OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (2024)

Cooking is one of the skills that can be trained in both F2P and P2P worlds. It allows you to make food which can be eaten to heal up your OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (1)Hitpoints and this is done by cooking raw food. Raw food can be cooked by using a fire or a range, fire can be made by using a Tinderbox on any kind of Logs (depending on your Firemaking level) but it has a high chance to burn the food.

Usually, players train this skill to be able to finish some quests and/or obtaining the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (2)Cooking cape which allows you to not burn food anymore, but you can also use this skill to make some money at the high levels, depending on how you do it. That doesn’t mean OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (3)Cooking training is cheap, it can be so expensive, so prepare yourself to spend some serious money.

Make sure to check out all 23 OSRS skills in our relevant guide.

Table of Contents

Cooking Range & Burning Chance

Burning Chance, Old School Runescape

Cooking on a range has a lower chance to burn the food than the normal fire, not to mention that some specific ranges have an even lower burn chance than the other ranges. Also, some food can only be cooked on a range, unlike fire. That means any kind of food that can be cooked on fire can also be cooked on a range.

Note that having a high OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (5)Cooking level unlocks new kinds of raw food to be cooked.

Overall, the burning chance is highly depending on your actual OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (6)Cooking level, which means the higher level you are the less likely you will burn the food. Keep in mind that each kind of raw food requires a certain OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (7)Cooking level to stop burning completely. To see these levels, please check the table below.

Food ItemOSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (8)FireOSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (9)RangeOSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (10)Lumbridge Castle RangeOSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (11)Hosidius KitchenOSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (12)Cooking gauntletsOSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (13)Gauntlets + OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (14)HosidiusOSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (15)Gauntlets + OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (16)Hosidius (Elite Diary)OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (17)XP
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (18)Dark crab9999999999215
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (19)Anglerfish99999999989388230
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (20)Shark99999999948984210
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (21)Monkfish929090868882150
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (22)Swordfish868686828176N/A140
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (23)Bass808080768075N/A130
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (24)Curry74747474N/A280
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (25)Lobster747474706461N/A120
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (26)Plain pizzaN/A686860N/A143
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (27)Rainbow fish63636363N/A110
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (28)Cooked karambwan99999994999387190
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (29)Poison karambwan9999999980
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (30)Tuna646363626359N/A100
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (31)Salmon585855555856N/A90
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (32)Cooked slimy eel5858585895
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (33)Stew58N/A117
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (34)Pike64646465N/A80
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (35)Cod52525252N/A75
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (36)Trout504947464946N/A70
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (37)Mackerel45454545N/A60
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (38)Anchovies3434303028N/A30
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (39)Herring41414141N/A50
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (40)Sardine35353535N/A40
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (41)Shrimps3434313028N/A30
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (42)Cooked chicken34313131N/A30
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (43)Cooked meat31313131N/A30

In this article, we will be focusing on the fastest way to reach level 99 Cooking using the best semi-AFK P2P methods to do that. We will also mention some money-making methods for those who are interested.

Note that every ingredient mentioned in this article can be bought directly from the Grand Exchange, but we can’t assume exactly how much you will need to complete the guide due to the market fluctuation.

Things to do first

Before following this guide, you should read the 2 sections below.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (44)Hosidius Kitchen

First of all, you should be using a range to train your OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (45)Cooking skill because it has less chance to burn your food. The best cooking range in the game is the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (46)Hosidius Range and this is because it even has a lesser chance (5% and can be 10% after completing the Kourend & Kebos elite Diary) to burn the food than the other ranges and its also so close to a bank chest.

Note that 100% OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (47)Hosidius favour is required to unlock the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (48)Hosidius Kitchen.

Hosidius Kitchen, Old School Runescape

This also means it decreases the burning level of some food to stop being burnt completely (check the table in the Burning Chance section).

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (50)Cooking Gauntlets

These Gauntlets decrease the chance of burning food, which helps you to gain more XP in a shorter time. Completing the Family Crest Quest is required to obtain these Gauntlets.

Note that using the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (51)Hosidius Range which wearing the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (52)Cooking Gauntlets will decrease the required level to not burn some food anymore. Both of them will not be needed anyway once you obtain the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (53)Cooking Cape.

