The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

by atlas, 70 Let, For Sate, Found, Lost, Boarding, not exceeding four lines will be inserted in both editions for 25 Ats. PERSONAL. from Ireland, wife aL tho La se JOHN FOLEY, LATELY buore 10 nov15f MINT. OF THE GORdon barm an Corner or Detroit street and Gordon aveuue, about twenty acre ten of wtich is vineyard, good new house. with five rooms and collar, Darn, waich witl be routed to a responelble, reliablo, experienced AD at a low price.

Kuquire of T. WALTON, River street. riven at once. MISCELLANEOUS. A Broker.

Cobra ALLEN. ton and LoRD REAL KOnt, ESTATE oftice by etreet. C.eveland, Oh will attena to the baying or leasing of real ea ate of all kinds, the collecting notes, claime and accounte, and the of money on mortgage A curity. Befer. You.

J. V. and ton. W. S.

Streator, Clovetand, Vaio: 1. swing miller and F. Frouty, Co jam 0 Hou M. Bishop and Isaac brrett, Cin anus 1, and M. N.

I.rd. Coi(ago, 111 Dr. Christopher and G. Allen Co, bt. Louis, W.

It Hop- on, and Jeerph P. Torbit, Lomsvil'e, liy Dr. R. F' Turner anu George Meudelt Co. Wheeling, W.

Va: don. deo. Ander on old 9. P. Shriver, litteburgh.

Pa. lion J. A and w. W. D'ongan Washington, D.

(: Jos. Tao us and L. Gunther, Bal: W. Atc Culm, la John B. Thford and Geo.

A. Merwin, New York City N. Y. TITAN rear of 160 -A Woodlan 1 avenue GERMAN GIRL WANTED vadoral GOOD, louseword COMPETANT fawiat Do 03 Clintou stroet, est Sido. WANTED Weather MENTO windows SELL and doore saves 50 per cout of 1u.1.

send for illuetested couddental to Agents Novelty and Wes. her Strap uorth ublic squire noviv WANTED street. GOOD KITCHEN GIRL WANTED. -A wit: tire, (u private U. residence preferre card Fla v20: I on for our wrest ca i vua tue est, BUFFALO LAND, by doll, bi WeDD.

Sell 0g 1 be iluurs Agelle are clearAGENTS Lue 50 to aud Secure per Mo. Territory boud at o4ce. B. 1.7 W. Fourtu el Val, U.

LUVS 2W GOOD GIRL FORGEN. WAN Out 1100 11 3 coumry pr ulte 1 rred Enqu Fast sue second bouss p*rn or AY aVenue, al ids bolivar sueet. dewiw to do arei-ClaBs A Cooklug COMPETENT aud general GIRL house She nurt come oil To such will be given. Apply to 92 belle a OCL FOR SALL. HoRN InUS, lu .0 SO TONS suit.

NO. 1 ECOTCH 3 LAS MERCHANT. riy, properly applied, 13 those 'orts Ay well reg ilaled Can adord 10 Us wut Leave ur pend your orders to J. Don Nia No. 20 Public Square.

LOV43 4w in OK the SALE-A of lode pend. VALUAULE uce, eleven FARM mule lock, cigar wits frow Good bouze, baru good fu't trees, good Water, goou :0. lvl and farming. ill sell ur auge fur er property. ELQuire on the premises or al Garden street.

LO724 SALE A'T A -A ted ald a WIIPOn Sewing Machine, wear LeS, da moutal, or weekly payments. No. 6 Jervey eleul, Weet Side. 7t TO1 SALE -A FIRST RATE of ba'od Way, del verca .0 al) pare or the caj. orders loft at too vil.e.

A0 .31 Bank our et. Dovi1t LOU EXCHANGE WORTH of Dry a wholesale OI DL VIVAUD nil exchange 1or city or country property. d. W. 121 cuperior trous.

oct16 1f LOT, Baru auu 0 Will bi Groceries, ill exchauge for city property. G. CROWELL CO. 12. Superior street octI6 tf EXCHANGE VERY DESIrabie avenue, where real estate 18 Bu vancing $15 per er year.

Wilt excnabge for house an lot Price zoo per toot. G. W. cHoW. EL 4 121 superior etreet octi6 tf al well located lutz LA the Cleveland Center al for vale or 0 01 red cuabie terms; well adaptor for purposes, S.

COLAHAV. 53 eepi4 tf ALE A Casie. one bundred Bama empty (Eng baby Ale Casa, all in sued order. Aiso a drat clade ale wagon, Sourly neW. Enquire at 156 Henecs street.

tr GUANS TO LOAN. MONEY LOAN AI' E. HOLMEs'. Personal secarity. Bauk, corner of Ontario and Michigan a Fuele, up stairs, over P.

0'Brien's brore. All iD want of money come alung Liberal advances pA (rold aDd silver Watches. Diamouds, bilver Plate, Coralpe, aDo all other collaterals of value. Rates Wast private. in 1650.

nov9 egit ou I Diamonde, Jewelry, Pistole, ADVANCED I IN SUMN '10 N. B. co torma. for sale at bargains. 1851.

J. C. WAGNER, Ofce 178 ana ISO 80 portor eurset, ap Hansage Agent or the Cunard, Nationusin 140yu aud daindurg of Mail Bicamera, to and from Liverpool, GlasCOW, Bremes, Havro, Drafts on Germany, Engiana and Ireland, at the lowest rates. J. C.

178 and 180 Superior street, up stairs, my8 Foreat City Block. 4 DR. SAPP'S Hutus, Electro- Thermal BATH CURE, FOR THE TREATMENT of Al CHRONIC DISEASES. 1561 Cleveland, Ohio. The Lath Jus 10.

al No. 14 Ontario -treet are Lewly rued op it all darn convenience, a and especially adap eu the co.ntorta of the patients. These latur Lave been fould en in nil; fu the in a. meut of all forwe of chromic of cases Prowluent amobg the treated are Nervous Puts, aigia. Croluia ant tve.

eral irit Catar. Brouchius Diseases of th and ticart, Liv r. aud Kidne, and ad Cuouic Diseases of Females. Palects will receive all nece: sary medical treatment as the case may reyn re nol 3m A. W.

CHEMICAL -The Doctor baB died Up oms at the corner of South Water and Superior in Bratedabl's Block, where he 18 prepured wo give his Chemical Bathe to gentlemen and jauice. here were introduced to CleveLaud by Dr 'lucher In 1867, and giveu by bim until 1807, at wuich the Doctor discoutinued them no acconut of ill-health, und they were lost to the The octor freely ageerte Ludt with these Seths and bio medicines be de prepared to care al: chronic that are carablo. You that do not Sue one Dour without rneumatic pains will do well to give the doctor a cull at his ofce, No. 50 Superior street, and ho will show you men and women that Le curta 10 years ago 0 of the chronic dire De. common in thie city.

