the unit circle shows you all the angles that exist.

What is the unit circle ASAP method? ›

To memorize the unit circle, use the acronym ASAP, which stands for "All, Subtract, Add, Prime." Each word represents a different quadrant in the unit circle. "All" corresponds with the top right quadrant in the circle, or the first quadrant.

What does sen mean in math? ›

The sine and cosine of an acute angle are defined in the context of a right triangle: for the specified angle, its sine is the ratio of the length of the side that is opposite that angle to the length of the longest side of the triangle (the hypotenuse), and the cosine is the ratio of the length of the adjacent leg to ...

What type of math is the unit circle? ›

In mathematics, a unit circle is a circle of unit radius—that is, a radius of 1. Frequently, especially in trigonometry, the unit circle is the circle of radius 1 centered at the origin (0, 0) in the Cartesian coordinate system in the Euclidean plane.

Is the unit circle used in engineering? ›

-The unit circle is a very useful tool that is used often by math, physics, and engineering students to calculate the values of various trigonometric functions.

What is the Pythagorean theorem in the unit circle? ›

The Pythagorean identity tells us that no matter what the value of θ is, sin²θ+cos²θ is equal to 1. We can prove this identity using the Pythagorean theorem in the unit circle with x²+y²=1.

What is the unit circle in year 10? ›

The unit circle is a circle of radius equal to 1 centred at the origin. By looking at the trigonometric ratios, we get the definitions of ⁡ sinθ and ⁡ cosθ on the unit circle as the x and y-values of a point on the unit circle after having been rotated by an angle of measure θ in an anti-clockwise direction.

How to find points on a unit circle? ›

To find the terminal point on the unit circle, start at (1, 0), measure the angle in degree or radian on the circle (move counter clockwise if the angle is positive and clockwise if the angle is negative.) The coordinate of the endpoint is called the terminal point.

What is a formula for a circle? ›

A circle is a closed curve that is drawn from the fixed point called the center, in which all the points on the curve are having the same distance from the center point of the center. The equation of a circle with (h, k) center and r radius is given by: (x-h)2 + (y-k)2 = r2. This is the standard form of the equation.

How is the unit circle divided? ›

The Unit Circle has 360°. In the above graph, the Unit Circle is divided into 4 Quadrants that split the Unit Circle into 4 equal pieces. Each piece is exactly 90°.


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