The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 1 1 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: MONDAY MORNING. MARCH 22. 1915 PROTEST AGAINST PASSAGE OF BILL Engineers and Firemen Op- posed to Revision of Licensing Law. REP. CARMAN PRESENT Various Organizations Will 11 Send Representatives Boston.

Protesting against the passage House bill 1111. which would 'fectively revise the laws now on the statute hook4 regulating the licensing of engineers and firemen, nearly 100 men from this city, Holyoke Northampton, Chicopee and sul'rounding gathered last night for meeting in Engineers' Hall. lie v. Julius present and made short address. The Mercantile Affairs Committee of the 1.egislature, o' which Mr.

Carman is member, 15 now considering the bill net others pertaining to the engineering trade. The men present last night represpited the National Association of Stationary Engineers, the Brotherhood of Power Workers, the Intering Inxineers and the Brotherhood 'national Union of Steam anon Operatof Stationary Firemen. F. Dean of this city, president of the Massachusetts branch of the N. A.

S. presided, and c'lifford Harris, also 'of this city, was named is seure. tary. A feature of the meeting was An announcement by President Dean, which sanctioned by lev. Car-; mau, to the effort that Gov.

Walb is likely 10 send message 10 the Legislature today asking that tho department of boiler inspection be divorced from the supervision of the State polive. This announcement was received with applause and it was unanimously voted that it be the sense of the meeting that the dation of the Governor he adopted by the Legislature. Speakers declared 'that the supervision of boilers by the State police of little value for public: safety. 714 the inspectors in vases have had meager practiknowledge of jo. Carman's remarks were briet At nil in no way did ho vommit himsaid that the bill now be1ore the legislative committee nag the important of the session and the greatest to come betore the Mercantile Committee.

It efTeris about 10.000 and Aremen throughout the State and also largo number of manufacturing concerns. who are urging its age. Mr. Carman gracefully sidea question as to what the committed WAN likely to do about the After a long debate the meeting 1: on record being opposed 10 the bill and also another bill making amendments to the present law whereby special licenses could he granted. The second bill.

with the licensing provision. would make it pasy for the securing of permits to run engines in plants after the employe had refrom his employer that 13 WAS "competent." The examination for such Jic enses would he of 21 uniform nature. 11 was decided that the varions 1 ganizations represented name delegates to meet with represent.lives of other engineering in1 Boston this week and then port back 10 the respective organizittiong what should be done. 16y vote a niotion WAS killed siving these delegates instruction 4 what. might be done in the line of 11 Compromise with the proponents of 1 ho bill.

During the discussion of the bills, which began At o'clock and until 10.30 tho Writing Paper Company Holtoke was for it altitude toward the bill. It was stated that the Holyoke concern W99 responsible for the introduction of the measure. It also developed that there wan some misunderstanding between variods organizations that are the bill and pointed words 1 N- changel in regard to some of the 111411 representing these organizations the State House. While the discussion was in progress telegram was from D. T.

Kimball of Chelsea, a menthor of 1110 gislative of the N. A. N. saying that he know nothing of. bill bearing the amendment to present law.

which was explained Mr. Carman. It appeared that Mercantile Committee amended law at its ting day without knowing who authorized it and there is still misunderstanding A to where the second bill originated. Carman told 1116 gineers and firemen that the commit: though a lepresentative a of the enten was in doubt AS to source. I was a sponsor for it.

Rep. Carman the men that Mercantil. Committee hits 110 desire to rush the bill through and that any reasonable time will be given for the introduction of new bills; sand for 1114 two sides, the manufacturers and firemen and engineers 10 get together for 8 compromise. Ho added that ho hoped that a law might ba framed suitable for hoth sides of the and that the cominitwished to he fair to both sides. In turning down the bill for the amended law.

the meeting went 011 record largo majority in favor of standing out in direct opposition to any changes whatever in the law. The general sentiment expressed 011 the door was "let's win if we can. anal ir 11 can't WA might A3 well down with colors The ing adjourned with the understanding that the organizations represented will name delegates to KO 10 Hoston to carrY the wishes of the meeting. PRIZE CUPS FOR MEN. Mon's rights were championed terday at a meeting of the Springfeld will ho awarded botli to men and Friars, when it decided that cups! en in the douco contest at the theatrival novelty hall in the Auditorium.

