Taurus and Aries Compatibility (2024)

There are numerous types of relationships to explore when considering compatibility between two signs. We grow up in a parent/child dynamic. Outside our family, we form friendships with other children and eventually other adults. We look for and find love. And, we go to work and have careers, interacting with employers and co-workers.

Each sign-to-sign interaction guides our behavior in every relationship. Read through this section to find out how each of the above dynamics works astrologically so you can experience the optimal way to communicate and get along with your sign and all the other signs.

Generally Speaking

The Aries-and-Taurus interaction is fraught with challenges. As the “I am” sign of the Zodiac, Aries is independent, face-paced, and likes to take risks. Taurus is the “I establish” sign of the Zodiac and prefers well-worn paths, plodding along, and playing it safe. A long-term relationship (outside parent/child) may happen, but other factors in the chart would be the cause, not the Sun signs.

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Aries Parent/Taurus Child

The Aries parent and Taurus child can work since Aries will pretty much let the child figure it out. And once the Taurus child finds his or her pattern, he or she can stick with it, which will be fine for the Aries’ parent. The Aries parent does not actually want to do much parenting. If the Taurus child gets his or her needs met, they will not be very demanding; just do not try to force them or make their environment too chaotic.

Taurus Parent/Aries Child

The Taurus parent and Aries child will have a more challenging time. Now you have the sign with more power, and a controlling sign, trying to raise a child that wants its freedom and to be able to “go for it” in life. In this scenario, there can be a lot of head-butting between the bull and the ram, trying to get the parent to be more flexible and the child to be more reliable.

Aries Friend/Taurus Friend

Aries and Taurus friends can have a lifelong friendship so long as they take each other in small doses. What can connect them is their mutual concern about survival, even though they go about the issue very differently. Aries will have no problem “flying by the seat of his or her pants”, while Taurus likes to do the same thing repeatedly once he or she finds a successful way of doing something. There can be a lot of “testing of the wills”, and Taurus will win most of them by simply outlasting the Aries, and it usually will not take long.

Aries Lover/Taurus Lover

This romance, love, sex combination is problematic but can be vigorous. On just the sexual level, Aries has no problem being sexual, and neither does Taurus. But Taurus does want something long-term in the romance and love departments. If the sex is spectacular, and with a Taurus, it often is, then that might be enough to keep Aries coming back. But on the romance and love side, Aries may certainly feel the limits Taurus wants in terms of fidelity and reliability. Not an easy combination to make last, and if it does, Taurus will be carrying the load.

  • 12 Reasons Why it is Hard to Love an Aries

Aries Employer/Taurus Employee

The Aries employer and the Taurus employee will work better together than the Taurus employer and the Aries employee. Basically, the Aries employer wants his or her employees to manage themselves, which is how he would handle being an employee. If Taurus can find his or her groove, trust that the company will keep paying, and be allowed to work at his or her own pace, then they will turn out to be the kind of loyal and steadfast employee and Aries employer could really need.

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Taurus Employer/Aries Employee

If the employer is a Taurus and the employee is an Aries, friction is likely. Taurus will be conservative and plodding in its actions and expectations, making Aries feel restricted and frustrated unless the job is freelance, and based on contract work to be delivered at a certain time, or based on deadlines, but not constant management or supervision.

Aries Co-worker/Taurus Co-worker

Best not to have these two working together. They can work “in front of” or “behind” one another. In other words, the Aries task should precede the Taurus task or follow the Taurus task. If they are on the same task, watch out. Aries will not have the patience for Taurus and Taurus will not tolerate Aries risky attempts to get things done as fast as possible without appreciation for the care of the work.

Taurus and Aries Compatibility


This is an indicative score from other readers. For a more accurate match it is necessary to do a synastry compatibility calculation.

What percent do they match?88 Votes



Made for one another

Provide ample space

Healthy relationship


Not good at intimacy

Conflicting interests




Zodiac signs compatibility

Taurus and Aries Compatibility (2024)


Taurus and Aries Compatibility? ›

A marriage between Aries and Taurus is a delightful blend of excitement and stability – if both are mature enough to give in to the other's needs. Aries' spontaneous nature will clash with Taurus' preference for routine. Both signs must compromise and find common ground when it comes to big decisions.