These patient: de Dot rive in buru; 0, New orlans or Canada, bat in clever ad, v. 1 ebull LOw make a specialty of Grating from 9 a. m. to 6 p. at my attire.

Superior eureet. No. 50. Estabiiahod, 1865. WANTED forman of private diraasce TO consalt KNOW Dr.

C. A. 8MITH. A thorongh and permaneut cure of Gloat, Syphilis, Nocturnal or biurzal etc. -in short, every form of toxual A rate and spoedy removal of obstructions of the periods, with or wittout medicine.

All communicatope strictly destrad. No letter will a by answered anlere it conand No. 71 Michizan street CARPETS, FURS, R. A. DEFOREST SON.

Special Falo of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES AND LACE CURTAINS. We parpore daring the Dextrixty days to offer ment. special burgains in our Carpet and Oil C.oth DepartIngrain Wo eball retail Extra Quality of All- Wool at $1 00 an Spievain Tancetry Brussels at $1.45. Cottage Carpets we will retail at 85c and Extra Quiltry of Cloths at 50c. R.

A. YOREST SON. Ladies' Furs and Trimmed Hats. We Trimmed lave now opened our Ladies' Furs and liats. North Anerican Fur AT A.

DeForest Son's. we We have will say to the people of Northera Ohio that R. A. opened a lull line of all our Ladies' Furs at DeFOREST SON'S, oct21 NORTH AMERICAN FO CO, JOHN Losses and Manager. Tickets, One I ollar.

nov22 4t TIAMATRE COMIQUE. (Frankfort street, near Bank.) A. Froprictor. Still Another Monstor Constellation of Stars. 11 Brilliant Artists Addod 11 A To our Mammoth Combination.

The great FAUNA UGH in his wonderful, start- This SATURDAY EVENING, November 23d, com mencing at 8 o'clock, MISS JANE COOMBS, As the "Couutess" in the play of LOVE, OR, THE COUNTESS AND THE SERF. Monday next, Miss Jane Coombs AR "Margaret El. more," lu the play of LOVE SACRIFICE. TIIIRDANN BALL OF Coopers' Union No. 8 OK At.

Hall, THANKSGIVING Wednesday, Nov 27, 1872. ling purlious act entitled OR LADDER FLYING BARS. ALVELODONTOSSENTIZATION: M.9S ANNIE BRADDON, the beautifal and ciustir eerio-comic vocalis. and character arti. te, the Albamora Mun.c dall, Louden, and talis0 Musicale, Paris.

MIS- NELLIE WEST, the favorite cLange artiste and pleasing songs trees. MK. LUM, the comic genius and comical corner comedian dud Cievelanu favo. ite B.LLY, THE BLACK DIAMOND, the best old. tim Plantauon Darkey on the american elage.

Firet time of W11 C. Burton's new local drama founuen on facts which tra pire in city aur. lug the Anauancial panic of 1857, cutitled USAN GAY LORD, OR TAR IDVI'S Tremenduous and cont nued succts3 of our SIX COMEDIANS ON THE AND. Fifty Star Performers In a Melange of pic Variety. Admission, 10, 25 and 50 cents.

RUBINSTEIN CONCERTS. CASE HALL. RUBENSTEIN WIENIAWSKI. Mr. GRaU has the honor to nuounce Two Grand Rubinstein Concerts Wednesday Erening, Nov.

27th. Thursday Erening, Nov. 28th. At 3 o'clock, when ANTON RUBINSTEIN, THE GREATEST LIVING PIANIST, Wil. maKe his dr appearance IL Clevel nd, er with an eu-emble eminent Arust8, incinding HENRI WIENIAWsKI, THE WORLD VIOLINIST, Regarded in Kurope as tha only "RIVAL TO THE MEMORY OF PAGANINI." M'LLE LIEBHAIT, Tue Celebrated Soprano.

MI'LLE LOUISE ORMENY, Tho Favorite Contralto, L. REMBIELINSKL Sale of Scats commences Monday Nov. 25th, at 9 Braina: d'a sons' Music store. Reserved Seats 13. Steluway Planos Are Used at kubinstin Concerts.

Seato reserved by mai: televraph. D020 8t Sacred Symphonie concert GIVEN BY PROF. WI. BENDIX'S Grand Academy of Music Orchestra, EVERY SUNDAY EVENING, at MALL, va st. Clair etreet, near Mulrson.

Admission 20 cente. Doors open at 7 p. concert to cominence at 8 m. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Saturday, November 23, 1872.

NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. John Ellaler-Acudemy of Music. ami' Dodd Jo. -Boots and Shoes. James Moriarty-Farniture at Auction.

Ryder- Pho ograpbs Sile Merchant -Pig Iron for Sale. Car'os M. Stone-Maeter's A J. Wells -Attachment Notice. James Moriart-Auction Sale J.

lait Downie Son Strip. Malone- -Furniture A. 5. Herenden Co B. Dreber-Pianos Organs.

Slos8 Bros. -Millinery, McLangh in- -Attachment Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery -Local. lozodont for the Teeth-Local. Hagan'e Magnolia Baim Local.

Chaw's Mi linery Rooms -Local. Market Nouce-Local Sun lazuranco Co -Local. James Moriarty-Furniture at Auction -Local. L. D.

A Van Namee, A. Fringes and Gimps -Local. John toods-3 Locals. 4. K.

Hinman-Holiday Goods -Local. Wiedenkopf Adams. -Boots Shoes -Local. LOCAL NEWS. IN AND ABOUT TOWN.

-A lamp exploded right before last in a house on St. Clair atrect. No damage. -A $200 donation party raided upon Rev. J.

Carroll last Thursday evening. --Forty-tive marriage licenses have been issued in th's county during the neck. -The police docket to-day Wag the lightest it has been in years. There were but five new and three continued cases. -Yesterday morning John Bowman, at work in a lumber yard, was severely injured by a board falling upon his head.

-A fine borse belonging to Dr. Gillette, of the Weddell house, is Just coming down with dropsy. -Mr. Iddings, who has been connected with the Herald editorial department for a short time, has resigned on account of his health. -The teachers and scholars of the Mayflower school will give a series of entertainments on tho first three evenings of next week.

-A great many people cannot become reconciled to the new names of school houses. They protest that that style of naming is absurd. -The Central market and Pearl street market will be open next Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, from five o'clock a. m. until ten p.

m. -Nelson Phillips, a Pittsburgh barber, formerly of Cleveland, died in his Thursday evening, while shaving a customer. Heart disease. -Joseph Lattimore or Latimer achieved the distinction of being the first man arrested by the East Cleveland police. Drunk; $5 and costs.

-Police Superintendent Schmitt (how he hates to see ad stuck in his name and how people will persist in spelling it Schmidt has arrived from New York, accompanied by wife and one child, just returned from a protracted visit in Europe. Law Partnership. Mr. Thomas Lavan, recently admitted to the bar, has formed a law partnersLip with Mr. A.

slu*tz, late of Mansfield, Ohio, where he has has been practised a for resident some of ten this years. city for Mr. a few years. Their office will be at 158 Superior street. Streot Damages.

