Spike And The Ninja Turtles (2024)

Beneath Shredder's lair, Zeck and Ivan were still horrified on what they had become, a mutant warthog and Rhino.

"Look at me! You turned me into a dang pig! I don't wanna be a pig! Ladies hate pigs!" Zeck said horrified of himself.
"Oh, you mutate me into giant talking Rhino?! You will pay for me Shredder!" Ivan shouted as he and Zeck jumped above the ground and roared at Shredder with rage. Shredder's men were about to attack until Shredder stopped them.
"No, i will deal with them myself." Shredder instructed.

Zeck powered up his tech and started dancing around and firing lasers from his chest belt. Shredder instantly slid under them and delivered a strong punch to Zeck's chest and coughed roughly, Ivan got down on all fours and charged head first at him, but Shredder grabbed his horn and tripped his leg before sending him flying back into Zeck and they groaned in pain.

"Ivan Steranko, Anton Zeck, you will either serve me, or fall by my hand." Shredder threatened looking down at them.
"Ugh.. being a pig foes have limited employment options, the bacon's in.." Zeck said reluctantly.
"Da.. We serve you Shredder, for now. What is it you want us to do?" Ivan asked curious.
"You found my daughter once, you will find her again. Fail me, and i will introduce you to new forms of pain." Shredder threatened which made them both afraid...

Spike and the others made it back to their base for now to think of a way to find Karai, Mikey was watching more Crognard again which just made him wonder how many show's there are that just foreshadows what's gonna happen in their latest adventures, Leo turned the Tv off much to Mikey's disappointment.
"Let's get this meeting started." Leo announced as Donnie was typing on a computer.

"Alright, i got things to do, and bad guys to bust up." Raph said confidently.
"Karai's still out there, the last thing she said to Spike was the word comet." Leo explained as Spike slithered into the room with some food.
"She pointed east and told me it, any ideas on where that's supposed to lead?" Spike asked sitting down near his mom.
"It could be a location, maybe that's where she's hiding out." April suggested.
"I sense that could be the case.." Psiona said with interest.
"It could be, Donnie's found three locations with the words comet in them. D?" Leo asked looking at him.

"We got Comet Cleaners on Bleecker Street here, Earth vs the Comet Creeps is playing at the Argosy theater here, and then we got the Coney Comet roller coaster on Coney island here." Donnie explained as he showed them images of each place.
"Ooh ooh ooh! Can i check out the comet roller coaster?! Please?!" Mikey begged making big eyes before Leo pushed him away.
"Donnie, April and Jaqueline, you take Comet Cleaners. Raph, Casey and Psiona, you take the movie theaters, Mikey , Spike and I will check out Coney island." Leo explained.
"Aw yeah boy!" Mikey said excitedly.
"At least we have a clue to where she is.." Spike said hoping they'd find her.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll find her." Jaqueline assured patting his back and Spike smiled at her in response.

Donnie tossed them some sprayers of retro mutagen for them.
"I have just enough retro mutagen brewed for 4 doses, each team gets one, the extra one will be for Spike." Donnie said tossing them each one.
"It'll be weeks before i make more." Donnie said as Raph looked at his.
"In other words don't waste it, got it." Raph said loading his up.
"I'll keep this safe, don't you worry." Psiona said with a growl holding hers close.

"Karai and Spike's condition are unique, there's no guaranteed this will work on you guys." Donnie said turning to Spike who looked worried at that.
"All we can do is try Donnie." April assured.
"If it's a chance i won't be a mutant anymore, we should at least take it." Spike said hoping they could find a way to fix them both..

Zeck and Ivan were searching through the rooftops again now searching for Karai, Anton landed on a door stand and Ivan charged through it with his horn.
"Man Steranko, you are one ugly horn headed, Jurassic looking fool." Zeck taunted.
"I am Rhinoceros." Ivan said as he ripped the door handle out and threw it far away and a pig shriek was heard.