Are Taurus and Aries a good match? ›

Aries and Taurus share a very good compatibility with each other as they both are fire signs. Aries likes to take things easy in their relationship. Taurus is someone who expects new things in their relationship once in a while. Aries lets things flow on its own while Taurus overthink about multiple things.

Are Aries and Taurus match made in heaven? ›

The Taurus calms an Aries partner down, while the Aries grounds the overly compassionate Taurus partner. They balance each other out and have a healthy and happy relationship, which is surely a match made in heaven.

Who should a Taurus marry? ›

However, some signs like having more freedom; if you try to control them too much, they might want to leave. Taurus can succeed more in relationships when they learn to give a bit of space, making the connection even stronger. Some signs that go well with Taurus include Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Pisces.

What is the cutoff between Aries and Taurus? ›

If you're born on the Aries-Taurus cusp, from April 17 to April 23, you are a firecracker and a force to be reckoned with! You were born on the Cusp of Power, so it's no surprise that you're authoritative, resilient, and dedicated to your passions and goals.

What is Taurus' worst match? ›

Worst love match: Aquarius

As a fixed Earth sign, Taurus is known to prioritize its creature comforts, material security and personal stability.

Who is the soulmate of Aries? ›

According to Nicole, Leo is the soulmate sign for Aries. “This is one of the most romantic and passionate couples in the zodiac,” Thomas agrees. That's because these two fire signs have a similar outlook on life. Like Ariens, Leos are enthusiastic, adventurous and ambitious.

Why is Taurus so attracted to Aries? ›

In love, Aries and Taurus are attracted to each other because they're different. Aries likes Taurus' stability, while Taurus likes Aries' energy. But sometimes, Aries' fast decisions can clash with Taurus' need for safety. To make it work, they need to talk a lot and find ways to make each other happy.

Who should Aries marry? ›

Which signs are Aries most compatible with? Aries is generally more compatible with other fire signs and air signs than with earth or water signs. If you see an Aries with another fire sign, then you know the magic that can happen between Aries and Leo, or Aries and Sagittarius!

Who can break Aries' heart? ›

Aries. Leo: The only sign that could beat you at your own game is Leo. You're both strong, confident, and competitive, and you both hate losing. A Leo will give you a good run for your money and might end up breaking your heart first because they will figure out your game quickly and will end it before it begins.

Who is Taurus' true love? ›

Taurus individuals value stability and security in relationships. Best matches include Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, forming deep, fulfilling bonds based on respect, understanding, and love.

Who will break a Taurus heart? ›

Aquarius (January 20 — February 18)

Once Taurus and Aquarius start dating, Brown says it will quickly turn into the worst decision a Taurus has ever made. Taurus is all about warmth, physical touch, and affection, while Aquarius is on the colder side.

What is a Taurus weakness? ›

What are Taurus weaknesses? Taureans need to be mindful of their stubborn streak. While their steady consistency is one of their greatest strengths, it can also make them inflexible or unyielding.

What happens if Taurus marry Aries? ›

In their relationships, Taurus natives are as faithful as Aries, which improves their connection. Both Aries and Taurus expect the same amount of closeness from each other, thus their connection does not have any big difficulties. This couple's physical intimacy will strengthen when they marry.

Who is the famous couple with Aries and Taurus? ›

Famous Aries and Taurus Couples
  • David Beckham (Taurus) and Victoria Beckham (Aries)
  • Kirsten Dunst (Taurus) and Jesse Plemons (Aries)
  • Lily Allen (Taurus) and David Harbour (Aries)
  • Amber Tamblyn (Taurus) and David Cross (Aries)
Apr 11, 2024

Do Aries and Taurus argue? ›

Cons of the Aries Taurus Relationship:

On the other hand, the Bull's stubbornness to change its point of view will frustrate the Arian endlessly. The Ram always wants to be right. Hence, the arguments in this horoscope compatibility will not be mild and subtle.

Who is the Taurus soulmate? ›

Every member of the zodiac family has what's called a “soulmate sign,” and for Taurus, that's Cancer. Taurus and Cancer are sextile, which means they are two signs apart from each other. Astrologically speaking, sextile signs are highly compatible and can form an easy, harmonious relationship.

Do Aries fall in love quickly? ›

An Aries falls in love quickly and hard, making him want to know who he's so smitten by and fond of.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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