CRISPRed Pigs: Precision Porcine Gene Editing Combats PRRS Virus Threat (2024)

CRISPR-based genome editing has already been successfully applied to sickle cell disease and additional companies are working on developing their CRISPR-based therapeutics. It seems only natural that the technology would make its way to animals. Now a team of scientists at Genus, a British animal genetics company with research facilities in Wisconsin and Tennessee, have developed a new generation of CRISPR-edited pigs that are resistant to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus, a disease that has had a widespread impact on porcine populations around the world for decades.

Details of exactly how the pigs were edited are published in a new report published in The CRISPR Journal titled, “Generation of a Commercial-Scale Founder Population of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Resistant Pigs Using CRISPR-Cas.”

The Genus team describes a scaled gene editing program that introduced “a single modified CD163 allele into four genetically diverse, elite porcine lines.” The work produced healthy pigs that “resisted PRRS virus infections as determined by macrophage and animal challenges.” Edited pigs showed “no signs of infection or viral replication in lung and lymph node tissue when challenged with PRRSV.” The Genus team believes this is potentially the first integration of CRISPR gene editing into a livestock breeding program and could completely eliminate a major infectious disease in swine.

“This is a milestone study illustrating the potential of CRISPR-based technologies for commercial livestock breeding,” said Rodolphe Barrangou, PhD, professor of food, bioprocessing, and nutrition sciences at North Carolina State University and editor-in-chief of The CRISPR Journal. “A commercially-relevant proof of concept that genome editing can be used to generate healthy PRRS-resistant pigs that are otherwise indistinguishable from the parent population sets the stage for deploying that approach for other diseases and traits of commercial interest.”

“They were able to generate in a couple of generations a founder population of breeding boars (10–15 per line) and gilts to serve as a gene edited nucleus herd for ultimate commercial pork production and sale using classical breeding,” said Alison Van Eenennaam, PhD, an extension specialist in animal genomics and biotechnology in the department of animal science at the University of California, Davis. “There are more sophisticated approaches to guarantee the edited allele is in a hom*ozygous state and absent off-target indels in all animals produced, e.g., using edited porcine embryonic stem cells, but at the end of the day the approach they used did the job.”

Genus works on improving the genetics of livestock to ensure healthy, robust pigs and cattle for agricultural production, Elena Rice, PhD, Genus’ CSO and head of research and development and a co-author on the paper told GEN. “Livestock have a lot of diseases, and there are several that [are] just really devastating for farmers,” Rice said. Until the recent emergence of African swine flu, PRRS infections topped that list.

Murky beginnings

Also known as blue-ear pig disease, the first PRRS cases in the United States were reported in 1987. While the exact origins of the virus are murky, its impact is all too clear. The disease is now found in pig production facilities around the world, accounting for the death of as much as 20% of livestock produced annually. Its impact is environmental, psychological, and personalnot to mention economically devastating for the swine industry. By some estimates, annual losses in the United States exceed $600 million.

Multiple vaccines have been developed to stop the spread of PRRS, but with limited effectiveness, according to Rice. As explained in the paper, the PRRS virus has “a high rate of mutation due to an error-prone viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and a significant rate of genetic recombination.”

Vaccines are typically administered when the pigs are already showing symptoms, but by then it is often too late to save them. Even if the pigs survive the infection, their immune systems are usually too weak to combat secondary infections like pneumonia that can develop. Just a few infected pigs are enough to decimate an entire herd. Attempts to breed PRRS-resistant pig populations have also not worked out well to date.

Alongside breeding efforts, scientists in academia have also studied the genetic basis for PRRS infections. It turns out that several genes are involved in viral infection, including CD163, which encodes the entry receptor for the virus. In pigs, this particular protein is expressed on the surface of macrophages and monocytes and mediates inflammation among other functions.

Genus’ work builds on the research into the role of CD163. “We had some evidence from university studies that we could edit a single host gene to confer resistance,” Brian Burger, PhD, senior research manager at Genus and first author on The CRISPR Journal paper, told GEN. “The challenge was: how do you go from that proof of concept work to a commercial breeding program?” It seemed like the ideal opportunity to bring CRISPR technology to bear on animal disease.