The jury in the Meadow street, Brooklyn village, damages case has made the ing awards: George $1.202 00 J. M. 2,050.00 L. W. 900.00 Carlos 2,412.14 M.

2.142 91 J. 2,311.10 $10,031,21 Central Market. The market spaces were unusually well filled this morning. The teams backed up the walks extending from the market house up to and beyond Ohio street. On Miami strect the teams loaded with meat extended from the southeast corner of the market house north nearly to Iuron strect, both sides between Bolivar and Huron, probably the largest number of teams since the first appcarance of the epizootic.

Beef of all descriptions, from the line cattle down to "cow beef," was in abundance with a poor show of all selling out. The "reign" of the epizootic is over in tho surrounding country, Changing the Names of Streets -Tbe Penchant of East Clovelanders for High Toned Names. The special mecting of the board of improvements to consult with citizens upon changing names of certain streets was called to order at half past two o'clock yesterday afternoon in council hall, all the members present, Mayor Pelton in the chair. Thirty or forty interested property owners, chiefly from the new wards, were in attendance to make suggestione. The mayor began to call the published list of streets and occasionally a suggestion would be made by one of the audience which would be duly noted by the clerk.

But the calling of the names was soon abandoned A9 it becamo evident that interest centered on the naming of the streets in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth wards crossing Euclid avenuc and that especial interest was felt in the name of what is now called Madison avenue. There were conflicting statements; some said that the majority of people living on the street wished to retain the present name; another that there is a general desire to call it Spangler avenue; and still another said that one side of one end of it is called Jayne avenue and he proposed to give the whole street that name. Considerable feeling was manifest in regard to this strect and it leaked out that spito work of some description had crept into the naming and wishing to change the name of the avenue. The problem how to satisfy all parties or the greatest number was tinally solved by Mr. N.

B. Sherwin, who suggested numbering the principal streets crossing Euclid east Willson. A glance at the map showed that this would give to the street he lives on the high toned name of Fitth avenue instead of Custead avenue, which latter name he complained was misspelled and mispronounced. This project seemed to meet the views of all concerned and the name of Melrose avenue, which had been proposed for son avenue and agreed to by some, was abandoned. The next contest was over East Prospect street.

It appears by the map that this street is more nearly related to Sibley street than any other but it was remarked that the sensitive people living on that unnamed would rather have it called an alley than Sibley street and the impression seemed to be that the only way to keep the re idents from moving on to Euchd or fronting their houses backward (so to -peak) was to let that boulevard be called East Prospect street, a name next in rank in some people's estimation to Euclid. Without having taken any definite action in tho matter of naming the streets the board adjourned until Monday afternoon, taking with it a long list of names submitted by Councilman Gaylord, several directories of other cities and a large atlas from which to select names when none are suggested, The Marine Hospital. WHAT'S IN A NAMES The official report of Dr. J. MI.

Woodworth, supervising surgeon of the marine hospital service, contains the following: A site was selected for the Cleveland marine hospital in 1837, and was purchased in 1844 by authcrity of the act of August 29, 1842. A small amount of work was done on new ho: pital in 1845 but it was not until 1819 that the erection of the building was begun in caroeat. The hospital was opened for the reception of Patients iu April, although at that time only partly comploted. The hospital building, which i3 of cut stone, is finely located and is with Dr. J.

F. Arustiong ag in under successful operation the presence time, charge. T'he following statement shows the sums expended upon this hospital during the years therein named: 1844, cost of 12,000 00 1816.. 6 000 00 1847. 1,731 91 1849.

2,500 00 1850. 13,000 00 1651. 13,853 00 1852....... 20,2:23 05 1853.. 2,000 00 1854.

3.396 00 1355. 253 04 1856. 17,740 90 1859.. 1,144 00 1861 43 00 1863.. 778 43 1564..

364 1866. 8,000 00 7,204 05 1668. 140 35 1869. 536 43 1870 360 79 1871....... 057 38 1872.

94 50 $119,091 84 Repayment in 119 25 Total 59 AMUsem*nTS. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC was crowded last evening the occasion 0. Miss Jane Coombs' benefit. The play Wa8 "The Lady of Lyons," an old but fayorite drama. Miss Coombs appeared as giving additional evidence of her wondrous ability as an actress.

Indeed, she is au ideal actress. She has great beauty, a graceful presence, dresses exquisitely, is 8 grand reader and her acting is in harmony with her other accomplishments. It is with great pleasure we announce that sho will remain at the theater through the ensuing week. The support last evening was excellent. We would particulary mention the "Claude Melnotte" of Mr.

Forsberg and the onel Damas" of Mr. Curran. It will be remembered that the latter gentleman was a member pi Miss Coombs' dramatic company of last season. To-night the comedy of "Love" wiil be presented. THE RUBENSTEIN CONCERTS are to be given, it will be remembered, in Case ball next Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

THE THIRD ANNUAL BALL of the Coopers' union No. 8. will be given in Garrett's hall, Thanksgiving November -next Wednesday evening. SACRED CONCERT. Another of those choice musical enter, tainments which Prof.

Bendix's orchestra i3 giving in Rettberg's hall will be given tomorrow evening. Real Estate Transfers, The following sules of real estate have been fled for record since our last report: Caroline S. Dixon to Josiah Barber- Brook lyn, lot 30 in William B. Wimberton and others' allotment, 40 feet front on Waverly; $5 Josiah Barber to Caroline 8 lyn, lot 24 in same allotment, 40 feet on Waterly street; Thomas Dixon to John I. Sargent--Brooklyn township, lot 25 in Sargent Dixon' Rhineland allotment, 100 feet front on Gordon avenue; $500.

M. Hoyt to Michael Regan-lot 7 ip thirteenth range of townsbip, Connecticut, W. 3250. 1. 8 Ruggles to George Nelson township, A in grantor's $250.

Casper Raison to Peter Kaiser -City, sub-lot 0 in E. F. Gaylord's allotment, 86 feet ou Gaylord Fireet; $3,000. Jacob Krauter to Caroline Sieger-City, tablot 4 in the eccond sub-division of C. 11.

Norton, 47 feet front on Scovill avenue; $0,000. J. H. Hardy to 8holden Beckwith-Newburgh township, sublot 2 in Savage Wagner's allotment; $1,200. Willian Y.

Tousley to Catharine DambachCity, lot 253 in S. S. Stone's allotwent, feet trout; $2,300. Henry 11 ladlow to John II. Mader, sublots 10 and 11 of grautor's subdivision, cach 30 feet fropt on Uniyersity street; $000.