Fish TypeRequired Cooking levelStops burning at levelStops burning at level with GauntletsStops burning at level with Gauntlets and Hosidius Kitchen
Karambwan30Never (unless wearing the Cooking cape)Never (unless wearing the Cooking cape)93 (Due to the Hosidius +5 boost, Gauntlets have no effect)
Shark80Never (unless wearing the Cooking cape)9489
Anglerfish84Never (unless wearing the Cooking cape)9893

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (54)All Cooking Quests

Completing some quests will be helpful to pass the first low OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (55)Cooking level, but of course, it is totally up to you.

QuestXPCooking LevelOther Requirements
Cook’s Assistant300
Rag and Bone Man500
Recipe for Disaster (Dwarf subquest)1,000
Recipe for Disaster (Goblin generals subquest)1,000
Recipe for Disaster (Pirate Pete subquest)1,00031 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (56)
Big Chompy Bird Hunting1,47030 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (57)5 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (58), 30 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (59)
Recipe for Disaster (Skrach Uglogwee subquest)1,50041 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (60)20 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (61)
Gertrude’s Cat1,525
Recipe for Disaster (Lumbridge Guide subquest)2,50040 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (62)
Heroes’ Quest2,82553 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (63)55 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (64), 53 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (65), 25 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (66), 50 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (67)
Recipe for Disaster (Sir Amik Varze subquest)4,000107 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (68)
Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf5,00022 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (69)17 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (70)
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio5,00030 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (71)15 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (72), 5 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (73)
Recipe for Disaster (Evil Dave subquest)7,00025 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (74)
Recipe for Disaster (Awowogei subquest)10,00070 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (75)48 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (76)

Cooking Training – Level 1-99

While the quests above can be helpful in many ways, if you are looking for a streamlined OSRS cooking guide in order to level effectively, then follow the steps below.

You need to craft a certain amount of meals for each recipe, and if you want to save some money, you will find detailed instructions on how to farm the ingredients yourself – which is of course way more time consuming than just buying everything in the Grand Exchange.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (77)Cooking Level 1-20

  • Cook 112 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (79)Sardines (40 XP / Sardine).

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (80)Sardine Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (81)Raw sardine

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (82)How to obtain Raw sardine

It can be obtained by fishing while using a normal OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (83)Fishing Rod in a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (84)fishing spot that has a “Bait Fishing Spot” option and that requires level 5 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (85)Fishing and having a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (86)Fishing bait in your inventory. OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (87)Fishing bait can be obtained by killing specific monsters such as Banshees and/or buying them from a store such as Gerrant’s Fishy Business in Port Sarim which is the same store to buy OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (88)Raw sardines from.

The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (89)Raw sardine can also be obtained by killing some monsters such as Dagannoth spawn. Normal OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (90)Fishing Rods can be bought from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (91)Fishing shops such as Harry’s Fishing Shop in Catherby.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (92)Cooking Level 20-30

Trout Cooking, Old School Runescape

  • Cook 128 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (94)Trouts (70 XP / Trout).

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (95)Trout Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (96)Raw trout

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (97)How to obtain Raw trout

It can be obtained by fishing while using a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (98)Fly Fishing Rod with some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (99)Feathers in a Lure OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (100)fishing spot and it requires level 20 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (101)Fishing. The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (102)Fly Fishing Rod can be bought from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (103)Fishing shops such as Gerrant’s Fishy Business in Port Sarim.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (104)Feathers can be obtained by killing some monsters such as Chickens or can be bought from various OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (105)Fishing shops such as the Fishing Guild Shop in the Fishing Guild. OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (106)Raw trouts can also be bought from some shops such as Rufus’ Meat Emporium in Canifis.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (107)Cooking Level 30-50

Salmon Cooking, Old School Runescape

  • Cook 978 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (109)Salmons (90 XP / Salmon).

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (110)Salmon Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (111)Raw salmon

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (112)How to obtain Raw salmon

It can be obtained by fishing with a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (113)Fly Fishing Rod with some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (114)Feathers in a Lure OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (115)fishing spot and that requires level 30 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (116)Fishing. The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (117)Fly Fishing Rod can be bought from different OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (118)Fishing shops and the same applies to the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (119)Feathers.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (120)Raw salmons can be bought from some shops such as Fremennik Fish Monger in Rellekka.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (121)Cooking Level 50-61

Tuna Cooking, Old School Runescape

  • Cook 2,010 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (123)Tunas (100 XP / Tuna).