April 0. Music fur dancing will be 45 pieces, which will a assist also in furnished by laggerty's orchestra of presenting the novelty theatrical fraEntrics for the dance contest tures. must be made at the box office of the Bijou Theater before 6 p. April 1. Tho contest is limited to non-professional dancers.

ORIGINAL GENUINE Horlicks "Others are Imitations' The Food- Drink for all Ages Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, invalids and growing children. Purenutrition, upbuilding the whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers and the aged. More healthful than tea or coffee.

no substitute. Ask for HORLICK'S SMALLER TOWNS ARE ACTIVE IN CAMPAIGN Report of Canvass for Mem-! bers of Men's Bible Classes Received. Enthusiastic reports from the vass of the smaller towns for membern of the men's Bible classes reached the secretary of the Bible class movement. jav. C.

Rolling, yesterday. to be the banner town for population, all four churches reporting classes organized or under way and a 1 big goal set by each corps of workt At the Feeding Hills Methodist Church. Which had 110 men's Bible class at all. group of 25 met yesterday and dea ided to push for membership of a1 least 50. Next Sunday will be decision day in the Bible school and it is PXpected that substantial additions will 11e made to the class then.

The FeedIng Hills Congregational Church is also getting under way and expects to have 3 good -sized men's class. Between the two groups of men. that end of Agawam will be combed fine for members. wam Village, both the Baptist and ConAt the other end of the town. Amtgregational churches are conducting 011 I'ndor the leadership of Rov.

Frederick eucrgetic movement for now members. H. von der Sump, the Congregational men are lining up. They had A. big attendance nt the lass meeting vegterday and are to make 2 systematic canvass of the village Under the leadership of the new pastor, the Baptist Church bax drawn together 25 men who have divided into two teams for the canvass.

Good reports have come in from Northampton, where the Edwards Church men are conducting a campaign to increase the men's Bible class enrolfrom nothing to 100. 'The report that lolyoke might work by itself in 'the campaign appears to be without foundation. as the ministers of the city have called meeting 10 be held this afternoon in the First Methodist Church: In tint city and have invited Rev. George Rolling, pastor of Hope. Church: B.

Potter, president of the First Church men's Bible class, and W. Rollins, secretary of the men's Bible movement. to address the meeting. South Hadley Falls al Church men's class had a large nttendance yesterday and divided into four teams for the canvass. Of the city churches, Memorial is one of the latest to enter movement.

but the plans of the leaders that there will be large returns. Fif: teen men were present at the preliminconference vesterday ond the parish has been divided into groups by for the systematic rounding of possible members. In the Park Baptist Church A contest 1p. the men's Bible class and the Bara 'a class of young men has bepn started. 'The First Baptist men have divided into five squads and have assigned all the mPg an a long list of possibilities for the to 'The young men's class has also started a canvass for the younger Olivet Church men's Glass reported Ave new members yesterday and the menbers took out a second list of men to be 'Che young man's class also startel out for now members.

Wesley Church is in the forefront of the cantpaign. with the young men's class out Tor 50 members and the men's class eight yesterday and more exfrom this week. The general committee will meet this vening at in the State Street Baptist Church for conference and further discussion of plans. WANT HOUSES 20 FEET FROM STREET State Street Residents Believe Building Line Should Be Established. What the residents on the northerly side of State Street.

from St. James Avenue to Sherman Street. desire in the way of a building line. is that the restrictions prevent building closer than 20 feet of the street line. It WAS stateil by one of those interested last night that the petition to tho City, Council contained all the names of the' property owners a Nected except two, and that these two WArP in favor of the establishment of the line.

Since the Board of Public Works in a building line holds that the attitude of the property affected is 1:10 essential thing, the State Street project apparently has a 'good chance of favorable recommendation. Many building lines 011 various streets have been suggested, but few 'have been established for the simple reason that usually some of the proporty OWnerS to collect damages of a size that makes the establishment of 8 building line by the city inad, Visable. a section of Sumner Avenue, but not Last year a line WAR established for 'until property owners advocating it had agreed to stand for whatever the cost would be of moving back a monitor store that projected over the proposed limit. Attempts to establish a line on the lower part of State Street have failed. The houses in upper State Street on the northerly wide, between Pleasant land Sherman Streets, stand practically 30 feet from the street line, according to one of those interested the building line project.