Alexander McLean to Daniel Rogers -City, lot 40 in James Webst r'8 subdiriston, 20 fect front on addition to Market equare; 84,000. George U. Shumway 10 Asa C. Williamstownehip, subdivision of part of original lot 363; $3,800 village, Sarab Jot 9 lugiaham in to Thomas Lord -Brooklyn Moses Fish's survey $500. A.

J. Berwick to Osmand Middleburgb tow dehip, part of land conveyed by MI abael Kratz also 10 acres in another allotment; 88,000. COMMON PLEAS. The State us. John WAS rifle charged with grand larceny In that be belped a trunk the check for A hick was given in big charge by a sick man.

The Jury's verdict was "guilty." The State vs. Joseph was his indicted wife. for a violent and brutal aesault upon There being no witnees against him except his wife and her testimony not being competent to convict Eberly he could not be convicted. for vs. Juhn Johnson -Petitioner applies divorce because her husband has been convicted of crime and sentenced to the penitertiary.

Decree, granted. Charlotte William Palmer -Divorce asked for on the ground of willful absence ou the part of the husband. Granted. Frances Michael Johnson -Petition of divorce on the ground of desertion. Granted, Marion il.

vs Joseph Francisco -Application for divorco because of desertion. Decree ordered. for Elizabeth 08. M. 1 Wugner- -Divorce applied on the grounds of adultery and habitual Granted.

BEFORE COMMISSIONER WHITE. The case of Gorge Bechel, charged with opening a letter to pry into a secret it containcu, which was beguu on the 7th of Nurember and continued to the 22d, was finished yesterBeebel was discharged. MUNICIPAL COURT, NOVEMBER 43D. Intoxication. Joseph Lattimore, the only feuder arrajgued under this charge, was fined Violating Sidewalk Ordinance.

-John Sullivan was fined costs; Lorenzo or George Kramer, $2 and costa. fined $5 Disturbance -J. I. Wing, alias Howard, was ald costa. Ile Was fined a like sum on charge of resisting ollicer.

her con Keeping John Disorderly House. -Mrs. Kelly and were tined $50 and coals eachin and all $123. was Defendants demauded a jury trial the result. Common Prostitute.

-The case against Lizzie Buuge was diswissed on a nolle. THE COURTS. CLEYELAND, Nov. 23, 1872. To the Public: -After a personal examination of our Boston risks we are able to definitely state that the losses of the "Sun" by the recent fire in that city will not ceed the sum of eighty-five thousand dollars, all of which will be promptly paid without drawing, or upon in the any invested degree funds impairing of the credit of its policy.

The tact that the "Sun" makes 80 large a loss, on the the choicest risks of distant city noted for its careful conservatism, clearly indicates that the security offeredan the "Sun" such policy is widely recognized. Appreciating recognition, we aball continue to fultill our pledges to our customers, whose interests 1u connection with our own we shall endeavor to carefully serve. Very respectfully, E. C. ROUSE, Sec.

A Card. OFFICE OF SUN INSURANCE MARINE. schooner T. L. Jones bas gone into winter quarters at Black River.

The bark monitor will wluter ai Toledo. The schooner Ludine goes to Hamilton to lay up. The cow. P'erry White, Captain Baker, and the schooner Julius Willard, Captain Witson, have entered into winter quarters in Ashtabula barbor. Among the vessels first laid up at Sandusky are the scows Mary Ellen aud Mary Jane, owned by J.

J. Homegardner, which have been engaged during the summer and fall carrying building saud troin Cedar point. THE STEAMER R. N. RICE, usually the first craft to cross Lake Erie in spring, is hauled off the Cleveland and Detroit line and goes into winter quarters at Detroit.

Her consort, the Northwest, will keep making trips, as usual, unul she is the only vessel afloat on the lake, THE Scow IDAlO, suck in Saudusky bay has been raised. She was considerably damaged. CARGO DAMAGED. -The propeller New York, with a cargo of sagar and other merchandise from Buffalo, arrived in port yesterday afternoon. In coming through the ice in the harbor the New York was cut through some eigut feet along the water line, aud her cargo consider.

ably dainaged. She bad six inches cf water in her Blade 22d. IN THE -The tug Velocipede eucceeded in breuking a hole through the ice iu the bay, which is about four inches thick. The schooner Wm Rayuor, which was ice bound, vas been relea aud resumed her journey. 'The schooner Rival is still aground, though ef.

forts are being made for her release. The schooners T. B. Casey and Mauwee Valley, the burk Louisa, and the propeller New York Calno into tho harbor yesterday afternoon. The passage way is now clear for light vessels.

Toledo Blude 22d. NAVIGATION -The tugmon report the ice 1our inches thick, and extending out into the lake 3. distance of eight miles. 'The schooners Lively and Win. Kaynor, loaded, bound dowu, are aground aud froZen in, while quite a number of otaers are in the ofting, waiting for 8 chance enter.

No less than thirty crafts are due at this port and bave not Yet Toledo B'ade. Yesterday a great quantity of ice was discovered floating down the river on the American bide. It was undoubtedly that which had been formed in the marshes above bad broken into fragmeuts and had been carried down with the current. For 100 fout out from the docks on Do American side the stream was full of ice, which, though not very heuvy, Wag sufficient to trouble of the ferry bOuts much in lunding. In the alp at the foot of Woodward avenue qui heavy ice was formed, for a considerable distauco under the docks.

Every thing Dg the river's ouge betokens the rapl 1 approach of winter. Tribune, 22d, A strong southwest wind blowing nearly all day Thursday cau ed the ice, which had been col siderably broken up by the steamers and tug mystic, 10 float out ot the bay. That 11 nil 8 ay out tor week Jot is the earnest prayer of the people living ou the islan if, who Dave nut laid in ad their supplies for the winver. -Sandusky l'egister. RIVER.

-The government work at the mouth of the Menominee la nearly completed and embraces 712 feet on the north ride of the river and 100 feet on the south side. There is already a perceptible difference in the chancel, and another year of work will un doubledly give us a good entrance. Colonel Houston das recommeuded $50,000 as this winter's appropriation, which will dnish the work. -Saginaw Enterprise. THE BLOCKADE RAISED AND AGAIN CLOSED -The jam at the 8t.

Clair flats was cleared some time yesterday forenoon and soon after the steam barge Mariner with a cargo of flour lightered from the Vanderbilt made her eppearance, and shortly after tuat steamer also arrived. The bark Erastus Coring arrived down in the afternoon aud reported the channel ayaiu closed by the arrival there of the schooner Fred. A. Morse, upward bound. This vespol grounded in the channel, and tao dowuWard bound propellers wedged in alongside of her.

This eccond delay, it was thought, would not be of long contluuance, and the retidue of the 11-et have probably ere this crossed and ale again under way. -Detroit Free Press, 22d. GONE TO MONROE. -The harbor tug Urania has been chartered and left for Monroe to take to Detroit the schooner W. Hunter, which has been engaged to take a cargo of supplies from Detroit to Alpena.