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (124)Tuna Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (125)Raw tuna

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (126)How to obtain Raw tuna

It can be obtained by fishing while using a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (127)Harpoon in a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (128)fishing spot with a “cage/harpoon” option and it requires level 35 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (129)Fishing.

The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (130)Harpoon can be obtained by buying it from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (131)Fishing shops such as Harry’s Fishing Shop in Catherby. Killing Kraken has a chance to drop a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (132)Harpoon but its Rare.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (133)Raw tunas can also be obtained from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (134)Fishing shops such as Flosi’s Fishmongers in Jatizso or by killing specific monsters such as Troll general. Stealing from fish stalls is another way to obtain OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (135)Raw tunas, but it requires level 42 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (136)Thieving.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (137)Cooking Level 61-76

Lobster Cooking, Old School Runescape

  • Cook 8,618 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (139)Lobsters (120 XP / Lobster).

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (140)Lobster Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (141)Raw lobster

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (142)How to obtain Raw lobster

It can be obtained by fishing while using a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (143)Lobster pot in a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (144)Fishing spot with a “cage” option and it requires level 40 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (145)Fishing. The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (146)Lobster pot can be obtained by killing monsters like the Rock lobster or can be bought from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (147)fishing shops such as Gerrant’s Fishy Business in Port Sarim.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (148)Raw lobsters can also be bought from some stores such as Two Feet Charley’s Fish Shop in Mos Le’Harmless or by killing monsters such as King Sand Crab.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (149)Cooking Level 76-82

Swordfish Cooking, Old School Runescape

  • Cook 7,748 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (151)Swordfishes (140 XP / Swordfish).

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (152)Swordfish Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (153)Raw swordfish

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (154)How to obtain Raw swordfish

It can be obtained by fishing with a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (155)Harpoon in a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (156)fishing spot with a “cage/harpoon” option and which requires level 50 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (157)Fishing. The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (158)Harpoon can be obtained by buying it from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (159)fishing shops such as Harry’s Fishing Shop in Catherby. Also, killing Kraken has a chance to drop a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (160)Harpoon but its kinda rare.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (161)Raw swordfishes can also be obtained from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (162)fishing shops such as Harry’s Fishing Shop in Catherby or by killing specific monsters such as Mogres.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (163)Cooking Level 82-89

Monkfish Cooking, Old School Runescape

  • Cook 16,142 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (165)Monkfishes (150 XP / Monkfish).

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (166)Monkfish Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (167)Raw monkfish

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (168)How to obtain Raw monkfish

It can be obtained by fishing while using a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (169)Small Fishing Net in the Piscatoris Fishing Colony which requires the completion of OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (170)Swan Song Quest and having level 62 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (171)Fishing.

The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (172)Small Fishing Net can be obtained (for free) by talking to the Fishing tutor east of the Lumbridge Swamp or by buying it from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (173)fishing shops such as Gerrant’s Fishy Business in Port Sarim. OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (174)Raw monkfishes can also be bought from Arnold’s Eclectic Supplies in the Piscatoris Fishing Colony.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (175)Cooking Level 89-93

Shark Cooking, Old School Runescape

  • Cook 11,207 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (177)Sharks (210 XP / Shark).

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (178)Shark Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (179)Raw shark

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (180)How to obtain Raw shark

It can be obtained by using a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (181)Harpoon in a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (182)fishing spot that has a “cage/harpoon” option and that requires you to have level 76 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (183)Fishing. The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (184)Harpoon can be bought from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (185)fishing shops like Etceteria Fish in Etceteria.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (186)Raw sharks can be obtained by killing certain monsters such as Ice troll grunts or you can simply buy them from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (187)fishing shops such as Rufus’ Meat Emporium in Canifis.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (188)Cooking Level 93-99

Anglerfish Cooking, Old School Runescape

  • Cook 25,387 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (190)Anglerfishes (230 XP / Anglerfish).

