Retro Gaming Anniversaries, Stellar Blade, Sand Land & New Anime! | The Game Junction Podcast 82 - The Game Junction Podcast (2024)

Brandon Hurles:

Hey, what's up everybody? Welcome back to the Game Junction podcast. We're here for episode 82. We're actually doing this a day later because we had some problems yesterday. Stuff came up so it actually gave us a little bit more time for some extra news out.

Brandon Hurles:

But yeah, we're going to be talking about a bunch of news there's. There's just a ton of gaming and movie news, but also we've got like the anniversary of the game gear, we've got the anniversary of majora's mask, mark has his anime segment, I've got my retro game segment, we got a little show and tell and then we've got like five topics each to talk about as well. So we're going to kind of break up the show a little bit more, try a different kind of flow. I think we actually might be in for our audio listeners. We might actually be moving the live over to Twitch. We're in the talks of figuring out what we're going to do for the show and kind of the future of everything. So we'd still be here on YouTube if we end up doing that, but we'd be live over there and then posting it to YouTube. So we're going to figure that out along the way. But yeah, mark, how's it going? How's your week been?

Mark Trobough:

I mean, it's another week.

Brandon Hurles:

You got a stellar blade. I'm trying to enjoy the weekend.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, no, that finally came out Friday, so I've had a few hours with it. Obviously it's not the normal hack and slash, run and gun type of game I used to, or prefer to play, but it's an enjoyable game for sure.

Brandon Hurles:

Did you share it with the cover for a while?

Mark Trobough:

I actually didn't. No, I just went straight into the game and then realized oh yeah, this is kind of like the whole game.

Brandon Hurles:

It's kind of like Bayonetta and Dark Souls, isn't it? It's like kind of a mixture. I thought Bay, isn't it?

Mark Trobough:

It's like kind of a mixture. Bayonetta was far more of a forgiving game than this one. Like you have to block and parry or else you just get wrecked.

Brandon Hurles:

I guess I haven't watched enough gameplay, but just kind of the general consensus that I've seen and what I have seen that's that's the vibe it gave me. It felt. It felt like kind of Bayonetta ish, but also kind of Dark Souls. I'm not good at like Souls-like games, so if it's like totally like that I'm not going to do well.

Mark Trobough:

The combat's more Souls-like. You can't just like bum, rush the game and just like murk everything. You have to take your time and approach every enemy. You got to kind of like use combos, learn how certain enemies attack, and stuff like that, that way you can properly, uh, defeat them, because it's it's like you can just heal yourself for forever.

Brandon Hurles:

You only have so many heals between, like uh, camps and stuff like that that sounds like demon souls exactly everything you just described, so that makes me a little nervous because yeah I was excited. We talked about it numerous times. I played every Dark Souls game. I played all the other big Souls-like games as well.

Mark Trobough:

Sekiro, I've heard a lot of people make comparisons with that. It's not as some people say. It's easier than Sekiro, but still.

Brandon Hurles:

Elden Ring is supposedly the easiest Souls-like game. It's weird because I actually haven't played elder ring yet, like I should have, um, and I still do plan to pick that up at some point. They've got that big expansion that's about to drop, so I think that's the perfect time for me to jump into that and like it's been discounted and stuff. Um, but yeah, I, I definitely. My problem was I was like debating today on sandland, or yesterday sandland or stellar blade and like I had so much fun with the demo for like I was blown away. Um, it's been a while since there's a game that like made me feel that way. I kind of like emotional with it, because I'm like man, this is like just absolutely beautiful. This is, this is a perfect adaptation of something else that was never made to to be this um, so like I'm having a hard time, but like all the hype is there for for stellar blade, so it's like I, I just don't know. I haven't grabbed either, but I do want to talk about them. I think that I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to wait on a sale or not. I haven't even finished Final Fantasy. I did grab a game today because GameStop had a crazy deal. And then I got a few other things, but I guess we'll just kind of dive into some news.

Brandon Hurles:

First, break up the segments. I want to give a little talk about some of the anniversaries of some stuff and all that. But I guess one of the first things we got is that the Xbox, apparently their physical year, has gone up massively by like 200%. So they're in the positive, positive, which is good news, but apparently it's just because of activision blizzard. Um, yeah, it makes sense. So, like that, it says it's up 62, sorry, 62, which is a lot. That's a lot. I mean, yeah, that's definitely a lot. So, uh, yeah, it it seems like activision blizzard is the reason for that. I don't know. Um, I guess also we can get sort of dive into, since it is activision blizzard, uh related. Uh, blizzcon 2024 got canceled, um, but they promised that they will return. So I I want to say that it was canceled last year or maybe the year before that, I can't remember. There was a year or two, it could have been during covid that it had gotten canceled yeah, I, I think it might have been then.

Brandon Hurles:

Um, but they they did put out a statement. I guess I'll read that Blizzard failed to share the reason for the cancellation of the event, though it said the decision was not made lightly. Additionally, the company plans to participate in other industry events throughout the year and they said over the next few months we'll be sharing more details about our launches coming later this year, including World of Warcraft, the War Within, diablo 4's first expansion, vessel of Hatred. To celebrate these upcoming releases and to bring our communities together in new and special ways, we will soon share some exciting plans for share more about those plans soon. We're also looking forward to the Overwatch Champion Series that stops at both dreamhack dallas and dreamhack stockholm, uh. And the anniversary of warcraft, which should be held in addition to the in-game celebrations across our warcraft games throughout 2024. While these events are distinct from blizzcon, we're harnessing all of our creativity and imagination to insert ensure that they carry the same spirit celebration and togetherness. So I I there's no actual reason given I feel like it's has some.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, that's just a, it's a non-explanation it's it. You're saying words. At that point just come out and just say we're not doing it, screw you I I mean like my here.

Brandon Hurles:

Here was my thinking uh, it might have something to do with diablo 4, like pretty much bombing and that's like their game right now. Right, I mean, world of warcraft is ongoing forever, but that's like their game right now. And it does seem weird that they're about to launch that, that expansion, and they don't want to do the BlizzCon. I'm kind of wondering why what's happening over there, because this is a big event. This has been going on for years, I mean a long time. So, yeah, they kind of gave a non-answer for it.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, that's pretty much what it was a non-answer, like a couple of news things overwatch 2 like hearthstone uh yeah, I don't know. Um, apparently it had an upcoming survival game that got canceled. I don't know. We might have talked about that. Um, it was called odyssey. Apparently. That got canceled in january. So I I don't know. I don't know what's going on over there, but that's interesting. I don't play World of Warcraft, do you?

Mark Trobough:

I tried it once, like a few years ago, but it's I don't know, I didn't get into it. I think it hasn't aged that well. It still looks like a game from the early 2000s, that's. I didn't like how it controlled, which was like the big issue for me. But uh, I mean, if you're gonna pick an mmo, you're just gonna pick one and play with it and I would I rather just prefer to play eso. It just plays uh how. I would prefer a game to play compared to uh how it. The uh or world of warcraft is pretty much. But I'm also I like mmos, but I also like the ability to, if I want to, just solo content. I like to just solo content. But that's just like a. That's a personal thing for me. I'm also primarily a solo gamer on most games anyways.

Brandon Hurles:

So yeah, yeah, I'm, I'm a. I'm mostly a single player guy these days. I there's not much more. I can't think of anything here recently that I played. It's multiplayer. I have no idea, but yeah, I guess it's interesting. Um, so we'll see what comes of that. I don't, I don't know what's going on over there. It's kind of a big deal to to. You know, people look, people love that event so they've got like a cult following and you see that they make all those. You know they announced diablo immortal there. Goodness sake, one of the best games of all time. Do you guys not have phones?

Mark Trobough:

That's when they just signed their death warrant. Really, I don't know. At least to me where I was like okay, yeah, I have no interest in your company anymore after that.

Brandon Hurles:

Meanwhile, I've got a Diablo 4 poster right here. I'm always talking crap about it. I'm very disappointed in the game. By the way, during that crazy Walmart sale where I showed all those games actually there was a few more that came after I'm going to show it in a little bit but Diablo 4 dropped down to $20. So you get $20 at Walmart and I think it's still $20 right now. It's on Game Pass. I want to say it's on PS Plus as well.

Mark Trobough:

And they still can't get. It can't get their money by getting people to spend their money on microtransactions.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I mean that's, that's the way it seems. I mean I don't know, dude, I just don't know.

Mark Trobough:

I did Go ahead Devil Force, the game that had that. What $60 amount? The price of a game. Yeah, the price of that game.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, $60 mount the price of a game. The price of that game. Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

Mark Trobough:

It's crazy.

Brandon Hurles:

It is crazy. I heard something I want to say yesterday. This is kind of crazy. I'm just pulling this straight from the Steam charts. This is an article, but I did hear about this reported a couple places. So Gotham Knights right now concurrently only has and this is higher than they said yesterday, but playing one hour ago 213 players.

Mark Trobough:

That's bad.

Brandon Hurles:

But it says 24 hour. Peak 258 I'm looking at like active.

Mark Trobough:

Second, to second less than a year old. Yeah, that game is. I don't know how much longer they're gonna have it be able to keep it up.

Brandon Hurles:

I just picked it up too, for five bucks. I don't. There's no way like you may have overpaid for it apparently, um, I even said I said I'm not gonna grab that unless it's like below 10 bucks, because I'm not. It's just one of those games that I I just I don't like that type of game. I don't like games as a service. I just can't get into it.

Mark Trobough:

They always disappoint me unless it's a pure mmo. I, yeah, i't really care for it. These games should be offline. Single player.

Brandon Hurles:

Like RuneScape and World of Warcraft makes sense, okay, like that makes sense to me, but these other games it just doesn't. It doesn't work. They think it does, but obviously it doesn't. 200, the entire world. This game is like what is it Like? Maybe six months old? Maybe I feel like it's not even that old, I don't know when it came out. But their all-time peak. This is the all-time peak, the highest player count ever 23,000 people. That is horrible.

Mark Trobough:

It's not ideal. Unless they're the whales that are just paying for stuff on the online service or the online store, my bad. And it just bump, boost the artificial load numbers where it's like, yeah, we only have a few thousand people, but if they're each spend like 100 bucks a month on our game, you know we can, you know we're making money.

Brandon Hurles:

It's just, it's crazy, like I'm looking making money. It's crazy. It looks like for the last 30 days they are down 130 players, about 41%. They are down. It looks like February there was 1,100 people. January, 1,100 people. December 1,000. This is the peak. The highest they had was the month it came out 23 000. Immediately the next month it jumped down to 7 000 and it just keeps going lower. So, yeah, currently their peak is 200. That's really bad. Like that game is about to shut down. There's no way that they can and and they, that's one of those games where they dumped a it's a rock steady game. Like they dumped millions into that game, which you know we're totally against. That's just crazy to me. Uh. So yeah, I mean it only launched. It launched in october, man crazy. So it's not even that old.

Brandon Hurles:

But it's just a testament to you made a bad game yeah, no kidding, and it looks like the only times they've had jumps is where it's been at, I think, where it was added to Game Pass or something, and it was very minimal, like 5%. Yeah, yeah, I don't know. I'm curious to see if the sales since everybody is sold out at my store and it's sold out online- it was like dirt, cheap, cheap. Curious to see if that bumps it up at all, but I can't imagine it would be much if it did.

Mark Trobough:

I don't think it will so not without like massively overhauling the game or doing something that drives people back that doesn't cost them any extra money. But I I can't imagine them doing anything to to right the ship. But yeah, who knows, maybe in a year from now they're.

Brandon Hurles:

They're averaging 50 000 a week on the game, so yeah, I guess, since we're already talking about the, the steam, then I want to jump ahead here in a little bit in our notes, just because it's kind of relative to uh, kind of relative to that. But this was, um, an absolute shocker to me, because this was not something I was expecting much from at all. I thought it was just kind of like a again a throwaway game. But the game manner lords surpassed a hundred thousand concurrent players within hours of release and is now the global top seller on steam. So not bad doing pretty good yeah, I'm doing very good.

Brandon Hurles:

It's number one. It's above hell divers um.

Mark Trobough:

So uh, people are claiming it's been doing pretty well. I mean, it still gets beat out by like what league or dota, whichever.

Brandon Hurles:

One of those games is actually on steam I, it was getting beat out by stardew valley, stardew valley's above Helldivers right now.

Mark Trobough:

Rise and fall. I'm pretty sure obviously it wasn't going to be at those highs forever, but it's probably a decent base of people that are following it got that big update, so that's why people are playing it right now.

Brandon Hurles:

It hit 3 million wishlists on Steam within hours, 100,000 concurrent players and it hit just under 130 000 within hours of coming out. So I this was not even on my radar at all like this game is not even so. I don't even did we have we even talked about this game. I feel like we might have mentioned it, but, but like very lightly, whenever we're like, oh okay, you okay, you know whatever. But yeah, I mean it looks it kind of. It does look interesting. It's one of those things where it's like it's like a Helldiver situation, because I'm still very interested in checking out Helldivers. Now we were like didn't give a crap about it before. Yeah, fair enough, it looks like an okay game. I mean, like I'm watching the trailer right now. It looks fine. It's just shocking the the number count for this.

Mark Trobough:

No, I mean, it's a really. It's a really cool game. It's, I think, it's like I don't think it is a very community driven game. You don't go for it for the game itself, you go there and you stay because of the actual community. It's very community driven culture pretty much, which I think is what you need to help, you know, make keep your game relevant for years to come. You need the community to be invested in it and to be contributing to like the lore and the world and stuff like that.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I'll be honest with you. Like it looks cool but it doesn't. It doesn't look like my type of game Really, but it doesn't look like my type of game really. It kind of reminds me it's a third-person shooter. That's not what I see. It looks like you're building a straight building. Wait, did you change the game we were talking about? What game are you talking about? Manor Lords?

Mark Trobough:

Oh, my God.

Brandon Hurles:

What were you?

Mark Trobough:

talking about? I thought we were still talking about the other game we were talking about before.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh, no, no, no, man, we were still talking about the other game we were talking about before.

Mark Trobough:

Oh, no, no, no, manor Wars. You had me completely confused. I was talking about a different game. That's my bad.

Brandon Hurles:

So this is like you're building cities in medieval era. You're building little towns and organic city building. I'm just kind of shocked because this does not seem like the type of game it says. This is the actual description. I'm just kind of shocked because this does not seem like the type of game it says. This is like the actual description A strategy game for PC that combines deep, organic and realistic city building with large-scale tactical battles, handcrafted by a solo developer. It uses the power of unreal. So this is a very indie game and it is on PC Game Pass. So I I don't know, maybe I can check it out.

Mark Trobough:

It's on gog steam epic, you said banner lords manor lords manor lords, okay, yeah so I mean banner lords is not like a solo game. Definitely is that a game. Uh, it's like I think it's mountain something. Banner lords, oh interesting I've heard of it, but yeah, it's, uh, it's the same same aesthetic, like the whole medieval thing pretty much it just does not seem like the type of game that would like capture people like that.

Brandon Hurles:

But it's an indie game. It's another indie game hitting big, which is good. A solo developer that is shocking to me, crazy.

Mark Trobough:

So, uh, I mean good if it's good for them. There's there's something good about the game I mean never won steam.

Brandon Hurles:

That's a big deal, that's a massive, you know held. It held for a short time, it matters yeah, I mean it's already beat the concurrent for gotham knights talk about.

Mark Trobough:

Talk about a community that's definitely not afraid to crucify a game.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, that's crazy, I mean. But good for this guy solo developer I can't even imagine. Doesn't look like my type of game at all. It looks like civilization and city building like it looks like that's what it reminds me of, medieval like that's the best part of any game is city building, even if it's not part of the actual game like.

Mark Trobough:

It looks like roller coaster, tycoon and civilization or I don't think it looks anything like roller coaster tycoon just as a comparison you're building like the theme park and stuff that's kind of you're building these little towns. That's like a straight sim game. This doesn't look like a straight sim game. It's got sim elements.

Brandon Hurles:

You're building these little towns. It's a straight sim game. This doesn't look like a straight sim game. It's got sim elements with the city building. I don't know.

Mark Trobough:

It's interesting though it's similar to Roller Coaster Tycoon.

Brandon Hurles:

Look, don't crucify me for misgenering.

Mark Trobough:

You build a theme park compared to a medieval world.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm sorry for misgenering this game in 2024, mark, sorry about that, can't do anything right around here. We did get also which isn't in the notes, but I'm sure that you saw so they're doing an Xbox showcase next week. It's at Idea Xbox and they're partnering with IGN for this, which people were kind of shocked about on Twitter. So it's an actual IGN slash Xbox showcase. So this is going to premiere on the 29th. So for our audio listeners it will probably already have happened, but it's April 29th at 6 pm Eastern Standard Time.

Mark Trobough:

So yeah, apparently what they're expecting to tease, or there was teases about a possible Gears of War drop during the showcase from what I saw.

Brandon Hurles:

It would be massive if they did.

Mark Trobough:

To be fair, they haven't put out a good game since 3, so I wouldn't get too hyped.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I mean, the last one was okay. It wasn't a bad game, it just wasn't. It didn't capture me, like the first 3.

Mark Trobough:

It didn't feel like a Gears of War game, did you?

Brandon Hurles:

play the DLC. I thought the dlc was better than the base game. Like I, thought I mean it just it felt better, like it seemed. It was a lot funner to me.

Mark Trobough:

Well, the last game that I played I knew for a fact the dlc was better than the base game was. Uh, borderlands 3 with base game is just the story in the base game is just terrible, yeah if you don't get the ultimate edition, just don't bother playing it, that's my opinion, but I mean, I'd rather just play two personally, but I know I'm with you, I'm with you.

Brandon Hurles:

I almost picked up. I unfortunately I was not able to grab it. I almost got. It's still a 60 game on the switch, but I almost got it. It went down ten dollars but when I went to wal it was gone, missed out, but I got that Ultimate Edition for PS5. I'll be honest with you, though I'm a Borderlands 2 guy. We played a little bit of 3 together.

Mark Trobough:

It's fun playing with other people, but just turn off the dialogue audio and it's a really good game. I will never not crucify that game story. And then don't forget the new tales from the borderlands oh yeah terrible, god awful. Let's turn into a sitcom, like the worst decision you could have made so I have unlikable characters I did not.

Brandon Hurles:

I was trying to decide if I was going to pick that up or not and I did not. Instead, I just watched a video on everything that happened and I was like, okay, I'm glad I didn't pick this up, I didn't miss much. I got the whole story in about 10 minutes.

Mark Trobough:

I got it just to have the game, but I I was like I'm not playing this, it's just. I have it just for my collection at this point yeah, you are a pretty hardcore collector, so on some things. On some things, if I end up getting rid of some games, it'd be like one of the first ones to go, but at that point I was just going to the trash because it's kind of worthless to keep or try to sell.

Brandon Hurles:

It's pretty bad, but it's IGN slash ID at Xbox sorry, it's what they call it showcase ID at Xbox. It's another big show for them, following their developer direct. Uh, that was with, you know, showcasing heavily too, and all that indiana jones and all that um, it says that the idea xbox showcase is a great sign that we were getting ever closer to all the video game fun happening this summer. Uh, because ign live is kind of trying to take over that, fill that E3 space, if that makes sense. I mean, somebody's got to do it right. E3 was such a massive thing. We got the Summer Game Fest too, though, so it's like I don't think anything's ever going to really replicate what E3 was I don't think you can.

Mark Trobough:

First of all, everyone's gone to this digital there's no need to stream it because it's just cheaper for us.

Mark Trobough:

And if you're going to bring people in, it can't be something that's more industry focused. You have to bring in the average person and you have to bring something that they want. So it has to be events, has to be entertaining. Essentially it has to be an event kind of like a like a gaming or an anime convention type thing. It's what you essentially need. Those are doing fine, but I think really the era of E3 is just over. I think Nintendo kind of started it just like, hey, we're just going to prepackage a video, prerecord it and then just stream it, because it seems to be, we're still going to get the views, everyone's going to watch it, it's just easier for everybody. We don views everyone's gonna watch, and it's just easier for everybody and we don't have to have this big setup.

Mark Trobough:

Waste all this money and travel and go to these actual physical locations. Yeah, if there's any negative reception, well we can just ignore it. I think there's that as well, because when you go out and do a front of an audience, it's being live streamed. Well, if they always doesn't like it, they're gonna let you know. And now it makes you look bad, yeah, it's just streamed online. You can kind of ignore a lot of the criticism because it's not like right in your face yeah, yeah, I, I agree, I agree.

Brandon Hurles:

Um, I don't know, I don't know. Yeah, there's no, there's, there's nothing that can uh replace e3. It just there's no need like it sucks, because I, I love that. You know, we grew up kind of like it was like it was a massive thing for me and my brother, like I would skip school or whatever. Like we it was a big thing, like we watched. I would watch it all day on G4 TV. I was watching everything. I was so excited.

Brandon Hurles:

I remember in 2012, right after we graduated, I started doing the because I was working with Nintendo Enthusiast. Right after we graduated, I started doing the Because I was working with Nintendo Enthusiasts right after that, but the kind of predecessor to Game Junction was the VG Center. It was something I did way back then. So I would tweet out all the video game news. I would cover all these events and tweet out all the news. That account is still there. It's kind of interesting if you ever want to do kind of a deep dive on uh game junction and check that out. But I, I enjoy doing that stuff and, uh, you know, I've always, I've always liked talking about uh news and like kind of my thoughts on stuff and um, you know, things like that.

Brandon Hurles:

So, um, yeah, yeah, so, so that's happening.

Mark Trobough:

I don't know if you heard it's a little bit minor, but Bandai Namco finally announced their next Armored Core 6 model kit. That's coming out and I think we know for sure it's the 30mm Armored Core 6, the RAD CC2000 Orbiter Nightfall model kit. It's about $40, and it's supposed to come out roughly around September. Obviously, some of the sites, like if you go to the usgundamstorecom, they have it releasing sometime in third quarter. But when they had their Japanese livestream announcement for it, they pretty much said we're expecting it right around the September timeframe for it. So if you're into mechs or models or just armored core six, you know that's a. It's a pretty affordable uh model. It's not like it's 200 one which is pretty expensive yeah, that's, that's kind of neat, um, so it's about a hundred and about 135 millimeters tall.

Brandon Hurles:

I don't know how that relates to football fields tall, but I don't know, but I will say this I had to make the decision and I don't think I made the wrong decision, because Nintendo games really never dropping in price, but Armored Core 6, which is still a $70 game, like MSRP. You go to the store it's $70. It dropped down to $30 during that Walmart sale and I picked up one $30 game and it was that Kirby game and my decision-making was Nintendo games never drop in price. This was a Walmart decision, not a Nintendo decision.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, unless you buy it at an actual physical store, that drops the price. Nintendo is never going to drop their price.

Brandon Hurles:

Armored Core, I'll find at some point for $15, $20.

Mark Trobough:

I just wanted to clarify that. 135 millimeter it's about 5 1⁄2 inches, or just shy about 5 1⁄2 inches tall for the kit, but for $40, for something that's going to sit on a shelf it's not too bad. Yeah that's kind of neat.

Brandon Hurles:

Might look into it I mean, have you played armored core 6 yet? No, I haven't. It's supposedly very good I.

Mark Trobough:

There's just so many other games. I got a massive backlog. And then, you know, there's always games, new games coming out left and right, so it's kind of hard to to pick a game, because if I pick a game, I don't want to play it up and then drop it, like I'm gonna play this game until I'm done and then I'm going to move on to the next one. So my backlog will forever be massive.

Brandon Hurles:

I haven't even beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Like I'm not even close. I'm not even halfway through the game.

Mark Trobough:

I picked up that game. I'm just like I don't have the time right now. I haven't played anything.

Brandon Hurles:

I haven't played anything in weeks Nothing. The last thing I played was the Sandland demo and then that stupid Potato Sack game whatever it was called Potato Sack Simulator, some crap like that the really really weird game. Literally I've not touched anything.

Mark Trobough:

No, like a game like I'm trying to remember the game. When the next Mass Effect game comes out, I'll probably pick that up, probably around launch and play it. Hopefully it's not like andromeda, which I absolutely hate my passion.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, that's terrible, but we pretty much already kind of know from some of the the teaser trailers they've dropped that that lore is going to probably be canonized. As much as I hate that decision, some people like it not one of those people. I thought I thought the game should just be ignored and forgotten about for all time.

Brandon Hurles:

But we can't all have what we want yeah, yeah, unfortunately um is the movie tv news that you had in there. Is that all new?

Mark Trobough:

sorry with the notes, I was just adding something in oh yeah, no, okay, I mean it's mostly uh, I mean it's technically movie, tv related. Okay, just, that's mostly more anime related stuff.

Brandon Hurles:

Okay, no, it's no problem, I'll just make sure it was uh new so I didn't delete it.

Brandon Hurles:

Um, all right, so what have we got next as far as news? We'll, we'll hit the the news we got there. We're uh kind of we're kind of adding news on the fly, trying to we're trying to get ahead and do a little bit better, but uh, kind of adding some stuff in here. We're going to break it up and do a little show and tell and then also want to kind of, you know, touch on the anniversary of a few things. Uh, but I think we got. I guess we'll go ahead and talk about the.

Brandon Hurles:

Um, well, first I will say I've watched four episodes of fallout. What you think of it? Great, I know what I've watched has been really good. Like I was, I was shocked how good it was. There's a few weird things. There was a few things where like felt to. There was a couple of things when I watched, like in the second episode, where it felt like to video game-ish for a TV show, if that makes any sense at all. No, it does. But overall very good. I would say the first four episodes I watched solid, 8 out of 10. Maybe a 9 out of 10. It's really good. I just haven't had time to watch anymore, but I like it a lot.

Brandon Hurles:

So, alongside that, we've got the fallout 4 next gen updates, uh, the patch, and we got the actual patch notes and kind of everything that was added to it. And, by the way, to add into that is the I no longer have the tab up, but I think it said the fifth um most played game on steam. Right now I want to say it was I think the fifth, uh, but it's a tie so that, like their concurrent player count for that game went up massively. Um, because this update. And and the tv show, for sure, for sure, the tv show. Um, actually, what's funny?

Brandon Hurles:

I have a loose copy of fallout 4 that I was selling. That I have on my car and it sold about four or five days ago. That's not bad. That was the only copy of it I had too. I'm sure I'll pick it up If I find it for less than $5,. I'm not a big fan of the game. I've made that pretty apparent. I'm a New Vegas and 3 guy. I like 2 as well. Fallout 4 was massively disappointing to me, but I sold a loose copy for like $18, which is, I think.

Mark Trobough:

I think too high. I played Fallout 4 multiple times but, unlike Skyrim, I just can't bring myself to beat it. I kind of get bored with the game. Yeah, so we'll go over that.

Brandon Hurles:

Unlike New Vegas and Fallout 3, where it's just a more yeah, so we'll go over there.

Mark Trobough:

Unlike New Vegas, that's perfection, where it's just a more entertaining, more engaging story.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, apparently the highlight of the update are performance and quality mode options. When players select performance mode, they'll run the game at up to 60 frames per second with 4K resolution and dynamic scaling. On quality mode, the game runs at 30 frames a second at 4K without dynamic scaling. Okay, it looks like if you got Fallout 4 through the PlayStation Plus collection, you don't get this update, so you've got to actually own the game.

Brandon Hurles:

It says it's going to be available for ps plus and all ps plus extra and premium members, so if you're in the second or third tier, you'll be able to to play it. But, uh, yeah, we knew, we knew about this patch for a few years now, like they announced this in 2021 or 2022, I can't remember. But so I talked to a couple of people that had played, went back to it and played. Talk to people, yeah, uh, both of them said the. The update is pretty disappointing, like doesn't doesn't add much. Uh, the one guy said he, it was barely noticeable Any any difference with with the patch. Like he said it just did not.

Mark Trobough:

Something that people were up like there was, the patch caused more issues than it resolved. I think I saw somewhere that uh gog actually reverted pre to the patch and that therefore making the gog version as of right now like the best version to play because it doesn't have this buggy patch that bethesda just can't seem to get out of their own way. Are you serious?

Brandon Hurles:

I was. There's a whole, a whole patch notes here, so there's a new creation club content that's free for everyone. Uh, makeshift weapon pack, halloween workshop um, looks like there's too many to name off. But changes. New features, native ps5 and series x versions um, we already went over the resolution scaling. The dynamic scaling is cool, but I had somebody tell me he could barely tell the difference. The other person said it was just kind of a letdown, but there's about 17 bug fixes that they put in here that were fixed, apparently, like some camera stuff. Mini-maps apparently, uh, like some camera stuff. Uh, mini maps, like just some flickering. And vault 111 stability improvement. So I don't know, can you like confirm that you saw that, because this is saying it like stabilized a bunch of stuff. Uh, like it shows the xbox. It looks like xbox got the most. Um additions.