Ere she arrives at Detroit the trip will doubtless be abandoned. PASSED OUT. -After tweuty-three years' services on the lakes, being Farlously employed meantime, the schooner New Hampshire, another of the old floating traps on Lake Michigau, out of exislence by being run down recently by the schooner Maggie Thompson. Her crew was fortunately saved, though nearly perished with cold. She was one of the first VOssels ever built at Kalamazoo, WAS Linetypine tons burthen and was never rebuilt.

MARINE RECORD. PORT OF CLEVELAND. ENTERED NOT. 22. Prop Eugene City, Bunnington, Au Sable, lumber.

Schr J. Fretter, Stiles, Port Huron, lumber. Scow Emina Blake, Pierce, Kelley's Island, Etonc. Barge Ottawa, Wright, Saginaw, lumber. Barge J.

F. Waruor, llocbratb, Saginaw, lumber. Barge Moraing Star, Cumderland, Saginaw, lumber. CLEARED--NOT. 22.

Prop Sanilac, Port Cresent, sunde. Prop D. W. Powers, Morley, Toledo, light. Schr W.

Tunis, Suil, Port Huron, light. Schr Nina Cra'g, Goodrich. Port Huron, coal. Schr Riversides, Robinson, Chicago, coal. Sebr Howart, Peterson.

Chicago, coal. G. Holt, Pecker, Detrcit, coal. Sebr Young America, McEwen, Detroit. Scbr A.

M. Champion, White, Detroit, coal. Schr Morulug Star, Long, Detroit, coal. Schr Undine, Sweet, Hamilton, coal. Scow II.

M. Prooks. Tear, Fairport, light. A ENTERED, NOV. 23.

Strar Nortbwest, Viger, Detroit, sundries. Scur City of Green Bay, Pete son, Chicago. EP LADIES' AND -A full line at the boot and shoe store of Adama, 190 Superior street. Throw not people's faults In their teeth for there are few teeth that hare not fault of their own. Thero is bnt one way to preserve them without spot, or blemish and that ta by the daily of the best dentifrice in existence, fragrant Bozodont, cool, refreshing and agreeable, SWAy -In consequence of Thanksgiving Day falling on Thursday (the regular market day), the Central and Pearl street markets will be open to the public on Wednesday, November 27th, 5 o'clock a.

in. until 10 p. and Central' market will be open on Thankegiving Day from 5 to 10 a. ID, W. BACKUS, Superintendent of markets.

nov23-St 03 Now is your time to stock up for the holidays. Van Namee, the contectioner, at No. 18 Prospect street, is offering an excellent line of French and American candies, the finest and best in the market, all his own make, and warranted perfectly pure. A call at his place will pay you. New styles of Fringes and Gimps opened th's morning at A.

C. Oviatt's. EN CITID'S AMBUSCADES- sly archer, Love, shoots his arrows from many coigns of vantage, but it is doubtful if be delivers his heart taking shafts from any ambush with more effect than when he arms them from the braids and folds and ringlets of a superb head of bair. Ladies who have not been favored by nature with this crowning charm of womanhood can readily and certainly the volume of their hair and impart to it a silken luster by using Lyon's Kathairon as an only dressing while those whom Providence has blessed with a superbuudance of this "glory" of the sex can preserve it undiminished in quality and undiminished, in beauty to the latest period cf life. There is a germinating principle in the Kathairon which literally compela the hair to grow.

It extirpates scurf, dandruff and all exfoliations and excrosences of the scalp which interfere with the rapid and healthy developement of the fibers. Th. Chest protectors, another invoice just opened at Jobnson'e, 14 Public equere. 03 LOOK AT THEM. fur top kid gloves, only $1.50, at Johnson's, 14 Public Square.

SPECIAL SALE OF ELEGANT NEW character of Mr. Moriaity's of a gale as found our columns will intest sales is 60 well koown that his an announcement all of our readers who are desirous of purchasing, especially as his lovoice consists in great part of 8 really very suporior class of goods from ORG of the best manufactories in our country, and every article is warranted as represented, while the terms sale being sixty days' time on all suing over $100, render it the finest opportunity yet presented. The goods are to be on exhibition Tuesday, day and eyening. Sale Wednesday next. HOT AIR FURNACE FOR SALE.

have a first hot air fernace which we will -We sell cheap. It is now in use in our warehouse, but has not capacity to heat so large 8 build ing -hence we desire to it. Apply for further particulars at the office of the Wilson Sewing Machine Night Schools. OFFICE OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Nor. 20, 1873.

In accordance with an order of the Board of Education night schools will be opened in the Handy school house, on the corner of Alabama and St. Clair streets, and in the Industrial school building on Champlala street, on Mon day next at o'clock; provuled, a sulicient cumber of pupils whose avocations prevent them from attending the public schools during the day ebull siguify their deeire to attend the same. ANDREW J. RICKOFF, Superintendent. 02 LEACTIFUL GOOD3 FOR THE the near approach of the holidays the merchants of our city are busying themselves with preparations to meet the demands of the season.

Prominent among those who bare an elegant and carefully solected assortmeat of goods to thow their patrons is the enterprising firm of Cosby Ellen, No. 105 Seneca street. They are now cxhibiting a choice line of Drop Lighta cf new and novel designs, a complete assortment of chandeliers with giiding Lights attached, also a large stock of Shades, Brackets, Many of the goods at this establichment are most suitable for a holiday gift those in search of thing both useful and ornamental will And it at Corby Ellen's, No. 105 Seneca streot. nov22 3t Jot, rubber and plated jewelry-all the new styles at LEVY STEARNS'.

03 $75,000 IN CASII FOR call the attention of our readers to the advertisem*nt in another column of the Nebraska State Orphan Asylum. Here is a chance to win a for. tune in a public legal drawing, and at the same time help a coble and worthy institution. oc. NO Real hair switches, thirty inches long, only $3, at LETY Ladies' ties, scarfs and bows, in great variety.

LEVY STEARNS. Embroidered Slippers, great variety, cheap; at LEVY STEARNS'. Don't buy gloves until you have looked at Johnson's. $1,000 Reward is offered by the proprietor of Dr, Picrec's Golden Medical Disco. ery for a medicine that will equal it in the cure of Bronchitis, severe Cough, and the carly stages of Consamption.

Winter hats for ladies and misses, also a full stock for children, the largest and most complete stock in the city and the lowest prices, chaw's millinery rooms. Arctic and other rubber goads very cheap at Weidenkopf and Adams', No. 100 perior street, COP HOLIDAY GOODS. G. F.

Hinman, No. 235 Superior street, is closing out his large and elegant stock of watches, chains and jewelry to discontinue business, CT TIE MANSARD COOK STOVE is daily growing in favor. They are the most perfect and beautiful in design and arrangement that has ever been put into the market. Its arrangement for broiling, toasting and roasting are novel and handy. It is a perfect econcinist in fuel and burns coal or wood, and is so exceedingly simple that any one can manage it.