This eliminates the question of moving back any houses to establish a 20-foot line along this stretch. Between Pleasant Street and St. James Avenue there are two or more building that come aM as 13 fent 10 the street line. These would be five feet beyond a 20-foot building line. It is asserted, however.

that the petitioners are confident that satisfietory agreement could be reached $0 that the establishment of a line would appeal to the city. The Board of Public Works will probably take the project un shortly. FIREMEN MEME BUSY. Damage Is Small al Wise Fires During Dar. Fire in a china closet in the home of lsadore Feldman.

37 Congress CAused only slight damage fore it Wag extinguished by the firemen shortly before 6 o'clock last evenI smoke began to issue from the winins. Memhers of the Feldman family were at the time. And when of the kitchen Patrolman John Donlin sent in il still alarm. After squad bad arrived someone turned in an alarm from box 431. The building is owned by Joseph Daneshersky.

I The Cause of the fire in unknown. of Mrs. Lena Naplin': home in the Carpets burning in then living room rear of her tailor store, 7912 Main Street. about 6.13 last night filled the shop with sinoke. There was 110 one at hone when the Aremen arrived in response to A1! alarin from box 121.

Firemen broke in the front door and extingulshed the blaze without trouble. The building is owned by C. IT. Parsons. Earlier in the day there were soveral small Ares which kept the department on the junny, but none of them amounted to much.

The firemen were summoned to extinguish a brush tire at 10.16 o'clock yesterday morning in Bay Street and 2.01 in the afternoon there A brush Are in Hampden Park. A telegraph alarm in the Mocking, Packard Wheat store in Main Street 7.32 40ork in the afternoon called the inen to that place. There was 010 MANY QUESTIONS BEFORE COUNCIL Alderman Franklin Due to Introduce Milk Test Order This Evening. BUDGET DISCUSSION Councilman Erard Has Plan; to Provide for Welfare Nurse. Alderman Franklin and Councilmen Doyle and Krard are scheduled to divide honors tonight with the budget and the bridge commission question, as contributors of the features of the City Council mecting.

Alderman Franklin is due to introduce at least one order or, ordinance, this being H. provision that would cause the results of the milk tests, made by the milk inspection division! of Health Department to be made publie al certain intervals during the year. Councilman Doyle is due to introduce an order which Would recommend that the Water Department read the water meters monthly instead of quarterly. The councilman beNieves that such a change would save many users a sizeable sum that would be eaten up by undiscovered leaks under a quarterly reading. Councilman Frard has brought the spotlight to himself for the Arst time by advocating that the street superintendent get along without A chaufleur this year.

drive the car himsat and that the budget money aside for such a he spent on welfare nurse for the Department of Charities. Inasmuch Frard is the originator of the idea, it is expected that he will support wien the budget comes up for consideration in the lower board. The indications are that the budget 30 through its second reading tonight in the upper board without much comment, although Alderman Franklin Day make Fl few suggestions, anent the lack of what he consluers specific accounting by the supervisors on the projects they unexpect to. carry out with the Street Department money this year. In the lower board there are several councilmen hesides Councilman Mrard who have made comments upon budget changes that they think would be desirable.

Councilman Cowles has declared in favor of Water Department budget request. Come of the others favor Hop. Chamberlain's 001:1 11 to split the recreation appropriation between the School Department and the l'ark Department instead of giving in all to the Park Department. In fact in the lower hoard there are all kinds of nossibilities of a lively debate OVer the budget. But on the other hand, the comments have been of such nature that there may be little oratory at all.

There may something done 10- night concerning the award of contracts by various co.umittees, because of the revent furnnure awards of the property e. Alderman Franklin has stated that he believes the city Council should adopt regulations that would hold committees more in line 011 such awards. has obtained an opinion from the city solicitor the union labor attitude of the property committee in the recent awards, and as it has been 10 the upper board tonight. Changes: is likely that lit will at least read it presented to him in written form, it. in the regulations governing contract: letting have been favored by other members of the City Council besides Alderman Franklin.