Mark Trobough:

Uh, pc got one. This, uh, one thing this article was this article from ijin that was posted the other day pretty much goes over the fact that it it's just it's a bug. It became a buggy mess after this next gen update. And then, you know, same thing. This was yesterday, like on the ps5 reddit, they were talking about it, yeah, and you know, ideally the first comment that I saw was like a at least new fallout fans from the show get like authentic fallout experience, but apparently, like this texture is not loading properly, uh, like characters aren't, aren't, are now being bugged out. You know just, generally it's just a became, it's just an issue playing the game again yeah, I saw you can roll back the update.

Mark Trobough:

It just makes it playable. But I don't know, I don't know how do you up release an update for an eight-year-old game? And it's just this buggy like, do you just not care at all? You're just like rolled out. Who cares?

Brandon Hurles:

enjoy it, while I just take a big dump on your chest my thought is that they just this was just a throwaway thing, because the new fallout's coming out soon.

Mark Trobough:

They're announcing attention back to the game. Yeah, that's what they did.

Brandon Hurles:

My hope is that it's a kind of update or not update, a sequel to New Vegas, but doubtful. I think they're just going to go for a Fallout 5. They already said they're going to keep Fallout 76 alive. It's got a pretty big following now, but it looks like so I actually. I love this youtube channel. They cover a lot of this stuff, but cover a lot of retro and modern stuff. But digital foundry, um highlighted, said it appears the game's quality mode, at least on xbox, is not functioning correctly. The resolution is not increased and the frame rate remains at 60 frames per second, neither of which is meant to be the case in quality mode. And he said that they'll report back for more and shout out to Digital Foundry because I think they're one of the best video game channels on YouTube.

Mark Trobough:

You know who I really want to shout out? Shout out to Bethesda for keeping up an age-long tradition of never releasing a working product.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, it looks like If they sold you a Nuka-Cola.

Mark Trobough:

It would be an empty, broken bottle and they'd be like enjoy.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, funny enough, did you see the Nuka-Cola Arizona teas that are sold out? They keep selling out. On Amazon you can get a case of Nuka-Cola Arizona teas and I tried to grab one. They keep selling out on amazon. You can get a case of nuka cola arizona teas and they I tried to grab one. They keep selling out. It's not in stock, right it's that. It's that artificial scarcity and it's like I don't care enough to it's freaking arizona tea that's gonna take.

Mark Trobough:

Tastes like crap. Yeah, it kind of tastes like crap kind of does.

Brandon Hurles:

I used to drink it a lot back in the day, but I just I don't like it anymore.

Mark Trobough:

And then you realize it's just packed full with way too much sugar.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I don't. I don't do sugar at all, even like soda, drink zero sugar. No thanks, because.

Mark Trobough:

I, we pull that up. It's actually kind of weird. I was trying to figure out like how many uh like the size for because I had somebody uh say this to me so it's like what, like a sugar cube has, like it's like what about three grams of sugar or something like that. That's not. Yeah, that sounds about right yeah, it's, it's right around there.

Brandon Hurles:

I was trying to it's got a lot of sh*t. Yeah, there's a lot of yeah, but you look at like a 12 ounce can of soda and there's like what?

Mark Trobough:

12 of those in there. You're like there's like so much sugar in a lot of our food. It's like you wouldn't, just eat a cube of sugar, Like that's disgusting. You're like oh my.

Brandon Hurles:

God, that's just not healthy. That's why diabetes is rampant here in the US, and it's not in. Japan or Europe or any other places that actually you know.

Mark Trobough:

First of all, we don't use this artificial sweetener that we use in all our sugar. High fructose corn syrup is a problem, but even then it's just like high sugary foods, it's just like in everything it's not good, I do have everything in my power to stay away from like pretty much any.

Brandon Hurles:

I legitimately don't. Uh, because I right now I'm like I've lost a lot of weight, almost 60 pounds now, um, and I've just been doing excessive, excessive protein, eating a lot of these bars, drinking a lot of protein shakes and doing like a meal a day.

Mark Trobough:

Uh, which is drink water. That's like I mean. I drink a lot of water too, but I do drink.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh well, this is normally it's mountain dew, but I mean, this is zero sugar. Uh, I don't, I don't touch regular pop anymore. Yeah, no.

Mark Trobough:

But I thought the best thing I said, or that somebody brought up to me, and especially with with soda, uh, was like, read about how much, how many grams of sugar is in this and then visualize. Visualize that with sugar cubes, that's how much sugar is. You can of sugar is in this and then visualize that with sugar cubes, that's how much sugar is.

Brandon Hurles:

You can see that's sugar.

Mark Trobough:

That's nothing else. It's like so much.

Brandon Hurles:

You can look up like, for instance, mcdonald's. I worked at McDonald's in high school. The amount of sugar that they put in their tea which is why people like it so much is absolutely insane. For one batch you put an entire bag of sugar in it and for one at the very least one batch.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, if I have to eat it, which I don't like to do, either I'm getting a water, or if I just something with a little bit of flavor. It's like give me an iced tea, like I don't want any sugar in it. I mean, it's already, you already burnt it, because I can taste it and it tastes disgusting when I got to eat, I just say give me uh water with a lemon.

Brandon Hurles:

That's, that's it. Lemon lemons are good for you, so that's my thing. I'm like I can't do that.

Mark Trobough:

I don't keep it at home and I got milk for cereal which is sugar heavy but I eat it like maybe once a day, if that I don't do milk for cooking and then orange juice.

Brandon Hurles:

It's pretty much all I keep I, I haven't drank milk in probably 10 years, don't do any milk anymore. I used to love chocolate milk, but I, I just don't. It doesn't. Dairy doesn't do well for me. I I eat cheese, but that's it. Like I don't, I don't, and anything else, people become lactose intolerant.

Mark Trobough:

They just stop. You stop if you stop drinking milk like a long period of time, or dairy. You're gonna, it's not gonna.

Brandon Hurles:

I know it's a huge change because I I used to have like a couple milkshakes a week, like I really liked milkshakes and like that was a hard, the milk was fine, I was like whatever, but like I loved milkshakes, like my daughter like I don't think I like you.

Mark Trobough:

You don't want to go heavy on dairy in general, but I mean I like to have it every once in a while.

Speaker 3:

It's kind of like yogurt well see, I don't even do yogurt it's not as healthy as you would, it's not like I'll have it periodically, but if you actually like, look at what some of this stuff the I've.

Brandon Hurles:

I've gotten the probiotics, that's it. The the probiotics out of some of the yogurt is good, but in general it's not good I'll just eat.

Mark Trobough:

I'll just eat the fruit instead, but, like I've gotten to a point now where, like a lot of my meals that I meal prep for the week, it's just it's rice and chicken, that is, rice and pork. Exactly what I'm doing. Incorporating a lot of that is what I'm doing the exact same thing.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I'm doing white rice, chicken breast, white rice um fish or white rice and, uh, pork chops, like you said, so like I do because they're pork chops, because they're really cheap, they're cheap. I don't even like pork chops, but they're cheaper than chicken breast. It's expensive right now.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, they are. That's why I don't bite all the time.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, so I can't do that every day, but yeah, that's what I'm doing White rice and beef.

Mark Trobough:

I try to get it as lean as possible.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I get the 90% lean or whatever I get the leanest one, now Whatever? The store offers yeah, do you ever do the turkey? Do you ever do the turkey meat Because it's the healthiest? I don't really. I grab it it probably is.

Mark Trobough:

It's my least favorite to cook, so I don't really get it a whole lot. I'm not a turkey at like what is it Thanksgiving? Or something like that, yeah, but they're like actually get it unless you're getting like a pre cooked or pre like. I'm getting like like a specific pre cut up portion of a turkey to just have like a whole on turkey and cook it. I think it's just a headache. I agree with you.

Brandon Hurles:

Also on the 22nd there was a Nintendo switch update, uh patch. Uh, apparently patch notes. It fixed an issue where some wireless access points cannot be found. Uh, and then general system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience, and that is the patch notes. So we're at uh version 18.0.1 so make sure you get your uh switch updated no, I'm just gonna.

Mark Trobough:

I like the. We're talking about fallout. Let's spend 10 minutes and just talk about food and then right back to some patch that's, that's all right, I couldn't.

Speaker 3:

That's what we do, man uh, let me laugh I don't know it's.

Brandon Hurles:

It is funny. Oh, you got a couple other minor news. We'll hit the minor news, get to get to the big stuff and we'll kind of break it up and, uh, maybe do a couple topics talk about the anniversaries. But, um, in other news we do have I thought this was it's. It's like kind of non-news, but it's interesting. So somebody, uh, after,000 plus hours grinding Maple Stories first level, our first level, 300 players slams the brakes at 299.9 to rant about the MMO and then quit all on a dev promoted stream.

Mark Trobough:

Oh, I dig it, I love it.

Brandon Hurles:

I love it. That's so punk rock. It's not even funny. There were like 20,000 viewers in the chat of the Twitch stream.

Mark Trobough:

You gotta know that Twitch chat was going nuts when that happened.

Brandon Hurles:

This is Nairu N-I-R-U on Twitch and then, if you want to check out their YouTube, it is N-I-R-U N-I-R-U on YouTube, youtube. So obviously they've got a massive following. But uh, yeah, it said, on april 25th a historic moment happened the first level 300 character in the 19 year history of maple story. Uh, instead they saw a very different yet still historic moment, as the fatigued player slammed the brakes at 299 to rip into the game's economy for an hour straight, all on stream, previously promoted by the developer Nexon itself. After 16 hours and 42 minutes and a lengthy grinding stream, nero kicked off an hour long rant, primarily about how different Maple story worlds operate and how the game's economy functions. As Twitter user sub noted, this is merely merely the, the latest and countless regular stream summary to 48 hours. I don't know how people do that. Man Adding up to 10 10 000 hours of pure level grinding by conservative estimates, um that's a game that that person plays all the time, constantly on their free.

Mark Trobough:

That's how you get that many hours. It takes years to get that many hours and do a game I used to.

Brandon Hurles:

I played it back in the day because it was free, but it says uh for a quick primer. Nexon says heroic worlds focus on character and self-sufficiency and uh growing stronger through adventuring, while interactive worlds combine growth through individual effort and access to the marketplace. So, uh, maple story tweeted, tweeted it out on their official twitter and said the world's first level 100, 300 and maple stories happening today. So they, they promoted this on their twitter, um, which had 906 likes who knows how many views um and then the guy went on an hour-long rant and didn't do it.

Mark Trobough:

You'll love to see it. You'll love to see it this game's been around forever.

Brandon Hurles:

Man, like I, I liked it back in the day it was just one of those fun game or it was free. You know what I mean.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, like I can't imagine it's gonna hurt that game. If anything, it's just gonna bring more, more attention to the game itself. But like have like the for the perfect time to. I don't know if it's like a mental breaker, just be like I'm done. Thanks for your money, peace out well, here's what he said.

Brandon Hurles:

So this is. Here's some, uh, direct words he said I am not advocating for anyone to get nerfed, changed for the worst, etc. That's not what this is about. I'm not trying to make it this server versus that server. That's not right. That's not what this is about. I'm trying to make it this server versus that server. That's not right. That's not what this is about. I'm trying to make it about this region versus region versus region. That's not what this is about.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm not some 260 hyper burn who struggles to kill monsters at Cernium after playing for one month I have the most play time probably in this game in general out of anybody. I know what I'm talking about here and there's all this misconception and all this weird stuff being thrown around over here that just don't make sense. So I'm not going to be here to tell you and show you just how bad it is and hopefully then people can finally understand. He says the complaints get pretty nitty-gritty. Neru's rips into the number of servers available and I don't know what any of this means. It says for heroic and interactive worlds, arguing that the latter offers too many, spreads players thinner and offers a vital player economy. He reckons these servers should be merged, goes on to argue that some untradeable upgrade items should be tradable. Uh, worries for individual economies that hinge on specific events and items, and, of course, gets into the game's cash shop. I mean, this sounds like politics.

Mark Trobough:

That's what this sounds like In game politics at that point.

Brandon Hurles:

And it. It goes on longer, but you can actually, you know, watch back on that stream. That was just, you know, as of this live was just a couple of days ago. It's hilarious that MapleStory tweeted it out. I actually go on their Twitter now. Curious if they took it down. Yeah, I was on my wood. No, it's still up. It says, yeah, I don't know. They tweeted it after that on the thread niru's at 99.9 with I eyes emoji.

Mark Trobough:

Little did they know they lost them oh yeah, little did they know.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh, this is one of those games. I just I have no idea what it's talking about, but I just thought it was kind of funny and interesting, so why not? Um, looks like we also got. What else do we got news wise here that we've gotten the small headlines uh, that, we've got uh there.

Mark Trobough:

There was some other news about uh embracer group going around okay so apparently the embracer group is planning to split into three separate companies. Oh God, this is after they already sold. I believe they sold the rights to the Borderlands series. Yeah, they had at one point tried to like recoup some of their losses.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, didn't. Yeah, it was Borderlands. There was something else, big too, that they?

Mark Trobough:

I can't remember, but Embracer is crap, they're crap. Yeah, so they announced back on Monday that they're planning to split into three companies Asmode Group, Coffee Stain, Coffee Stain and Friends, and Middle Earth Enterprises and Friends. I don't know where they're coming up with these names at, but Bracer Group is also formally known as THQ Nordic as well. Oh yeah, that was a big one.

Brandon Hurles:

That's a massive one's. Yeah, that's massive that. I think that's the one I was thinking of. So yeah that's uh that.

Mark Trobough:

That sounds like bad news to me, but yeah, I mean we're trying to probably try to avoid, like I don't know, bankruptcy or who knows, but I saw this attack and obviously they're just announcing it. We don't really know what's gonna happen, but isn't usually. When you see something like this, it's not good news for the studio yeah, it's uh, it's not good at all.

Brandon Hurles:

So, yeah, what else do we got here on the small news uh I don't know.

Mark Trobough:

Yes, I guess this would be pretty small. Uh, planetarian, the reverie of Little Planet and Snowglobe kinetic novel gets a Switch release with English on June 27th, okay, so yeah, it was announced on Friday and this wasn't yesterday, this was the Friday of last week that the kinetic novels essentially is getting a switch release on June 27th and it's also getting a English, uh text language, so it's still going to be Japanese audio, but it'll be, you know, readable, like. The game will still be playable, just with subtitles and stuff in English. Gotcha, something that I've never.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm new to the whole property, uh, but it's you property, uh, but it's you know, it's good to see stuff not only get you know adaptations, but to be get get translations in other languages as well. I, yeah, I think it's very important, very, very important. Um, there's, there's a lot. I mean, like, obviously, the biggest one that stands out is that we still haven't gotten like mother three translated here.

Brandon Hurles:

I it's never gonna happen anyways yeah, I've got a fake, like I've got a fake translated copy and I've got it on the EverDrive. I don't even touch the other copy. There are a couple fan translations.

Mark Trobough:

I just want to bring up, apparently, this novel, originally released in Japan on PC back in 2004 before it was ported to the PS2 and the PlayStation Portable. The story in the game is supposed to take place. The story in the game is supposed to take place 30 years after a world war puts a halt to essentially space development.

Brandon Hurles:

So didn't we talk about this game before I?

Mark Trobough:

cannot remember if we did, to be honest.

Brandon Hurles:

Okay, I thought we did that something about it, but that's good stuff.

Mark Trobough:

I can retouch on it. No for a fact, now that it's got a English release, not English language, but English text adaptation.

Brandon Hurles:

It's one and two right and a combo pack.

Mark Trobough:

Is it just one game?

Speaker 3:

Oh okay, I'm thinking of something else, sorry. Okay, I'm thinking of something else.

Brandon Hurles:

I guess maybe we can talk about it during the. We kind of already did. But do you have a? You got stellar blade by uh show off a couple, a couple things that we got here, the actual, we got the actual case.

Brandon Hurles:

So for the white doesn't blinded audio listeners, be sure to check out the youtube. Um, I guess I'll show off a couple things I picked up, uh. Before I do that, though, we did have one other thing in the small news, uh, and then we'll we'll go into some topics and then hit more news we got there was an official release date trailer for a game called Gordian Quest, which is a deck building RPG. It's coming out April 30th, so we're live on the 27th, so three days from this. If you're listening to audio, it's already out, but it's an early access game and it is. It says it's very RPG heavy. You guide the characters to unravel the curses laid upon the lands, with the game having an Ultima and D&D inspiration. It's on PS4, ps5, nintendo Switch and PC.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm usually not into the digital card games type of thing, but this looks so different than any other type of card game I've ever seen in my life. This actually looks like a strategy RPG with the cards mixed in Take Fire, emblem and you add in some deck building as your attack and defense and all the stuff that you do Normally. I would say this isn't my type of game, but it kind of looks cool. You've got the upgrade system like a traditional RPG. It says it has three different types of game modes. Yeah, it looks cool, it just kind of game modes. Um, yeah, it looks, looks cool. Just kind of came out of the the blue.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh, I I don't know anything about, I've never heard of it, so uh, again apparently it's been out for a while, but it looks like it's a big update, so or it might just be that it's a ps5 version. It's coming, but but on Switch as well, so I thought that was kind of interesting there. Have you heard of that game?

Mark Trobough:

What was the game title again, sorry, I was typing something real quick Gordian Quest. There's a trailer there in the news. No, I actually haven't. I mean, it might be the possibility that I check it out, but there's also probably a greater chance that I don't get around to actually playing it well if it comes up, I have a feeling.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean it's early access so you can, you can play it for free, so maybe we like can check it out or something. But, um, I guess, before show off stuff, also we you should off stellar blade that came out yesterday as of this recording, but also sandland came out, and also on the same day the knuckle series came out six episodes, um, so I'm hearing a lot of different stuff about this knuckle series. I'm hearing people say it's really, really good and I'm hearing people say it's awful. I've heard both I I don't think I've heard any in between. Um, I'm not sure what the deal is, because it looks really good to me and people that it seems like the people that I know that have said it's really good are Sonic fans.

Brandon Hurles:

And then there's been other people that said like there's an article out there. I saw a few of these. There's a bunch of people saying, oh well, the live action Sonic doesn't work without Jim Carrey in it. And if you Google, there's a bunch of articles that say that like from like comicbookcom. I would Screen screen rant says it.

Mark Trobough:

That really feels like something that the media is trying to push themselves. I absolutely think it could do. It would be fine without Jim Carrey. I think they used him to get it off the ground. But I mean to be fair.

Brandon Hurles:

They could just go away from every. It's Sonic.

Mark Trobough:

This could be fully in a whole animated movie at this point, or a 3D animated movie. Nothing to do with, you know real people and it would do just fine.

Brandon Hurles:

As long as it's a well-written story, it basically is. I mean so like Rotten Tomatoes. Critic score 65%, audience score is a 77. So like people are saying, it's like a 7 out of 10, I think that sounds not bad. To me.

Mark Trobough:

That sounds accurate 77% can be very good. It's not blowing your socks off, but it's enjoyable. It's just a sit down, shut your brain off, type of flick right before this came out, they announced Sonic movie.

Brandon Hurles:

So Sonic 3 and Knuckles the movie. So you get that right, you get the reference. Okay, so that's funny that they're literally taking the title of one of the games and it's the next movie. So this makes sense. I get now why they did a knuckles series. So they're doing sonic 3 and knuckles, which is a actual sonic game. Um, it's basically the expansion of sonic 3.

Brandon Hurles:

So I, I don't, I'm excited to watch it, so I I kind of sucks. I was hoping that I could at least get an episode in to talk about it. But I mean, we can at least say you know what people are kind of thinking and I've heard, like I said, really good things from some people and then I saw a few few people tweet out that was like awful, like they were saying it was completely boring and didn't. But I was told the very end of it is a huge setup for the next movie and that's why it's cause Sonic three and knuckles. We know shadows in the movie.

Brandon Hurles:

Um, so look, it sounds like they're heading towards this is going to leave the. The 2d Sonic era is my, is what I'm thinking and they're going to head into, like the Sonic adventure, like where shadow gets introduced. Um, yeah, so like head into. Like the sonic adventure, like where shadow gets introduced um, yeah, so like they're gonna wrap up the the original trilogy with this movie, but also like expand, like the 3d sonic games, with the story or maybe they probably should do yeah, which is what they should do or you know, they can do a whole new thing, I mean.

Brandon Hurles:

But I I love that that three is called sonic three and knuckles, so you can look up the logo. That's all they put out is a teaser logo and they dropped it right before Knuckles dropped. So I will definitely be watching this and my hope is that next week I can come back to you guys and let you kind of know my thoughts on it. But I did want to touch on this because I had two people from my work tell me about this show. This because I had two people from my work tell me about this show. It's the number one on Netflix right now and it's crazy.

Brandon Hurles:

It has a 97% critic score and an 83% audience score. It's called Baby Reindeer. So if you look at this, she said there's a little comedy in it, but it's very disturbing. So it's about a guy getting stalked by this big woman and that's that literally. The premise right here says dealing with a female stalker, a man is forced to face a dark, very trauma and she's like uh, I was talking to somebody at work and she's like I can't tell you anything. That happened, you just have to watch it.

Mark Trobough:

People are saying it's like a really stupid premise.

Brandon Hurles:

She had me watch the trailer and you just see this big lady is obsessed with this skinny, skinny guy and stocks him. That's all and that's all I got out of the trailer, like it doesn't give any story, and this whole story should be over in about 10 to 15 minutes. But this has a 97% critic score. That doesn't happen often. I mean it has a good audience score too. It has a good audience score as well. How many?

Mark Trobough:

people actually watched it. It sounds like a stupid premise.

Brandon Hurles:

I think the name is stupid, but maybe it makes sense in the show.

Mark Trobough:

Where does it take place? At?

Brandon Hurles:

It's on Netflix.

Mark Trobough:

No, no, like in the universe. Where is this happening at?

Brandon Hurles:

I have no idea. I don't know anything about it other than that I mean I can look up and type in baby reindeer, but I know it's number one on Netflix right now. Just assuming that this wasn't taking place in like Texas or something like that.

Mark Trobough:

Up and type in baby reindeer but I know it's number one on netflix right now. Just assuming that this wasn't taking place in like texas or something like that. I have a really abrupt and oh, there's.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh, this is apparently based on a true story. Uh, so I didn't know that, but apparently it's based on based on a true story it's based on a true story, which means it's very loosely to almost non-existent.

Mark Trobough:

It's like, oh, a story like this happened, but none of the details are actually anywhere close to being accurate.

Brandon Hurles:

What's funny is this actually came out on the 11th, but people are just now talking about it. For some reason, it took several weeks for it to kind of spread. Yeah that's exactly what it says Because, like I said, two people I work with told me about they both watch it and you have to watch this, you gotta watch it, like it is crazy. So I I'm probably going to give this a go at some point, um, but if you just look at images, you'll know what I'm talking about, like, I'm not like being mean or anything, but uh, what's the

Mark Trobough:

what's the show again.

Brandon Hurles:

Baby reindeer, it's kind of the the lady. You'll see. Yeah, you'll see if you look at the images. But uh, apparently is based on a true story. Uh, stalking on television tends to be very sexed up. It has a mystique. It's somebody in a dark alleyway, it's somebody who's really sexy, who's very normal, but then they go strange bit by bit so like, apparently it's like the opposite of that, uh, and you can watch the trailer like to, I guess, sort of get an idea, but it's only seven episodes long, so it's pretty short, um, not not long.

Brandon Hurles:

It looks so stupid it I, I thought the. Thing 100, I'm not gonna watch this the lady's name in the show is martha scott. He's like on facebook. It says it's from the makers of uh, from the makers of the end of the effing world, which I've never watched either yes, I've not heard of this one before.

Brandon Hurles:

It doesn't look like my kind of show, but I was told to watch it, so maybe I will. I don't know. I wanted to mention it though at least. And uh, it definitely doesn't look like my kind of show, but I was told to watch it, so maybe I will. I don't know.

Mark Trobough:

I wanted to mention it though at least. Yeah, it definitely doesn't look like my type of thing and I probably guarantee I wouldn't like it. You say that about everything. Though I'm a cynical person, what can I say?

Brandon Hurles:

Nothing's ever good for you.

Mark Trobough:

No, it's not. I've got very high standards how little time I have. I'm going to invest time into something. I want it to be worth my while.

Brandon Hurles:

I do want to watch the Shogun show, though it's a 99% critic score and a 91% audience score.

Mark Trobough:

I've heard a lot about it. I mean, it looks like a show, is it on FX?

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, it's on FX, it's on Hulu. Yeah, hulu, you can watch on fx as well. It's on both. I don't have either of them.

Mark Trobough:

You can use my hulu if you want uh, but I do need that and watch it uh oh, it says you can watch on disney plus as well.

Brandon Hurles:

Says hulu and disney plus.

Mark Trobough:

You made me throw up my mouth a little bit when you mentioned dis+. I know, that's the worst place possible that I could ever. Why would I ever give money to Disney?

Brandon Hurles:

It's set in Japan in the year 1600. It looks really good. This is one we talked about before.

Mark Trobough:

It's what, based on a book that's very loosely based on the historical time period. It's a fantasized kind of version of the time period yeah, well, because I know it's based on a book, but I can't remember that book has any basis in reality or it's just a as basis, but it's a historical piece it from my understanding is it takes historical accuracy with fantasy elements.

Brandon Hurles:

So like they kind of up it, like they, they hollywood it if you will.

Mark Trobough:

It's like uh, well, I mean, yeah, I get what you're saying, but it's essentially would be more classified as like uh, it's like a drama piece or like a yeah, yeah, it's a very serious thing. Like I guess it's a like historical fiction, I think, be the better word I don't know if it's the exact word I'm thinking about like non-fiction, it's it. Think, like I guess I think of the movie like gladiator I mean there's real people in that movie, but it's a whole fictional story but it's very authentic to the time period it's trying to tell.

Mark Trobough:

You know, for the most part obviously it gets a lot. It gets. It gets some stuff wrong.

Brandon Hurles:

But gladiator 2 I can't wait, so excited electric boogaloo um, yeah, so I guess guess we'll go ahead and mention some other stuff before we jump into a few topics we're going to start. Yeah, I'll show off a couple of things for our audio listeners. First, I did mention it last week and I have the other one over here. Oh, sorry, I dropped some stuff that I'll have to grab, but, um, I I did want to shout out in case you missed last week. So this is the mamba controller. This one I'm going to uh, open up for video, but I did already open one up so that I can show on here, and then I'm going to drop the the link in the description as well. Um, but this works for switch, pc and, and then I used it on my analog pocket dock so you can use an Android, ios.

Brandon Hurles:

But this might be the craziest controller I've ever used. It has Hall Effect joysticks and the big thing behind this controller is the screen, like an actual screen on the controller. It's really, really neat, neat. It comes with its own charging dock, so you know like you would buy separately for, like your xbox controller or whatever. It comes with the dock. Uh, it's about the same price. I want to say it's 69.99, um, and for what it is and the way that it feels. I mean it's very customizable. You can change the way that the triggers work if you want, like the soft triggers, or you want the triggers that it feels. I mean it's very customizable. You can change the way that the triggers work if you want the soft triggers or you want the triggers that stop, like the analog or digital triggers. Basically, completely modular. It comes apart and it's really really cool. I love it. So far I've used it probably about seven or eight times, checking it out, but, like I said, I use it with my analog pocket dock and I've used it probably about seven or eight times, checking it out. But, like I said, I use it with my analog pocket dock and then I did try it on the Switch and it's very cool.

Brandon Hurles:

These controllers, I'm excited to open up the other one and show it off. But yeah, the other one. They've got the two colors right now. This one's a solid black and the dock. You see the dock, there is black as well. So for our audio listeners it is called the mamba one and it has a full color screen interaction, so like you can kind of interact with that screen. Uh, change everything on the fly. It's got the hall effect joy six, a full collar led screen. Uh, four remappable back buttons and a linear hall effect trigger. So very, very unique controller, definitely different and for sure one of one of the coolest like new controllers that I've used in the screen is like very handy. It's really really cool, very cool how it works, so I'm excited about it. Um, I wanted to show that and today, so my buddy, lucas, gave me this a while ago. Um, and then also to show off the mamba one screen. You see it's a full led screen there it's pretty it's pretty.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, it's, it's cool and you got these. It's a little hard to show there, but you can change the rgb lights there on the side and turn them off and on and like this whole front cover comes off. Everything is modular. You can take everything apart and switch it out with other pieces and customize it the way that you want to and like the way gaming controllers are going, uh, I think that's where, uh, that's where we're going with handhelds.