Call and see it at L. J. Mattison 50 Public square. FEN SOMETHING NEW IN ULEVISLANDENGLISH ALE AND IRISH PORTER IMPORTED IN CASKS. -Bass celebrated Pale Ale, brewed at Burton-ou-Trent, England, and Guinness, Son Dublin Porter, for sale in bottles and on draught, at Lill'e Chicago Ale depot, 156 Seneca street.

All who may want the "genuine article" can now have au opportunity of trying it, AS it will be kept regularly OD draught at the above place. tt P. O' MARAN, Bole Agent. LOCAL NOTICES. Artidcial Teeth.

-The main difficult in wearing is that they do cot hold to their place drmly enough, and add to that the annoyance of food getting under the plate while eating. Call and sea Dr. Halliwell's method, an invaluable invention, without clasps or springs, for which letters patent have been granted By this ayatem of Axing artidcial teeth Dr. H. enables his patient to articulate with the same freedom and elect as with natura teeth.

$10, 815 and 620 a set. ALEX. D. HA LL WELL, M. Dentist (Establishod 1852), 85 Mich gan street.

Gentian Bitters, -A pure safe and reliable TONIC fo: family tee. A pleasant and efficacions remedy in cases of general debility, loss of appetite, dyspepsia and kindred affections oi the stomach. These Bitters, 80 long koown to the community, are prepared with tho greatest care, and tho proprictor does not hesitate to recommend them as wholesome family remedy for all stomachic com plaints. They bave met with universal wherever introduced, and no instance is known where they hare not given perfect satisfaction. Let none fail to give them a trial.

For sale in pint and quart bottles by Druggists generally. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. 8. BUHRER, Proprietor, 84 AR (ev-land ET G. E.

HUTCHINSON, 268 Superior street, inserts advertisem*nts in any newspaper in the United Stutes at the lowest rates. Latimates given on application, Specrai Agent for de New York. DOPE sop3 CO. MILLINERY. Clearing -out Sale.

Millinery Retailed at Wholesale Prices. WE SHALL SELL Monday, November 25th, 1872, FIVE HUNDRED TRIMMED HATS At $3 00, worth THREE HUNDRED TRIMMED HATS At $8.30, worth $5.00. TWO HUNDRED TRIMMED HATS At $150, worth $0.00. WE HAVE OPENED THIS DAY TWENTY CASES French Velvet, Silk, and Plush UNTRIMMED HATS, WHIC I WE ARE SELLING AT 250, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1,00, $1,25, $1,75, and $2,00 EACH! EACH! EACH! Also our Entire Stock marked down. No trouble to show Goods.

Our motto, Small Pr Ats and Quick Sales, at the Popular Mil linery Store. SLOWS BROTHERS, 235 Superior Street. BULKS. COBB. ANDREWS CO.

Have opened the CHRISTMAS BOOK TRADE With a large and complete stock of all LEADING STANDARD AUTHORS In Rich Library Bindings, AND SEVERAL BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED VOLUMES OUR STOCK OF JUVENILE BOOKS, In sets and single volumes, Colored Toy Books, Games Writing Desks, Portfolios, Coy Is the largest and most varled one for sale in Cleveland, COBB, ANDREWS CO, 241 Superior Street. nOv21 INGHAM, CLARKE CO. To Oountry Merchants. WE SEPPLY All School Books Used in Obio at Lowest Wholesale Rates. We name some of the prominent anes: McGuffey'8 Readers and Spellers, National Readers and Geographies, Kat'e Series of Electic and Spencerian Penmanship, Stoddard'e Aritha.

etica, Wilson's Spellers and Readers. All High School Text Books, Alt Academic Text Book 8, Dictionaries, Cc. INGHAM, CLARKE 217 Superior Street, Cleveland. 0. CLOTHING.

'The people are rushing to CARSON for Clothing, because they are selling good goods cheap. Notwithstanding the adVance in price of Woolen Goods, they are selling everything at their former low prices. JAMES W. CARSON 00. 257 Superior street, 7 11 Public Square.

novi2 MASTER'S PALE. command order ont SALE- PURSUANT TO 01 the Court of Common Pl as of ga county, a' State or obio, in a cause wh rein George Kelso and Permelia Ke so a p'aintiffa and L. N. Dike and Lucinda J. Dike are defendante, to me direcred and delivered, I shall offer for sate at public auction on Tuesday, the 8 it.h day of December, A.

D. 1872, at tbe hour of 2 o'clocx p. m. of id day, in the city of Cleveland, in said county, the following described to wit: Situate in the city of Cleverand. county of Cuyahoga, and of Obio and known As sublot No, 9, in Charles Casson's subdivision of three (3) acres in that part of the city of Cleveland recentl, known 88 Ohio City.

being forty (40) feet front op Dare street, upon which there ie a house and other valuable Appraised at $2.000. CARLOS M. STONE, ELWELL MARVIN, Master Commissioner. Att'ye. Cleveland, Nov.

23, 1572. 30d ATTACHMENT NOTICE. J. B. McLaughlin, pl'f, 1 Against Before Geo.

A. Kolbe, A. Thomas, W. Justice of the Peace of Thomas and 0. W.

Cleveland Township, CuyMiler. partners as A. aboga county, Ohio. Thoms: deid'a THE SEVENTH DAY OF NOJustice lesued an order of attachment in the above action for the sum of $206 13-100. The action wi'l be heard on the 11to day of January, 1873, at 9 o'clock a m.


FISH, his Attorney. 3w L. A. Benton, 112 Superior Street. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, STERLING SILVER.

A very large stock of the Anest SILVER PLATED WARE, FRENCH and AMERICAN CLOCKS. Prices Reasonable. Parties intending to purchase will do well to examine our stock before buying. 1m William Kidd, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Fine Jewelry 117 Seneca Street. Factory 233 Superior Street.

COMMERCIAL MATTERS O1 CLEVELAND CLEVELAND, PLAIN CITY DEALER OFFICE, MARKETS. 23. Saturday Noon, Nov. There is a very etrady market in all kinds of prodace without material change. Flour advances 25c barrel to-day in oountry and city made with a steady demand.

Mill feed is in more demand and firm owing to the ecarcity of hay, Dressed poulury de 1c bigher, with sales at 132. Other articles steady and unchanged with a fair trade. The following are the wholesale selling pricee, carefully revised and corrected cach day. The report of the sales of grain always indicates the pice from sucre, unless otherwiso desigaated. made FLOUR XXX -Market White Arm; advanced 15 cente.