"Listen comrade Zeck, forget Karai. We must destroy turtles instead. For what they did to me.. i mean us." Ivan corrected himself.
"Your right big S, if they hadn't interfered at the docks, none of this would've happened! I saw we comb those turtles wings back, clip it, and come the wigs back again!" Zeck said with rage.
"I say we splits up, track them down and squish them where they stands." Ivan said with an evil grin.
"Shoot my piggy nose is better then a bloodhounds, i just need to catch a whiff." Zeck said as he slid on over to another rooftop with some more gadgets and looked around.
"Oh snap! I distinctly smell aroma de turtle, and a beaver.." Zeck said with a crazy laugh.

Donnie, April and Jaqueline just got done searching they're end and went back to searching.
"Well there's one place down.." Jaqueline said in disappointment.
"Yeah, no sign of Karai, the place is abandoned." Donnie said in agreement.
"Well i'll call Leo and Spike to let them know, maybe they had better luck." April said pulling out her T phone until her mind went off again.

"April, what's wrong?" Jaqueline asked worried.
"Someones.. someone's watching us." April said seriously and they all pulled out they're weapons.
"Where are they?" Jaqueline asked seriously holding out her hammer, she focused her mind to try and sense this person, a puddle step was heard which gave her an idea.
"Hmm, guys i don't see any.." Donnie said right before someone punched him down making a loud laugh.

"Old what's his name? Baxter Stockhead, he fixed my invisibility tech, wow to the wow to the wow, to the wee..." Zeck said before April and Jaqueline hit him right in the face revealing his presence.
"Oh man how'd you find me?!" Zeck asked annoyed.
"I could sense you, your invisibility tech doesn't work for me!" Jaqueline said twirling her hammer around.
"Not to mention you don't shut up. Who is this guy Donnie?" April asked looking back at them.
"He was a thief named Zeck, looks like he got a little mutated." Donnie said in surprise.
"A little?" Jaqueline asked raising her eyebrow before they both charged at him.

Zeck danced around using 80's dance moves and shot some strange stuff which pinned April to the wall.
"Ugh! Is this glue?!" April asked in shock.
"You think you can take me?! I will drop you like an ex girlfriend! Whoo!" Zeck shouted as he dodged Donnie's staff. Jaqueline swung her tail at him again and knocked him down in annoyance.
"Your skills are weak pig head! " Donnie shouted as he tried attacking him more, but Zeck dodged his attacks again and shot him in the face.

"Donnie!" April and Jaqueline shouted with worry, Zeck went over to check his face.
"No worries, my hip lasers were set to stun. We need to alive to bait out the turtle bros." Zeck mocked as April tried escaping.
"Jaqueline, get out of here! Warn Spike!" April shouted as she was backing up.
"Got it!" Jaqueline shouted as she took out a smoke bomb and disappeared much to his annoyance.
"Aw man! How do they do that?!" Zeck asked annoyed at this, Zeck went over and found Donnie's T phone and got an idea on where he was going, he called Ivan and told him where the others are heading as he and April will head after Leo, Mikey and Spike.

Raph, Casey and Psiona were searching through the theaters in order to find her, Psiona looked at the movie and scoffed.
"Not every alien is peaceful, some are just meant to destroy." Psiona said shaking her head.
"This movie got a 6/10 review anyway, so it's not anything special." Casey added as they all went outside.

"Eh, these ooze specs aren't working right. Maybe i should call Donnie." Raph said taking out his phone.
"It's not your specs dude, we searched every inch of the place. Karai's definitely not here." Casey pointed out.
"I couldn't sense her here either, so maybe my son will have better luck." Psiona said right before her head alerted her of something.
"What's wrong?" Raph asked as she opened her eyes.
"Someones coming." Psiona said seriously as she readied herself, and that was soon realized as a large Rhino monster landed down in front of them.

"Well well well, comrade Zeck make good on info. Turtle here.. and strange human friend.. and large cyborg dragon.." Ivan said in fear seeing her tower over him.
"Whoa! Another mutant? Dudes, he's kind of rad!" Casey said impressed putting on his mask.
"Rad, and strong!" Ivan shouted as he picked up a car and threw it to them, Psiona caught it with one hand and sliced it in half.
"This should be interesting." Psiona said turning her arm into a blade again as the others charged at him.