Mark Trobough:

Next, it's just gonna be here's your controller for your game, and then you can just play it on your little screen on your controller, on the go type thing.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I mean.

Mark Trobough:

Gaming on the go.

Brandon Hurles:

Legitimately. No, I won't say I'm trying to do anything. Somebody could mod that controller to make it be able to do it's a full. It's a full LCD screen, like an actual screen, and it's big enough to be able to see what's going on.

Mark Trobough:

I mean, you already kind of do that with some of the controllers you plug on the phone. It wouldn't be that hard to just make a slightly larger controller and just put a screen on it and you can use it both on your console and on the go. Obviously, as far as the games themselves go, it's a little bit easier said than done, but yeah, no doubt.

Brandon Hurles:

I also wanted to because we've talked about the Nixie GameCube controllers and if you're listening to audio, we do have an affiliate link in the description. But this is also one of their other controllers for the Switch and it's called the Hyperion Pro and again, it works like Joy-Cons. You can switch these out, come to Joy-Cons and it does feel very comfortable. What I really like on it is an actual D-pad. They're bigger and they fit better in your hands than the Joy-Cons. I love the switch, but I hate the Joy-Cons and so these have got the back buttons there and everything. I mean joy cons and so these have got the back buttons there and everything. I mean it. It's a great controller as well. Uh, hall effect, hall effect, joysticks, like every controller should have. Um, like I said, great d-pad. So if you're a, if you're a fighting fan like I, I love it. Uh, I think it's great. I love the, the gamecube, uh, joy con slash, I think it's great. Yeah, it's really really cool. So I've loved it and, yeah, I definitely the stuff that Nixie's put out, like we.

Brandon Hurles:

We talked about the new actual GameCube controller that they're putting out and that's really cool, I think. I think the preorders are live for that. Now I'm not 100% sure, but I did want to. Before I show off these other things, I did want to shout out that they just announced this, actually I think two days ago. So I definitely don't play favorites or anything and what they do is entirely different than some of these other companies. But Retro Fighters I've covered all of their pretty much. I bought their very first controller that they put out. I bought their second controller and then they did send some out later. So I covered the Dreamcast controllers and then the wireless GameCube controllers, the PlayStation ones. But they just announced this new Pro Series controller and it's called the Battler GC Pro and it works on your GameCube Switch and PC and it looks amazing. The pre-orders go live on May 1st. They've got 1,000 units of the Clear Edition, so they're only making 1,000 limited edition Crystal and after that it would just be the standard purple. You know, basically like that Indigo on the GameCube.

Brandon Hurles:

But yeah, a couple of things about this controller is it features Hall Effect sensors. I don't know what this means, I need to look into it but it has Kai, k-a-i-h switches and GC style sticks a perfect pro package. It has analog and digital trigger input, which is amazing. I can't think of anything else right now. Really. That does that.

Brandon Hurles:

Um, and they show off the pro features for pro performance and it looks like so ergonomically designed gamecube wireless controller. Um, it's bluetooth and 2.4 gigahertz wireless, which is awesome. Improved accuracy, uh, full analog triggers with click in digital button. Uh, they have a custom built c stick and they said no generic sticks used here, so they built this themselves. Um, I don't know what those kai integrated switches are. Might have to look that up. Uh, but that's one of the big things about this controller. Uh, it's got added player one, player two or p1, p2, back, uh button, sorry. Rechargeable battery, led battery and status indicator. Uh, 10 plus hours of battery life and the usbc charging port. So this is their.

Brandon Hurles:

My assumption is they're going to move forward with this pro series of controllers and I love, I love retro fighters. I absolutely love any of the retro systems I use. I'm using a retro fighter controller always. Uh, if it's available for it, that's what I use. Um, so I I'm a big fan.

Brandon Hurles:

I did want to shout out that they just announced that but, like I said, pre-orders go live on May 1st. That limited edition Crystal is probably going to go out quick. So if you want to get it, definitely grab that. And then for our audio listeners, the other thing I want to show I did grab Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. I got this for $16. This is a $70 game. So for pro members at GameStop this dropped down to $20. If you're a pro member only, I don't know why, but it did. And then I had my $5 off coupon, so I got a short coming out that I filmed today. But if you look back here, that first, very first shelf right there, that is all Call of Duty games. So I'm going for the full set of Call of Duty. I think I'm missing now five games, technically four, but they remastered the first Modern Warfare, so I need that as well. That counts. I'm going for the full set.

Mark Trobough:

I appreciate that collection is running. What $27.99 right now?

Brandon Hurles:

Well, most of it I already had. I just made the decision. I'm like I've got nine of these games already. I picked up three when I went to Super Sensei Expo and I only paid for one. The others were trades. So what off the top of my head? What I'm missing is the PSP game, the Vita game, and I am also going for the variants for the Wii and DS. So I have one of those are actually at a double.

Brandon Hurles:

I accidentally picked up Call of Duty three on the Wii again, I already had it. I didn't know, but there was also, I think, world at War for the Wii and it was also on DS. I want to say that Black, the first Black Ops, came out on DS as well. I had to look it up. But I am getting those variants because they're completely different games and I actually did have them back in the day and played online. They're very, very fun. They get entirely overlooked. Nobody talks about them, but the Wii Call of Duty games are a ton of fun. So I'm missing those variants, like I said, and I literally had the Vita game a month ago and I sold it. I just decided to do this, like recently. So I'm kind of mad that I did that because it's not like a cheap game. But yeah, I'm missing the PSP Roads to Victory and there's a couple I have like the World at War, final Fronts on PS2. The spin off, yeah, probably some of the more. I'm sure you get there soon enough.

Mark Trobough:

There's a couple I have like the world at war, final fronts. On PS2, the spinoff, yeah, probably some of the more.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm sure you get there soon enough there's only a couple like I'm almost there, but anyway that was a big one, because that's new and it's a $70 game. I mean $16 for that.

Mark Trobough:

I do have to ask is this like your equivalent of Scott the Wasp being obsessed with Madden 08?

Brandon Hurles:

yeah, it's similar to that. It's kind of a stupid thing because I don't. I didn't like Vanguard. You know what I mean? I harp on Call of Duty never changing, so it's kind of a funny thing. But I also love the old games. I love them. World at War is my favorite, so I got Final Fronts and we used to have that Me them. World at war is my favorite, so I got final fronts and we used to have that. Me and my brother used to play on the ps2 all the time. A lot of people don't even know that exists, but it's like spin-off for the ps2. Um, and yeah, like I want to just show off the full I. There's nobody else I know that has a full set of call of duty games, so I just it's just for fun, it's cheap, is my new goal in life.

Brandon Hurles:

It's very cheap. The most expensive one, I think, is the Vita one that I sold and it's still only $30 or something. This was the most expensive because it's new, so $16. Even Modern Warfare 2 and Vanguard are still full price at the store. Those just went on sale with the walmart thing for 30. So this is the brand new one. I got it for 16 bucks, so I was ecstatic man. And then, uh, also audio listeners, so I picked up a LCD Pac-Man little arcade $3 for this, $3. I want to say it was originally $20 on Amazon. I wasn't going to open it, but the package is damaged and they don't have replacements. I'm just going to open it and set it up, but you actually can. It just got really quiet there randomly, sir. Yeah, no, no, it's, uh, it's, it's kind of like its own. It's. It's not the actual pac-man, it's its own game like I. I don't think this is a pac-man from anything. I think this, this is their version of pac-man for this, yeah, it's kind of interesting, it's $3, dude, I grabbed that.

Mark Trobough:

Why not?

Brandon Hurles:

During that sale. I don't think I showed off this one, I don't think, but the other one I know for sure I didn't, because I got it separately. But I had this AEW five bucks Series X, I've heard it's okay, I don't care that much, but it's $5. And I have no Series.

Mark Trobough:

X games.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I mean, people love AEW right now and it looks okay. I looked up gameplay it was $5. And then this was the one that, besides the Kirby game, I was most excited about Lords of the Fallen and it legitimately looks really fun. Just look up a trailer of it $10. Really really good deal.

Brandon Hurles:

There's actually a big update coming out for this game. They just announced it. I just saw news for it today, so I was like dang, I just grabbed that too. That's not bad at all, yeah, and I guess we will talk about this for a second.

Brandon Hurles:

I don't know your experience, but I do want to definitely talk about it. So this is the 33rd anniversary for the Sega game gear and I'm a pretty big fan I own, so I'll show off for. Sorry for the audio listeners, but this is my custom built game gear from game gears for you. It has a brand new made the board. Everything is new on it. The board is entirely redone and then I've got the ever drive in there now so I can play every single game, all the master system games, um. But it's the 30, 30 anniversary and, uh, I I got the game gear as a kid. Um, the the little story is, I broke my original game boy, which that thing is supposed to be indestructible. Right, I dropped it and broke it. I was pretty upset. I loved handhelds because, uh, our rule was one console for the house, so if I got a handheld it was mine. The.

Brandon Hurles:

Nintendo 64 wasn't mine, the NES wasn't. It was. You know what I mean, my dad.

Mark Trobough:

The handheld was.

Brandon Hurles:

The handheld was mine. So I had a Game Gear back in the day and the big drawback to it was it takes six AA batteries. It would last three to four hours if you're lucky, uh. But it has a really good selection of games and it's basically a. It's basically a portable master system, which is why I can put all the master system games on the game gear everdrive too, so like I play the console games. But that's basically what it is, and we talked last week, I think, about the um. I want to say we talked about the game gear sonic games last week, I want, I believe.

Mark Trobough:

But uh, yeah, I think we did a little bit yeah.

Brandon Hurles:

So like I've got those on here and like, uh, those were basically 8-bit versions of sonic, they were their own games and uh, it has. It has a really good library of games. There's a big cult following for the handheld. Like I said, it's basically a sega master system that's portable, like the games are basic, I mean pretty much interchangeable, which is why you can put game gear games on the master system everdrive, and vice versa, and uh, it's, it's pretty much the same thing. So it's really cool. There's a lot of really fun RPGs on the Game Gear, which is something that kind of stood apart from the original Game Boy.

Brandon Hurles:

We just actually hit the 35th anniversary four or five days ago. I did a big post about it. So the original Game boy turned 35 and um, these handhelds, just they meant a lot to me and the reason was like I said, it was mine. If I got a handheld, it was mine. So I have always grown up being like a big handheld fan, like that. That was my thing. And you know, pokemon captivated me. So like, hey, I was all about handhelds. I mean, you played, you played a lot of gba, I, I, we definitely played some game boy collar for pokemon, I want to say uh, I think you had crystal right and I, I know I never had crystal I had silver I no, I didn't have any gen 2 games growing up see, I started with 1.

Mark Trobough:

I had gen 1, gen 3 and gen 4, but I didn't have gen 2. Growing up I played gen 2, but I never actually had any so somebody had blue, I had red.

Brandon Hurles:

Was it you that had blue? I still have them.

Mark Trobough:

The batteries on her are all dead. But I have red, blue and yellow blue. I had red, some was it you that had blue? I have. Uh, I mean I still have them, I mean the, I think the the batteries on her all dead, but I have red, blue and yellow.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh, we got a swipe so I had all three of them growing up. Send them out to me, I'll I'll uh put new batteries in for you I mean, I mean, they're easy, it's just, you have a soldering gun. No, you gotta, you gotta have a soldering gun to do it oh my god, it's that expensive to go buy a soldering gun. You can get a cheap one, for 15 bucks.

Mark Trobough:

I also have them digitally on my 3DS's, so I don't really have a need. I can just play them on my 3DS.

Brandon Hurles:

That's probably the ideal way to play them anyways and put them on one of my old Game Boys the thing about the Sega Game Gear it's going to be really hard to show on the screen, but I got this sent out before the Analog Pocket came out and this was the best looking screen until the Analog Pocket came out that I've ever seen in my life. So if you want to play in the original Game Gear form factor, it's obviously not showing it off, but this screen I mean it's absolutely beautiful. They call an hd lcd screen, so it's like a proprietary screen that they use and like I've got sonic uh chaos on here now. But it's just I I love this handheld. So this was my replacement for the original game boy and then I got a game boy collar, so like I broke that and I probably had maybe 12 games for the game gear. I never had like a bunch of game gear games, but when I got one they were already cheap, like being marked down like five, ten bucks. So, um, I got obviously the game gear.

Brandon Hurles:

When I got it I was I must have been, I think I was younger than my daughter. I want to say I was like six, six, seven. Um, I started off with the Game Boy really early and that that was my first like me system and I played the original Game Boy so much. I am very nostalgic for that puke green screen like I just love it. Like when I play on the analog pocket and play original game boy games I gotta play with the, the green screen, like I gotta play it the, the way they came out.

Brandon Hurles:

But yeah, the original game boy did turn 35 a few days ago and this turned 33 and you know for the time, like the game gear, that the screen was horrid, but the, the graph, it was much more powerful than the Game Boy. Obviously, the Game Boy had, you know, you got to check out the posts I did on all the socials but I gave the whole backstory of them intentionally using a bad screen for the Game Boy and they talk about why Gunpei chose, chose to do that, which, unfortunately, he passed away um, but he also did the uh, the wonder swan he, which was a japanese only handheld um, so he also he made that later, which was a.

Brandon Hurles:

It's a beloved handheld by people like there are people actively still working on fan translations for games that only came out for that because it was a very rpg heavy, like it was a very rpg heavy um handheld. But yeah, I mean I just I love the game gear. I'm very nostalgic for it. Um, this is I pick up and play this all the time because I can play for like five, ten minutes you know what I mean and check out a game I've never played. But uh, yeah, this specific one, if you're wanting one like this, which is, like I said, it's completely redone. It has a it's called a Retro 6 PCB board.

Brandon Hurles:

So everything in this is redone and obviously the original did not have a stick. This has. This is basically a Nintendo Switch Pro controller stick and it's really neat. This is basically a Nintendo Switch Pro controller stick and it's really neat. I mean it's obviously a big. The D-pad for the original Game Gear is not good, it's pretty bad. So this is something that you can choose to swap out for. It just makes it feel really cool. I just love it. Have you ever played a Game Gear? I haven't Never played it growing up. Have you like ever emulated any of?

Mark Trobough:

the games or anything, can't really say that I have. Like, I'm not. I'm not the biggest retro gamer. Like most games that I go back and I play that are retro or games that I pretty much grew up playing. Anything else more or less, I just don't. I don't really care for them. To be honest, you don't care for retro games at all. I'm not a big retro game person. I like a lot of the newer games and stuff like that. Personally, I do like playing open world games and stuff and, to be fair, a lot of these games are difficult, even the games that I grew up playing they're difficult to go back and play.

Brandon Hurles:

Like in their bad way or like they're hard like and they haven't aged well like.

Mark Trobough:

The gameplay is really outdated see I gotta.

Brandon Hurles:

I have to absolutely say the the opposite. There are games that aged poorly, but my opinion is the games that age poorly were like the. So a lot of ps1 games aged very poorly, that first stage of 3d but the 2d games like I, there isn't many I can think of, that's hard to go back to and play like they're. They're just like games coming out now, the indie games that people want. You know, hollow night is essentially like like one of these old retro games and I mean like with a new take, but it's.

Mark Trobough:

It's not as I don't know, I don't know, it's just. I wasn't the biggest fan, like I like a lot of 64 game. Platformers are one thing.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean there's a lot. This is, you know, there's a lot of platformers on this and there were rpgs like fantasy stars on the system and um there are, there's that do require, like at a minimum like 80 hours to beat all that I mean mainly have you ever played the fantasy star games?

Mark Trobough:

you have there. They take a while but, I mean like there are like a lot of, like a lot of 64 games that I like, but a lot of them have just not like they have not aged well, like the control scheme is just terrible see, uh, yeah, that that first era of three.

Brandon Hurles:

I think the 64 holds up much better than ps1. Um, generally one of those games.

Mark Trobough:

If you went back and played them you would struggle, without significant amount of play time or without like a whole modern control control scheme yeah, um, just a shout out here, johnny, johnny Garibay said that he hates the Joy-Cons.

Brandon Hurles:

He said I'll see you guys later. I wish I could stay, so thanks for popping in. But yeah, I mean it just depends on the game, I think. But I agree that there are a lot of that era. That gen was the first generation of actual 3D games, so you have a lot of those Polygon 3D. It's very important.

Mark Trobough:

It was important for a step, but it just means those games are not going to be good long-term.

Brandon Hurles:

But for things like the Game Gear and Game Boy, there's definitely some games that don't hold up. But when I get back and play, I mean I would say, most hold up, especially 2D platformers and if you're into. Jrpgs. There's two Phantasy Star games on the Game Gear that obviously are exclusive to the Game Gear. There's Gaiden and then Adventure.

Mark Trobough:

But to be fair, there's a lot of platformers that are aren't good. There's a lot that aren't good as well, as there's a, you can only play a platformer so long before you kind of get bored of it. So all it is is just platformer this is fantasy star guidance.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh, so this is a fan translation of this game, but this is one I have not played. But yeah, I just went. You know, 33 years. I think it's very important handheld and also to shout out I don't have it physically here and sorry again for audio listeners, but Majora's Mask turned 24 today, so I think it's 24 years old. So that's crazy. And you have not played Majora's Mask, correct? No?

Mark Trobough:

I've not even beaten, not Majora's Mask, but the other one, Ocarina of Time.

Brandon Hurles:

So we talked about that. You're interested in getting into the other Zelda games, correct, didn't we talk about?

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, and I've got a handful of them, but like everything else, it's just I already have a massive backlog of games. It's like I'll play it eventually, but God knows when that's going to be.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, for those two games I've told you the only way to play those now is the 3D versions. They completely redid the games and they hold up very well, and I've gone back I have Ocarina of Time on the 3DS. That's the way to play I still don't like the game all that much.

Mark Trobough:

I think the gameplay has just aged poorly. I think it holds up just because a lot of people are just really nostalgic for that game. I love it. It's something new for the first time. But I think there's better Zelda games that just hold up better and tell a story better.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, I will say so, majora's mask is one of my least favorite zelda games. Um, I I still don't think it's bad, but the problem is you have a time limit for the game to beat the game or you lose. You get three days right and it'll tell you 24 hours remain. And I could not not beat it as a kid. I didn't beat it until it came out on 3DS and I tried probably 100 times, because when you got a game you got one game, so you played that game. You know what I mean.

Brandon Hurles:

You know, you know, like the back of your hand, yeah, I know the game well, so I didn't beat it until it came out on the 3DS, but I played it over and over and over and it is um. You know it's a very divisive game for people. I would say that zelda 2 and majora's max are the ones that people.

Mark Trobough:

I think zelda 2 is probably my of the games I played like my least favorite, but then again it's my least favorite right up there.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh god, I love zelda 1.

Mark Trobough:

I love the first zelda game it has no story and no director. You just it's just.

Brandon Hurles:

It is world, open world. It is Breath of the Wild. It's iconic.

Mark Trobough:

At least Breath of the Wild has a story and fun gameplay.

Brandon Hurles:

Does it have a big story? Because you get a story in Zelda.

Mark Trobough:

It has more of a story than Zelda 1, and that's not saying a lot. I'm not criticizing the game, it's just I would never go back and play it again. I think it's a game that was important for the time period but has aged really poorly. Well then, um, I I don't. That's a very controversial.

Brandon Hurles:

That's very controversial because I think it's uh, I think that is one of the nes games that hold up the best, alongside mario 3 and I all the marios I mean I, if there's any credit.

Mark Trobough:

The only game that's above those two would be then Skyward Sword. It's my third least favorite game, and that's wholly because of the forced motion controls.

Brandon Hurles:

So yeah, I mean you're pretty spot on. So I think that's kind of the order for people. For most people that are Zelda fans, as far as least favorite it goes Zelda 2, either Skyward Sword or Majora's Mask. One of them, whatever it can kind of rotate for most people, but I would say they're the doors mad, so I can't speak for it but I like this, I like, I love skyward sword gameplay like the first of all, the handholding.

Mark Trobough:

The tutorial is way too long, the gameplay is really handholding, like a lot of games, and then the motion control just absolutely ruins any potential enjoyment of that game. Don't, at that point you might as well just watch a video that tells you the story, or watch a let's play and that's it, because you don't want to torment yourself to to that, especially on the switch, where, with those joy cons which are even worse compared to the original wii controller, uh, yeah, so the switch version, I think, is horrible.

Brandon Hurles:

I think the Wii version is good, because gyro controls are just not as accurate as the Wii motion control.

Mark Trobough:

It wasn't designed to do with the motion control, but I think that's an issue of forcing only motion controls.

Brandon Hurles:

Because the game was designed around that for the Switch. So I love Zelda. Zelda and Mega man are my two favorite series. I didn't even beat Skyward Sword HD I hated it. The Wii version I love it. I hated the Switch version.

Mark Trobough:

I don't even like the Wii version because I hate forced motion controls in a game.

Brandon Hurles:

It was the Wii. I like it. I thought it worked well. I thought this the sword worked well.

Mark Trobough:

I thought I mean it worked well. I just don't like motion control.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah again it's a divisive game for people too. Uh, I would say, like for me and most people, those are like the, the three that are probably like the least. But, um, I did also just want to say with a few other games that it kind of came out today. Alongside that, we also got 32 years ago we got the first kirby game uh, came out in japan. We got final fantasy 3 on nes came out, uh, 34 years ago. Starfox 64 came out 27 years ago. I mean this whole list for this day is killer. Power. Stone 2 came out 24 years ago. Breath of Fire 4, amazing RPG 24 years ago. Bomberman Tournament nobody talks about this game. I had this as a kid. I loved it Came out 23 years ago.

Brandon Hurles:

We also got Mario Kart Wii came out 23 years ago. Um, we also got mario kart. We came out 16 years ago. Super street fighter 4 came out 14 years ago. The original near came out 14 years ago and, uh, it looks like also little, uh, not a little, uh. Dragon Ball Heroes, ultimate Mission X came out on 3DS seven years ago. So to this day and video game history is massive, I would there's a ton of huge games. Here I mean Final Fantasy three. That's a lot of people's favorite Amazing story. Uh I I personally recommend to play the DS remake. I think it's phenomenal. Um, but great story, just amazing RPG. You are a obviously a big bomber man fan. Did you ever play bomber man tournament?

Brandon Hurles:

no, I mean, there's a lot of bombing games I haven't played there was quite a few on the, the game we collar and see I had pocket bomber man on the original game boy.

Mark Trobough:

I think you played it when I brought it to your house. It was one of the bomber man mini game games uh land bomber, man land touch like that, that's like the really the only handheld bombing game that was that was the ds. So yeah, but then again, I think the bomber man peaked between 64 and gamecube well, as far as you know, gameplay as you know gameplay storytelling. We don't have a. Yeah, we're still getting new Bomberman games, but it's like old-school Bomberman Like I like. I prefer the 3D Bomberman.

Brandon Hurles:

I like classic.

Mark Trobough:

Bomberman, not the classic. You're playing a game within the multiplayer map that we kind of come to know.

Brandon Hurles:

I don't like that. They're not changing it much, but this game did change it. If you look up some of the gameplay, you'll know what I'm talking about but it's a fun one. Bomberman Tournament.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, but it's also an older game, though, compared to the newer ones.

Brandon Hurles:

But I will tell you I'm waiting for.

Mark Trobough:

Not the biggest fan.

Brandon Hurles:

R2 dropped down to $20. The other day on Amazon and I was debating, but the other day on Amazon and I was like debating but I want to pay like $10 for that game.

Mark Trobough:

I won it. I played the first one. I beat it, but I didn't like the gameplay. It's not what I want out of a Barman game. It's not what we had back in the late 90s, early 2000s for Barman, and I really think Barman peaked at the second attack on the 64 that I think that's you know how much that game is now that is two, three hundred dollars loose loose is a very expensive game.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh. Last thing that I wanted to show off for audio listeners uh, so my buddy Lucas gave me this a while ago. I finally got a battery for it, so finally got a battery for it. So I finally got a battery for the PSP 2000. So this was the slim model, the second one they made. I've got the PSP Go as well, which was the digital only PSP that I am modding, but my plan for this is to mod it as well. Psps obviously are notorious for the mods that you can do to them. People were modding them when it was new, so I just grabbed a battery for the PSP. So that was pretty much it. But that was my little pickups here recently and then shouting out obviously, those controllers. So definitely check those out. Mark, do you want to go ahead and move to topics while I put the stuff away real quick so I don't trip over it right here no, yeah, we can.

Mark Trobough:

Okay, so I like readjusted, I had to run a grab some real quick, uh, so I guess we'll do the miss the first one, just because brand's not here and I don't, off the top of my head, don't have some of those answers readily available. But, uh, movie that means the most. So essentially I don't know if this was intended to be like a favorite movie or a movie that has a really big meaning. This is far from like my favorite movie, but Owl's Moving Castle, uh, you know, I don't know if it means a lot to me, but it was one of the really, it was the real first anime movie that I ever watched. It was definitely the first Miyazaki movie that I ever watched, so it kind of has something there. And then shortly after it I also watched Spirited Away. You know, for those that don't know, blockbuster used to go rent movies at one point in time instead of streaming them online type thing. So you have it for like a week or so, then you gotta turn it back in. That's how I watched first those two movies first. Uh, as far as movies specifically, and you know, it kind of left a lasting impact and eventually led to my me liking anime as a whole, obviously grew up watching toonami on cartoon network, but that was before you even knew what those were. It's like that's all a cartoon. It's all the same thing to me back then. So to me specifically, it's be housed, would be castle, followed really closely by, uh, spirited away and wait for brandon to figure it up first.

Mark Trobough:

You know to also talk about some of the first games that we played. I don't know if brandon has a hard answer. The problem with this is I don't really remember the very first game that I actually played I don't know if any of you have like a hard memory of this remember the very first game that I actually played I don't know if any of you have a hard memory of this is the very first game that I remember playing. It was kind of like a toss-up between a handful of games, so it was the Super Mario All-Stars on the SNES. It's kind of a mixture between the SNES and the 64, because I pretty much grew up playing both of those.

Mark Trobough:

I think the 64 came out in what? 1996? So like late 90s probably, where some of my early memories come from, because I was born in 93, so you have to get to like mid to late. You really have to get to the late 90s before I can kind of have the memory. So I pretty much really grew up playing those two consoles, so the All-Stars, with the first three games in it, one lost worlds two and then three. Uh, there's yoshi's island, which probably like my all-time favorite game, and then kind of a mixture with some other games on the 64, which the only one that really massively comes to mind is obviously the bomberang games on 64 played both of those growing up and then another one that I definitely put a lot of hours into growing up, which was jet force gemini on the 64.

Mark Trobough:

A game I absolutely loved playing up and it's definitely one of those games that we kind of talked about earlier that the gameplay did not age the best. It's a third person shooter on a 64. So you don't obviously not getting that precision. You have the one Joy-Con requires a lot of locking on enemies or if you it kind of did the hey, we can go first person, but I think it's the one of the shorter buttons of the Z button would kind of hey, you're, you're invisible, but you're going first person, but you can kind of really only strafe left and right type thing with that. But that's kind of where I was at with that. Did you have a movie? I kind of already went over the second, third stuff that we had. That really meant a lot to you.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, so I guess first one three favorite bands. What did you say for?

Mark Trobough:

I skipped that. I didn't have anything immediately available for it, so I just went to the next one.

Brandon Hurles:

All right. Well, I'll let you think about that. I guess for me Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and it's so hard because I like a lot of genres, I listen to a lot of heavy stuff, so probably Behemoth, the other problem with me is my keys change over time.

Mark Trobough:

So what I liked five years ago, what I like now, what I'm going to like in 10 years, is going to be completely different.

Brandon Hurles:

I listen to a lot of black metal now, but grunge is, is kind of like my, I listened to it and could chill out, listen to it at any time. Um, specifically those two bands are are the ones that I just I got attached to uh, nirvana and Alice in Chains. We we hit on it last week, but just like very relatable and real lyrics. So to me, uh, lyrically, and um, just everything said, just true to life, and uh, and then, yeah, probably like behemoth might be my, my third favorite, which is a black metal band, um, it's it's hard to say a third like there's two in the grunge genre, but I listened to like a lot of heavy stuff, but I also listened to, you know, like 90s, late, but I also listened to, you know, like nineties, late eighties, hip hop, um, and you know, like there's a few like when I say new, not really new, like Mac Miller who passed away, um, I liked him, uh, so he's, he's definitely up there.