City No. 1 XX Amber XXX 0 00; XX Red Rou and Country made XX White $8,250 7,00: Spring $7.2507.75. Amber $7,7308 25; Red RYE FLOUK-Steady at $5.0005,50. 850 BUCKWHEAT tbi; Now York FLOUR -Wertern held at $3,000 $1 23 01,50 and Peunrylvana, cwt, $17,00 MILL tor FEED coarso -In fair Miduliage; demand at $16,00 for Shorts; $24,00 for Ane. $20,00 for second fine: No.

2 advarced; No. 1 winter WHEAT--Market choice, No. 2 white, common a to du CORN--Quiet amber JI invis $1,70. ard 17 .1.0 uncharged. and low 46 and 45c; old c.

vat ack 45c; do, old receipte, 44C. new 35c; now shelled OATS-Steady: 6 No. 1 Lew and old 36c. bushel. PORK- BARLEY--Du AL 8 tushel, follows.

-Market Leary Mead steady for city, packed; beld as Long Clem: Extra Short Clear LARD--Market Rumpe $12,00. tierce: City rendered 9c in SMOKED in kegs, country rendured 748c. Shoulders Bacon MEATS--CIty Beef, Sagar curea Hams Beef 16.00 sugar cured. c. country topgur8, curea 00 doz.

Very little doing In meats. BEEF bbl. firm; strictly choice Western alum Reserve 25 .0 prime fair to melow grades for small Very dull; bold at the latter lots. ed EGG 25(427c. Swady; hold at 30c for atrictly fresh; limstore.

in sacke, 76c; do in balk on card Peachblowe 60c. from prime bush ONIONS $2,50 9 -Held bbl. 88 follows; Black Seed OCc Agarea: Red market 13 steady at the following 3,: 0: Flax Seed, Clover, $1.75. 0U; Timotby $2,750 for Standara White in car firm; low held at call in a small for the Western trade; be sold way. By State law no oil call to retail in abla State at a less fire teet than oil held at gallon in a swall way.

GREEN with 8 demaud for choice trait at $2,3562,50. bbl, according to snipping SWEET qualities. From teams. 60015 9 bushel market; held at 53.25 bbl. for nearly Jersey.

out the ing to DRIED quality. APPLES at accord PEAS BEANS--Held -Wisconsin Green, bushel. 18.250,90 fur at £1,5004,00 for to good; crossed 14013c. live weight, Duces, Turkeys, live weight, Dack as follows: Wild Duck, Quail. Teal, $2,50 doz; Pheasants Supe, $2.

er'e LIQUORS Sue; Alchobel Cut. 86.00, Bittdra, Cade, 9 gross 3 care. according to quality. $17.00 HAY--Held at $25,00 In car lota for Timothy; CHEST in a small way; from 8:0 tou. NUTS-lelu at $4,00 ousher.

HONkY-Swady at to. ages includea VINEGAR-Pure Cider firm at 12c, pack LEMONS Malaga $7,00 box. SALT -Market arm; held at $9,00 bu! for Fine; Coarse held st Ashton sack. HOARD OF TRADE REPORT. CLEVELAND, NOT.

23-2 p. all. There was a very fine feeling in the grain market to-day. The at the Board were: 3 cars No. 2 42c bushel, and 1 car of oats at 36:, Toledo dig.

red winter at 2 cars new shelled corn at patches report an advance of 1c on whest, while in Chi ago it is 1023 lower. The following ere the receipts of Grain from all sources for the dates named: Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley bush. bush. bush. bush.

bush. 1 050 1 400 650 350 3.200 1,46) 1,750 2,600 4,350 1.950 Friday 7.100 1,050 3,250 1,160 £1,400 650 CENTRAL MARKET. The following are the wholesale prices paid at the Central Market Saturday morning: MEATS--The market wag rather over stocked this morning and prices for "cow beer" declined ma erially. Pork was quoted at lower. beef' Beef, per carcass, steers and beifers.

"cow 304C. Mutton, tG8c. Lamb, 809c. Veal, 10 Pork 54 Ge. VEGETABLES--The supply of vegetables wag very good and the usual number of teems were etanding along the etreets.

bush. -Beete, 50c bush. Onions, 60c for dry. Potatoes 10c bush. Green Apples ToC 4 Cabbages, $1 bush.

Marrow Squash, doz. 39 to Sweet $5,00 buudred. Grapes- -Catawba, Tc Jerseys 25,20 8 barrel. Potatoes--Cleveland $1,00 49 busbel; Turnips, 50c Carrots, 25c doz buucher. bush.

Celery 5000 F1.00 doz. bu ches. Crauberries $13,50 boi. Chestuuls $4 00 bush. buen.

llickory Nuts $2,00. Quinces BUTTER--Choice firm at 26c; common, no sales. EGGS-30e for choice lots. White FISH-White Bues, Fish Pickerel -undressed. Trout, Herring $2,00.

Flack Bass live Spring weight. Chicken c9 to old chickens, Sc to, Turkeye, live weight, 11c. GAME--Wild Duck, Hard, doz. $1,75. mixed lote, $2 Quail.

$1,75 aoz. Snipe, Woodco*ck, $3,00. Squirrels, $1,00 (1OZ. Partridge, $4,50 doz. Rabbits, $2.00 doz.

MARKETS BY TELEGI NEW Nov 83-Cotion in very moderate dema closed e-eler; gales of midaling uplands at loa at beat less active and cripta 207.000 rusbels; No. 3 Chicago apring $1 45; Northwest epring $1,24, nterred wes 1ern amber western white torn 8:: No. 2 Milwaukee from store $1,51. Corn in steamer. buyers' favor; receipts 118 000 buebele; rdtes prr Western mixed.

per sail do 640 Oats quiet. Eggs firm; western 330340 Rue redned firm at Petroleum -crude, lurk quiet; mef8 $16; prime $15. Hams in good demand at 8: Tierce dull: mess Indla mess $150 16 Cut meats quiet; ba ab eno ild Middles drin; city long clear, 8001, 8c. Lari tirm; No. 1 to prime steam kettle Butter steady; Western 100 te.

Cheese steady at CHICAGO. Nov. 22 -Wheat; No. 1 spring $1,200 No. 2 do spot, $1,10 seller December; No.

Corn: 3 No. spring rejected spring 800. 'Sc December. 2 Qa13 mixed for spot; seller Arm; NO. 9 rejec ed Rye ecarce and Arm; No.

2 Bar. ley dull and drooping; No. 2 fall 64c. Mess Pork, for spot options higher; se ler December Seller January TOLEDO, Nov. £2 -Wheat opened dull and lower No.

amber 1 red Michigan $1,55 No 2 do de seller December Curu dull aud a ebade lower; high mixed ucw low mixed neW 363, Oats dull and lower: No. 2 8 c. MILWAUKES, Nov. 22-Wheat dull and merkot No. 1 Milwaukee No 2 do $1,13.

Oats No 2 263. Corn 2 wised 85c. Aye in good demand and at full pricce; No. 1 Barley dull and drooping: No. at 71c.