Raph ran straight to him and tried delivering an air punch, but he was simply punched down to the ground again, Raph tried punching him until Ivan delivered a stronger punch knocking him to a wall. Casey now joined in and used his exploding pucks but that did nothing.
"The July of forth, Fireworks do you nothing!" Ivan shouted as he charged at him.
"Well let's see what Casey does, Goongala!!"" Casey shouted throwing his bat at him, but it shattered on impact easily.
"Okay that didn't work.." Casey said surprised right before Ivan punched him straight to the theater.
"No Casey!" Raph shouted in horror, Ivan snarled at him and proceeded to lift him up with his horn and throw him to the ground before throwing him to the wall and knocking him out.

"Raph!" Psiona shouted with worry.
"Raph! Wake up Raph!" Casey begged trying to wake him up. He turned around after hearing a voice and saw Ivan delivering a strong punch that knocked him out as well.

"No!" Psiona shouted with rage as Ivan turned to him.
"Give it up dragon lady, you are no match for my power!" Ivan said as he made a rhino roar and charged at him, Psiona snarled at him and once he came close enough, she stopped him instantly with one hand.
"What?!" Ivan asked shocked as she began pushing him back with rage.

"Do i look like i need your power?!" Psiona said with rage before she picked him up by the horn again and delivered a strong punch to his chest, she then punched him repeatedly in the face before kicking him in the air and sending him flying to the rooftop.
Psiona made a loud roar of rage and opened up her wings, she then took off at fast speeds heading to warn Spike and the others.

Spike, Leo and Mikey were searching around the abandoned park as there was nobody here at all.
"Man, this is creepy huh?" Spike asked a little scarred looking around.
"I know! But it's so cool! Leo, can we go on the Wheel of Fun? Or Whirlwind?" Mikey asked excitedly.
"You promised you wouldn't mess around Mikey, seriously, we don't wanna scare Karai off." Leo said as he moved ahead.
"He's right, with Shredder tracking her, she's always on her guard here, we need to be careful." Spike said searching around the place.

"But she's gotta know we're here by now right? Why doesn't she just come out?" Mikey asked confused.
"Maybe she's not in her right mind. Or maybe she'll lose control and attack us. I feel so bad for her." Leo said with regret.
"Yeah, being a snake is rough right now. At least i have some control of my mind, hers is far more unstable.. we need to help her.." Spike said worried as well.
"No sign of her, let's hope the guys have other luck." Leo said as Karai was watching them from another place but knocked something over and quickly slithered off.
"Whoa! Dudes! I think i just saw her!" Mikey shouted pointing in a specific direction.
"Karai!" Spike shouted as he slithered on after her with the others.

They moved quickly until they found her going inside a spooky looking ride as lightning flashed over it for dramatic affect.
"She went into the ghost house.." Mikey said with fear..
"I'll stay here and wait if she comes out, be careful guys." Spike said standing near the door.
"You too, keep an eye out okay?" Leo asked as he and Mikey went inside with Mikey looking scarred.

Leo and Mikey searched in the spooky place trying to find her.
"Uh.. this place isn't so bad.." Mikey said nervously before a cardboard monster came out suddenly and scarred them both.
"It's just a painted board.." Leo said right before a monster head appeared besides him and he screamed in fear and sliced it off.
"Haha ha.. that didn't scare me at all.." Mikey said nervously before he saw a monster painting and screamed in fear.
"Have you been working out..?" Mikey asked nervously before they heard some faint hissing until they saw Karai moving around.

Leo and Mikey were behind another wall trying to be quiet, Leo pulled out the retro mutagen and saw her right behind the corner. He pulled the trigger and fired it at her, but it was revealed to be a mirror as Karai was behind another one. Karai saw them and hissed at him before slithering off again.
"Mikey don't let her escape!" Leo ordered as he ran after her.

Spike was waiting outside for them to get back until he heard someone call him.
"Spike!" Jaqueline shouted as he saw her land down in front of him looking worried.
"Jaqueline? What's wrong?" Spike asked worried as she breathed heavily.
"Donnie and April, they were captured by a mutated Zeck! He's become a weird pig like monster." Jaqueline said in fear.
"What?! What about the others?" Spike asked worried. They heard a loud roar again and saw Psiona coming down to them from a shot of the moon.