Brandon Hurles:

If I had like a top 10, he, he, towards the end before he passed, like some of the, if you just go look at his lyrics, it's very relatable, I, that. That's what the type of music I like, the stuff I can relate to or like hits me in some kind of you know. If it hits me like in some type of way, that's you know, I, I, I don't know man, I like I, that's you know, I don't know man. I like all genres. So saying that third is hard, but probably Behemoth, I would say specifically their first four albums, but I also really like Mayhem. So it's a little hard to say there's a few. I'm really into the heavy stuff but I also like classic country and like I like all kinds of genres. So like, if I had a top five, waylon jennings would be in there, probably mac miller, behemoth, nirvana and alice in chains could tie for number one. I love them both equally.

Mark Trobough:

Um, yeah, so I was going through and I was kind of thinking a little bit. I don't know if I can come down to like these like the top three, but but these are like three bands or artists that I definitely listen to. So one I have mentioned before it's Maury Calliope it's who is a Maury Calliope Calliope, however you want to say her last name. She technically is a hololive VTuber. I don't know what that is, but she also does a lot of like music and stuff like that, where it's kind of like a mix between she does a lot of genres but she does a lot of like rock, pop and rap, because she does a lot of her own music but she also does a lot of covers as well.

Mark Trobough:

I think one of her favorite songs is that I like of her is called end of a life I believe that's what it's called which I think is a really I life I believe that's what it's called uh, which I think is a really uh. I mean it's a personal song to her because it deals with a lot of stuff that she went through uh. You know, essentially essentially going from like a nobody in the music scene to kind of like making it type thing, uh, but I think it's a really. If you were to listen to that song, it definitely would. It would hit home. It hits home to like. Most people listen to it for very different reasons I'll definitely.

Brandon Hurles:

I'll listen to it. If you're recommending, I'll definitely listen to it. I, I, um, I mean even just today, uh, two songs, specifically, um nutshell, by alice in chains, probably the most heartbreaking song you listen to, especially if you listen to their unplugged version. Um, that was one of the one of the last shows I ever played together before you passed and, uh, it is a beautiful, I mean absolutely like a tear-jerking performance. Uh, you could see the pain in it in his face, and and uh, just that whole yeah, I, I nutshell and down the hole those.

Brandon Hurles:

Those are my two favorite or two of my favorite Alice in Chains songs and I really like most of the like. I smells like Teen Spirit, I think, when compared to Nirvana's catalog of three albums, technically four. They had like an EP that had a bunch of side stuff. It had a bunch of side stuff but I think that song is not even in their top three to me of of their songs. And obviously it's such a massive, massive song, it's a great song but, like you know, I've had, I've heard it a million times in my life. I think there's a lot of other songs that that hit deeper and are I mean, do you remember the song Polly? That was familiar the acoustic song. I'm sure I've heard it, yeah.

Brandon Hurles:

Well it's, it's about a uh I won't get into the details Cause if you look it up it's very disturbing but like a real life story of something that happened to a girl and, uh, like their their, he just kind of threw something in there and it doesn't make sense. That's like a thing People say a lot with some of his lyrics, but then you listen to other stuff and it's like this was foreshadowing a lot of things that happened because he was, he was struggling, like he like the lyrics for both of those bands they were telling you they were, they were telling the public their problems. And it's the same way with like I like you they were, they were telling the public their problems. And it's the same way with like um, I like I liked him as a teenager but lincoln park. The same way with chester like his lyrics, like, if you listen to his lyrics, he was begging for help he, and there are interviews with him where he he talked about how much he struggled with it, with his mental health and um, yeah, it's just very relatable to me.

Brandon Hurles:

You know what I mean like and I, I like that stuff, I uh, but then I like, I do like the other kind of like like super heavy stuff. I like death metal and black metal and um, but I listen to, like I listen to everything. Now, as I've gotten older, like I become so much more open with music that I just like music period. I just I love to find new music, even if it's old and from the late eighties, something I haven't heard. Like my buddy Lucas will send me stuff. We send each other songs basically every day and I I love to find like new stuff I haven't heard or but what, what do you got for a?

Mark Trobough:

top. I guess I gave you only one band. Another band that I've, strangely enough, have gotten into recently in the past week or so was, uh, I got really back into listening to a bunch of limp biscuit songs. For some reason, we kind of talked about it before the whole new metal stuff, yeah, and then I don't know why, but I really uh, I was trying to think of the name of the song. Was it break?

Brandon Hurles:

stuff. Yeah, I was about to say the lyrics.

Mark Trobough:

I just really like that song, so I've been listening to that one recently. But there's also another artist I listen to. He does rap. I'll listen to some of his songs but I'm not heavily like I used to be into rap. But I don't know if you remember listening to Richie Branson. I do, yeah, he would rap about some anime stuff, video games and stuff like that.

Brandon Hurles:

I saw him perform. Yeah, he was at a convention. I haven't listened to him in a while.

Mark Trobough:

But he's one of those artists I go back and I'm like, oh, I haven't listened to him in a while.

Brandon Hurles:

I'll throw out a song periodically. I like that.

Mark Trobough:

It's good to listen to, but he's not a. He's not an artist. I can if I, if I listen to too much, it's just I can't listen to him all the time. Yeah, that's if he comes up, it's like a nice throwback that's a whole um genre.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh, it's called, I think it's. I want to say it's called nintendo core or something. There's like a whole genre because he does a lot of that anime and video game stuff, um, but yeah, yeah, I remember him I don't know it's. I'll be honest with you, I haven't probably listened to that in like 10 years, years.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, it's been a long time. How much he's he, I don't know she's done in the recently. I know there was a period because I don't I think he uh was when was dealing with cancer for a while. So there's several years where he didn't really do a whole lot because he just had other stuff going on. As far as the music that I saw, um, but a lot of his stuff is still pretty good.

Brandon Hurles:

I always thought of you more as a Toby Mac kind of guy.

Mark Trobough:

I hate country music and I always have.

Brandon Hurles:

Toby Mac's not country. I swore Toby Mac was a country.

Mark Trobough:

No, that's Toby Keith. He passed away.

Brandon Hurles:

That was a Christian artist. You're the one one showed me Toby Mac because you like, oh wow, what.

Mark Trobough:

Talk about a person I haven't heard of in years. I know I know you're talking about now. I was thinking of something else. That's all the genre music I just don't listen to anymore yeah, there was another one about.

Brandon Hurles:

There was another one that you would listen to all the time. I made fun of you for doing it, but there's another one, christian band, they listen to all the time I made fun of you for doing it.

Mark Trobough:

But there's another one, Christian band. This was like over a decade ago at this point I know Lots changed.

Brandon Hurles:

There was another one that you liked a lot more and you loved them and I cannot remember. I have no idea. I think I know who you're talking about. It was a Christian rock band, just a very generic rock band. I listened to them growing up when I was I mean, um I there, you know I went to a few shows.

Mark Trobough:

Is it news boys? Yes, yes, yeah, yeah, I think that's that's a, that's a band. When I was, when I was yeah, still in school I listened to a lot.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean I saw reliant k and concert uh, which I still like a few of their songs. Um, and then what was the one that did the pop punk? Uh, hawk nelson, I saw him. Uh, thousand foot crutch, uh, I saw a bunch of christian rock bands and artists back. Do you remember family force five?

Mark Trobough:

it sounds familiar, yeah they were like uh, that's all, that's all genre music that's just kind of died out over like the last decade or so well, well, apparently people think you don't like Madonna.

Brandon Hurles:

So, unfortunately, why?

Mark Trobough:

Why would I like Madonna I?

Brandon Hurles:

don't know. You're not running any polls, sir. All right, so what else do we got on there? We got a movie that means the most to us. For me it's a movie. I've got two. The first one is stand by me, which is a adaptation um of a stephen king book called the body. I actually didn't know for years, because it doesn't feel like a stephen king story to me the movie um, but it's it's like a coming of age type story.

Brandon Hurles:

Um, the one guy that directs a bunch of the marvel stuff, now what was? If you look up the cast, uh, one of them is dead. I can't remember their names, I don't know why, uh, but he's a huge nerd and he, he does, he does a lot of um, like, more like he's done a lot of like nerdy movies. I cannot remember his name for some reason but it is a no idea it. It is a phenomenal, phenomenal film. Um oh will wheaton it played.

Brandon Hurles:

You know was a kid in it, uh river phoenix yeah will, wheaton um river phoenix, who passed away, and cory feldman as a kid, so like it. You had what I would say is like a star cast. That were kids and it just amazing movie man, I love it. And my second is one that a lot of people might say not, doesn't hold up, but I love it and it brings me to tears at the end. Every single time I drop a little tear, which is dragon heart I. That movie is a tearjerker. I so stand by me, but that movie is a tearjerker at the end and it has one of the best movie soundtracks ever.

Brandon Hurles:

Like it. I love it. The the theme song. If you look up theme song, oh my God, just a song alone like pulls out emotions for me. That's why I said when I connect with stuff, it also brings me back to my childhood. My dad liked it a lot. Same with Stand by Me. He's the one that showed me both of those movies. There were ones that he liked a lot. I've never looked at the ratings or whatever for Stand by Me, but it's got a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes Critics. It's an amazing movie though. I recommend everybody watch it. But yeah, it's a Stephen King adaptation. I didn't know for a long time that it was based on a Stephen King novel, I think it's a really well-known novel now, or the movie really is.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, I don't hear anybody talk about it. Have you heard of it?

Mark Trobough:

I've not watched it, but I know a lot of Stephen King stuff. I just don't like Stephen King's works. But it's a genre I don't care for it doesn't feel like.

Brandon Hurles:

Like I said, I had no idea. It doesn't feel like that. It does not at all feel like a Stephen King thing.

Mark Trobough:

The first Stephen King movie that I watched was the Langoliers, because, for whatever reason, my mom is obsessed with that movie. It's such a stupid movie, do you, do you remember?

Brandon Hurles:

do you remember? Uh uh, highlander, oh yeah, absolutely, there can be only one, do you remember?

Mark Trobough:

the highlander tv series I'm sure I've seen. I remember the movies, I don't know. I'm not as well with the tv series.

Brandon Hurles:

The series I thought was so much better. So I had a giant vhs box set of the whole thing. It was like this bit, it was like this big and uh, and I mean I'm talking, I was watching this and probably like 2018 on, vhs went through the whole thing. I went through the whole thing. I became I hadn't seen the tv series and I found that a good will and uh, yeah, I loved it. I loved it, uh, but yeah, I mean, uh, stand by. And Dragonheart. I absolutely recommend those. I also just did a post a few days ago, believe it or not, about Dragonheart, because at Walmart, they've got a five-pack DVD on sale there and do not watch anything beyond two. They are some of the worst movies I've ever seen and they're like newish, like that fifth one came out like 2020.

Mark Trobough:

It horrible what was the? Uh, what was movie series? Again, dragon heart, if you look it up you'll, you'll probably remember the cover hearing about it. I never watched it. Uh, have you ever watched a movie? Because I think there's like seven movies now at this point ridiculous seven or eight. But uh, it's the. Oh, I just had it on the top of my time.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm missing sean connery does the voice of the dragon.

Brandon Hurles:

So that's one of the um that is right yeah, yeah, it's, it's so good man, I love it. I think it holds up. I think it holds up. It's got the early cgi work but they, they did it right with with the dragon, in my opinion. And uh, that is one. Both of these movies. These are two that I would want to have physically again. I had them but, like I told you before, I sold my movie collection. But they have that five pack DVD at Walmart. But they've also got a four K Blu-ray that just came out for dragon heart that they completely like remastered and redid from the original film. So I'd like to to watch that. Apparently it's got a bunch of new, new special features that have never been on anything else, so I want to check that out like have you?

Mark Trobough:

have you seen the tremors movies? You remember those absolutely sci-fi. There's like eight of those there's like eight of those movies, right now there's one that just came out, a few years ago yeah, I know, I was like, oh my, I watched it. It was really bad it wasn see the first five. It was crazy.

Brandon Hurles:

I want to say I've seen every single one. Look, the first Tremors is really good, it's the iconic one. It's the iconic one.

Mark Trobough:

I think the first three.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, they're fine. They're sci-fi channel movies. That's what I relate them to, because that's how I watched every one, it's just a stupid.

Mark Trobough:

You know, saturday, saturday tv movies.

Brandon Hurles:

What they really became really dumb, like I'm fine with it. Things living under the ground coming up and trying to kill you yeah, it's I can't remember the actor's name, but it's the.

Mark Trobough:

The character's bert uh, who's the husband of reba or whatever his name is like.

Brandon Hurles:

That's the dude that that essentially he's in all these movies and has kept it like yeah same guy, same guy even though really old and and kevin bacon's in the first movie, so that was like the big deal right and um I it got so bad, like where I would say that that last one that came out was like a c movie, like it might have hit like the B movie level. It was straight to DVD, most people don't even know about it.

Mark Trobough:

The most recent one came out in 2020, called shoot trial.

Brandon Hurles:

See, that's what I told you. 2020. I watched it. It's so bad, so bad. I do not recommend it.

Mark Trobough:

I wonder what it has on Rotten Tomatoes. It's Michael Gross, that's.

Brandon Hurles:

That's the dude's name yeah, he's in all of them, it's uh, it's kind of crazy.

Mark Trobough:

Oh, it's got a 44 from critics and a 37 from the audience. Yeah, he deserves less than that. It's pretty bad man uh, it's on prime video and apple tv oh god, I mean just the cover.

Brandon Hurles:

Look at the cover of it, it looks horrible a lot of money.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, that is so bad. Oh god, it's such a horrible movie, uh. But yeah, I would say those, those two are the the biggest ones for me. I'm trying to think of a third um, I really don't know. On the third movie, I think, probably I probably godzilla Mothra would probably be my third favorite. I love that original during the Heisei era. It's a toss up between that, or Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla the first one, the very first one, one of those. I love Godzilla Between those two. I think they're both great. So what about?

Mark Trobough:

you the two movies that I brought up earlier were. They're both Miyazaki movies. It was the first anime movie slash Miyazaki movie, which was Howl's Moving Castle and then Spirited Away that I'd watch a week or two later.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh well, I mean, if we're talking like top five, kiki's Delivery Service is in there for sure.

Mark Trobough:

What I understand is like you brought up movies that mean the most so I was like those kind of have like neither of those are like my top all-time favorite movies, but they hold like a special place there somewhere. But Howl's Moving Castle, more than than spirited away just because it was first Miyazaki movie and I absolutely love that movie, I said due to this day, I think that how's moving castle, in my opinion, is better than spirited away.

Brandon Hurles:

They're both good, but I think Kiki's delivery services it easily my favorite of all of them. Uh, no doubt about it. I love that movie so much. Uh, what was it that's coming out that we talked about? There's some a cookbook. Right, it was a cookbook.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, I think so I need to get that. That was that's really there's supposed to be, I think starting in the summer or starting recently, or maybe be starting right now, but there's supposed to be. Like, certain theaters are going to be also be re-airing, uh, miyazaki.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh, okay, all right, that's kind of up in the air, based on what theater, and you know if you're able to catch it. Yeah, I want to. You're planning to do a video right.

Mark Trobough:

I mean, yeah, we'll see how everything works out, but that's the plan right now.

Brandon Hurles:

All right, cool. Well, that sounds good. So what other questions do we have topics-wise?

Mark Trobough:

I know we got more news. Was there a first game that you remember playing? I kind of went over this earlier while you were putting your stuff away, but I don't know if you had like a. To be fair, it's like a handful of games because I don't have a hard. This is the first memory of me playing an actual game. I just don't remember anything like that.

Brandon Hurles:

I don't remember which one was first, but it would have been one of these. It would have either been the original zelda, tetris on game boy or the original super mario brothers. It's one of those, mate. No, no, that's a lie, because I had the 2600, so we had we. We were like way behind until the 64 came out and I I didn't get that until, I think like two years before the GameCube came out, so it was towards the end of the lifespan, so it actually I think it was Pac-Man for Atari. That's really bad, it's notoriously bad. We had ET, which also is notoriously bad, and a couple other 2600 games like Defender, I want to say Lunar Lander, a couple games like that. So it would have been one of those, because that was that was technically my uh, my first system. But, um, yeah, the other ones were like shortly after we had the 2600.

Brandon Hurles:

Not, we didn't have it super long. We, we ended up getting an nes and my dad like for a long time just swapped out systems. He'd keep them for like a few months. So that's why I had like a couple of the weird ones growing up, but like we didn't have them for long. And, um, the turbo graphics, we talked about that, how um we got? We bought that because showtime video was selling it. They weren't renting it out anymore, um. So, like you know, that isn't a common system that most people have, but we also couldn't find games for it. So we had it for like six months and he sold it and got a different system, so I think PS one after that or something. Um, yeah, it's, it's one of those Atari games.

Mark Trobough:

Uh enough.

Brandon Hurles:

What, uh, what consoles do you love the most, and why? Oh, that's a little bit tougher.

Mark Trobough:

You don't like retro games game. So it's, it's nothing old, I mean, it's an older console. I mean I mean the gamecube is retro. At this point that whole era of consoles would technically be retro because it's like 20 years old.

Brandon Hurles:

But I did a gamecube post today. That's funny.

Mark Trobough:

Uh, yeah, I probably would be the gamecube. Just because that's what I'm the most nostalgic for, because that's definitely really what I played growing up, because it has uh, obviously it's a lesser favorite uh, barman and Jetters, I enjoyed playing it. It had Metroid Prime 1 and 2 on it. There's a handful of other games.

Brandon Hurles:

You need to do the mod for the GameCube because it is super easy. There's a new one that's even easier. That's coming out, called the Flippy Drive. Literally, it is so simple to do, if you look it up, and it costs you $20. You can get every single game on your GameCube. It goes into the bottom of the GameCube. I know what you're talking about.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, I've got every single GameCube game on there that I can play at any time. There's also a lot of really good.

Brandon Hurles:

Mario sports games that run on GameCube from the soccer and the baseball GameCube is a top-tier system for me. I soccer and the baseball. A game cube is a top tier system for me. I think it's between gamecube or ds for me, um, I, I'm I'm leaning towards ds because I just played there was. I played every genre on that system and it's such an x. The gamecube, you know, sold poorly and doesn't have a big library it has a lot of really good games.

Mark Trobough:

It's got a good library. They're also all like Nintendo games too. It's pretty much all first party games. That's the problem right.

Brandon Hurles:

PS2 has the biggest library, Even bigger than the Wii, believe it or not.

Mark Trobough:

The console's out for like what 15 years?

Brandon Hurles:

It had a ridiculously long life 2015 soccer game that came out for it.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, like third party games are coming out for it. It's crazy. I mean, that's what happens when your console's that easy to make games for it's still the biggest.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean, the Switch has a potential to beat it. It's getting closer every day, but yeah, it's still the number one sold console, which is crazy. So you got what is it that? Ds, switch and Wii, right, I think I DS Switch and Wii, right, I think. I think we said the DS Lite was like might have been the second most sold, or the Game Boy, I don't know, because the problem is the one we were looking at earlier.

Mark Trobough:

It had the DS as the second best selling at all time, but it's like all versions of the DS combined into one, from the OGs to the 3ds. It's all classified together.

Brandon Hurles:

When they combine the sales, the 3ds is not classified as the same. That's a complete different system uh, no, you're right.

Brandon Hurles:

So it's everything before the 3ds, ds, light and dsi would be the ones combined together, which it's the same system, so that makes sense. But the ds light dropped down to a hundred dollars, so they were. You know, they flew off the shelves. Every everybody had a ds. Um I, I just think it has a phenomenal library. It, just like any other system, has a ton of shovelware, but it's got a bit a lot of really good games here, because let me show you my favorite. I'll show you why are you talking.

Mark Trobough:

Oh well, no, I was going to bring some up to you. It kind of makes it a little bit hard there to bring it up. Hey, it's going up. Zap. I like the Howl game. I don't know, is that what the game's actually called, the Howl game?

Brandon Hurles:

Okay, so these are my probably my top BS games.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh, they are. How games okay, oh, I got it. Right now, I got four of the pet series. I've got pets, dog dogs, pack pets, fantasy, sunshine, magic pets dogs too and pets super hamsters this you get, the you get. It's a hamster simulator, and I I just love these games. And then, right here, this is pampered pets. You get to pamper your pets, but no, legitimately. One of my favorite games all the time, and I just joined a discord. There are people actively playing this online every day and I figured out how to get my ds. I gotta, I gotta do it, but I want to do it with you and I want to make a video of it, because this game means a lot to me. You love Metroid and I think it would be very interesting because there's like no videos of people playing it in 2024. I think that would be so cool. I mean, don't you think that would be pretty?

Brandon Hurles:

and it's like pretty simple, I'll send you the discord and it gives you full instructions on what to do, how to play it online now. But like you can do it, you can emulate it, you could do on your computer if you don't want to play on original hardware, but you play it on original hardware and if you have your original copy of it all your, all your data saved I. This isn't my original copy. I had thousands of hours in that game, thousands I have to I get a whole new game for it.

Mark Trobough:

I played, you don't have it I'm pretty sure I lost it a few years ago at this point.

Brandon Hurles:

I that game. I got so obsessed with that game that I bought the DS wireless headset and it was like a one-piece that you put.

Mark Trobough:

Oh yeah, I remember that.

Brandon Hurles:

I've got it in my other room. And then I bought the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector and that's how I played your Wii and your DS could connect to this little adapter that you could buy in the Nintendo store. So I've actually got both of those and, funny enough, the little headset that I got it's Wii branded and it's Wii Call of Duty branded. Not bad.

Mark Trobough:

No, but Zap, no, I didn't even know this was a game series. It definitely looks pretty dope, for sure. I'm not sure exactly Is it more like a puzzle-based game or not, but definitely a game to check out. Thanks for that information. Yeah, and I? Oh no, I'm waiting for Brandon to come back for what I wanted to bring up. Well, while we wait for that to happen oh no, you're back Only had to Talking, talking, talking. Hey, welcome back. No, but before you originally stepped away, what I did want to say was I thought it was funny that of the top 10 selling consoles, which is both console and handheld, only one of them isn't either Nintendo or Sony-owned, and it's the Xbox 360.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, I believe that. Yeah, I mean, everybody has 360. Which is down to like number eight or something like that.

Mark Trobough:

So yeah, it's just Nintendo and Sony just dominate the top of this list.

Brandon Hurles:

So Nintendo Switch is very close to hitting those Nintendo DS numbers.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, it's like just shy of $140 million.

Brandon Hurles:

I don't know why they combined the game boy and game boy color, because they're two separate systems and they take two separate carts.

Mark Trobough:

So that's a little weird to me but to be fair, the game boy color was felt like a midlife upgrade until you actually got to the. The game boy advance was like a true successor to the Game Boy. It definitely was more graphically intensive than the Game Boy. You were playing on a green screen, but it definitely felt more like one of those probably not the right word for it. You're saying like a PS4 Pro.

Brandon Hurles:

The problem is that it takes its own carts and it is categorized as its own system, so that makes no sense to me.

Mark Trobough:

Like you, can't play Game Boy Color games on the Game Boy. The DS, the DSi and then whatever DS came after those are all classified as the same thing.

Brandon Hurles:

Why not the Game Boy and the Game Boy Color? They don't take the same carts.

Mark Trobough:

When did the DS change its cartridges, where you can't go back?

Brandon Hurles:

never, not until the 3ds.

Mark Trobough:

3ds is a different system, but well then, dsi, I don't know, brandon it's, it's the same system that plays the ds cards. It's just I'm not the one that makes these lists, or I think you did what's sold.

Brandon Hurles:

I think you did um all right. So, uh, topics wise, we've also got, you said, favorite zoomer tiktok meme. I don't even know what that means. There is a joke.

Mark Trobough:

I'm not even on tiktok. I know one of the one of the weird memes that came out recently was it was like a uh. It's like a parody type meme, but it's a drizzle drizzle king. What is that? It's a. It has to deal with a uh. This is a. You're in your soft boy era. It's making girl of, it's making fun of uh girls that are doing the same thing. It's like it's a soft girl era. You're just gonna, you're gonna gonna wife me up or something like that. The more it's. I don't know how serious it is because I think tiktok is just uber cringe in chinese spyware. But when you go to american spyware with the american government spying on me not the chinese government spying on me, but I don't know, it's just, it's just a stupid thing they came out. But I think, yeah, you go just search uh softball area, drizzle drizzle king on the uh uh urban dictionary and it'll give you probably a better definition than I could. But it's something real stupid.

Brandon Hurles:

Okay, I'm looking up the meaning. So while I'm doing that, there's a verb and a noun that means to rain gently and steadily and find drops, or pour liquid slowly over something in a thin line or in small drops.

Mark Trobough:

I think you're taking the drizzle too literally.

Brandon Hurles:

I put in drizzle drizzle, meaning that's what think. You're taking the drizzle too literally. I put in drizzle drizzle, meaning that's what comes up on Google, the first thing.

Mark Trobough:

You gotta go to Urban Dictionary.

Brandon Hurles:

It says why do men say drizzle drizzle? The term was originally used primarily by women, but drizzle drizzle is being adopted by men. In response, men seem to be supporting one another as they discuss their soft boy era soft guy era. I have no idea what that means, so I'm trying to pull it up that sounds like an asmongold video or something see, I don't care he's in a video on it.

Brandon Hurles:

I I can't keep up with him I sent you one today, though I I don't know much about him, I guess the uh I don't know this is the right word.

Mark Trobough:

No, it's probably. That's probably the bad definition. I just want to. I want the urban. I don't know much about them. I don't know if this is the right word. No, that's probably the bad definition I want the Urban Dictionary definition, not some Google definition.

Brandon Hurles:

That dang Microsoft co-pilot came up and gave me a long list. It says the soft guy era is a slang term associated with men who proudly embrace a soft approach to dating and relationships. This is AI telling me this.

Mark Trobough:

Uh I mean, it's not too far off, but it's. It's a weird tiktok trend there's like 13 million posts already about it. Yeah, I don't.

Brandon Hurles:

I don't watch a lot of stuff. I can't, I can't handle it. It's so stupid. I'm on tiktok, we do, we do tiktoks and game junction. I like that, but I can't watch the stupid stuff anytime something like that comes up. That's like unrelated.

Mark Trobough:

I guess the the best idea is it just it's like men who it's the opposite, where it's like I'm gonna stop woman, I'm gonna stop working, I'm gonna find a woman who can provide and take care of me, type thing it's. It's supposed to be memeing on on something else, kind of like a Kind of like a lot of stuff that women see on TikTok or dating apps.

Brandon Hurles:

So like you basically.

Mark Trobough:

Not even close.

Brandon Hurles:

You in your soft guy era.

Mark Trobough:

I'm not a zoomer on TikTok, so I just somehow know these memes when they pop up. Hey, who comes up with the generational names?

Brandon Hurles:

Who comes up with these Zoomer? Why are they called Zoomers? Because it's Gen Z. Okay, I never.

Mark Trobough:

I don't know who comes up with that. Millennial, it's Millennial. I think it's Gen Z after Millennial. Before us, it was the Baby Boomer generation. What?

Brandon Hurles:

are we technically Are we?

Mark Trobough:

Millennials yeah, I think the Millennial generation somewhere from the 80s up until like 95, 96 or something like that.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I think it's like yeah, 89.

Mark Trobough:

Technically, you're like the back end of millennials, so you're like in between two different generations, so you're kind of in that void between two.

Brandon Hurles:

Gotcha, so Zoomer would be after like 2000, right.

Mark Trobough:

Like around 96, 97, I think, is when the Gen Z Interesting.

Brandon Hurles:

All right, so we also got. Why do you like podcasting?

Mark Trobough:

Why do you like podcasting, Brandon?

Brandon Hurles:

I feel like it's a very open form conversation long form, most like podcasts I listen to. Kind of very open, we can have open dialogue and discussion on whatever. I mean look what you know, we we're talking about. You know a lot of other stuff. I I like that long form conversation. I think that we are losing touch of people talking face to face. Um, I think that's becoming a thing that's happening less and less. Uh, I enjoy that. You know, if we can do it in person, I would, but we don't have that option, so I just enjoy that face-to-face, real-life discussion People actually talking.

Brandon Hurles:

Being men, we're talking about things that we like, or whatever Our opinions. That's it for me. What about you?

Mark Trobough:

I just like talking about games Talking about BS, so that's not related to it to work, you know that whole, the whole escapism from reality is always a nice thing yeah, and it's, it's a um, it's a like a good thing too.

Brandon Hurles:

You know what I mean. It's like, uh, it's. I look forward to it every week. I get very excited. Um, I, I love fridays, like I. I look forward to the podcast every single week. It's a highlight of my week. It's one of the few times I can sit down. I'm running the back end of the podcast, but at the same time, we can sit here and talk about stuff. There's so much news now that there's a lot for us to cover. I am all for giving your straight up opinions. People seem to like that too. We're just two regular dudes. That's it Pretty much. I enjoy doing that. When guests come on.