The bridge commission question promises to remain at fL deadlock in the upper board. W'hile there have ten frequent conferences ol an 111- formal nature sinco last Monday between members of the local and courtappointed commission factions there 1 little evidence that either side has gained anything substantial as vet, Alderman Blaxue's order authorizing the elty solicitor 10 1 bill for a court -appointed commission was referred to the committee of the whole! last week am will be thoroughly discussed at the committee of the whole meeting tonight. All that ho is ing in this order is to have the solicitot draw Up: A bill and present it to SPEAKS OF WORLD AS HOUSE OF BONDAGE H. N. Beebe of Gives Sunday Lecture in Socialist Hall.

WASHINGTON. March "1 The winds along the North and Mildle Atlantic coasts will be moderate north. Unsettled weather continued over the north districts east of the Hooky Mountains, a with light snows over General- the greater portion of this area. ly fair weather will prevail Monday and Tuesday. La land: FORECAST- Fair Monday Southorn or and New Tuesday.

Northern New Englandi, Unsettled Monday, probably snows, Tuesday fair. Neu York: Fair Monday and Tuesday. Today's Happenings. at Court Square Theater. Meeting ur City Meeting Dual Suffrage League 11 Myrick Bulling.

The Amitus Club will hold whist party and dance this evening in mony Hall, Myrick Building. City of lomes Lodge, Loyal der of Moose, will meet tonight in the ciubrooms in Worthington Street. The fair committee of Div. 12. A.

0. met yesterday morning in St. Patrick's Hall. James V. Butler of New Haven, was 0.

week- end guest of Mr. nu Mrs. John Lysaght of ('hestnut Street. Mittineague: 3l. Hall of the c'entral faculty Mastern WaS Association elected of Physics Poacher tr'9 at the annual niceting held in Roston Saturday.

Headquarters of the Massachusetts l'olitical Equality Union have been removed to 17 Harrison Avenue. in the real ol the first floor Of the Woods Building. Much interest is being takell in the window bulletins. Mrs. Louise Perry of Boston gave the tifth ot her series of I tures un Non Thought subjects in Odd Fellows' Hall yesterday afterncon at 4 o'clock.

subject "The 'Transgression of the Law." John 1. Binda, late of the American Consular and Diplomatic Corps, will address 1126 Suffrage League in it mecting in the Myrick Building at 3 this afternoon. The jest will be The Awakening Behind the Veil in Hampden Commandery, Knights of Malta, will meet this evening at 7 o'clock in Ni Mall. The instalation of otheers will boo at of Westfield a and suite. The ino'clock by District Deputy Louis B.

stalation is open to the public. 'The open forum of the Central Labor I'nion was postponed vesterday after-. poon. lack of speakers being given the reason. The regular meeting of ho central his will place Apri when it is ex pe 'ted that a prominent speaker will address the delegates.

The regular meeting of Bird Club scheduled for this evening been postponed on account of the lecture to he given by H. Porbush, State ornithologist. in the science hall of the Central High School Building, Wainesday (Venins. 'The de is open to the public. Rotary matinee will be the feature tho Springfield Rotary Chi in tito llotel Worthy, Wednesday afternoon at 12.20 o'clock.

The management announces W. W. Bonson ati his convary in it sirenios stunt. entitle.i "Strictly on the Job." followed at o'clock by Perlmutter' and in triangular Ho Fall for It? FIVE LANGUAGES AT AGE OF EIGHTEEN Robert W. Blattner Arrested as Deserter from U.

S. Navy. Robert William 15 old. of was arrested at 5.30 o'clock last evening at Main and Bridge Streets by Patrolman B. O'Leary.

charged with being FI deserter from the L'. S. navy. nor admitted tire charge is hoins held by the local authorities 1111 til he ran be taken to Boston and placed in charge of the arresting offirer at the navy yards in Cambridge. Blattner said that was horn it P'hiladelphia, but, want with his father at All 10 Turkey.

Jo traveled through and lived 111 Greece. France and learning the languages of those people unti! nOW he is able to speak rive Jans in All. He enlisted in the 1. N. navy while in Turkey last: May and deat Newport News last Detober.

Since he left his ship he has driving 1. mail wagon in Anton. He 10 this city a shori time and lived with Greel: residents hero. Blattner SANS that he expects to he punished by being placed in solitary confinement 011 short rations for Volt one month. and then having an year added to his 1ernt of en(ment.