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (191)Anglerfish Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (192)Raw anglerfish

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (193)How to obtain Raw anglerfish

It can be obtained by fishing near Tynan’s Fishing Supplies area, specifically in the “bait” OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (194)fishing spot south of it. To do that you will need 100% OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (195)Piscarilius favour, normal OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (196)Fishing Rod and OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (197)Sandworms.

Normal OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (198)Fishing rods can be bought from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (199)fishing shops including Tynan’s Fishing Supplies.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (200)Sandworms can be obtained on the shores of OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (201)Piscarillius but it requires level 15 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (202)Hunter and 30% OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (203)Piscarilius favor or you can simply buy them from Tynan’s Fishing Supplies.

Alternative Cooking Training Methods

The following method is kinda expensive and may be less AFK than the other mentioned methods, but it gives fairly higher XP and it totally depends on how efficient you can do it.

The best thing about it is that you can do it without the need for a fire or cooking range.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (204)Making Wines

Making Jugs of Wine, Old School Runescape

First of all, the recommended level to start using this method is level 68 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (206)Fishing where you will stop making OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (207)Jugs of bad wine, so you won’t waste money and XP.

All you have to do is combining OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (208)Grapes with some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (209)Jugs of water to make OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (210)Jugs of wine. OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (211)Grapes can be obtained by farming in the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (212)Hosidius Vinery which requires level 36 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (213)Farming and 65% OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (214)Hosidius favour.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (215)Grapes can also be obtained by killing bosses such as Vorkath alongside the ability to buy from the Culinaromancer’s Chest after completing the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (216)Recipe for Disaster Quest.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (217)Jugs of water can be obtained by filling OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (218)Empty Jugs using any OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (219)water source such as fountains. OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (220)Empty Jugs can be bought from the various OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (221)general stores like the one in Varrock.

A OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (222)jug of water can also be bought from some shops like Shantay Pass Shop or by killing monsters like Imps. You can expect 500K XP / Hour by using this method.

Money Making MethodsUsing OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (223)Cooking to make money isn’t the best way to go, and it really gives very low profits, but this might be helpful if you are willing to get some coins while being semi-AFK.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (224)Cooking Dark Crabs

Dark Crab Cooking, Old School Runescape

  • Recommended level: 97+ Cooking

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (226)Dark Crab Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (227)Raw dark crab

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (228)How to obtain Raw dark crab

It can be obtained by fishing using a OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (229)Lobster pot with OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (230)Dark fishing bait in the Wilderness only. The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (231)fishing spot is located deep in the Wilderness in the Resource Area.

The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (232)Lobster pot can be obtained by killing monsters like the Rock lobster or you can buy it from some OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (233)fishing shops such as Gerrant’s Fishy Business in Port Sarim.

The OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (234)Dark fishing bait can be obtained by killing some monsters such as Ankous. Doing that will earn you almost 320K GP/Hour in addition to 250~280K XP/Hour.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (235)Cooking Karambwans

Karambwan Cooking, Old School Runescape

Recommended level: 90+ Cooking
Quest required: Tai Bwo Wannai Trio

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (237)Karambwan Recipe
OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (238)Raw karambwan

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (239)How to obtain Raw karambwan

It can be obtained by fishing east of the Harpie Bug Swarms in north-east of Tai Bwo Wannai near the fairy ring. A OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (240)Karambwan vessel and level 65 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (241)Fishing are required to catch the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (242)Raw karambwans.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (243)Karambwan vessel can be obtained by buying it from Tiadeche’s Karambwan Stall in Tai Bwo Wannai, also the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (244)Raw karambwan can be bought directly from there.

You can expect 140K GP/Hour in addition to 230K XP/Hour by doing that.


You should only aim for level 99 OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (245)Cooking to obtain the OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (246)Cooking cape and to get closer to your max cape, making money from this skill is only gonna waste your time in comparison to the other big money-making methods.

That means reaching level 99 in the fastest possible way should be your target, after that you can make money somewhere else.

OSRS Cooking Guide - Training 1-99 Fast (F2P & P2P Methods) (2024)


What is the fastest F2P cooking Osrs? ›

Jugs of wine are the fastest Cooking experience in the game for both F2P and members for power-levelling and are commonly used for Cooking training.