CRISPR’s efficiency also made it the right fit for editing animals. Finding the right edit for a gene without introducing dangerous off-target effects requires a lot of trial and error. “Ethically and morally, it’s very important [that] we designed the whole process so that we eliminate unnecessary production of animals,” Rice told GEN.

Farm to table?

To edit the genomes, the Genus scientists injected CRISPR-Cas9 editing reagents into the genomes of pig zygotes. Their goal was to make a precise deletion in CD163 that removed a single exon encoding the domain that directly interacts with the virus. Importantly, the edit did not impact CD163’s function in the new population. They also genotyped the edited animals to ensure that the edit was consistent across the animals, there were no unforeseen off-target effects, and there was enough genetic diversity within the potential breeding population. Edited pigs that passed muster were then moved through the breeding process to establish a population of pigs that are PRRS-resistant. The paper also covers details of how the team optimized their editing reagents to ensure that their work would translate to a commercial breeding program, Burger added.

The repercussions of this work could be major. Genus is not the only company working on PRRS by targeting CD163. But Genus certainly hopes to be the first to market with its edited pigs. It has its sights set on getting the edited pigs through the FDA’s regulatory process.

Rice told GEN that the company is also working with regulatory agencies in other countries to seek broader approval as well. “Everything is going well, but it’s just a long process,” she said. ”The FDA is making a lot of effort to create a much better environment for gene editing [in livestock]. We’re learning together as we go through the process.”

Barrangou noted that “regulatory approval will be critical” and that “there are already established Ag-relevant frameworks for crops, notably in the U.S. and very recently in the EU that set the stage and precedence.” Furthermore, “the enthusiasm related to last week’s EU vote on the use of new genomic techniques and plant breeding technologies in Ag” makes the publication of this study “very timely and encouraging,” he added.

Van Eenennaam has some reservations about the approval process in the United States. “The United States FDA is alone in the world in regulating ‘intentional’ genetic alterations including single base pair deletions as an animal drug, and requiring a ‘new animal drug’ approval for commercialization. This expensive regulatory path is basically a non-starter for smaller companies,” she told GEN in an email.

Furthermore, “Until the pigs are approved, they are all considered unsalable new animal drugs and therefore cannot enter commerce or the food supply,” she added. “That means all of the 435 edited pigs produced in the paper in the development and testing process need to be incinerated, composted, or buried. Such a multiyear endeavor requires very deep pockets.” And the road to approval will likely be quite long. She pointed to the multi-year approval timeframe that was required for the genetically engineered AquAdvantage salmon as an example of just how long the process can be.

But regulatory approval is just the first hurdle. Genus scientists hope their pigs will be widely disseminated in the livestock industry to stop losses due to PRRS. Building PRRS-resistant piglets requires two gene-edited parents. Genus plans to sell aliquots of sem*n from gene-edited males to breeders who could use it to begin breeding programs that ultimately produce PRRS-resistant pigs after a few generations.

If all goes well, the public could be faced with the choice of eating pork from gene-edited animals. Historically, the conversation around the production and consumption of genetically modified foods has been very polarizing. But the public response in this case may not follow historical trends given the central reason for the gene editing in the first place. Early consumer research conducted by Genus indicates that consumers are more open to CRISPR-edited foods when there is a good reason for the genetic modification. Given the impact PRRS has had on the livestock industry, there is a clear benefit here, Rice said.

Genus’ headquarters are in the U.K. but its business divisions are based in the U.S. In addition to pigs, Genus also has a bovine division focused on using genetics to boost beef and dairy production. Genus’ PIC division—focused on the pigs and pork production—is headquartered in Hendersonville, TN, while the headquarters for its bovine division are located in Madison, WI.