Live Stock Markets. NEW YORE, NOV. 21 -The rain etorm makes it for live and dressed stock; the marketaro weak all rouad; Sate Brock or COWS a' heifers; Texans at good natives $13 no change in prime ptock, but poor ad' ut lower-about all sold. Sheep and Lamb8-Fat 8 ock unchang. but common about Ac lower: Car (.4 Is thin bi, selling a.

car 71 10 a car 91 IDs Missouri car far 75 ids Peansylvania lambs $8. a0vaLce of yesterday lost to-day dressed selling to doll market. EAST LIBERTY, Nov. uncharged: arrivals best stockers £3,50 prospects slow. Sheep market dull; arrivals light: best medium $4.5: common 05 01: prospects fair.

slow, arrival fair; Puiladelptia Yorkers proep cts lair. BUFFALO, Nov. 22. -Cattle-The market opencd more active yesterday's prices; the run of stocg was rally of medium quality: about 1,100 head were disposed of. Shoep aud Lambs- -The market is dull aud buyers are declinirg to purchase on ac.

couut of the difficulty in ebipplog; eeles of 197 Michigan sheep. .9 ide, 322 Obio sheep, 90 1 13 50 market 18 dull at $1,200 4.40 on account of t' dificulty in shipping and the large number of medium nogs: galt8 4,000 Ohio and Inciana hogs at $4 20004,40 301 se'ect Ohio $4,400 12 Indiana 400 select Illinois $1,300 4,10. ATTACHMENT NOTICE. A. J.

Wells Be'ore Alex. Topping, Jastice of the Peace of Newburgh TownJohn Salaman ship THE 12th DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1872, said Justice issced an order of nttachment In the above action for the sum of $23 17-100. A. J.

WELLS. Nowhurgh, Nov. 18. 1672. nov23 2w OYSTERS.

OYSTERS. STERS. As the seasop has now opened, we offer to the trade, IN CANS AND TUBS, the old rollable brand of C. S. MALTEY'S Baltimore Oysters.

Don't forget to call upon J. IL. 1. S. GORIAM, AGENTS, 106 Superior Street.

sop3 a al PRODUCE CARDS. FOR SALE 2,000 to 3,000 Boxes Late Made Wes from tern Reservo Cheese, HOUSE, some 41 and of 45 the best factorion, at the Merwin street. FOOL nov20-2w HENRY RURT, Cleveland, Ohio. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FOR SALE. A CHOICE LOT OF NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR Just receivel, in barrels ard bage, in lots, to suit, at the Union Elevator.

Merwin St. Gardner, Burt Clark. NEW BUCK WHEAT FLOUR; Prime hand -picked Beans; Evergreen Peas, crop 1872; Also a of Atmores' celebrated Mince Meat. E. Conoklin Son, 00:25 173 and 175 River street and Dock.

OTIS YORK, Produce Commission Merchants? Baginaw Salt Agents AND DEALERS DE PLASTER: AND Also, I'roprietors of BLEVATOR AND WAREHOUSE Nos. 5, 7 and 9 Hast River stretti CLEVELAND, OHIO. tor Grain received from Railroads, Lace and Canal, ease or shipment, msxing libera. advances ou same when desired. Consignments and orde ADr22 W.

F. OTIB. B. H. YORK, I Co B.

F. LESTER, Flour, Grain and Produco COMMISSION MERCHANT, 37 and 39 Merwin Strect, CLEVELAND, Agent brands for of the Flour: following well known and unequalled Hayden' Flak Pastry, St. Louis Pastry. Eagle; also choice Minnesota Paro Rye Fiour. Oat Meal, Commercial Elevator Grain Produce Commission Merchants.

Specialatte attention given to consignments of Urala ly and illed General at the Produce Orders for the same prompt lowest market rates Mollit, Morse Camp, 180 eep4 and ly 203 River Strect and GRISWOLD DUNHAM, Manufacturers. OFFICE AND WORKS, BRITISH STREET. ItAL AND BOILED LINSEED O1 ou Cake and JicaL, Gunny Bags, For sale at the lowest marten price. 1a6 COAL. BUY L.

CRAWFORD SONS' CHIPPEWA, MASSILLON AND HARD COAL. ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. All Coal Well Screened and Full Weight Guaranteed. Ofices--Corner Ontario Prosyeet Foot West street; Superior at Retail rect, C. Office and P.crossing.

Firer, octio it UNDERTAKING. VAN NESS BROWN, (Suceessors to James Iowland), No. 63 Bank Street, Cicroland, (Residence 67 Bank Street,) Undertakere and dealere in all classes of Metalic Burial Caskeis, Rosewood and Walnut Caskets, Plain Wood Coffins, Robes, Shrouds, de Having purchased the business of Mr. James How the best modern etyl Messrs. Van Ness Brown land.

No 63 Bank strect. and fitted np the rooms Lu in are prepared to eupply the wants of their cu-tumure from be Mr. most Howland acceptable will style. The following card explain luelr: them To MY FRIENDS--I would respectfully inform to that I bave disposed of my Undertak pg busi DeES emmend Meggre. Van Ness Brown, and would res on the business them as in all being its perfectly competent to carry branches, and ask for them the last same twenty-tive generoue support I have received for ch al services can you: Friends wishing my person have them at times.

3m TuTh JAME4 HOWLAND. DRY GOODS. Hower C'all attention Higbee to a complete line of CLOAKING VELVETS! IN THE POPULAP. MAKES. Ponson'3 Ponson's 46 in 28 and 32 inches, Peerless in 28 ana 32 in, Grinnet and Tilliard, All of wbich we offer at very low figures.

The following is a partial list of the many birgains to be fo ind in this department: 29 1urh Cloaking Velvet 28 inch Cloaking Velvet $4 75 28 inch Cloakig Velvet 6 00 28 Inch Cloaki lvet 5 00 25 23 inch Dg Velvet 6 23 inch Cloaking Velvet at. 24 inch Velvet at 28 Inch Cloaking Velvet 28 inch Cloaking Velvet 00 28 inch Cloaking it ch Cloaking at. 00 28 inch Cloaking Velvet 18 We have also an clegant line of CLOAKING PLUSHE3 In B'ack and Colors, at unusually low prices. Black Trimming Velvets From Two Dollars to the fincet qualities in the market. CO ORED TRIMMING VELVETS In all the common, high colors and new clots shades, Trimming and Cloaking Velveteens In Weights, black and in colors, light, medium and extra low, mediam and ertra fine qualities, heavy ch alt rged least for 25 the per cont.

tolow the prices ngually same qualities. HOWER HIGBEE. nOv14 GROCERIES. TUST RECEIVED--A CAR LOAD Choice and a splendid cargo of COFFEE. Prices low.

HALLE, SHALL CO. DR. D. B. SMITH, Oculist and Aurist, 288 Superior street, Cleveland, 0, DOPE Formerly Rita Dr.


The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.