She landed down creating an impact looking worried as well.
"Mom? Your here too?!" Spike asked coming up to her.
"I got here as soon as i could, me Raph and Casey were ambushed by a mutated Ivan, he turned into a strange Rhino monster. I came here as fast as i could.." Psiona said with worry.
"Ivan and Zeck both got mutated?" Jaqueline asked in shock as Spike suddenly realized something.

"Wait.. first there was Dogpound and Fishface, Dogpound was turned into Rahzar. And now he's got a mutant pig an rhino as two new henchmen. You'd think Fishface would turn into a snapping turtle or something." Spike pointed out which confused them.
"What are you trying to say son?" Psiona asked confused.
"I'm just saying, it's a little weird that he's kinda replaced those two when he's had them for a lot longer you know?" Spike asked until they heard a loud hiss.

They suddenly saw Karai come out and slithering off fast.
"Karai!" Spike shouted as he hurried after her, Leo and Mikey came out of the house and the other two did the same. Karai slithered through the place at fast speeds until a chain stopped her path.
"Karai we wanna help you! Don't you remember us?" Leo asked worried, Karai hissed at them and lunged at Spike.
"Karai don't! It's me Spike! Please try and remember!" Spike begged as Karai made another hiss, but she stopped finally and recognized him.
"Spike? Leo..." Karai said weakly as she went over to a corner looking down ashamed.

"We wanna help you, can you transform back?" Leo asked hopefully, Karai looked down sadly as she couldn't do it.
"Karai.." Spike said with regret as he tried to comfort her. But a loud sound was heard which startled her and she quickly ran off.
"Karai!" Leo shouted with worry.
"We'll find her later, come on!" Psiona shouted as they quickly crouched down and saw a van come out.

The doors opened and they saw Zeck looking around.
"Are you here yet Steranko, what's the deal yo?" Zeck asked in a communicator device.
"Da comrade, look behind you." ivan announced and Zeck saw him carrying Raph and Casey.
"Whoo, Rhino legs are fast, good workout. Better then the Pilates." Ivan said walking up to him and opening the vans doors.

"You can't do this! We have friends that are gonna kick your butts!" April shouted as he threw Casey and Raph in before closing the doors.
"So, other turtles, dragon, beaver and snake are here?" Ivan asked turning to Zeck who turned on his scanner.

"Turtles! Come out and play!" Zeck mocked searching for them, Psiona and Jaqueline hid on a high ground waiting for the right time to attack. Zeck looked around and found Mikey hiding behind a corner.
"Gotcha. If you surrender, the humans go free." Zeck offered.
"Pinkie promise." Ivan said mockingly.
"Oh trust me, if you broke that, Pinkie would NOT let you live it down." Spike said recalling the times that did happen.
"And you can forget it! We'll never do it!" Mikey said as Leo and Spike were nearby.

"You have no choice! In five seconds, i pop humans heads like blueberries." Ivan threatened.
"A four! three, two, one!" Zeck shouted as Leo made hand gestures and the two understood what he meant and Mikey came out.

"Okay don't hurt em! Let's talk this over! Um.. what do we call you guys now anyway?" Mikey asked curiously. The two looked at eachother confused on what that meant.
"You need mutant names." Mikey said as Leo and Spike were getting ready to jump them.
"Um and it just so happens i am awesome at naming stuff. how about.." Mikey said as he looked at a food stand.
"Pork Rind and Chili Cheese Fry?" Mikey suggested
"Eh.. not so good names.." Ivan said crossing his arms.

"How about.." Mikey said as he looked at another one.
"Sprinkles and hot sauce?" Mikey asked confused on that( who combines those two items anyway? That sounds gross).
"Nyet." Ivan said with anger as Mikey looked at another one.
"The Royal weenies?" Mikey said nervously.
"Nyet!" Ivan shouted again as the two looked mad at him.
"How about um.." Mikey said as he saw their van's logos.
"Bebop and Rocksteady!" Mikey suggested.