Brandon Hurles:

I like to talk with other people. I like to listen to podcasts. I listen to a lot of music ones. I've been trying to listen to podcasts and, like I listen to a lot of music ones, I've been trying to listen to more, more game ones. Uh, as well, um, but it's uh. That long form conversation is something that we were losing because of the tiktok era. That short form. You only have 60 seconds. You know what I mean. I like long form discussions.

Mark Trobough:

I like being able to really talk um, actually, you know, have a have a more than you know five minutes of discussion type thing yeah, I, I just like the long I, I just enjoy the long form discussion.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean that, that's, that's the biggest thing, um, it's, it's. Yeah, I mean I, it's just everything that you know. I kind of thought it would be uh crazy. You know, here with 82 episodes of a podcast and I've been doing it since 2022 and, um, you know, we didn't even the. The thing that I I really kind of liked is we didn't even know if it was going to like get up off the ground, like where it was gonna go like we just went into a blow up and uh, yeah, I mean it's cool.

Brandon Hurles:

I, I enjoy it. We talk about a little bit of all pop culture and I feel like it's a a good way to do that and people like it. I feel like people like that a lot more. We talk about a lot of anime, talk about a lot of movies. They're talking about music. Um, yeah, I just enjoy that. So that's, that's, that's it for me. So, uh, but we also got uh from you most expensive pokemon card also let's set a topic, but I guess I had a question.

Mark Trobough:

What do you think the most expensive pokemon card has ever sold for?

Brandon Hurles:

I. I can't remember the sold number, but I know that logan paul owns it and has it graded at 10 PSA or whatever. Charizard First edition. I think it's called Shadowless Charizard or something there's like shadowless cards, so it gets very in-depth.

Mark Trobough:

But I can't remember, but it was over a million right he like wore it around his neck in the WWE or one of his boxing matches or something yeah, so from what I, from the site that I pulled up for it and uh, I thought I don't know if it same thing with logan paul, but it was definitely brought up word around, uh, his neck during a wwwe wrestling event in 2022, but in 2021 it was a a Pikachu Illustrator card.

Brandon Hurles:

It's a Japanese card that child made.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, it sold for $5.275 million.

Brandon Hurles:

I remember seeing that. So it was like a kid made it in class or something like that. A contest, yeah, something like that.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, youtuber, logan Paul bought the PSA 10 Illustratorrating change for a PSA 9 version of the same card, said to be worth about $1.275 million.

Brandon Hurles:

That is absolutely insane. There's only like what? 10 of the cards or something right.

Mark Trobough:

I think for that one there was only one known PSA 10 of that card. Huh, for sure, but I don't know how many versions of the actual card there are. All right, so, yeah, I brought it out. It says it's no surprise it's so expensive, as it's one of the rarest cards out there. The Pikachu Illustrator was originally given to winners of a promo contest held in 97 and 98 by Japanese magazine Koro Koro Comic. 39 copies were officially awarded to the winners, while two copies were later rediscovered in 2020 by one of the card games co-creators, uh yuichi kono, bringing the total number of pikachu illustrator copies in existence 241. Wow, which is, yeah, it's a pretty rare card. I don't know how more rare you can get for a, for a pokemon card there that's yeah.

Brandon Hurles:

I do remember hearing about that, um, but the charizard is right behind it, right?

Mark Trobough:

I think Charizard, at least for officially sold it was number 3. Sold for $420,000 in March of 22. It was a 99 first edition Shadow Lois holographic Charizard number 4.

Brandon Hurles:

It's crazy that at one point in time have I told you the Pokemon card story. What happened to my Pokemon cards? I feel like you did.

Mark Trobough:

But you can bring it back up again, people haven't heard.

Brandon Hurles:

So I was still collecting Pokemon cards. This was, you know height of Pokemon cards. I think we were on this must have been right after the team, the first team rocket set. So I had all the way up to there where, like, dark Charizard came out and I had three, three first edition Charizards had the first edition Blastoise and Venusaur. I had so many of the top Pokemon cards for this I think it would have been the fourth or fifth set set release that I was still collecting. So had all those in a binder and I took them out. My mom did yard sales all the time. I took them out to take some out doubles that I had to sell. She sold my whole binder, my whole bind organized from one. I had the entire fossil set, the entire first base set and even doubles. She sold the entire binder for five dollars, that's. I walked down the street to go to another yard sale to look for pokemon cards I walked back leaving it out period.

Brandon Hurles:

I'd have been like I left it by the door I left it by the door, I didn't even put it on like the table and somebody asked about and she sold the whole thing $5. Whoever has that, I mean I got, oh man, I would have. Yeah, that would be retirement money like legitimately Retirement money.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, at the very least it gets you pretty close to it. It's a good few hundred thousand dollars probably, at the very least.

Brandon Hurles:

At the very least.

Mark Trobough:

yeah, that's a good you know a few hundred thousand dollars, probably at the very least. At the very least, yeah, but that was only beaten out by. The only other card that beat out as far as sale was a 98 Japanese promo silver second tournament number two trophy Pikachu that sold for $444,000 in September of last year.

Brandon Hurles:

Dang okay that's interesting.

Mark Trobough:

But it's also a PSA Mint 10 as well. That's why these are selling so high. But even then, if you just had like a Some of these cards, you just had the card. You probably still get a few thousand dollars for some of these cards, even ungraded.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I mean I. It's crazy how much some of these cards sell for. I don't have many. I've actually got like a small stack setting over there.

Mark Trobough:

I've got a few in my other room.

Brandon Hurles:

But like I don't have I don't have many Pokemon cards right now. I've bought and uh, so like GameStop you get that five dollars a month deal. So a few months I've got a Pokemon card pack and used it that way and so like I bought a few here and there, but like I have like maybe 25 cards or something right now and they're just like all um, I have this Pokemon. You can actually see it there in the video. There's a Pokemon 10 there that's still sealed and it has like six pack of Pokemon cards in it. My daughter got me that. I haven't opened up yet. I was going to use it for a short, but yeah, it's got like six packs in it.

Mark Trobough:

So I'm gonna open that up that's not bad.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh, yeah, I really. I just, I really don't have um pokemon cards anymore. Pokemon is the og gotcha. I mean, it really is like legitimately it's literally, it's the same.

Mark Trobough:

It's just because some of those old packs like if you had like a first edition sealed uh k like a pack, like a booster pack or something like that essentially you could, you could sell each pack for as much as like the most expensive card you could potentially get in and it's worth. It's kind of when I understood how that works yeah, I might not be in there, but that's what you're selling it for is the potential to get like a holographic charger type thing well, did you see? What you potentially sell it for.

Brandon Hurles:

Logan Paul bought a sealed box of Pokemon. It could be fake but like it was, you know, like actual news. Yeah, he bought a sealed box and opened it up and it was like GI Joe cards or something like. It was full of other cards and he paid like some crazy number for I forget what the original original box was called, but it was like the one that had Blastoise or Charizard on it.

Brandon Hurles:

I can't remember but yeah, yeah, I had the Charizard. Um, yeah, he got it was full of other cards, so whether that was like real or not I don't know, but like made headlines even and he's like you know $150,000 for this, you know opportunity to potentially get a Charizard, however much it was there.

Mark Trobough:

He's not missing that money, though not, he's in the WWE, man, it's, it's pop, more popular right now I was looking through, apparently, the newest card that I saw was a 2019 Japanese Sun Moon promo extra battle day full art lily card that sold for $108,000 back in 2023. Really, yeah. Apparently, this is one of those cards that apparently was won via a round of rock paper scissors at a Pokemon tournament. I don't know if something happened that it ended in a draw, but in the way of whoever ended up winning this card, before they sold it, they won it via, potentially, one of the ways they won it was via rock scissors, which was essentially like a game of luck uh, so I, I played the game as a kid and I used to go to columbus to go to the matches they did, the pokemon leagues, and I got three of the badges.

Brandon Hurles:

I, I earned three of the badges you get, like all the badges um so reason I had no idea to play the Pokemon card game.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh, dude, I loved it. I did Yu-Gi-Oh too, so I did some Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments, but I did the actual Pokemon-held tournaments to earn the badges. So I had the first three badges. I never got to do it again after that because it was in Columbus, but it was really. It was a. It was a cool experience. That was so cool just to get the other together with other kids that like Pokemon cards and like do an official thing to earn these real life badges. It was so cool. It was so cool.

Mark Trobough:

Um, that is dope, especially like the hype of the uh Pokemon mania.

Brandon Hurles:

It was. It was Pokemon mania. Dude it was. It was pokemon mania. I had pokemon curtains. I had pokemon bed sheets. I had pokemon on everything. Whatever the I forget what it's called, but like the wallpaper that goes around the top of your ceiling. You know I'm talking about. I had that. That was pokemon. Yeah, I don't even know people use those anymore. I don't even think so. I had this pokemon. You know how they had, like, the sports banners that are like a track. Yeah, pokemon wanted that.

Mark Trobough:

I don't think anything else will capture the magic that Pokemon did when it first came out. I don't think it can.

Brandon Hurles:

It's the number one series in the world. I just don't. I don't even Even at the height of people still loving Pokemon, and it's such a massive thing. That specific time period was just insane. Oh yeah, definitely. I mean the first pokemon card. I didn't even know what it was yet. Um, I found a leaf energy card in kindergarten on the ground, and that was my first pokemon card I ever got. I found it on the ground didn't even know what the.

Brandon Hurles:

I didn't even know what it was yet, didn't even I had no idea. It looked so cool to me, the back of it. I was like, hey, did you ever know that? They changed it now apparently. But did you ever know that it's like backwards on the cards? The the pokeball is like like if you look up the pokemon card it's like backwards or something.

Mark Trobough:

It's like not correct I've never paid that much attention to it.

Brandon Hurles:

To be fair, yeah, apparently they fixed it now, just like a year ago or something, but like the back, or like the pokemon pokeballs, like reversed yeah, so I'm looking at it here, so like they.

Mark Trobough:

I don't know how you reverse a pokemon card or a pokemon ball I, I, I.

Brandon Hurles:

It says pokemon. This is uh, fe is February of this year. Pokemon is finally fixing its most embarrassing or Pokemon is finally fixing its most embarrassing mistake after 25 years.

Mark Trobough:

Not how it does its most embarrassing mistake.

Brandon Hurles:

The corrected design is exclusive to the new digital app, so it's that one that we reported on a few months ago that Pokemon card game, but they're fixing the design of the Pokeball. I don't know. Apparently it's like upside down or something. It says Pokemon franchise finally being corrected. So yeah, I don't know. I think it's like upside down or something.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh yeah it's shown in there. So the I'm trying to look. I don't kind of confused what's wrong with it? Uh, oh, oh, all that's wrong with it is that the button is at the bottom of the Pokeball and it's supposed to be on the top. That's what they fix. It's like that button, the Pokeballs, oh it been on top and everything the games and the movies, yeah, and the show, but it's on the bottom of the original card. So like, yeah, I, I get it now.

Mark Trobough:

All right, it's so stupid like it shows that literally nobody knew about I don't know.

Brandon Hurles:

There's a tweet here. Somebody said they finally fixed it yeah, I, I had never noticed. I never noticed as a kid, but yeah it is, I mean it's, it's it's wrong, but that's, that's pretty funny. So uh, we also got. Uh, you said favorite youtuber um who's your favorite youtuber. I have a couple that I watch consistently.

Mark Trobough:

There are one that I do like and he does a lot of, a lot of gaming content. But but have you ever heard of KevDewitt? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've seen some of his stuff. I think he's a really good. He does a lot of good quality videos. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of YouTubers, but he's one that I would say like, yeah, no, I consistently go back and watch his stuff.

Brandon Hurles:

So I'm trying to think one that all of is definitely Spawnwave. I love his channel. I think it's great he's live on his podcast right now. So we're competing with 5,000, 6,000 other people watching him, but I really love his stuff. He's like one of those few YouTubers where there's never been a controversy or problem, just a regular dude. He's a dad, talks about video games, their, their podcasts, they. They talk all video game news as well, like that's what they do, um. So he's like he's like very similar, because every now and then he'll he'll have like a retro thing Like they. He either mods or does something too, but he does a news, um a news video every morning at 7am. It drops every single morning. It keeps me up to date. I watch that every single day. It's like 10-15 minutes long. Spawn Wave is an amazing channel. Seems like a great dude. I would say most of what I watch is not video game videos.

Mark Trobough:

I mostly watch like music stuff. Um so I.

Brandon Hurles:

Joe Rogan podcast. I, I love that. Um, there's a a pretty. That's crazy.

Mark Trobough:

Jamie, can you bring that up? Let's double check.

Brandon Hurles:

There's a new channel that it's a small channel that I started watching and I've I've actually listened to it the last couple of nights, cause he does music discussion, but it's called realms of metal. So shout out to him. He's a. He he's got a pretty cool channel. He very much does his content like us, like how we used to do like record and discord with the videos and have like a discussion. So that's how he does his stuff. Um, so just a cool, you know smaller youtuber. Um yeah, I'm trying to think like there's not many. I mean, like I like rgt 85 a lot, um, video on the video game side have you heard of youtuber called bruce do.

Mark Trobough:

Oh, there's really uh, it's not the most detailed, but he does like like animated short videos that he talks about stuff that happened in his life or when he was a kid and stuff like that, because we were talking about it and he did a specific video on a pokemon card that he stole.

Mark Trobough:

That's a uh that he stole holographic charizard, yeah, when he was a real kid because like it's just like laying on this dude's ground, like not being taken care of at all. He's like I just took that I take care of my pokemon cards and he he showed it like the the baby still has the actual card to this day. I think. He said he's got like three holographic chargers, but I thought it was funny where we were just talking about. But if you're interested, you watch Bruce do uh, he does a lot of videos cause he kind of grew up I think he's a little bit old, just a little bit older than us, but he talks about stuff growing up, that it. I remember something similar being a kid, riding bikes around the neighborhood and stuff like that.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, that's pretty cool.

Mark Trobough:

Here's this mean lady. There's a video where they're pretending like they're in the WWE as kids and stuff like that Outriders wrestling each other and stuff.

Brandon Hurles:

Do you ever watch Meat Canyon?

Mark Trobough:


Brandon Hurles:

Do you watch his other channel where he does stories and stuff? I think? I've only seen his actual meat, what's uh meat, papa, I think is a channel I think I've probably seen a video or two on it.

Brandon Hurles:

I like it better than than uh papa meat. I like it better than than uh the that animated stuff, because he does like I don't know, just like the most random stuff ever. Like you might have like a true crime video and then, like I'm looking here, one day ago he had playing children's horror games and then he's got the death of children's biggest icon, cho-cho siwa. Like just random stuff. He'll hit like the big controversial topics but then talk about like something that's completely random, makes no sense, and I mean he's got 2.14 million subscribers. Uh, so he's massive, um, and he wears a t-shirt for my friend's band that is local, he lives 30 minutes away and they're like that's crazy they're, they're massive, like they're big now and the metal scene like touring the world consistently, um, and he wears their shirt all the time.

Brandon Hurles:

It lives just in Westerville. It's so cool. But yeah, I like that. I don't watch every video, like there's the only thing I watch Cigarza podcast. So I do watch every one of those and that's a music podcast. I don't watch every Joe Rogan now, but a lot of them I do. I just find that long form. They go into tangents, like we do just whatever type of podcast, like it can be about a science thing. You have a political thing here. You can have a UFC fighter here, like everybody Cat Williams he had like a couple weeks ago, yeah, so I really really like the Joe Rogan podcast everybody, cat williams he had like a couple weeks ago, um, yeah, so I I really really liked the joe rogan podcast and I would say that, uh, the joe rogan podcast and the spawncast are probably the reasons that I wanted to do a podcast. Like they're two that I just absolutely loved. Um, spawncast, like I said, they cover all the video game news too and uh, I just I really really liked their stuff.

Brandon Hurles:

He's very like a very kind of wholesome guy. He doesn't even, you know, doesn't cuss or anything. He's not controversial, um, he's just just a dude man, that's it. Um. So I Garza podcasts as well. I usually listen to every one of those. Most of what I watch is music-related stuff. Yeah, I mean, there's a little bit of everything. You know what I mean.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, a little bit of everything for everybody.

Brandon Hurles:

We got you asked what is a favorite Mario Kart game and track. My favorite game is Mario Kart DS. Don't know I'm trying to even remember any track. I liked Rainbow Mario Kart DS. Don't know I'm trying to even remember any track. I liked Rainbow Road on DS. It was rough.

Mark Trobough:

I've got two specific tracks that I like, but the game is a little bit harder for me because I really like the OG.

Brandon Hurles:


Mark Trobough:

Mario Kart for the SNES, though it is brutally difficult because it does not have the best handling in the world Obviously it's the first game. But I have a best handling in the world. Obviously, it's the first game.

Speaker 3:

Have you played F-Zero? I have a lot of nostalgia for that.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, I have. I think that controls a lot better.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, it came out after so.

Mark Trobough:

You also don't have AI. That just gets the same ability over and over and then it can jump over and the whole rubber banding is terrible in that game, but it's nostalgia. As far as the tracks themselves, it's the original Rambo Road on the original SNES, because it's not the same in Mario.

Brandon Hurles:

Kart 8. They're all different. Usually, a lot of them are different. It's the same.

Mark Trobough:

Well, they brought 8 back. It's pretty much the same in 8, but the track's too wide. There's no difficulty. That was. The difficulty in the OG was was if you didn't take a turn perfectly, you're falling off and you weren't going to win that race. Yeah, and then it was also because I think probably my second favorite would be Mario Kart Wii. It's the. It's great. What's it? The Maple Tree track? Yeah, it's probably like my all-time favorite track.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, mario Kart I mean people still play that online too, like the whole DS thing with the Metroid Prime Hunters through the same thing to be able to play. People are actively. You can go on the discord and see who's online right now and people are with that pretendo are going back to Mario Kart 7 like every single time you get a full care for Mario Kart 7. I'm not gonna lie, I liked it, I just didn't care for it.

Mark Trobough:

I thought, DS and the Wii were just better.

Brandon Hurles:

DS is easily my favorite. I think Wii is second, but I also really love and if you like the original Mario Kart, I really like Super Circuit for the GBA.

Mark Trobough:

It's kind of like a fixed version of the original game to me. I didn't play it growing up, but I went back and played it. But I'm like I'd rather either play the original or play one of the newer ones. If you had to be me, that's just me. I'd rather either play the original or play one of the newer ones. If you had to be me, that's just me. It's a solid game, but there's other Mario Kart games I'd rather play. I'd rather play Double Dash.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, DS, the reason that I liked it so much is because of the extra modes it had, and I played it online constantly.

Mark Trobough:

It has the best battle mode.

Brandon Hurles:

Battle mode, the challenge mode. I loved all of those.

Mark Trobough:

The missions I hated the online. I hated the online with ds because of the snaking issue.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, the snaking completely ruined the online when it first, so I played it at launch. When it first came out, that was not an issue, but people weren't, because nobody knew about it yet.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, so what? Snaking became the meta you had to do that.

Brandon Hurles:

You just weren't gonna win I ended up figuring out how how to do it as well. But yeah, I hated it. I just it was cheating. But when it first came out, the online was so fun with that, I loved it and the battle modes were awesome. Man, like I loved it, I mean the-.

Mark Trobough:

It's a well-developed game. I like the time trials. It's the only Mario Kart game that I've actually played. The time trials on Dude I yeah. The whole ghost and the developer's ghost and stuff like that. I love that. That was really neat.

Brandon Hurles:

That was so cool.

Mark Trobough:


Brandon Hurles:

I mean, you could challenge the developer's race. It was so neat.

Mark Trobough:

I loved it, man. I could usually, pretty, pretty frequently beat them for the most part, but it keeps you on your toes.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I can. Whatever everything that was on it, I know I 100% completed that game and then just play it online all the time.

Mark Trobough:

And it's the only game that had pixel art that you could draw for your online. Yes, yeah, you could draw your. I miss that.

Brandon Hurles:

I miss it too, man.

Mark Trobough:

It was so much fun, Like at one point like I did the American flag with the blue in front of it from Foster's, like that was like one of the pixel art I've had for the longest Blue. Regard.

Mark Trobough:

Chukazoo, I'm force on mine and then like I definitely did some other inappropriate stuff on it at one point too, so it was fun. I didn't. I know I got rid of it, but I surprisingly enough that's not. That's not why or that's that wasn't something that I did was make any kind of like inappropriate art, but I know it existed yeah.

Brandon Hurles:

So another thing was, um, like you know, what was so cool about this is a little kind of off topic, but you know what's so cool about the wii u that like the, the switch just doesn't have that me verse and that whole basically having like a forum on your on your system, like on the home page.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, yeah, I can see that that was so cool.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean people could like leave messages and things, right. It was like a whole social media on your wii. U like you could go leave whatever you wanted. People were drawing like these crazy cool pictures.

Mark Trobough:

That just goes back to. Even on the original Wii, like all those channels they had and stuff like that.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, they had the news channel and the weather channel and the. Wii Shop, a web browser.

Brandon Hurles:

Web browser. I mean the DS. I have the DS browser too. Yeah, I mean there was something there's just something special about. I feel like there's something special about every system and the Nintendo Switch is obviously an amazing platform, but it feels like there's all that kind of cool, innovative stuff Like the Switch is obviously innovative. It's the only reason we have all these Steam decks and all these other things like that, but I feel like it's missing that community aspect.

Mark Trobough:

It's just not there. Metroid Prime yeah, you have to go on your phone to talk. Yeah, I think that's one of the biggest issues with the Switch is to do any With a handful of games that has voice chat, you have to use your phone. That's the worst. Who?

Brandon Hurles:

designed this. This is so stupid. I've used it one time, one time ever. It's just so dumb. I'm like let's just go in discord. Like I'm not.

Mark Trobough:

That has to be an issue they fix in, whatever the fact that discord isn't available on your switch or like all the streaming apps.

Brandon Hurles:

What the Wii U? What was cool about that is I could watch Netflix, hulu, all those on the gamepad, and I did it all the time.

Mark Trobough:

To be fair, I've got a PlayStation which already has all that stuff on there, so I don't need my Switch for that. For those that only get the one console, it's nice to have that on there.

Brandon Hurles:

The handheld aspect I could lay down and you know, watch on the gamepad itself um so that would above your face, and then we drop it on your face I'm pretty sure I did that many times, but even just playing the game. It was just like. I just feel like the community aspect that isn't there with the switch, the way that was like a metroid prime hunters had voice chat built into it, you know um hopefully they, you know, fix some of these issues in the coming or whenever whatever gets released.

Mark Trobough:

I know we talked to the switch to get switch to, but we have more new cold we have more news on that too here shortly to talk.

Brandon Hurles:

That's apparently a leak on the switch too. But uh, we got two more questions before we head into your anime corner. Um, what makes you decide to buy a new game?

Mark Trobough:

is it reviews? Is it part? Is it? No, I don't pay attention to reviews it's. Is it either part of a a franchise that games that I already like, or does it? Does it look good? It looks like a game I would enjoy. Really comes down to it.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I think for me. Obviously I'm a massive Nintendo fan, so like it's really hard for me to answer that because I really don't know, I think it's just. I mean, if it sounds interesting to me, then you know it looks fun.

Mark Trobough:

I love the story.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh, you know, I have all the current consoles. I love all the current consoles, I love all the platforms, but I feel like Nintendo still just captures me that they don't put out a game that isn't done. You know what I mean. There is a couple of the Mario sports games where it's lacking with content. There was the Mario Tennis game for Switch. Didn't have anything, the Mario Soccer, but they don't come with buggy problems up. You know the mario tennis game for for switch. Like didn't have anything, the mario soccer, but like they don't come with buggy problems, and they come complete like the the new um prince of speech showtime. Everything's already on the cart. There isn't even an update for it. You just throw the card in and play like there's and it's, and there's no problems with it.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean like yes, there is a, there is switch games, that updates come, which is fine.

Brandon Hurles:

But I'm saying like that game's like completed and there's no problems with it, you're not having a glitchy mess. It's not a Bethesda type. So that's my thing with that is it's like a lot of Nintendo stuff I tend to lean, especially if it's Zelda or if it's Metroid or something like. Especially if it's Zelda or if it's Metroid or something like, I'm grabbing it right away. Metroid Dread Special Edition immediately got that Fire Emblem.

Brandon Hurles:

I've become a big Fire Emblem fan. I've bought everything, except I have all the special editions I've came out since the 3DS, except the newest one. I don't have that one and I haven't played it yet. But a lot of Nintendointendo stuff, like I, I do choose to grab it first. There are some that I'm waiting on, like pikmin 4 waiting on a sale.

Brandon Hurles:

I like it, fun series, but I I don't want to pay 60 for it. Um, yeah, but I think it just comes down to interest. Man, like we talk about this news and as these games develop up to the release date, like I kind of decide whether it's a game I want to get. And like sand land like kind of came out of nowhere and like I know that I'm grabbing that and I know that I'm grabbing stellar blade. They just interest me, um, yeah, and. But there's also things like we talk crap about hell divers too, and how bad it was going to be, and we didn't care about it at all. It's doing very well and now we're interested in it. It is usually with us covering the news, whether it kind of captures me and it's my type of game. But there are series where if it's a new Ys game, I grab that.

Brandon Hurles:

If it's a new Dragon Quest, things like that, that I always grab fantasy star, whatever you know, so, uh, and then, uh, our last topic before we head into your anime corner is who's your favorite comedian?

Mark Trobough:

oh, that's, that's a hard one, probably dave chapelle, though that's actually this is pretty easy that was mine too.

Brandon Hurles:

Dave Chappelle, you know he lives in Ohio yeah, and Dave Yellow Springs, yeah, yeah.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, he, just he talks about it instead of his specials.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, that's so cool. Uh, why he chose Ohio. I mean it's beyond me, but apparently he's got a nice spot, so, uh, he doesn't hold back, that's what I love he doesn't care, do comedy, right yeah what he put out, those like double specials. Do you remember that?

Mark Trobough:

like 2020 or 2021 and he's like smoking the whole time and I'm like how's?

Brandon Hurles:

this guy up there, even alive right now he's like the whole time he's.

Brandon Hurles:

I think it's technically a vape, but yeah no, it's not, not like a nicotine vape, that was yeah, that was like a real one, like he's and and joe rogan's talking about. He's like I would not be able to function. He's doing the whole special, like an hour and a half special, and he's doing the whole time. I'm like holy crap. But uh, like no, dave, like the dave chappelle show, um was so funny, hilarious. Some of the skits I still go back to and watch on youtube all the time, like the um, the uh, the one where he does like I had the crack guy, it's like hilarious you know, is that from the chapelle show yeah, the chapelle show oh yeah um, and then he does uh um.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh god, when he did um, who? Was it. That was really funny that he dressed up. As I'm trying to remember, I can't remember, but yeah he's hilarious. That's easily my favorite. All right, so we're going to hop into Marky Mark's anime corner with a K, and what do we? Got this week, you did it.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, I think you're cringe. You should go back and double check that week. You did it. Yeah, I think you're. I think you're cringe. You should go back and double check that.

Brandon Hurles:

I didn't, I didn't type it. So I feel they all say no, but for for this week.

Mark Trobough:

And there's a really weird similarity from this one in high school that I talked about last week. But have you ever heard of an anime called causing no stigma?

Brandon Hurles:

I have I remember when it came out.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, so it's one of those shows that I actually really enjoyed. But a quick kind of plot summary of the show the main character, Kazuma Yagami, if I can say his name right. He uses what they call Fujutsu, which is essentially a wind magic yeah, pretty much the ability to control the wind. He returns to his old home, the noble Carnegie household, after being banished for not being able to use the fire magic or whatever they actually properly call it. He lost to his younger cousin in a match. This is before. He kind of comes back and he's now fully mastered this wind magic that he has. But after returning from his what they call his exile, there's an issue. Not only does he have, you know, already have a grudge against the family, but apparently there was somebody in within the family that was murdered with allegedly using wind magic, which they kind of look at him as like the first culprit. And this leads into the Carnegie family, including the hot headed, because she's a redhead, so of course she's gonna be hot headed. Ayano to suspect him is the culprit and she definitely immediately when she first meets him, just attacks him like head on, without even no questions. But initially, you know, he has to clear his name. So he works with a family that he has an issue with in order to identify the, the killer. That's like the whole intro, introductory premise to this show, and then it's mainly uh, Kazuma and Ayano essentially teaming up to, you know, hunt down the, this culprit, and then, you know, the story just kind of kind of evolves from there. But I thought it was a really good show.