GOTTSCHE-SCHOPELD. Miss Katherine of Agawam and Frank F. Schofeld of Scitico, wAre married Saturday night by Rev. R. B.

Fisher, of. the Carew Street Baptist in the parsonage in Sheldon Street. They were attended by the bride's brother, Carl Gottshe, and Miss Gladya Rook, both of Springfeld. STRUCK BY STREET CAR. Miss Helen Burns, years old.

of 51 Norwood Street 1A struck by A street car at Main and Broad Streets 4.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She Was only slightly bruised. but very much frightened. Sho was taken to her home. BOOKSTORE, Bookstore Bulldiug.

301 Slain Street. Beds" and "The Rosary," Just Out at 50c Two of the most popular and 11 teresting stories in recent years. "Twin 1 hugely amusing. Attractirely hound, 300. PoRt.

60 BOOKS. STATIONERY, PICTURES. Prompt attention to mall orders. THE: WEATHER. APPLES ARE SO CHEAP EVERYBODY'S ENJOYING THEM Western Box Apples of finest quality never Nero 40) low, and 1a tire apples may never again IN: SO cheap at.

this time of sear. BUY THEM BY THE BOX OR BARREL AND EAT TITEM EVERY CHANCE YOU GET. Henry J. Perkins Company Distributors Market Square "The World as a House of Bondage for the Workers" was the subject of the address given yesterday afternoon in Socialist Hall by 1. N.

Beebe of Hartford, speaking before 100 men and women. An imaginary line called "the line." was used by the speaker Ito mark the separation between the working and capital classes. He dedared that the workers are lacking in intolligence and that they have slumpPd into their present condition as A result of their refusal to use their ininds. Speaking of the world as a "house of bondage," Mr. Beebe emphatically denied that men are born free in the United States; also, that there is no such thing 15 "my country." Continuing, he said that the capitalist class is dominated 13 3' "human' motives whereas the workers have natures.

He pointed out that the workers instead of trying to gain con! trol are with attempts to "bettheir conditions, which to great extent have proved futile. The speaker bitter in his attack upon the Christian church. CIVICS COMMITTEE TO MEET. College Club Organization to Consider Question4 of Interest. civics committee this winter.

OPEN MEETING PLANNED. Snored Heart Societs to Got Thomas for Speaker. The civics committee of the College Club has prepared an 'interesting program Tor the meeting Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Woman's Club House. There will be three or four short talks movenients that seem to claim the special attention of Springfield people just nOW. Miss Bertha McConkey will speak on "Club W'ork for Ars.

H. G. Chapin will give 1 short history of the suftrago movement. Miss Dowd will plain the work of the newly organized District Nurses' Association. and John C.

Robinson will summarize the l'psults of the chat revision meetings. There will he A brief report 411 the work that has been covered by the Sacred Heart Fr. Mathew Tomperance Society met yesterday afterloot in Convent Hall, Everett Street, And discussed business pertaining to the organization. It was decided to have A 11 open meeting next month, when Thomas in charge of the out -patient department of Norfolk State Hospital. will be the speaker.

An effort will be made to secure the Chestnut Street School for the meeting. The possibility of 1110 society entering A. baseball team In the Union series discussed, but 010 definite action was taken. the Aldermen NO that it may he available in vase the local commission men decide 10 change their attitude and support move for A court -appointed commission. lie pointed out last week that passing such :11 order would not commit the Council 10 such a court -appointed commission, but would simply constilute the issuance of the proper request 10 the city solicitor to draw up bill 10 be considered by the Council and adopted.

rejected or amended ax the Council fit. Because of this situation the Blague order may bass. And in that ('ase it would mean that the City Council would try out the strength of the two factions in earnest later when the city solicitor had drawn the bill And subinitted it to the Council. Some of the prominent members of the City Council interested in 3 courtappointed commission. believing it to be the right step, And feeling that something definite should 10 done on the bridge proposition this have suggested that bill be: presented by a body other than the City Council the Aldermen cAnnot break their deadlock.