"Is that what you do? Randomly name enemies based on stuff you see around you?" Bebop asked upset at him.
"Hey, it's not so bad. Kinda like the Rocksteady." Rocksteady said liking that name.
"Ugh.." Bebop said annoyed as he used his scanner and saw Leo and Spike near the back of the van.
"Aha! You think you can pass my goggles son? I saw you a mile away!" Bebop mocked, Spike hissed at him and response and whipped him back.

"Then why don't we make some fried pork?!" Spike hissed readying his fire breath.
"No one can face.. the Bebop and Rocksteady!" Rocksteady said confidently.
"I am not gonna be called Bebop okay?! That is the dumbest name ever!" Bebop said annoyed( Isn't that something he'd like though? His moves are 80's like and that names sounds like one from the 80's..)

"He's got the retro mutagen!" Mikey said in fear as he held it out.
"Retro mutagen huh? i wonder what it'll do to mutant turtles?" Bebop asked holding it at them.
"Don't do it Bebop!" Mikey warned looking afraid.
"Don't call me that name! I hate that name! I hate that name!" Bebop said with anger, a roar was suddenly heard again and they looked up and saw Psiona charging down at them.
"How about Cracked Skull?!" Psiona shouted as she delivered a strong punch to his face and knocked him down hard. Jaqueline landed on the ground and pulled out her weapon.

Rocksteady suddenly realized something and looked at the retro mutagen.
"Bebop wait! Think with the brain for once! Retro mutagen can turn us human again!" Rocksteady pointed out.
"Wow! I didn't even think of that! Let's do the dizzle, and stop calling me Bebop yo!" Bebop said annoyed before aiming it at himself.
"Nyet! Why do you get to be using it?!" Rocksteady asked taking it away.
"You did not just.." Bebop said trying to take it back.
"Give it back!" Rocksteady said as they struggled with eachother.
"I had it first!" Bebop shouted with anger.
"Nyet, nyet, nyet!" Rocksteady shouted with annoyance.

"We need a better distraction." Leo whispered as he saw them fighting. Karai suddenly landed down in front of them and hissed at them, Karai shot some acid at Rocksteady's face which caused him to drop the retro mutagen and smash it.
"Get back here snakey snake!" Bebop shouted as she went into the house.
"Karai!" Spike shouted as he slithered after them both.

"Leo opened the door and he and Psiona started helping them out.
"Leo! Psiona!" April said in relief.
"Sorry it took so long April, i'll have you free in no time." Leo said cutting her free as Psiona helped Donnie up.
"Thanks guys." Donnie said gratefully.
"Ugh my aching brain.. what hit me?" Raph asked rubbing his head as he and Casey woke up.
"It was that huge rhino dude, right there!" Casey shouted as Rocksteady groaned in pain.

"Turtles? Free?!" Rocksteady asked with anger, he made another roar and charged at them again. Psiona caught him with both her claws once again.
"I've had about enough of you!" Psiona shouted as she started tossing him around, Jaqueline took out her hammer and twirled it around.
"Take this!" Jaqueline shouted as she hit him right in the face and it sent him flying to another stand.

"What do we do Leo?" Donnie asked worried.
"You 4 go after Karai and Spike, Raph, Jaqueline, Mikey and i will take Rocksteady." Leo ordered as Rocksteady got up again and saw Raph with the retro mutagen.
"Hey Rhino man! You want some retro mutagen?!" Raph shouted as the three ran off with Rocksteady chasing him.

Casey and the others just made it to the ghost house and looked at it.
"Whoa, wicked! This was my favorite fun house as a kid." Casey said amazed before they went inside.

Spike was dodging lasers from Bebop as they went through the house.
"You think you can take me you snake?! I've got moves way ahead of you!" Bebop mocked as he danced around firing more lasers at him.
"Oh, you think you can beat the swift moves of a snake?" Spike countered as he flipped around like nothing was wrong.
"Is that a challenge fool? You challenging me?" Bebop said stopping his attacking for a moment and Spike looked at him.