Mark Trobough:

It was originally a light novel. There's 12 volumes of it that ran from January of 2002 to March of 2010. There's a spinoff manga that there were two volumes of that came out between 2007 and 2008. And then the anime itself. It's a 24-episode anime, came out from Aprilil to september of 2007. So at the time when it came out it was pretty much fairly close to covering most of the light novel and there's not that much of the light novel that actually continues after the anime ends. But unfortunately, kind of like what I talked about with high school the dead last week, the author, uh takahiro yato I can't speak today, I can't speak names he passed away in July of 2009, essentially leaving the light novel to be incomplete. Obviously, there was a one last volume released after he passed away, but it was kind of already kind of complete and planned to be released type thing, and it was a really good show that I definitely enjoyed.

Brandon Hurles:

That was, I don't remember when it came somewhere around the time of when we were like into animated together, Cause I remember.

Mark Trobough:

I think I watched it probably somewhere around 2012, 2013.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, that was it. That was around the time, yeah, and then there was it was also.

Mark Trobough:

It's also the era Funimation's gone now, but when they were doing the whole save save thing so you get like a whole series for like 20 bucks or less.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, it was one of those shows that I picked up. Didn't know anything about it. Either I was watching on streaming it was still new or I was just going through the store, uh, and I'm like, oh, this looks interesting, it's really cheap, so I buy it and I go home and watch it, and then you figure out whether you actually like it or not, type thing we got uh cats from nelson in the chat asking uh where can I sell pokemon cards, ebay or macari or something?

Mark Trobough:

I think there's like I'm probably gonna say like ebay or something like that yeah, yeah, for sure.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh, did you know there was a tabletop rpg for causing a new stigma? I? Had no idea yeah, there's a whole. Uh, it's a dice based. Uh, it came out in 2007. Uh, from far east amusem*nt research company limited. The game is a standard rpg system that is the same rule set as al shard and tenra war, whatever that means. So sometimes I'll make a game out of anything yeah, not, not a video game, like a tabletop game. So that's kind of interesting.

Mark Trobough:

But it's one of those things where the name definitely plays right into the show itself, because the name is Kaze no Stigma. So it's Stigma the Wind, because Kaze is essentially wind in Japanese. And if you don't already know what a stigma is, it's essentially what the Oxford Dictionary classifies it as a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circ*mstance, quality or person. So they see his wind magic as a disgrace on the family who is a family of. We're all fire users of this old, ancient, powerful family. So because you can't use fire and wind, it seems kind of like a bad thing and the name perfectly matches up with what goes on with the show and stuff like that.

Mark Trobough:

But the show is technically classified as like an action fantasy romance because, well, it's not heavy. There are, you know, a handful of romance elements within the show. Yeah, it was also made by Studio Gonzo, which just always seems to turn out a lot of good stuff. Studio Gonzo, which just always seems to churn out a lot of good stuff. If you're interested in what a lot of the ratings are, it's kind of that 7 out of 10 rating. So on the MyAnime list it's got an accumulated rating of 7.16. Imdb gives it a 7.2. And then on Crunchyroll it's got a 4.5 out of 5. But technically, whether you find a physical copy, you can also stream it currently on Hulu or Crunchyroll, as far as the US goes. Am I wrong in that?

Brandon Hurles:

Crunchyroll is shutting down Right.

Mark Trobough:

Automation shut down. Crunchyroll bought them out. Crunchyroll is owned by Sony.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Mark Trobough:

Which was a whole issue.

Brandon Hurles:

It still kind of is. Yeah, I remember us talking about it. That's yep, that's crazy. Like eight hours ago, the fallout arizona energy drink was in stock in amazon. I'm gonna see if it's in stock, but keep an eye out for that, guys.

Mark Trobough:

If you care, it's a 36 for a case, though yeah, no, that's crazy, uh, but no, I think I would give it probably about a 7.5 out of 10. It's doesn't do anything new or unique, but it's a solidly well-written show, doesn't? It's not super fast, yeah it's, it's the plot is fairly thought out.

Mark Trobough:

I mean, obviously you tend to get that with anime shows that start as a light novel and then they transition, because another well-known one that I like that started off as a light novel is High School DD. Yeah, which definitely is. You classify it as like an ecchi.

Brandon Hurles:

I thought it was.

Mark Trobough:

DXD right? No, if you see an X in Japanese title, the X is not said at all.

Brandon Hurles:

It's just silent. I always thought it was DXD.

Mark Trobough:

It just combines the words or something like that. So technically, technically, it's just dd. Okay, all right. But, like you know, obviously it's a really perverse show, adult show, and it plays into that. But you know, then you watch it like this is a really good story. Well, it's because it's a light novel. So, as perverse as a light novel could be, it still has to live and die off its writing. Yeah, so you tend to see a lot of well adapted light novels. You have a fairly decent story to them.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, I was going to say this doesn't have to do with that, but we talked about that new Yudin Chronicles game last week.

Mark Trobough:


Brandon Hurles:

That came out on the 23rd and it's on Xbox Game Pass, pc and console. So if you wanted to check that out, I would grab it and I I'm so glad that I saw this because I completely, completely forgot. Another craps treasure is on game pass right now. That's that souls born crab game that everybody's been talking about. So that's on game pass right now. Uh, but that unit chronicles. It looks really good. You, I think you watched gameplay last week with me, but, um, yeah, really cool stuff. So so another thing we have is at you know, definitely wanted to let everybody know because it's going on for a little while. So if you're listening to the audio, you still have an opportunity. But, um, microsoft has teamed up with x-men marvel for x-men 97 and they're putting out a x-Men 97 Special Edition controller and console and it's absolutely, absolutely beautiful and it is so cool. With the controller, they're putting in a blister pack style thing that they used to have the figures in. So those X-Men figures were in this blister pack. This controller comes sealed in one of those like a toy and it looks wild.

Brandon Hurles:

There is a bunch of controllers, a whole bunch. But you just go on Twitter. I think all you got to do is retweet Xbox. Yeah, you retweet hashtag Xbox97Sweepstakes to enter for that. And there's a bunch. There's a variety of 11 controllers, all designed after characters. They're all the color of the characters. I thought that was really cool. This is going on. It started on the 22nd and ends on May 19th. If you're listening to this or watching now, you're able to do that right now. All you have to do is retweet the hashtag. But, uh, those are going to to be uh, very valuable. Put it that way, if I got one of those controllers, it would not get opened. Um, I've got controllers to use it. It's just very cool. So that's, that's so neat. I love, uh, those special edition like partnerships. I always like like, yeah, you know that gold ps4 that you could have got from Taco Bell oh, that's weird, yeah.

Mark Trobough:


Brandon Hurles:

I love that man. I miss that. Well, it's obviously still happening, but it was just so cool. You have like these random like fast food you know, and these things end up being worth you know thousands and all that crazy stuff. So I did want to mention that for sure. What else have we got? I know we got kind of Switch rumors. What do we have next on our list?

Mark Trobough:

This is a little bit, you know, a little bit smaller, but there is the. That time I got reincarnated as a slime series. It's an action RPGpg for consoles and pc. Uh, it's a band kind, band, band cut, bandai, namco I cannot say their name, I can't pronounce any name today apparently announced on thursday that the, that time I got reincarnated as a slime series getting a action role-playing game titled. That time I got reincarnated as a slime isekai chronicles for the nintendo switch, ps5, ps4, xbox series, xs, the xbox one and pc via steam on august 8th.

Mark Trobough:

It doesn't look good. Does the gameplay look good? I mean it kind of it has that anime style but from what I've seen it's more like a left to right slide, beat them up-up type game. Okay, I don't want to say it has that platforming scene to it, because there are some areas that have that 2.5D kind of look to it, but it's kind of like a left to right, you know, hack and slash type of game from what I saw. But I mean it's a decent game, not the biggest budget, but it's what you get. It's a decent game, not the biggest budget, but it's what you get. It's kind of hit or miss as far as anime games themselves go. I know when that anime first came out it was really popular. A lot of people really liked it, so I'm sure it'll get some attention when it first comes out. Whether or not it'll hold up long term I guess we'll see.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, that sounds interesting, for sure I. So. One of the the big things this week is there's apparently a rumor slash leak that the uh switch to will have magnetic joy cons. Um, they're apparently. It says they're using it in a fun new way with the upcoming switch to console. According to a new report, the magnets will apparently be used to stick the Switch 2's Joy-Con controllers to the device rather than relying on the rail attachment. The current Switch has used it since 2016.

Brandon Hurles:

I also had heard earlier that it says that the Switch Pro controllers will work with the Switch 2. It says the Switch will have Okay with the Switch 2. It says this is the full rumor for the console as well. New details about Switch 2's purported magnetic controllers underscores how Nintendo may be aiming to improve and refine its popular Switch console design rather than invent a new gaming device altogether. Pre previous reports have claimed nintendo uh claim the next generation will have a more powerful processing chip, a better screen and possibly even replaceable batteries. So, uh, and then, like we know, the rumor about the uh dslr. Is that what it's called? No, not DSLR. Yeah, I think something like that.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, the AI. I know what you're talking about.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, dslr, it's a camera. Yeah, right. I forget what it's called. I don't know why I'm forgetting stuff tonight. What do you think about that? Magnetic Joy-Cons rather than a rail system.

Mark Trobough:

I have no idea what that would even be. As long as, as long as it doesn't break or have drift. I'm like how do you?

Brandon Hurles:

I won't care how do they stay?

Mark Trobough:

I mean, they gotta be some strong magnets, right like that's I assume that we that's what they call it. I don't know how it mechanically works under the controller. I'm sure we won't know till the controller actually gets released and someone rips it apart to see.

Brandon Hurles:

You know what, what is actually going on yeah, yeah, it sounds interesting, but yeah, they, absolutely. These companies have to have the hall effect joysticks in there now so we don't have drift. I mean you get drift and all the modern console controllers all have the possibility. I have drift on my switch OLED. My left one has drift and it's like really annoying because you have to send it in to fix it. Like I did the fit. I did a fix myself and it worked again for like a month and then went right back to having drift.

Mark Trobough:

So I've never seen drift on my joy cons, but I almost never use them. To be fair, I always use I hate I hate.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean because, like this, these have not, these literally have not come off my switch, but it just, it feels 10 times better than joy cons. Yeah, joy cons are just too small it's just not.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, I would say they are. It's not. It's not ergonomical, it doesn't. It feels weird to use them to play a game yeah.

Brandon Hurles:

So a game you have this grip that holds your hands if you're an adult, it actually holds your hands to be able to play and you don't have that. I feel like no grip on the Joy-Cons.

Mark Trobough:

They're just cheap and they feel and they act like they're cheap. They were trying to save money and then resell it to you for like 60 bucks yeah, you know the whole deal about the pink, the, the new pink joy cons they're like sold out everywhere and going for like 120 bucks on ebay stupid.

Brandon Hurles:

They. They launched with the the princess peach game. They're just two pink joy cons and they're they're like being scalped on ebay yeah so, but this past week we got another game announcement.

Mark Trobough:

This one was from Atlus, so they released a trailer for their new game, metaphor Re-Fantasio Fantasio it's first full-scale fantasy role-playing game, will launch on the PS4, ps5, xbox XS and Steam on October 11th, and they also announced a collector's edition and pre-order incentives. So this is coming out on the Atlus' 35 anniversary. The collector's edition includes a steelbook soundtrack artbook, a hom*o tenta, metallic pins, sticker sheet, kingdom of I can't even say the name A map of the kingdom of this game, costumes and battle. Bmg said DLC vouchers as well as well.

Mark Trobough:

As there was a Japanese specific one, but I don't know if it was any different from the one that we're getting here in the west, but it looked like a pretty good game, like the whole anime-esque style game, and if it looks like like a Persona game, that's also because Katsura Katsura Hashino I cannot say names today, he worked on Persona 5, is directing this game as well, so you can definitely see some of the Persona influence on this game. But it looks really good and it's definitely one of those games that I will keep an eye out as we get closer've got the, the uh, I have it, the collector's edition pre-ordered.

Brandon Hurles:

Everybody's talking about this game. I've seen on twitter the past couple days and it looks really good. I think I sent it to you, right, I think you did, yeah. So, yeah, I pre-order it looks. It looks great. I'm I'm. We're also getting the new version of SMT V Vengeance. It's like a redo, you know how they always do like they did. Persona 4 Golden. It's like a redone. It's got all the DLC, but it's also like a redone game. It's kind of like a remastered, better version, but also all DLC together so.

Brandon Hurles:

I sold my collector's edition that I had of it because that's coming out, I'm like, well, I don't, I don't need to own this because I know I'm buying you know what I mean? Yeah, at that point I'm not.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm just like not collecting like that right now, like I just I'm just not doing that. So I was like this is coming out. I literally won't. We'll never touch this version again. So I'm excited. I yeah, I pre-ordered that collector's edition for that game. I think it looks really good. It's being talked about a lot. I think it's going to be fun, so I'm pretty excited about it.

Mark Trobough:

There was what were you going to say Sorry?

Brandon Hurles:

I was just going to say. I meant to ask do you plan on grabbing Sandland 2?

Mark Trobough:

I probably will get around to grabbing it.

Brandon Hurles:

I think you'll love it. I think you'll fall in love with that game.

Mark Trobough:

I'll probably just grab it later down the lane. It's just I grabbed Stellar Blade the tanks. Do my best to not go down to easy mode on that game to try to beat it. I'm still going to get a handling on the combat but it's probably going gonna take me a while to get through that game well, here is.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm gonna do a couple shout outs real quick. Uh, so, do you know about the the saga series, jrpg, saga series?

Mark Trobough:

and I have not played it, but I've heard of it before.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, okay so saga emerald beyond, which comes out this year. There's a demo on here that you can play, and it I started it. Oh my god, dude, you would love it, you, you would love it, I'm telling you. So download that demo and try it. But the other thing I wanted to do is shout out uh, I plan on doing some posts and things on it. Uh, but there is a indie company, um, indie company, um, that I we've supported on the channel for a long time 8-bit, legit. Uh, they have a new game called kudzu and it is supposed to be like an original game boy game it's.

Mark Trobough:

It is supposed to be like an original game boy game. It's it made like, literally like a an original game boy game.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh, it's like a mix of, like zelda slash I don't even know so like a platform. It's really, really interesting, uh. But yeah, like you can look here, it's got mega cat studios, which I showed off the demo. They sent out a demo of the rocket panda game, which I'm very thankful that they did that because it's like one of the coolest things I've ever had. It sent out a genesis demo cart again. It's just so cool. Um, but yeah, like it's got the original style. It's called kudzu and, uh, it is available now. I think it. I want to say it came out about two weeks ago, uh, so I still got to play it, but I think I think I'm probably going to stream. It came out about two weeks ago. I still got to play it, but I think I'm probably going to stream it so I can get that you definitely should.

Brandon Hurles:

It looks fun. We're going to be doing some more stuff on the channel here soon. I'm thinking this week is going to get back to normal with the channel Getting back to normal with the videos. I'm wrapping up school soon. You're going to be possibly reviewing that movie, correct? The Spy Family movie. There's some cool stuff coming.

Brandon Hurles:

If you're an audio listener, very thankful for all of you. You guys have been awesome. We've been doing crazy good with audio. We had our highest download last week ever 219 downloads, which is awesome. We broke the record we charted again. So cool, yeah, absolutely awesome. We appreciate you guys. But if you are listening on audio, you should go on the YouTube channel and subscribe. It's YouTubecom slash at Game Junction Media, so I just wanted to throw that out there and you can also become a channel member and help support the channel. We've got our Patreon as well in the link tree and I plan on trying to do some more stuff with that all that soon. I got to talk with you. I've got some ideas of some pretty cool things that we can do, but we also got yeah.

Mark Trobough:

So because it was kind of related to this.

Brandon Hurles:

You were a fan of that anime, madoka Magica right, absolutely yeah, I loved it.

Mark Trobough:

So it was announced. We don't have a date for it, but it was announced that later this year there's going to be a Madoka Magica phone game coming out. Obviously, it's not the first one we don't have an actual date on it but there's supposed to be another game called Madoka Magica, magi Exadra, and there was an illustration from the artist that got put out. Obviously, there are some other games that came out, and the last game that came out the English version of the game came out like about a year later. So hopefully that doesn't happen.

Brandon Hurles:

Legitimately didn't know that we've ever had video games in the series. I'll tell you what. Yeah, I don't like. I don't like phone games, but I might try it because it's like one of those series that we haven't really gotten anything from it in a long time. Yeah, so I mean I wouldn't mind seeing it again. Do we know the type of game that it is, or?

Mark Trobough:

No, from what I was reading, no trailer, it was just it was essentially announced that, hey, another game's coming, but nothing's nothing's been ready to show yet, so don't know exactly what it's gonna be. You know, it's probably a phone game.

Brandon Hurles:

there's a chance it might be a gotcha style it says it's a free to play with optional in-game purchases.

Mark Trobough:

So yeah, so it's probably a chance that it might go the. Uh, it might go that route, but, uh, I guess we'll have to wait and see what it'll actually look like.

Brandon Hurles:

But if it's free game, as early as you could get it, try it yeah yeah, I, I'll definitely try it because I love that series and um, because we've been talking about anime again, like I've, my interest has blossomed again, like it's just kind of come out like I, specifically because we we've talked about a lot, like there's things I actually want to watch now, and like that new ronin kenshin. Like I actually am very interested in some stuff, like that new gundam that's coming out, whatever it's called, like freedom s? Um, is that what it's called gundam free? There's a new gundam coming out you're talking about the movie that just that's coming out.

Brandon Hurles:

I don't know if it's a movie yeah, because it's a gu Gundam coming out. You're talking about the movie that's coming out. I don't know if it's a movie. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, because it's a Gundam Seed movie that's coming out. Yes, yeah. Obviously, there's no release here in the West Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom. Yeah, I want to watch it. Yeah.

Mark Trobough:

I'll watch it as soon as we ever get it over here but, I'll probably have to wait for a proper theatrical release for it. It comes out May 7th, so we'll see. I'm expecting not to get it. If it's going to be in theaters, it'll be in New York or LA.

Brandon Hurles:

It says subbed May 7th. It says we're getting a sub. Yeah, I mean it could be like you know. Very no, I'm pulling up right now. I can go see it in Lancaster. You can buy tickets right now for it 7 pm show.

Mark Trobough:

I guess I'll have to look out for it then. Yeah.

Brandon Hurles:

I think we're probably going to both go watch that then, because, yeah, every one of them Pickerington, columbus, grove, city, that's definitely dope. They're all the same time too 7 o'clock every one of them. I'm like scrolling down. I, I'm like scrolling down. I scrolled all the way to the bottom. Every one of them is seven o'clock.

Mark Trobough:

No, that's fair enough.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, so I. It sounds like we're going to have it here too, so yeah, that's cool.

Mark Trobough:

If you're trying to find it. I'm all for more Gundam stuff, man, I feel like we don't we don't get it as much of those like I haven't watched that in over a decade. So I said maybe I should actually go back and re-give it a try. I know there's plot points that are stupid that drive the plot forward. There's some bad writing decisions in that show.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, there's just some bad Gundam in general, Like there's several bad series.

Mark Trobough:

I think Destiny's probably one of the worst. Well, it's not the one I'd hate you don't like my thoughts together properly I think, does see destiny be the unicorn of all the ones that I've actually watched. See destiny be the worst wing would be probably just above that see, I need wing is wing is a prime example of nostalgia not holding up, because the more I watch it, the more I look at it with a critical eye it reminds me of star trek hold up.

Mark Trobough:

It reminds you of star trek the way that but it's so bad there's no character development at all. Your, your main character, uh hito yui, is a cardboard character throughout the whole series in the movie it was my introduction to no development like it has some good scenes, but the character development is pretty much non-existent for most of the characters, and then the story just drags on way too long, like it shouldn't have been 49 episodes, it should have been like 24.

Brandon Hurles:

I started to get into the mech thing because I watched. I had Robotech tapes when I was a kid, vhs tapes, so I watched that first.

Mark Trobough:

I still have Robotech on my shelf.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I watched that first and then got introduced to Gundam Wing because of Tanami, and so that I just kind of went down the rabbit hole.

Mark Trobough:

There it's my introductory, but then I realized this is this is really bad.

Mark Trobough:

I don't really really badly written and it was poorly received in Japan when it came out, which I think is well, but it was the first thing that came out here in the west.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, as far as like mobile suit and you know, obviously that's kind of where it all starts, but the more I go back to it, the more I'm like this just doesn't hold up, like I I'd rather go back and watch the the 80s and 90s or I guess the 70s and 80s versions of the universal century gundam. That's what I've really have come to fall in love with, because it's the only universe they put more than one series in. It's the only universe that's actually properly developed and has any basis in reality. Uh, and when I when I say reality, I mean it's it's it deals with real uh, if you made mechs like a realistic thing, there's a lot of politicking and military stuff that goes on. That makes it feel like this could be believable, potentially compared to something like a mobile fighter g gun, which I love but requires a completely uh suspension of disbelief because nothing in that show could even be remotely realistic.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, okay, so this is along the lines of anime and video games. This is something I'm very excited about. I didn't know that this was announced, but there's a Hunter x Hunter fighting game that's coming out and it says it's being heralded as an Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom3 spiritual successor. They tweeted out and you can watch a little trailer on it.

Mark Trobough:

It's a really well-received show.

Brandon Hurles:

I love Hunter x Hunter. I am on board.

Mark Trobough:

I still need to watch it. That sounds terrible. There's a lot of anime I need to watch, though. Watch the original. I got out of watching it.

Brandon Hurles:

I still like the original hunter hunter better, but like the fighting, like it looks really good. Like the fighting mechanics look really like we know jojo's weird. But like I was super disappointed in that game because it's too it's too weird of a fighter. It's you watch the anime.

Mark Trobough:

Yes, oh my god, it's like unbearably wacky. You don't like fighting games I love fighting games. I know it plays into the show perfectly. I think it does.

Brandon Hurles:

Have you played it? Have you played any JoJo?

Mark Trobough:

I'm not a fighting, but I've watched gameplay of it and stuff like that. How about this? This is what I would expect out of JoJo. I've watched. I'm not a fighting game, but I've watched gameplay of it and stuff like that.

Brandon Hurles:

How about?

Mark Trobough:

this. This is what I would expect out of a JoJo game.

Brandon Hurles:

I sent it to Lucas today and went on sale on Amazon for $10. I paid $60 for it $10. So you grab it and we're playing. We're going to stream it.

Mark Trobough:

We're going to do our little trying to find it, but I was like I could do this as a JoJo game For a game junction, it costs you $10. You'll get that cheaper.

Brandon Hurles:

Dude, it's still a $60 game. It was some weird. Sometimes these deals just pop up. Like I said, I got that Pac-Man for $3, and it was $20. You know, I don't know why, but sometimes these things tweet out these deals. But I wanted to bring up this is kind of sort of off topic two things. First, the Godzilla store, the official Godzilla store. They have merch out now for the new Chibi anime, so I'm considering grabbing one of the shirts just because I think it's really, really cool.

Brandon Hurles:

But you can go on the Godzilla website and buy it on their store and they, they, they have shirts of even like, um, the hannah barbara era godzilla on a shirt, like it is. If you go look on their shop, you'll look on their shop and they've got Mechagodzilla, chibi like hoodie on there. It's just so. It's really really cool, like really cool. It's a silly show, but it's just the fact that I love Godzilla. It's really like they've got one on here. It's supposed to be like the. It's Chibi Godzilla, but it looks like the Hanna-Barbera, like style Godzilla, like an actual dinosaur, and it's chibi godzilla, but it looks like the hannah barbara. Uh, it's like style godzilla, like an actual dinosaur, and it's just really cool like that. Yeah, it's so neat, um, but the other thing was, um, oh crap, I can't remember trying to pull it up, oh, shoot, oh, um, today, uh, spawnwave posted a video and he did a mod for the 3DS to be able to make a charger, like to set your 3DS on Like a magnetic charger.

Brandon Hurles:

So he did this mod and he said he never plugs it up anymore, he just sets it on this little magnetic thing, yeah, it's really really cool. I thought it was kind of neat.

Mark Trobough:

I can't even get that to work with my phone. I've never done it.

Brandon Hurles:

I've never done it before with my phone.

Mark Trobough:

I don't think my phone case is rated for it, but I was like I've never tried.

Brandon Hurles:

I don't know. I thought that was pretty cool because I would. I am a fan of having things docked, so you guys can't see it. But down here I have a whole line. I've got my analog pocket docked, I've got my switch pro controller docked, I got my xbox controller docked, vita docked everything I liked. I like that my controller is docked and charged. Yeah, I just you know what I mean like and like pick it up ready to go.

Brandon Hurles:

It's all good to go down here, like even I have something silly like this naruto it's. It's not a charging dock, but it's, it's a little control dock. And then I've got like these oh, brandon's definitely reaching for something got like these little retro fighters, 3d printed stands for the controllers.

Brandon Hurles:

I got a couple down there, but I just like, I like to have things like I don't know like my whole line down here. I've got my psvr2 docks, the little things docked. I have a ps5 charger dock and then I've got the mamba dock over here. I just like to have things ready. You know what I mean. These obviously aren't chargers but I just like to have things like look neat you know what it makes.

Mark Trobough:

It makes it look nice. Yeah, so there was an error. It was mentioned earlier in chat for this next article, because johnny earlier in chat, really really early on the podcast, was asking whether he should get the paper mario thousand year door. Yes, uh, digital or physical. You know we have a bias towards the physical. But speaking of, you know, getting stuff in physical, GameStop revealed the special Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door, a pre-order bonus, which was essentially because they also put it on their Twitter, or their ex is what they're calling it now. But essentially it's a new cover for the Switch, but it's the old GameCube cover that you can slide in, which I thought was really dope. That's awesome. So it sounds like I'll be getting it there If you go to just to get that.

Brandon Hurles:

Is it?

Mark Trobough:

on the GameStop website. Now it might be, but this was originally posted on the GameStop Canada and hopefully it's the same thing here at the GameStop here in the US. I have to go double check. But instead of the.

Mark Trobough:

Well, that's who. That's who the. The article was referencing was the GameStop Canada one, but essentially it was instead of using the switch art for the box art. It's the OG GameCubeube box with the gamecube logo at the top and everything that you can just you know slide right in you know that was you know it's something small but it's really like neat to have as part of like a collection and stuff like that referencing old box art yeah.

Brandon Hurles:

So the um sonic mania did that too, where it had reversible cover art and it made it look like a genesis case, and that's how I've got it set up on my. I really like that. I think that's super cool. I am very excited for this game because I mean they've completely redone it. It looks really good and apparently there is like some new content that they haven't revealed yet. And I mean everybody universally says this is the best Paper. This is like the best paper. Mario and paper mario is basically. It pretty much is, and it started out in development as a sequel to super mario rpg. Now, obviously, after this game, the franchise changed. It was no longer an rpg. Super paper mario is a 2d and 3d platformer. You switch between being flat and then doing 3D. It's not an RPG, it's no longer an.

Brandon Hurles:


Mark Trobough:

I feel like this is what people or fans liked about it was the RPG elements and then after this. They went away from it and now people don't like it anymore. Paper Mario became.

Brandon Hurles:

They tried to do it with the new one, but it's got the stupid battle system where you have to fight people in a circle and it's just like a it's. I've never seen any other game do it. They tried to do the rpg, but the the battling is grueling like so so much so that I haven't beat it. Um, it's just like frustrating. But yeah, I mean, people universally love this game. It's a really good rpg, uh it does really the.

Mark Trobough:

Apparently the physical pre-orders on amazon are already like sold out pretty much. Are you serious? Yeah, because they they did. When I was looking through some other stuff in the article it's like, oh, the amazon was like holy. Like when the article was written a few days ago it was like sold out. I don't know if they've got it, you know, fixed by now, but that's, that's crazy. But or maybe they didn't expect this game to be that popular.

Brandon Hurles:

Does it OK? So I'm looking. Yeah, I only see GameStop Canada for the.

Mark Trobough:

That would be unfortunate. I mean, obviously it's always worth asking your local game, so maybe if people find out they'll yeah. Export more of it because it's got the. If you look at the actual box, it's got the ESRB rating for it.

Brandon Hurles:

I don't know if canada uses the same one, but at least from the that doesn't make any sense if it was in canada but uses esrb rating on the box art. Yeah, I'm looking at the gamestop canada twitter right now. Um man, I hope that comes out here. I I was there today. I picked up a couple more display things.

Mark Trobough:

They're promo things uh, I got that.

Brandon Hurles:

I'll probably go there next week and ask about it you, you should, when you go in there, you should ask. You should be like hey, do you have any of your promo stuff left that you're getting rid of? Or pre-order bonuses, like I got a bunch of those sonic 3d acrylic displays.

Mark Trobough:

I've got like six or seven of them uh, I have a whole bunch of stuff from there sonic frontiers.