However, it is realized that any bill to have the least chance of being reveived by the Legislature this year must gO down to Boston with deal of support behind it and not much: agitation against It. Consequently it is somewhat doubtful whether 11 Attempt 10 nut A bill in by an outside body will 1,0 attempted if the City Council refuses to give 115 indorselinent. BOX OF GOLD FOR KENNETH ROBBIE from First presentation speech was made by Mr. Robbie. and followed A letter from John Roberta of the choir, who WAS prevented from presenting the token by illness.

Secretary Robbie was forced to stand before the audience himself for wordy of regard. after he had done the same A ARTHUR N. TURNER. Given Paton br Members of Schubert Male Choir. for so many others.

Dr. Sullivan halthim AS he was about to leave the platform following the announcements, and after FL complimentary and congratulatory speech, gave Mr. Robbie a of money iu gold and silver coing. Mr. Robbie acknowledged the gift with short speech, and thA incident wag I rounded.

out by the choir. which TOSA and sAng be the Tie that Bind." not on the program. All presentations, except A gift of flowers to Miss Mary H. Steele after the eighth number. were made after the seventh number.

or the announcements, Miss Jordon 1185 in the excellent voice that has made her one of tho solo stars of the series. By special request. she song "Long, Long which gained the admiration of the audience at a previous concert, and "'The Salutation of the Dawn." decidated Miss Jordon by Jean Paul Kursteiner, the composer. This last song. a statewith a vigorous piano! accompaniment, was inspired when tho writer way a herdsman in Mexico.

The choir made 3 triumphal closing, singing its numbers in a style that should delight Conductor Turner. And which did delight the audience. F.sappreciated was Buck's "On the Sea." which has been sung before during "this season. The Land of the" was well liked, containing a tenor solo banked against thA low humming of choir. It wAs appropriate that the last number on the Cutter.

sung by the choir. program should be by F. Even the program yesterday WAS printed particularly for last concert in the: series. The first page contained nothing else but large cut of the Municipal Group, and the third page was occupied solely pictures of Conductors Janser and Turner. The second page.

as usual, bore the names of the selections. When Secretary Robbie came to the front of the platform to make his customary announcements, tie Audienvo broke into prolonged applause. Before the opening of the meeting by the singing of Duke Street" by the audience Mr. Robbie had made a short sproch, in which lit welcomed the crowd and in which ho explained the circ*mstances of several of the numbers. After quieting the gathering serond time he Announced first gift of $300 which wipes out indebtedness for 11:0 series from a man whose maine is withheld.

Mr. Turner was the last on the list persons thanked by Mr. Robbie, and rafter paying A iributo personally and from the Y. M. ('.

A. Secrotary read the letter from Mr. Role tts. Ur. Roberts reviewed the conductor's career in this city, mentioning his merous successes, and asserting that 10 undertaking had been 80 successful as the development of tho Schu- The Formal OPENING of Our Say New Building MAY On Wednesday, AV March Twenty-Fourth Will Be of Great Interest LIVING MODELS CHOICE SOUVENIRS ORCHESTRAL MUSIC YOU ARE INVITED The Woman's Shop bert Male Choir.

Mr. Robbie told the formation of the choir. saying that loss to And available talent to 19- early last fall A he WAS somewhat sume concert each month, Mr. Turner the or organizing the Schubert Choir and the iden was promptly carried out. although many scopticg affirmed that good music was impossible with only three rehearsals each month.

the conclusion Dr. Robbie prosented Dir. Turner 1110 baton. 011 Lthali of the choir. and once more spplause swept through the hall.

Thinkine then that his work was done. Nocretary Robbie turned and walked toward the door the right side. Another figure had appeared On thin stage meanwhile. Dr. Sullivan entered from the left side while Mr.

Robbin was honoring Mr. Turver. And newcomer stole softly around the back of the choir platform. by Mr. Robbie.

Ag Air. Robbie neared the Gist row of choir seats he found himself in the outstreiched arms ot Dr. Sullivan, an astonished prisoner. The audience was quick te acclaim its favor for the situation and when the clamor had ceased. Dr.

Sullivan started his prosentation speech. He said that Mr. Robbie is responsible for good work, laving brough: together the greatest assortment of poopie ever assembled in this city. All races And have been represented at the mectings, and the congregations have been pacide. "For these reasaid Dr.