"Dance fight!" Spike announced as Michael Jackson's Bad started playing and started tapping his tail to the beat.
"Oh ho! It is on! And i love this song!" Bebop shouted as he started dancing to the beat of the song and started firing at Spike, Spike slid under the laser fire twirling around with swift moves.
"I've had my fair share of dance lessons from Mikey!" Spike said making swift moves as he went through the mirror house. Bebop made more Michael Jackson sounds as he shot his Mohawk blade at him, but Spike jumped right over it before it hit him and whipped him in the face.
"Not bad, but how about this?!" Bebop shouted as he put his hands on the ground and twirled his legs in the air while shooting more lasers at him, Spike ducked his hand bopped his head around listening to the beat some more, he swiftly flipped over the lasers and twirled around on the ground.
"Nice try, but.." Spike said right before he coiled around him and threw him straight out of the house and he groaned as he was on the ground.
"I think that's a wrap, who's bad now dude?!" Spike said casually as the music stopped.
"Respect dude.." Bebop said weakly giving a thumbs up before falling back down.

April and the others just arrived to see what happened.
"Spike? What just happened?" Jaqueline asked as they saw Bebop on the ground.
"Eh, just a little fun while fighting him." Spike said with a proud smile.
"Wow, nice job Spike.." April said impressed with his work.
"Where did that music even come from anyway?" Casey asked confused and Donnie shook his head having no idea either.

Psiona was fighting Rocksteady again alongside Mikey and the others while on a roller coaster that Mikey activated. Rocksteady was about to come in the way of the coaster before Psiona lunged at him and pinned him to the ground.
"Gotta admit, this has been fun honestly!" Psiona said as she grabbed his horn and started twirling him around.
"But i think it's time we end this, so long Rocksteady!" Psiona shouted as she threw him into the air and, Leo Raph and Mikey took him down delivering strong kicks to his face and sent him crashing down. Psiona finished him off by grabbing him again and tossing him far away, this sent him flying into Bebop right as he got up and it tossed them and the van over and they both groaned in pain as they were defeated.

"Everyone okay?" Donnie asked as all of them got up.
"I think i sprained a leg or two.." Casey said taking off his mask.
"Karai, i know your here, you can come out. You don't have to be afraid anymore." Leo said looking around for her.
"We're here for you Karai, please come out." Spike begged looking for her too. Karai peaked around a corner and slithered up to them.

"Karai.." Spike said sadly as he came up to her too as they both had the chance to turn back now.
"We can help you two, with this." Leo said as he held up a sprayer and Psiona took out hers as well.
"Hold still son.." Psiona said as they hoped this would work, they both pulled the switches and they were sprayed with the retro mutagen.. but nothing happened and they were still stuck as snakes..

"No.." Spike said in fear as he saw he was still a mutant.
"It doesn't work, Donnie?" Leo asked looking at him.
"Why didn't it work?" Jaqueline asked worried for them.
"I told you guys, Karai and Spike are special. They're not normal mutants." Donnie explained and Spike sighed sadly.
"It was all for nothing?" Raph asked upset at this.

"It doesn't matter. You can come home with us Karai, we'll take care of you, i promise." Leo assured coming up to her.
"No.. too dangerous.. my mind is.. going.." Karai said as she started to leave.
"Karai, please, we can help you.." Spike begged as he hoped she would stay.
"If that's true then.. why did you want us to find you?" Leo asked confused on this.
"Wanted to say.. goodbye.. to all of you.. try to save Spike's mind for me.. before he loses his too.." Karai said as she slithered off and jumped into the water.

"No! Karai!" Leo shouted as they looked over it.
"Karai.." Spike said sadly as they couldn't find her anywhere.
"We'll find a way son.. i promise.." Psiona assured giving him a hug.
"No matter how long it takes.." Jaqueline said joining in on it.
"Thank you guys.." Spike said gratefully holding them close.

"We'll find a way to help you two, i promise." Leo assured as well as he looked over he water, April looked over to another place.
"Guys, Bebop and Rocksteady are gone." April said worried as no one was there.
"Ah let em go, next time i see em, they won't walk away." Raph said determined.
"And Rocksteady won't have his horn when i'm through with him." Psiona said clutching her hand with anger.
"Come on guys, let's go home.." Mikey said sadly as they all went back to think about all of this. Spike was upset that they couldn't turn them back.. and if Karai's mind is going.. even with his powers... will his mind go too? Spike thought over all of this and hoped one day they could fix all of this..

Spike And The Ninja Turtles (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.