What is the fastest way to get cooking XP in Osrs? ›

1-tick cooking karambwan provides the fastest Cooking experience. Karambwan can be cooked without tick delay by holding down 1 or space and rapidly using raw karambwan on a fire or range. This requires a lot of click accuracy and can be difficult to do consistently for long periods of time.

Where is the best range to train cooking Osrs? ›

The best place for levelling cooking is the bank chest in the Myths' Guild, which requires completion of Dragon Slayer II. The range and bank border the same tile, meaning no walking is required to cook at this location. Another area, which has lower requirements, is in the Cooks' Guild.

What is the fastest skill to 99 in F2P? ›

After level 43 magic, you should start to superheat all the way to 99. This has been proven to be the fastest in F2P. This spell requires a fairly large amount of nature runes to reach 99. It is recommended that you use a Fire staff.

What is the easiest 99 in Osrs? ›

The Easiest OSRS 99 Skill – Fletching

If you are looking for a much more cost effective method, then Mithril darts will take you to 99 for 51M osrs gold. It will take you around 7 hours to hit 99 this way. Alternatively, you can focus on Short and Longbows, though this will take up to 80 hours.

How many fish can you cook in an hour in osrs? ›

You can cook on average 1,300 fish per hour in the Hosidius Kitchen, or 1,400 in the Myth's Guild of Rogues Den.

How much XP per hour is wine cooking? ›

Successfully making a jug of wine grants you 200 experience. From level 68 onwards, making jugs of wine will grant the player around 470,000 - 490,000 experience per hour.

What is the fastest way to get to 99 range Osrs? ›

Levels 45–99: Chinning maniacal monkeys

Throwing chinchompas (commonly known as "chinning") at maniacal monkeys is the fastest way to train Ranged. Maniacal monkeys are located in Kruk's Dungeon on Ape Atoll, which requires having started chapter II of Monkey Madness II to access.

Who has the highest xp in Osrs? ›

"Lynx Titan" XP tally was over 300,000,000 higher than his nearest rival, "Randalicious", who had racked up 2,141,487,955 XP as of the same date. Comments below may relate to previous holders of this record.

What is the average xp per hour in Osrs? ›

Some of the quicker and easier skills to train (such as Cooking and Fletching) can get experience rates upwards of 800,000 per hour, whilst some of the slowest and most tedious skills to train (such as Slayer, Runecraft and Agility) get maximum experience rates between 20,000–75,000 per hour, making them slower to ...

What xp level is 99 Osrs? ›

Reaching level 99 in a skill requires a total of 13,034,431 experience.

Does a chef's hat help Cooking Osrs? ›

A chef's hat is a white hat that allows players to enter the Cooks' Guild if they have the required Cooking level of 32. Apart from that, they serve little use and are purely cosmetic.

What is the best food to cook in Osrs? ›

The Anglerfish is definitely one of the best foods in OSRS. That is because this is one of the only foods in the game that provides variable healing based on your current hit points level. Although the Anglerfish only heals a relatively small amount at lower levels, it does provide 22 HP when you are at least level 93.

What is the best thing to train in Osrs? ›

It is usually better to train with crabs, Slayer, or the Nightmare Zone and do something else to make money for overall more efficient play. For example, killing Hobgoblins for two hours will give both less money and less experience than spinning flax for one hour and training on crabs for one hour.

What is the fastest F2P firemaking Osrs? ›

The quickest way to get from level 15 to level 30 is by burning oak logs, which grant 60 experience per log. Oak trees can be cut almost everywhere. Level 15 Woodcutting to cut the oak logs may be useful; oak logs can also be bought from other players.

What is the fastest F2P prayer Osrs? ›

The fastest method of training Prayer would be burying big bones and scattering vile ashes at the same time as bones and ashes can be buried and scattered simultaneously, granting the player 40 Prayer experience in a single tick within two quick clicks, up to a little less than 116,000 experience per hour within a ...

What is the fastest smithing method in F2P? ›

Adamant platebodies are the fastest and cheapest method to reach 99 Smithing in free-to-play at 312.5 XP each. This provides around 215,000 xp/hour with use of energy potions.


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