Sullivan. wish to express the deep Jove and gratitude of our hearts, and pusent you it this box of gold. silver and porhaps precious stones, which I hope you will accept, on behalf of your many friends. They wish you (ind-spted and you have their Mr. Robbie voived his surprise and gratification in a few words.

saying that the demonstration touched his heart and that he appreciated it from the bottom of his heart. lle 48- serted that the joy of attending the concerts did not belong wholly to the people, since it pleased him to find the series so successful. He believes that those who have attended have been better inen and women for the series. The programn nag as follows: Hymn. "Duke Strect," by the audience: part song, 'Re Strong.

We Are Not Here to I'lay," by Robinson, 1 choir; Scripture and prayer. Rev. seph Sullivan: hymn- "Rock lot Ruck-Ryder, the choir: songs, "My Mrs. H. JI.

Beach and "The Salutation of 1110 Dawn." Kursteiner, Miss Jordon; "Evening." of Sullivan. by the choir; announcements: "Pilgrim's from Tannhauser." the choir; tho Buck, by the choir: Aria, Mon Coeur s'Ouvre 8. ta Voix. from "'Samson et by Mins Jordon: "The Land of the Leal," by the choir: songs. "Ridonami lA Calma" and "Omnipotence," by Miss Jordon, and an encore; "Farewell," by the choir.

SPRING. BOT NO SUN. Though the sun WAS not visible section the greater part of yestorday, according to astronomical anthoritics it entered the constelation Arics and is at the vernal equinox, officially ushering in spring. The Ahsince of the sun yesterday brought chill into the air which falled to remind New Englanders that the time for planting garden and Aower seeds is near at hand. Woman's Health Requires Care Women are $0 ronstituted be peculiarly susceptible to constipation.

and their general health de. in large measure on careful regulatiou and correction of this tendeney. Their delicate organisms rebel al the violence of cathartic and purgative remedies, which, while they WAy afford temporary relief, shock the sud seriougly the functional organs. A mild laxative is far crable and. if properly compounded, much more eRective.

The combination of simple tire herbs with pepsin sold fu stores under the name of Dr. Cald. Syrup T'epsin, 18 Ideal for wowen's use. A free trial bottle obtained by writing to Dr. W.

Caldwell. 452 Washingtou Monticello, Ills. Local Notices. At Reasonable T'ricer. In the 19::1.

DIED ft. F'ISKE Martha her home Street. Funeral Mondas at 2 p', 10. a F. the 19th, LIED Shambo, gA 34; SITA In thic the homie.

street. Mon in. Burial 11 at dar at p0. fort, 111 healer. Mace the 191h, tr l'on ler, age from home, 112 Washington beater.

Burial in Forest 11111 stroat. LTE In god 44 the 10th. Funeral from Schorl Tuesday morning 8.30 Burial Services d'al. in Assumption Church at In FArE remotery. bEI 4EER- 11 Now York city, the b.

Robert javia toor. aged GO Funeral at Road chapel, Howurd thia (Mondari to! at Friends will kindly omit flowers. DID In thie olty. List, at so l'0 uPTul Roadstrand's funeral 37-40 Howard Street, this day, of: o'clock. this city, the 41-1 Theresa A.

aged 27 wife Houtor J. Fuderal serricem Roadstand's funeral chapel. Niroot, Wednesday afternoon at 2 this city, the 21at. ricrie 10, Funeral from hix Wilbrahain Road. morning by In Mt.

ph's at 111. laurial will hr in At. Cemetery. Kindly don ers. Sunday Fires in the woods ale the most da at this time of year, when everything 1: NO dry and Sunday walkers everywhere.

Rood and humber are to great danger for next In months Better tell the quantity A 111 And have it protected by tire Insurance. JUDD PARSONS (Tel. PATENTS A COM 25 Harrison Aron Room 11, Carr ApringArld, Mass. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE bill I WILT unica not he responsible for any those contracted br myself. st DH Estelle Roanvals, 1614 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thAt I 111 Signed.

HENRY CHOINIERE. debts contracted br wIfe. date. JOSEPHI ON AND AFTER for any bille ex put tho: THIS DATE: I will he contracted by mesolf. T.


ARTISTIC MILLINERY At Reasonable T'ricer..

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.