Brandon Hurles:

I have like 10 steelbooks that's crazy.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, I probably should. Probably should, because I'll go a few weeks without going in there, but every time I go in there and the owner's in there there's times we sit and talk for damn near an hour Just me and him just talking about ramp stuff.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm friends with the store owner now, so he hooked me up with three things today, but everything that I have is from. I have a giant Mario Day. You can't see, it's right behind here. But giant Mario, did you remember seeing that one? Yeah. Huge. So it's crazy, everything I have is from GameStop, so and you know, holds value, but it's also I mean just cool.

Mark Trobough:

As much as people rag on GameStop, it's the only physical game store that still exists anymore, especially in smaller communities, even if you live in the big city, it's. There's not that many gaming stores to still go to or they're like exclusively retro stores that don't really do a whole lot of newer stuff, and it's just. It's unfortunate. Every time I hear something negative about gamestop because, well, yeah, I get a lot of people don't like it. It's not. If gamestop was to go away, you're wholly.

Brandon Hurles:

You have to order stuff online pretty much and if the game's not physical will probably very quickly follow I, yeah, I know, um, I did want to mention we slightly mentioned earlier because of the game, but it is the uh anniversary of kirby, so kirby's dreamland, 1992. So that was what is that? 30, what? 34 years, something like that. So Nintendo of America did a Kirby post there on Twitter. So I am about to look at the Amazon pre-order, because I'm not going to pre-order unless it has that bonus. I'll go get it.

Mark Trobough:

Amazon doesn't do pre-order bonuses normally. That makes sense.

Brandon Hurles:

It's always GameStop or Walmart or Target.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, an actual retail store that you can go to.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, are you grabbing?

Mark Trobough:

this I probably will. Whether I pre-order or not, it's probably gonna be determined whether or not that bonus is there, but I'll probably eventually pick up the game I'm. It's such an iconic. It's an iconic, really good game. Why not pick it up, dude, I am I'm, I'm stoked for it.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh, I was looking at they had a list of games coming out and I think it had, I want to say, 12 games, and I'm like and this was for until the end of the year they had 12 games displayed on this paper up front. I'm like, I'm interested in every single one of these listed there. There are a lot of games coming out this year that I'm pretty excited for, like the Luigi Mansion 2 remake. I'm pretty excited about that. It's got a really cool online multiplayer mode. I'm pretty excited about that. It's got a really cool online multiplayer mode. I think we're in the last year of the Switch. We had the Indie Direct and it's just kind of holding over until the system comes out at this point. They always do.

Brandon Hurles:

Every time they do the remakes at the end of the life, like 3DS. They remade Metroid 2 and they remade Luigi's Mansion 2 and they remade, uh, the luigi's mansion, the first one for the 3ds.

Mark Trobough:

They remade it and that, yeah, the switch is already out but I'm still gonna hold I think we talked about it like last year that I'm still gonna hold on to it that my guess original guess of 2025 was still a good guess for the switch, you know.

Brandon Hurles:

Successor yeah, I mean we obviously the reports, you know, on it's very unreliable.

Mark Trobough:

More often than not you might, out of like 100 reports, you might get, you know, maybe five good ones, if that maybe one out of 100 is actually going to be accurate. Because how many like?

Brandon Hurles:

hey, there's a switch thing, these games are going to get announced and like yeah one if none of them ever get announced, type thing I yeah, and then like nintendo now is like just because I think, because a metroid is is usually announcing things kind of like right before it comes out, or they're like out today, like if you watch it direct, like there's a lot of things that come out that day.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh, this one we've known about for what I don't know at least, at least like three, four months, something like that so this is a realistic time frame for most nintendo games now and they needed it because it's the end of the life cycle, so they they had to let people know that stuff was coming they had to yeah, I feel like if it weren't the end of the life cycle and this was coming out, they would have waited a month or two before I guess the question now is when do we get that next big nintendo announcement?

Mark Trobough:

for hey, you're getting new games and it's probably going to get bundled with the you know announcement of a new console. It's probably going to go hand in hand at this point I, I think, yeah, for sure.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean, there's a strong possibility that could come out at the end of the year. But I'm thinking now that they're going to do spring 2025 is what I think.

Mark Trobough:

I think sometime next year is probably realistic and you're probably getting the direct, probably about six months out, kind of like we did with the Switch.

Brandon Hurles:

It's either spring or November or the launch times for consoles.

Mark Trobough:

Normally you would say a holiday season, but the Switch came out in the spring and I think it worked really times for console. Cause I mean like normally you would say like a holiday season but the switch came out in the spring and it I think it worked really well for him. It came out with no. It came out with no competition.

Brandon Hurles:

So I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same release cycle. Yeah, Next year. I, I, I, um, yeah, I.

Mark Trobough:

I think that there's a strong possibility of like spring 2025, but I don't think it's like what you're looking, like a direct in the fall that would announce it if that may be late summer.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, they. So normally they have what the july directs and then, I think, september direct. I think, yeah, I think july and september are normally directs. They usually do about about one a quarter yeah it, yeah, so I, I, my guess is that they, if it's 2025, then they're doing the final quarter, the last direct for the year, and they're announcing probably would make the most sense if it's coming out at the end of the year.

Brandon Hurles:

they're doing it in the probably the july direct, but I think there's a strong possibility we're looking at spring again of next year. So that's why they announced these so far out. Hey guys, we still got stuff coming. Here's an Indie Direct. There's going to be a bunch of games coming, so they got to continue to try. Obviously they want to make the Switch the most sold console. They want to beat the PS2. They're striving for that goal now, 100%.

Mark Trobough:

How do you do that when you don't really also, you're dealing with the financial aspect as well and you only have so long to get those sales?

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I mean, that's the thing. I have a feeling that they continue to sell the Switch for a few years.

Mark Trobough:

But the moment the sequel comes out, those sales are going to tank.

Brandon Hurles:

They always do, but there were still. I forget what the report was, but there was like three 3DS, two or three 3DSs that sold on the last physical report for Nintendo Japan. You know what I mean.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, you, you still make sales.

Brandon Hurles:

But if you're trying to like beat a record, unless you've already got a beat, you're just not gonna get it once the announcement comes out or they do like xbox and xbox did a uh 360e the day that this final model, which I have it's the best 360 model like most reliable. They released that, which was a budget Xbox, the same day as the Xbox One, so you got a brand new 360 the day that the Xbox One came out. That's crazy. Like that doesn't make any sense to me personally.

Brandon Hurles:

They sold, though, and, like people want, they're very sought after now, just like the Game Boy Micro. The Game Boy Micro came out a year after the DS was out. I thought, the game boy micro came out a year after the the ds is out. The game boy micro was a joke when it came out. I got it over here. I love it, I love it.

Mark Trobough:

That's how I play it it's just get an sp at that point or get an old school ds now, the screen on the micro is just way better than the sp it's too small. That's the problem it is very small.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean, I play like I don't even you know I've got my gba everDrive in there, but I use Analog Pocket for everything. Now you can't beat the screen.

Mark Trobough:

I mean it's crazy. Well, I mean to be fair, you have 20 years of technological advancements to make a better screen.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, and then you can dock it so you can stream from your Analog Pocket, play it on TV. I mean, it's you, yeah bring back the.

Mark Trobough:

I think you would love the analog pocket.

Brandon Hurles:

The Game Boy Super, or what we did, or what they did with the GameCube, where you could play handhelds on console. I have that. I have one of the GBA EverDrives in my Game Boy Player right now. That's why I've got two of them. I got one to use in the handheld and one to keep in.

Mark Trobough:

I mean like I was literally loading this up.

Brandon Hurles:

I told you right before trying to get this one done, so I can just put it in one of the pockets and use it.

Mark Trobough:

But I play the Game Boy.

Brandon Hurles:

Micro a lot. I really do Like when I lay down, I'll play the Game Boy Micro. I've been playing a lot of Gradius Galaxies. I had that as a kid and uh, I'm current. I started a new game, of metroid fusion.

Mark Trobough:

I got like an hour in but talk about a game I struggled to beat. When it took me forever to beat that game, but it's so good, it's so good there's only one section that's hard. It's the spider boss and then the immediate, without healing the SAX chase after that. That always got me.

Brandon Hurles:

The Metroid Dread at the end. Oh my god, that was holy crap. So I'm still stuck at the final boss. I'm at the very end of the game. I can't beat him. It seems impossible. I've watched videos and he just goes around the entire screen and kills you. I mean, I don't have enough health, I can't beat it there's now an easy mode out. I haven't gone back and played the easy. They added it later as an update because it was so difficult, of course but uh, maybe I can do it the easy mode.

Mark Trobough:

I gotta go back, but it's crazy for a series that started off the original, uh metroid game. With the first two games really really of that five-game series, the story is essentially non-existent. You only get a story in the first game with Zero Mission. Let's be fair.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean yeah, it's a remake.

Mark Trobough:

Even the remake of 2, you just hunt down and kill Metroid. But it's really good. There's no story, it's good. 2 is one of my favorites in the entire series the original.

Brandon Hurles:

It's probably my least favorite I think it goes for me, just all metroid. I think it goes. Metroid prime hunters, metroid 2, the original, then the remake and and fusion. I mean fusion's great, but I mean I that's how I feel. I played through the original two again, maybe like a year ago, and I loved it.

Mark Trobough:

Weird enough, I would go Dread Fusion and then Super Metroid for my top three of those five, and then it's one and two.

Brandon Hurles:

Dread is so good too. I'm just mad that I can't the.

Mark Trobough:

Prime series is kind of hard because they're so different of a game compared to the original games.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean, it's Hunter's the best all day, but To like a full 3D.

Mark Trobough:

I don't know.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, I like them both.

Mark Trobough:

You said you're more of a You're more of a fan of the Prime games, right, yeah, I do prefer those, but I like the old school, right, like, yeah, I do prefer those, but I like the old school. It's just I think they did as far as going from a 2d to a 3d, they did. They waited long enough with Metroid and what they did with prime and prime two specifically those for those two games they did. They made that transition really well and you don't you still have, especially in those first two games. You still get that sense of you're alone in a foreign world. Trying to figure out what's going on Gives you the same feeling of the 2D Metroid.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, this thing is so cool because you can change your display. So if you want to make it like the original Game Boy, you can have that green screen or you can do the white. Yeah.

Mark Trobough:

I wouldn't want that green.

Brandon Hurles:

Look, it is the most beautiful screen I've ever seen in my life for a handheld. Or you can do the white. Yeah, I wouldn't want that green, but just look at it. It is the most beautiful screen I've ever seen in my life for a handheld. You can't beat it. Things crazy.

Mark Trobough:

I'd rather play the handheld Mario games. I mean, that's not Over Metroid 2,. Personally, you could just play that in OpenF. I don't like that game.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm using EverDrive to play it FPGA. But they got the open FPGA where you could buy this and never even buy a cart or an Everdrive and play all kinds of crap. Like systems, yeah, like yeah, it's just turbo graphics, pc engine, all of those. Really good stuff, man. I, I want you to get a PCFX because of the anime games we talked about it.

Mark Trobough:

You're like you were thinking about it. I want it for one specific game.

Brandon Hurles:

I just I would love to get your thoughts on it, because it's something I've been after for years. I've just never, never, tracked it down.

Mark Trobough:

I like to hunt in person. You don't have to buy it on eBay. I know that's the thing. You don't have to buy it on eBay.

Brandon Hurles:

I know that's the thing I don't like to buy systems on eBay.

Mark Trobough:

I like to find them.

Brandon Hurles:

Marketplace or you know or yard sales or conventions.

Mark Trobough:

I live in too, remote of an area for that to be, you know, to be viable. Unfortunately, but I also don't mind buying stuff online. If I find it online, I'll buy it.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, if it's cheap then yeah, I mean, if I find a deal, but ebay is like it's competitive pricing, so it's like you're buying this at a full. I like to find deals.

Mark Trobough:

That's how I am yeah, but sometimes it's just you're if you're, if you're stuck with the one option and that's what you're kind of stuck with. But speaking of, like old school retro games, how old were you in 1981?

Brandon Hurles:

I wasn't even alive yet.

Mark Trobough:

Not even a twinkle in your father's eye.

Brandon Hurles:

Yet no, I wasn't even close, wasn't even close.

Mark Trobough:

So a classic RPG from 1981 is getting a remake that comes out next month, on May 23rd. The game is called Wizardry Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh, what kind of.

Mark Trobough:

It's coming out by Digital Eclipse are the ones remaking this game.

Brandon Hurles:

You ever play Catwoman? No, I didn't Game.

Mark Trobough:

Boy Color, you just derailed this whole conversation. Yeah, I'm sorry.

Brandon Hurles:

Audio listeners. I was showing off the analog pocket. I just want you to see how beautiful it is. Anyway, so this new game, what kind of game is it?

Mark Trobough:

It's an old school RPG so it originally came out in 81 on the Apple II. Sir Tech released the world's first party based dungeon crawler game. That's what this game is Now. The article that I was looking that was from Gamerant didn't have any of the old images of what the game looks like that comes out. It looks like they took an old 80s RPG and it still kind of has that feel. But they obviously gave it modern graphics, modern controls to some degree and it looks pretty interesting like it looks like it still plays the way an old RPG would be so is that something you would?

Mark Trobough:

play might look into it, if I I mean probably not a game.

Brandon Hurles:

I could actually beat the turn-based RPGs much right.

Mark Trobough:

No, but I mean for the sake of for the sake of the channel, I could probably give it a shot, I think, because it looks they just gave us some screenshots I'm sure I could track down some video for because it comes out next month. I'm sure I could track down some video because it comes out next month. It looks like it still has the feeling of an old 1980s computer game.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I'm looking at it.

Mark Trobough:

I mean that's. I wish we could be able to show all y'all on the podcast, because it looks pretty interesting Like it's that old turn-based RPG.

Brandon Hurles:

So the what are they called Crap, the Etrian Odyssey games? Are you aware of that series?

Mark Trobough:

I don't think so no.

Brandon Hurles:

Look it up and basically it's an anime dungeon crawling series. It's very, very, very popular in Japan but we've gotten a lot of them here and there's a bunch on the DS and 3DS and they're classic dungeon crawling games but they've made an anime of it. And they're really, really cool. So they're like this, but you know.

Mark Trobough:

It definitely looks like a much newer game, at least the HD version that was on Steam.

Brandon Hurles:

See, I forgot they even came out. I played two of the DS games but yeah, this looks I mean I would play this. I like old school dungeon crawling games. I'm a fan there was a my first one. I played was Shadowgate Classic on the original Game Boy. Have you ever heard of that? That's good, I have.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, I've not played it, but I've heard of it.

Brandon Hurles:

I got that.

Mark Trobough:

That was my first experience, but I mean it's definitely, if obviously, talking back about, you know, game preservation, a game that probably most people have never heard of, unless you were, you know, playing games in the 1980s, early 1980s. What's another way to preserve games? By, you know, taking an old IP and remaking it.

Brandon Hurles:


Mark Trobough:

But still kind of keeping, or at the very least hopefully keeping that old feeling of the game kind of alive in the remake.

Brandon Hurles:


Mark Trobough:

So it's just good to see a game that hasn't seen the light of day in over 40 years get a remake.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, we also got, apparently. Spider-man 2 released another update for April 2024. The latest update fixes the classic suit variance bug and Insomniac Games releases regular updates for Spider-man 2 aiming to provide a smoother experience. Rumors suggest potential major dlc expansion introducing new characters and storylines, so that could be interesting. Uh, it's definitely not a bad game. I've said that it's it's. It's a. It just feels like more of the same. So they introduced some other cool stuff. It's version 1.002.004. Crazy.

Mark Trobough:

I know we talked about this before, but there's more Tekken 8 issues Apparently now on the Steam page the reviews have gone to mostly negative in the recent days, recent weeks Seems like now there's the gamers complaining over primarily whether they're talking about the monetization issue within the game itself, so what. But the fact that all of a sudden this game now, and it's overall, is still mostly positive but in the very recently on the steam page taking it is mostly negative. It's just negative review after negative review, like it seems like there's an issue with this game in the community not happy and this seems to be the only way to send uh that's, to get their voice to be heard.

Brandon Hurles:

I've been very excited about this game. It's one, just like the other big fighters, that I haven't grabbed yet.

Mark Trobough:

It's this but there continues to be issue after issue since this game launched that the community just doesn't like stuff about it.

Brandon Hurles:

It has a battle pass. This is Tekken. It's supposed to be an arcade-like game. It has a battle. Yeah, that's disappointing. I actually didn't even know that they're cracking down on fan-made mods affecting public, uh sentiments yeah, appreciate, because you look, you go on steam and look a lot of these.

Mark Trobough:

Almost all these reviews are referencing. You know they're saying as they should screw you, they're they're trying to call it out. Essentially it's like the game itself. What I've seen is it's fun, but there's the. The negative reviews are just in protest to certain decisions they made about the game itself that negatively impact the game as a whole. People perceive it to be negative.

Brandon Hurles:

Some people need to protest this stuff and the way they protest is not by their game and support.

Mark Trobough:

Well, the problem is, a lot of these issues didn't come to light until after you already had the game, because I think they said in the first month it sold two million copies. Yeah, and it was you know, after that first month, yeah, all this comes like kind of after the fact and so now they don't to hopefully get something changed? You know they're gonna. You know, do what you can to make your, uh, make your voice heard.

Brandon Hurles:

It definitely is unfortunate for that, that community now, this is off topic, but I just wanted to tell you because we talked about the 64 stuff and, if you want to pull it up, because I can't remember the the name of the games, but, uh, I was going to tell you. So there's, there's some new nintendo switch online games, there's 64 games, I forget which ones, but this is the controller I was telling you about. This is the, the switch online 64 controller and it, yeah, makes playing, makes playing I mean looks, yeah, it looks nothing like a 64.

Brandon Hurles:

But it's, it's great, I mean it, it works absolutely. I mean, I got the uh nintendo release up there but I refuse to open it. They look so pretty in the box. Um, and this, this is what I would use, like playing Goldeneye with this rather than using the Joy-Cons was like night and day dude. It was. Yeah, we got some new Nintendo Switch online games. I just don't remember what they are. I know they were.

Mark Trobough:

I was trying to look for them, but I didn't see, I saw a few days ago the Nintendo Life was ranking all the games on there right now, but I didn't say when they definitely dropped.

Brandon Hurles:

I just saw. Uh, okay, so yeah, I see the ranking. I'm not sure, maybe on nintendo's twitter, but they were 64 games. Uh for sure. Um, look, keeps doing that stupid co-pilot thing. They're pretty much.

Mark Trobough:

Um, okay, so, oh, hey, you can still play the OG Paper Mario on the 64.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, yeah. For some reason I can't find the new games. It's really weird.

Mark Trobough:

Oh, that's crazy. I didn't know that they had Banjo-Kazooie on the 64. Uh-huh.

Brandon Hurles:

Yep, and that Microsoft one was that too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I guess it makes sense. They did it with 007.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, but have you played Jet Force Gemini on there?

Mark Trobough:

No, I didn't realize it played.

Brandon Hurles:

Dude, there's a lot of games on here. There's a lot of games Mario Party 1 through 3.

Mark Trobough:

I think it took them longer than it should have to get all these games on there.

Brandon Hurles:

Metroid Fusion's on there Metroid 2, original Metroid.

Mark Trobough:

It took them longer than it should have to get all these games on there, but metroid fusion's on there, metroid 2, original metroid. Oh, there you go. You got blast corpse, blast cores on there, a game I definitely remember playing yeah, I've never owned it but I remember playing that game I played it.

Brandon Hurles:

It is uh, I didn't hold up very well in my opinion. Uh, no, no, it doesn't. Yeah, I for some reason cannot find these new games, but I I definitely saw the drop. I'll check Twitter while we get over the next thing, but if I can, Well, I think the next your retro spotlight comes up next.

Brandon Hurles:

All right. So, oh, I found it. I found it. So switch online at two in 64 classic racers. We got Extreme G and then Iggy's Wrecking Balls. Iggy's Wrecking Balls is a very interesting game. You should watch the Switch Online trailer. It's a very weird game but it's kind of fun. Man, both of these games are pretty good.

Brandon Hurles:

Iggy's Wrecking Balls it's not really a racer. It reminds me of super monkey ball meets mazes meets racing. But if you watch the trailer for you you'll see what I'm talking about. But uh, yeah, I mean I want to check the iggy's wrecking balls out because I wanted to play. I remember wanting to rent it at blockbuster back in the day and couldn't because it was checked out or whatever. But I knew that, like, I wanted to get it and never played it. So, yeah, so those two are added and we got my retro spotlight this week, which is Okami Den for the Nintendo DS.

Brandon Hurles:

This released on March 15th 2011,. Published by Capcom On the DS, obviously. So a little sort of premise of it. It's very interesting, completely different than the original game. It's nothing like it.

Brandon Hurles:

Akami didn't play similar to its predecessor as an action-adventure game, but it's similar to games like the Legend of Zelda. So it's very much. It reminds me of like phantom hourglass and spirit tracks, sort of uh, you get a celestial brush. If you played the original, you understand the whole like gimmick and fun of the game. The ability to freeze the screen and draw symbols via the touch screen with the stylus to bring changes on the game's world uh remains central to the game for solving puzzles and fighting enemies. Uh. So what? I did not know, because I I got this, I loved it and I think it's kind of an expensive game. Now I'm not not for sure. I wouldn't mind noting this one again. I really did like it, but but capcom considers this a spiritual successor rather than a sequel. That's what the developer said, which kind of doesn't make sense, because it says they're calling me in the name.

Brandon Hurles:

So, how is it like a spiritual successor? To me is like a different game, a wholly different game.

Mark Trobough:

There's more like a spin-off than anything else.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I mean, yeah, it came out after and it kind of is like a sequel, but apparently it's not so, uh, it's very fun. Check out a trailer of it. Um, I loved on the ds. The cool thing about it is that like um, things like phantom hourglass, when you like fight the enemies, you can draw like a circle around the enemy or whatever to attack it and use draw like symbols to attack it along the way.

Brandon Hurles:

But you can, it's like uh, kind of like pokemon ranger, yeah, same, something like that yeah, you do stuff like that and you create the symbols to attack the enemies and it's really unique and it's fun. Um, it doesn't like overuse that touch screen in like a bad way. Like you, you end up wanting to do that. It makes it it funner. But Pokemon Ranger, yeah, oh my God, I don't know why we haven't gotten a new Pokemon Ranger. I love those games.

Mark Trobough:

I was thinking about the same thing.

Brandon Hurles:

I almost picked the second one for this, but I was like I better not do Pokemon. I'm trying to do stuff that people might not know to check out because this is really, really fun. And then, I mean, right right now, the Delta emulator on iOS is available, so I actually have this on my phone. You can try it that way and, if you like it, maybe you can buy the actual game because you brought this up.

Mark Trobough:

I just had to verify that I do have, you know, the HD version.

Brandon Hurles:

I need to get that.

Mark Trobough:

I need to get it. Have you played it yet? I played when I first got it.

Brandon Hurles:

I haven't beat it, obviously, but it's so fun I need to go back and play it.

Mark Trobough:

It's a.

Brandon Hurles:

It was a really chill, relaxing yes, yes it is, and it's beautiful, it's beautiful absolutely the arts, arts beautiful yeah, I, I. It's one of those games that you get mesmerized, I, I imagine the hd version is even better. I played it on wii, uh and absolutely loved it, and I just, I love that game. Uh, it was on a few different systems, but but nobody talks about that.

Mark Trobough:

I won't get rid of this one.

Brandon Hurles:

If you enjoy that, I would definitely check this out. It does have that Zelda vibe, but it's very unique and it's a different way. It feels like. It feels like the original game, but you're just playing it kind of in a different style and it still has that aesthetic to it and it's a really good DS game. Um, I yeah, the funny thing was is I almost picked Pokemon Ranger two to put on here, but I was like, uh, let's, let's, uh, let's do the stuff people might not have heard of. But yeah, this one gets totally overlooked. People don't think, people don't. There's another entry in the series. I hope it makes a return because I think it's awesome. So the game is Okamiden on the DS. What do we got for movie and TV and anime news and all that jazz?

Mark Trobough:

So the first one was a little bit more depressing than you would think. Talking about, you know death too much. Here we go again. No, I just not. That's not what's going on. Uh, junji ono's gundam f1 prequel manga is finally coming to an end, so the manga launched in 2020 uh about supposed to take place one year before the gundam f91 film. Have you ever seen that one before?

Brandon Hurles:

I have not, is it good?

Mark Trobough:

I thought it was. It's still technically in Universal Century, though it's a different timeline, but it's supposed to take place like super or a few hundred years in the future.

Brandon Hurles:

Is it canon?

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, it's canon because I got the movie on Blu-ray.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh nice, it's part of my mobile suit collection. It has a black case. Yeah, this one for whatever reason has a black case. Is it a? 4k Blu-ray, because 4K Blu-rays have black case usually.

Mark Trobough:

No, it's just marketed as regular Blu-ray.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh yeah, you don't usually see that it's native 1080p. Okay, yeah, so they just did a black case. That's pretty cool. I told you there was a couple of things that I want to get the 4K Blu-ray of, and it was the two movies I mentioned earlier. I'm not collecting movies again, I still got some anime. I've sent you some pictures of ones that I keep finding, and I found a few more I forgot to send you.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, there's a couple of those I would like to have. I bought the Mario movie 4K Blu-ray and I do want the Sonics. I haven't bought that yet. Um, I have two copies of the mario movie because I accidentally I bought the star 10 one from the walmart exclusive. I didn't know, I didn't realize there was a 4k version of it and just a regular blu-ray, so I bought the regular blu-ray I just have the regular blu-ray version of it on amazon.

Brandon Hurles:

I got the the 4k blu-ray. It went on sale for five bucks so I grabbed it. Five bucks, deal, yeah I was like, I'll just get that to watch and leave the other one sealed.

Mark Trobough:

So yeah, so I just want to say, because I I I did get it wrong technically the manga it's at a few years prior to this movie, but it's set in universal century, uh 0122, so 122, and the original uh mobile suit, gundam, is set in what's it? 0079 I believe, because I think it matched the actual year uh in real world. So it's shy of about 100 years in the future. But it's compared to everything else in universal century who which happens within a few decades of each other, this one's like super far in the future. But I mean, it's definitely a brutal movie because fairly early on when there's like an attack on a city or something like that, I don't want to say it's funny, but I I laughed just because of this scene is in this movie.

Mark Trobough:

But this movie there's a scene where there's a mobile suit firing and obviously it's actually firing. You know bullets, and so there's empty casingsings, you know, coming out of the bullet. Well, there's uh and I I feel so bad that I laugh and I can't help it. But I'm sitting up like why did you put this in here? But there's a scene where there's a mother holding a child and a shell bounces and hits her in the head and then she's just dead, it's brutal and I I feel it.

Mark Trobough:

I feel like an asshole, but I laughed at that scene and I was like I know what that says about me um, but I mean it doesn't. It doesn't do anything like super unique uh to gundam, but it's. It's a decent, it's a decent movie uh not far from like my favorite movie.

Mark Trobough:

But I mean, if you like gun, you like it. I, when I was researching you know this article. Uh, I didn't even realize there was a manga prequel to the movie. So, like now, I've got another manga. I need need to check, but it their June issue in the Kadokawa's Gundam Ace magazine published its final chapter on Thursday this past week. So this manga literally just ended. So I and I've been to a Barnes and Noble recently. Never once have I actually seen a manga for this. I've seen the uh gundam the origin ones, because I've got the first two volumes. I'm trying to trying to get you know more of the gundam the origin, but I've not actually seen any of the f91s. So I don't know if it's just a little bit harder to get the actual english translation versions of this light, of this manga, or it's just not been translated. But you know, if I see it I'll definitely pick it up and I I definitely I want to read it now yeah, I mean yeah, for sure, that would be cool.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh, looks like we also got uh, some more deadpool wolverine, um, I guess kind of new news. Right, they're talking about the new loki, I guess yeah, I don't.

Mark Trobough:

I I didn't get a chance. Obviously, we know this movie's coming out. In my opinion, this will be the last not-to-bomb Marvel movie. I think this is the last gasp of a dying franchise.

Brandon Hurles:

It's going to do. Well, they're marketing it, right, you've got.

Mark Trobough:

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds. It's hard for this not to be a good movie. Yeah, there's some new, unless the writing's just that awful.

Brandon Hurles:

There's some new screenshots that came out and it's showing Logan differently, so he's not wearing the suits, and Deadpool is in a bar raises a gun to him. So you see him as just Logan too, so he's not. My guess is that he's not going to be in that suit that long in the movie.

Mark Trobough:

I can't imagine. But this also feels like, if you put it in the timeline, this would have to happen before Logan, like years before the Logan movie.

Brandon Hurles:

Technically, oh, yeah, or is?

Mark Trobough:

it like a different timeline.

Brandon Hurles:

Logan is the end of life of Wolverine, like that's him until he dies. So yeah, that's him.

Mark Trobough:

I didn't know if it was ever. Is it even canon?

Brandon Hurles:

I don't think.

Mark Trobough:

I didn't know if that was canon to this timeline or it was just kind of like it was supposed to be the send off to the old Hugh Jackman.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, I think that's the case, because that would if that's it.

Mark Trobough:

If that were the case, that would be the the end of it, or that that's the end of the you know what I mean, like that was supposed to be, or the far least it was supposed to send off hugh jackman, the whole like concept of that in the comics is like that he fights, I believe, incredible hulk and ends up dying, but that's like the end of life, like it's really like a super brutal series.

Brandon Hurles:

I didn't read it all, but I started reading it but that would mean that, like this is the end, like that. That would be like the final movie that we have right now, and so I don't think I I don't think it's canon to this.

Mark Trobough:

They wouldn't make or maybe we'll get a bit lucky and this is just a sign that hugh jackman will stay wolverine for another decade or so.

Brandon Hurles:

Maybe more movies if we're lucky I'm looking here and there's 46 screenshots and it's showing a lot of him in the suit, like a lot more.

Mark Trobough:

I guess we'll have to watch the movie. But I guess we won't really know until you know the next X-Men's movie finally comes out. Yeah, god knows that they're going to reboot or they're just going to find a way to shoehorn it into the MCU.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, they show him in the in the, the costume and it's pretty like beat up and and stuff like that. So my guess is that, like he puts that on later in the movie, but it does show screenshots of Deadpool without his mask on. It's shown a lot of him like battle damaged, Logan.

Mark Trobough:

So yeah, I will say this it's hard to not see him in that yellow jumpsuit and it just not to look weird on him. Obviously, I know in the comics and in the old x-men animated series he wore that costume, yeah but as far as the hugh jackman's x-men, it's just it. It's weird because I've never I'm not used to seeing him in that costume I feel like it would have made.

Brandon Hurles:

Obviously it's because it's hugh jackman, but I feel like it kind of would have made more sense to have a different wolverine, because he's there's no way that he's sticking around that long. He's like what?

Mark Trobough:

Almost, unless he's changed his mind or I don't see, I don't, I don't know, or maybe they just saw it as that's like Ryan Reynolds really wanted to get him in this movie and he, you know, try to help sell, cause obviously Marvel has been. A lot of the movies have been struggling recently and maybe they saw this as a way to get people to come actually see a movie.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, this is going to do well, we know that.

Mark Trobough:

This is going to do very well as far as I'm sure, as much criticism as Sony's X-Men has gotten. Hugh Jackman was like Hugh Jackman's Wolverine was like the one shining symbol of those movies.

Brandon Hurles:

Not in everything.

Mark Trobough:

I wasn't always obviously the the the origin.

Brandon Hurles:

The origin was terrible. What's funny is that he fights deadpool in that movie you remember that riddell is ryan riddell, so it's like I hope to god.

Mark Trobough:

They reference that in this movie they have, they have to they have to. Obviously they he did in the original deadpool movie, but I want them to to reference it again because they will.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean, he's like third wall breaking, so it's gonna be like some, but he there's a ton of screenshots of him in that costume so I could be totally wrong. Like I'm looking, there's 46. I'm almost to the end and most of them he's in the costume. You also see Deadpool like in regular clothes talking to an old lady with no costume. So yeah, I'm super. I am very interested in this movie. I definitely do plan on going to go see it because the original um, the original old man Logan um, is like a really depressing end of life dying. You know Logan like it.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, that's the end of him and then were you clicking through some of these pictures as well I want to get another reason. Hopefully we can, we can show you all, or, if you can find the article, there's one picture that looks like ant-man's mask well, unfortunately, you can't tell me that doesn't look like it it does.

Brandon Hurles:

We unfortunately don't have a way to show these right now. We're trying to set that up so we can make it a little more interactive for you guys, but yeah but I saw that.

Mark Trobough:

I'm like that. That looks like ant-man's mask, but it looks really big. Maybe it's just a reference or maybe I'm looking into it too much are you talking about the one that is like giant, giant mask? Looking thing and a bunch of people surrounded.

Brandon Hurles:

I thought I thought it was a scent. What are they called the centroids, or I thought I could be completely wrong.

Mark Trobough:

That's just what I thought, but I was like it.

Brandon Hurles:

It probably just a resembles it, but it's obviously not not accurate yeah, he's in the costume a lot in these these screenshots, so I mean, there's definitely a few of him like regular clothes as well, but it looks like maybe he's gonna have to see on longer than we think because there's a bunch of completely different scenes it looks like they also are bringing in um.

Mark Trobough:

Uh, what's that wizard dude's name, dr the character it looks like dot one, because it looks like his portals in one of these screenshots as well, that they're jumping I didn't notice that. I think it's almost at the end. But there's like two different scenes where you look at that and that looks like Doctor Strange's image, At least of these 46, it's around 43 and 44.

Brandon Hurles:

20, 29? Do you recognize who that is on image 29? Somebody walking down the steps. I can't.

Mark Trobough:

Click all the way back.

Brandon Hurles:

I can't tell who it is but they're walking.

Speaker 3:

No, I thought it was the uh, I thought it was that that chick that was in some of these other pictures because you know they're both bald, oh, but I it's just, it's just.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, it is who? Who is that? I'm dude, okay.

Mark Trobough:

I don't know, I'm not, I'm not familiar with the comics, so I that is.

Brandon Hurles:

Ant-Man's that. That's Ant-Man's mask 100% yeah, I swore 100%, it is 100%.

Mark Trobough:

Now, this is just raising questions. What's going on in this movie?

Brandon Hurles:

This is not the end of the MCU. I feel like they're doing the MCU is still going on.

Mark Trobough:

but let's be fair, the MCU is pumped out, bad movie after bad movie.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm hoping this changes that. That's my hope, because I want it to be enjoyable.

Mark Trobough:

We want it not to but Disney can't help, but not make terrible decisions. Endgame was my last one that I loved and was very attached to the series I know a lot of people that after Endgame they were done with the MCU Because they just weren't a fan of some of the movies or the characters. They were like nah, after this, I'm done. I'm just done with the MCU.

Brandon Hurles:

I was so excited for that movie I can't even tell you I loved the MCU at the time. After that it just felt like they did some of the series. I'm trying to think of which one I really disliked. There was a series that was really bad that came out after that, but I did like the WandaVision. That was pretty different and unique. Um, so I don't know, I hope they do it right, like if they're adding in you know, all the other tv shows and things that are coming out like they've really gotta, they've got. I feel like they're. It's becoming a little convoluted. Like the comics you know what I mean. Like because, yeah, like even the comics, they get reset all the time like new universe and new start, like that they can do anything. That ant-man costume, that that I mean that's got to be a reference to something big that's happening with. With that, that's got to be some kind of pretty big reference. I'm curious who the lady is that's blind, though I think she's blind.

Mark Trobough:

Oh, she was in some of the earlier movies she's just like a, like a, an old woman that the the deadpool knows or was his neighbor, or something like that she was in some of the earlier movies I gotcha, I say I remember seeing her I don't.

Brandon Hurles:

I didn't like deadpool 2 myself. I liked one a lot.

Mark Trobough:

No, yeah, it wasn't as good as the first one but I'm curious.

Brandon Hurles:

on it says could wolverine be the new Loki? The first Deadpool and Wolverine trailer show Reynolds Wade Wilson being recruited by the Time Variance Authority. In the second we get a slightly better idea of why Wade wants to recruit Logan to fight alongside him. Wade has no experiences in saving the world, let alone the entire multiverse. So they bring up the multiverse. So Dr Strange got to be involved.

Mark Trobough:

I thought that looked like Mike, that looks like his portal, so like I don't know what's going on with the story. But obviously now that Sony kind of has not so much. But I had a brain fart.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm sorry.

Mark Trobough:

I thought he froze. I was like Disney. Now that Disney has X-Men, obviously it's a lot easier to to incorporate it into the MCU and bring in other characters and stuff like that.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, and we don't even know like where this fits or like what this story is telling. It says Deadpool Wolverine versus Cassandra Nova, which I got to look that up Cause I'm not sure I'm not familiar with who that is.

Mark Trobough:

Never read a single comic, so I'm completely no idea.

Brandon Hurles:

I'm sure somebody knows who she is okay, so, unless she's, cassandra nova is a super villain appearing in comic books most commonly, uh, in association with the x-men. Uh, she is a mama dry, a parasitic life form, bodiless on the astral plane. So that's got to be something with Doctor Strange and X-Men right, it says something she's like.

Mark Trobough:

as far as the Marvel fandom website, it says like Earth 616.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, because, see, that's the thing Like the multiverse, there's so many different, you can do anything. It says Cassandra is the twin sister of X-Men founder Charles Xavier.

Mark Trobough:

It says that's her in quotes, brother. That's what the Marvel database was saying.

Brandon Hurles:

Well then that's wild, because that's introducing a lot more X-Men stuff.

Mark Trobough:

Is it her brother from a different dimension then?

Brandon Hurles:

That's what I'm trying to look.

Mark Trobough:

I'm sure there's people that are like oh, you have no idea what you're talking about. This is how the comics are.

Brandon Hurles:

We don't know what's going on.

Mark Trobough:

I'm not trying to make fun of it, but I'm sure there's people that know exactly who she is.

Brandon Hurles:

It says she began life at the same time as Charles. Xavier conceived without a body, cassandra improvised one by copying Xavier's DNA to make her own body I have no idea, what that even means effectively becoming his twin sister. She grew up with her brother until she had fully formed hands and eyes. She decided to kill charles by attempting to strangle him with his umbilical cord.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, so it gets kind of wild so this, yeah, this has to be an alternate dimension, then yeah bringing in, bringing in more X-Men related stuff.

Brandon Hurles:

So I mean, it's got to be some kind of introduction with bringing in, which I think is important. What I'm curious about is, like where Fantastic Four is going to fit in, because I hope it does well. I want it to do well because, like I love the thing, it has a bad track record. It has a very bad. Well, I want it to do well because, like I love the thing, it has a bad track record.

Mark Trobough:

It has a very bad track.

Brandon Hurles:

I just don't know how they're going to do it, man. I mean the thing's got to look good. It can't look like crap, like he did in the other films, like he took me out of those movies because I thought it looked so bad.

Mark Trobough:

So is this a different Logan from a different dimension than now? That's what I'm wondering, because it's saying is how we let retcon the logan movie I, I, I don't know.

Brandon Hurles:

It says uh, explaining emma corinne's deadpool 3 villain. Um, fans received their first substantial glimpse of emma corinne as one of the x-men's most formidable adversaries uh, cassandra nova. For those unversed in the Marvel lore, the presence of Nova isn't just another villain added to the mix. It signifies an introduction of uniquely profound and sinister threat in the MCU. So it sounds like they're setting up for a new endgame type. They're setting up something big, I feel like, is what is happening so?

Brandon Hurles:

I feel like this is this could potentially be like the next big villain for the whole saga of whatever 10 movies that come out.

Mark Trobough:

We just don't know but I am interested to see. I mean, it looks like there's some connection to this Earth. 616 has, like it's own, it's own whole timeline yeah, there's several, there's, there's several.

Brandon Hurles:

This says, uh. The latest portrayal of cassandra nova hints at a character that transcends universe boundaries. Set against the backdrop of the marvel cinematics exploration of multiverses, emma corns nova seems to seems poised to become villain. Who is ambitious, uh, who? Ambition is not to just challenge the hero of a single world, but to wreck havoc across multiple realities.

Mark Trobough:

So this is going to be multiverse heavy, um I may see how much it carries on to a potential sequel maybe the logan that's not in the costume is not the same logan that's in the costume that they're pulling.

Brandon Hurles:

Maybe they're pulling him from the logan movie because he's wearing the same outfit. He's wearing the same out.

Mark Trobough:

That's yeah, so they're going to like is he going in the future now to grab the same logan from the logan movie? And then like, nope, you're coming with me. I have no idea, maybe he's saving that Logan from not dying. Like I don't know.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean, I don't know, he puts on this suit so something happens. But it'll be interesting to see what comes of that.

Mark Trobough:

I'm not familiar with the Sands of Nova so. We'll have to wait about another two months.

Brandon Hurles:

Yes, it's out soon, so oba, so I'll have to wait about another two months. Yes, it's out soon, so july 26th. Uh, we also got uh g kids anime limited license. Naoko yamada science through the colors within anime film yeah, so it's just kind of a.

Mark Trobough:

This is a anime film that is coming out at the end of august of this year. Uh, don't know a massive, a whole lot about this. I didn't see an actual trailer, but I'm sure there's one out there. But you know, it's just another anime movie. It looks that's. I can't speak. I'm stuttering over my words.

Brandon Hurles:

I keep doing it too.

Mark Trobough:

I hopefully this is a new IP. I don't know enough about this movie to know if it's actually based on something new, but it's one of those things where it's like, hey, G kids is licensing, this is a good chance it's going to come to theaters here in the U? S and some former fashion, because a lot of G kids movies tend to get uh, it's got a unique some, some form of a theatrical release.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, the Art looks unique, so I'm like, well, you know, give it a shot. I mean, it's probably going to deal with some kind of it looks like the main character is a teenage girl. Yeah, but if I'm able to go see it, I'll definitely give it a chance shot. I love watching anime films, but there's a theater in Salt Lake that I go to that does a lot of foreign films in general that I like to go see, so hopefully I'll be able to catch this and do a review for it.

Brandon Hurles:

Hopefully it's a good movie. Well, let's see what some of our biggest news here is, since it is getting late. On podcast, we got Netflix streams new episodes of Pokemon Horizons on May 10th. I have watched some of this with my daughter. It's pretty dang good. It almost makes me wish that they had done away with ash a long time ago, because these characters are more more filled out than than him, if that makes sense, uh. But yeah, pretty cool stuff. I like it. We've watched it.

Mark Trobough:

I'm not like caught up, but uh, we also got there was another one, uh, because it's another anime film, but it's coming to theaters only in Japan, but it's coming out here in May 24th on Netflix. It's my Oni Girl, which is an oni that's supposed to be like a god or something like that in Japan. But I saw this and I was like another thing that looks kind of interesting to actually want to go see, see what the story's like, because you get the feeling it's like a mixture of a story of two characters caught between two different worlds. I just saw it and I'm like, oh, that sucks, it's coming to Netflix.

Brandon Hurles:


Mark Trobough:

So I gotta find a way to watch it. But I saw that and I'm like that's definitely a movie that I'm gonna watch as well. The more the merrier.

Brandon Hurles:

Yeah, for sure, we got Godzilla.

Mark Trobough:

Kong Go ahead.

Brandon Hurles:

No, uh, we got. Uh, godzilla kong, okay, no, you can go with the other one. Uh, godzilla kong. New empire drops again to number three in the fourth weekend.

Mark Trobough:

Uh, spy family code is number five in the us box office yeah, so it's actually I this article that I realized I didn't even know the spy film movie was even out or that was even going to be, uh, in my local theater.

Brandon Hurles:

Well, because he usually doesn't get movies like this. I'm shocked. It's going to be all around, every one of them.

Mark Trobough:

You're gonna double check as well, uh, to see if I'm gonna be able to watch it. I've got to go to salt lake to watch it, uh. But I mean, like I you know, after a few weeks this kind of makes sense. God's probably gonna start dropping off after a while. Yeah, obviously some new movies comes out, but it's uh, I mean, still doing pretty strong yeah, but no, there was the other one, because I know we talked about it before.

Mark Trobough:

Uh, the live action one piece series adds joe trace tracks as a showrunner for season two. So since we have a confirmation that the live action one piece is getting a second season, well, that's I mean that's good. I never watched it. I watched about the first four episodes and, like obviously I it made me want to go back and actually watch the anime. But I thought for the adaptations that I've actually seen.

Brandon Hurles:

I thought it did it pretty well it adapted the story pretty well, yeah, so I think I watched four or five episodes I. It's one of the better ones, but I still don't like the character that plays Luffy. I'm not a fan.

Mark Trobough:

It's not that it gets Tim, it's just the casting, but as a whole I could watch this whole thing and still be enjoyed.

Brandon Hurles:

It's just much better than some other stuff we got for sure.

Mark Trobough:

Like the Cowboy Bebop one which was just god-awful.

Brandon Hurles:

Absolutely horrible we got. Let's see what else is big. Japan's animation home video sales decreased by 8%. Is this physical media?

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, so I brought this up just because obviously you talk about physical media a lot, and it's the JVA, the Japan Video Software Association released its report from January to December of 2023. Its report from January to December of 2023, including the animated overseas animation titles, amounted to about $173 million, down 8% from the year prior. So obviously there's still the trend that physical media is kind of going downhill, which is sad to see, but it's kind of.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, not shocking, but I mean it could be bigger. It's only 8%. Maybe it'll not decline as much this year, hopefully. But because I still see blu-rays at walmart, I'll pick them up. But obviously a lot, of, a lot of retail stores, just stop.

Brandon Hurles:

Just stop carrying physical media for no reason I know, other than they just don't want to carry. I'll tell you what I've been wanting to grab. I just don't like dvds, right like I, I really like to get 4k blu-rays, but a lot of stuff does not get that and I want those cartoon network ones. But I don't want, I don't want dvds, like I don't know why those are not at least on blu-ray like they have this box.

Mark Trobough:

I will, yeah, because I seen at walmart too. But I'm like I prefer it to be in blu-ray. But but if I want to watch it and it's in DVD, I'll still get it on DVD, just so I can watch it, even if it's not the ideal version. I don't care.

Brandon Hurles:

I mean, it's not native Blu-ray.

Mark Trobough:

Anyways, this is like 4.3 is what it was shot in the squares. I keep hoping that they will.

Brandon Hurles:

But at this point I don't think that that's even on the table. I don't think it's.

Mark Trobough:

It's just not profitable enough, they'll package it up.

Brandon Hurles:

I want to have the set of Fosters and Dexter and Johnny Brown.

Mark Trobough:

I want to have those, but I keep hoping I'm just going to have At this point. I'd just suck it up and get the DVD at this point. That way you can at least have it before it's out of print forever. Yeah, I totally say you at least have the physical. That's how I look at. Anyways, I was like if it was in blu-ray in Walmart carried at, walmart would have the blu-ray, not the DVD version. So I'd be like we're probably never gonna get a blu-ray. It's just unrealistic at this point. So you know, I'll just take what I can get yeah, I, I'm with you, I'm with you.

Brandon Hurles:

I think that that's probably like the way to go. But yeah, there's a couple there that eyeball. Like every single time that I go and I'm like man, I would love to have the Foster set or you know some of these classics so I can watch them. But yeah, so what? Else do we have that's big. Is there anything else on there?

Mark Trobough:

I think this is just a lot of like, uh, some some anime stuff kind of getting into adaptations and stuff. There's only one other major thing that I didn't want to bring up. Okay, uh, voice actor yasuo mara Mara Mara Matsu died at the age of 91. What I was trying to pull it up what was she? No, it's he sorry oh okay, he.

Mark Trobough:

Some of his more famous roles I had to pull it up was Tom in One Piece, pisco and others, and Detective Conan the IO I'm trying to pronounce that in naruto shippuden. Uh, johan, wow, you've still ebron revy in bubble suit, gundam holy crap, and then he did something else in the uh, in the coffin princess. That's just like some of his notable work, but obviously he's been in voice acting for for quite a while I mean, he did naruto shippuden and that's crazy yeah I'm sure I butchered that character's name, but I like a lot of other things.

Mark Trobough:

It kind of makes sense. He's 91, it's not like uh, and then it's unfortunate. But you know, rather than someone who died of or passed away of old age, then you know, pass away when they're in their, in their 40s, which you know just seems too young yeah, I agree, I agree with you. Yeah, not, not the most uh, not the most famous voice actor out there, but done a lot of relative high voice acting and stuff like that in some relative shows. Yeah, he definitely has.

Brandon Hurles:

I guess we'll highlight a couple of the new releases and then wrap up We've got. So. We talked about Saga. That actually just dropped a few days ago, so if you're listening to audio, it's out now. Saga Emerald Beyond it's on Switch, PS5, PC. We obviously just had Sandland and Stellar Blade, but also that Manor Lords came out the same day as those and still had those consecutive players. That's crazy.

Mark Trobough:

Same day as those two games. Well, because Sandland's on PC. But uh, you look at a game like stellar blade that's stuck on the on playstation. So you know some of these other bigger releases.

Brandon Hurles:

It doesn't necessarily have to compete against yeah, and then I mean then we got. I mean this is kind of interesting because the series hasn't been around for a long time. But uh, new top spin came out the day of those as well. We haven't't had top spin in years, so I actually know a lot of people are excited. I like tennis games. I would never buy this at full price, but I think they're fun. I've always found tennis games fun. Sea of Thieves comes to PS5 on April 30th.

Mark Trobough:

And actually talking about that, I think there was some early like if you got, if you pre-ordered it. There was some early like if you got, if you pre-ordered it there's some early access on PlayStation for that game as well.

Brandon Hurles:

I think you get like a couple days earlier. You can play it now, right, I thought? Yeah, I think some people were playing it already now.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, I think you do. Essentially early access.

Brandon Hurles:

But at this point I mean it's out in a couple days from the recording of this.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, it comes out, like you know, early, early next week.

Brandon Hurles:

Then we also have the new Endless Ocean from Nintendo Switch Comes out May 2nd. Very interesting series, just very chill, relaxing, fun series we got. Ghost of Tsushima, director's Cut, comes to PC May 16th. Hellblade 2 comes out May 21st. That's obviously highly anticipated. World of Goo 2. Love that first game on the Wii. It comes out nintendo switch on may 23rd. Uh, multiverse officially launches the actual game um a year later. Yeah, I mean it was an early access, forever or beta um, but it comes out may 28th. Elder scrolls online gold road came.

Mark Trobough:

That comes out, uh, june 3rd yeah, every june is the new, uh new dlc update for that for the mmo I have not played in forever.

Brandon Hurles:

Uh got new. Uh, destiny to the final shape comes out june 4th, and the other big one obviously everybody's looking forward to is Elden Ring, shadow of the Erd Tree. So those are the upcoming releases. Did you have anything else you want to?

Mark Trobough:

bring up? No, I think for the most part, minus some of the other smaller stuff. I think I pulled up most of the other stuff I wanted to talk about, so that's just anything final that you wanted to bring up.

Brandon Hurles:

We just had a question what is Gaming Podcast, mark, do you like Nintendo? They also said we don't get Switch 2 until 2027. It's a ways out. Is the Wii U even good? I like the Wii U as a console.

Mark Trobough:

I would say, as a console, no, the games on it absolutely, though most. No the games on it absolutely, though most of the games did come to the Switch. It was just marketed terribly and it has a bad name. Shouldn't have been called the Wii.

Mark Trobough:

U personally, but just a moment, my mouse batteries dropped as I criticized his Wii U because I wasn't a fan of it but it had a lot of good games. But I eventually bought a wii u at the end of its life cycle and I think I bought it for the mario maker game or something like that. It was really cheap. I got it for like 100 bucks, like brand new. Uh, though it's sitting in a closet, probably never gonna come out again because I have no need to play it. I've got like one game, officially for it or no. I think I bought it for a few games, but I think I bought the Wii U now that I think about it, because I have a handful of Wii games. I wanted to actually play my Wii games but I didn't have a Wii, so I ended up just buying the Wii U to play the three Wii games that I have. Which is a Call of Duty game, for whatever reason, it's a Call of Duty Black Ops on the Wii. I need that for my set.

Mark Trobough:

I need that one for my set. You sure I'm going to sell it to you. I can't find another battery. I played the crap out of the game when it came out. But it's a Metroid Prime 3, and then I'm trying to think of the third game that I have for the Wii.

Brandon Hurles:

I'll take that Black Ops from you. I'll give you a trade.

Mark Trobough:

Oh, yeah, I should have known better. So, because I only have three wii games still. So obviously I have the black ops. Uh, you know, I would say complete in box, but it's just the you know the yeah, need it there. The case is like, definitely, uh, it's scratched in the back. I I'm pretty sure I bought this used, uh, but obviously Metroid Prime 3 that got used, but it was actually Other M was the other Metroid game that I knew that I had on it, both of which are pretty heavy, like they've got really thick manuals, just don't get any more, which is really frustrating. But yeah, no, I think I think I got Mario Maker digitally on the Wii U, but it was because I wanted to play my Metroid Prime 3 game. Obviously I got no reason to go back and play the Black Ops game anymore, but it definitely holds some good memories because I definitely played that game multiplayer on the Wii when I first got it.

Mark Trobough:

I loved it it's a really good game. It's not a terrible version of it no, I think it's good. I played the campaign in the multiplayer, yeah, and had a good time with it yep, same here.

Brandon Hurles:

I thought, I thought they're really fun, I I. That's why I was saying they're totally overlooked, and I like the ds games too. Black ops came out on the ds, which I need to get, and then I think.

Mark Trobough:

But I mean, like, this is such a pathetically tiny wii collection. You can't see that's's all white, but two Metroid games, obviously for the Wii, and then a.

Brandon Hurles:

You want to do a trade on Black Ops?

Mark Trobough:

I don't know what is going to be of equivalent I don't know if I want to get rid of it, though, to be fair, it can't be that hard to find for the Wii?

Brandon Hurles:

It's not, it's not uncommon, but do you got any final? Anything else you want to bring up?

Mark Trobough:

No, I think we went down a weird Wii U Wii rabbit hole real quick while you're doing whatever you're doing.

Brandon Hurles:

So I'm trying to find a battery for my mouse, oh, wow, oh well, I guess they less of a thing.

Mark Trobough:

But because my GameStop sells a bunch of figures, I ended up getting earlier this week, or like last week, two new figures. Two. One Piece characters, luffy, and then I can't remember her name.

Brandon Hurles:

She's from the Let me see.

Mark Trobough:

I got the box. The box it's Shinobu. I think it's Shinobu's name. That's what the box says.

Brandon Hurles:

Oh, okay, gotcha Nice, how much was it?

Mark Trobough:

35, 40 bucks somewhere in there. That's cool. I think I took. I think I took the price tag off the box, but it wasn't too bad. There was also a sale. Yeah, I actually got both the stellar blade and, uh, those two figures for like six bucks because apparently when I bought, when I pre-ordered and bought Pokemon Scarlet and Violet when I picked it up they didn't take, they didn't update the system. So I'm just sitting there with two full pre-order games on the system for months. So essentially they just use those as a down payment for like all my stuff.

Brandon Hurles:

So essentially, I have something, too, from 2021 that I pre-ordered, or I didn't pre-order. I bought it online and I never got it and it's still on here and it's saying, uh, something about trying to refund it.

Brandon Hurles:

Um, and they couldn't help essentially what I, they wouldn't help me in the store they went out, they wouldn't give me my money back for I'm like it shows that I never picked it up and I I just forgot about it, but because they brought it before I'm like it shows that I never picked it up and I I just forgot about it but, because they brought it before.

Mark Trobough:

I'm like, no, yeah, I got that game a while ago. And then they're finally like, well, screw, we'll just give it. Just give it to you at this point, like whatever this is somebody's grew up in the system. So in long term I got scarlet and violet for free, pretty much yeah, because somebody at gamestop mixed up it's a, it's Amiibo that I never got A Yoshi.

Brandon Hurles:

Of course, this is very expensive now, the yarn Yoshi, but yeah.

Mark Trobough:

I mean I'm pretty sure it helps because I'm in there all the time and the guy that checked me out, he knows me pretty well as far as like the main guy, so I'm pretty sure I'm in there all the time. I spend a lot of money constantly in GameStop, so that probably helps them, helped them to give that to me.

Brandon Hurles:

That is sick. Well, all right, I think that wraps up the show, episode 82. Of course, we will be back regular time next week Friday live. So if you're listening to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, spotify, any of the big places you can catch us live every Friday at 7 pm Eastern Standard Time and if you want to become a channel member, you can get that. It's in the description. Helps us out. We've also got all of our socials. That will be in the descriptions as well. Posts every single day, various different things. And yeah, I think it's a great episode man. Yeah, um, yeah, things are great. Episode man.

Mark Trobough:

Yeah, no, definitely a really good episode. Hope you all have a good rest of your weekend or week, if you're listening to this on a weekday.

Brandon Hurles:

Yep, and we'll be back as usual and, uh, we'll see y'all later. Peace, peace out.

Retro Gaming Anniversaries, Stellar Blade, Sand Land & New Anime! | The Game Junction Podcast 82 - The Game Junction Podcast (2024)


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