CRISPREmbryonic stem cellsFood productPigUnited States Food and Drug AdministrationVaccinesViral diseasesVirus

CRISPRed Pigs: Precision Porcine Gene Editing Combats PRRS Virus Threat (2024)


How can CRISPR help with editing a pig's genome? ›

To edit the genomes, the Genus scientists injected CRISPR-Cas9 editing reagents into the genomes of pig zygotes. Their goal was to make a precise deletion in CD163 that removed a single exon encoding the domain that directly interacts with the virus.

How does CRISPR help to destroy an invading virus? ›

CRISPR is very special, because it's an immune system that has memory against previously infecting viruses and chop them up with these, what we call nucleases, with our gene scissors, and essentially when viruses infect the cell, some CRISPR-Cas components are able to take some short sequences of the viral genome and ...

How does CRISPR gene editing work? ›

A: CRISPR “spacer” sequences are transcribed into short RNA sequences (“CRISPR RNAs” or “crRNAs”) capable of guiding the system to matching sequences of DNA. When the target DNA is found, Cas9 – one of the enzymes produced by the CRISPR system – binds to the DNA and cuts it, shutting the targeted gene off.

What disease can CRISPR cure? ›

CRISPR technology offers the promise to cure human genetic diseases with gene editing. This promise became a reality when the world's first CRISPR therapy was approved by regulators to treat patients with sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia last year.

How is CRISPR used on pigs? ›

Using CRISPR, a team made dozens of edits to the pig genome to prevent the monkeys' immune system from attacking the organs. They also removed pig retrovirus genes that could represent an infection risk.

Has CRISPR been used successfully on animals? ›

CRISPR has been used to manipulate the genomes of organisms in humans and animals, among other living organisms. When it comes to drug discovery and development, CRISPR is used to remove or modify DNA in research mice to study disease phenotypes and develop new treatments.

How does CRISPR defend against viruses? ›

The CRISPR is transcribed and cleaved into short mature RNAs (crRNAs). These crRNAs specifically guide the Cas protein machinery to their complementary targets: either DNA or RNA from invading viruses or plasmids.

What evidence demonstrates that CRISPR-Cas is an adaptive immune system defense against viruses? ›

The first biological evidence that CRISPR-Cas systems have a role in adaptive immunity was reported in 2007 when S. thermophilus CRISPR loci were shown to acquire novel spacers derived from the invasive phage DNA (Barrangou et al., 2007).

Does CRISPR protect against viruses? ›

The advantage of CRISPR-Cas9 technology lies in their ability to directly target the viral DNA or RNA. In this line, the viral infection would be eliminated in the host. CRISPR-Cas systems have shown their efficacy in different viral infections in both pre-integration and provirus stages.

How much does it cost to do CRISPR? ›

Casgevy, the first CRISPR therapy approved by the FDA, will cost $2.2 million, while a competing genetic medicine also cleared Friday is priced at $3.1 million. The first gene therapies for sickle cell disease may treat the inherited blood condition for many years, if not a lifetime.

How long does Crispr gene editing take? ›

How Long Does CRISPR Take? The Real Time Invested in the Workflow. It is important to note that while the average hands-on time for all the CRISPR steps is reportedly 61 hours, the process itself is spread out over several weeks.

What is controversial about CRISPR? ›

Baby scandal lingers

The two girls grew from embryos He had modified using CRISPR-Cas9, which he said would make them resistant to HIV. His work was widely condemned by the scientific community, which decried the experiment as medically unnecessary and ethically irresponsible.

Why is CRISPR bad? ›

Crispr Gene Editing Can Cause Unwanted Changes in Human Embryos, Study Finds (Published 2020) Instead of addressing genetic mutations, the Crispr machinery prompted cells to lose entire chromosomes.

Has CRISPR cured any diseases yet? ›

There are patients who have been cured of genetic diseases, such as sickle cell disease, thanks to CRISPR technology, explained Kevin Davies, PhD, executive editor of The CRISPR Journal and GEN Biotechnology and author of Editing Humanity: The CRISPR Revolution and the New Era of Genome Editing, Breakthrough: The Race ...

Where will CRISPR be in 5 years? ›

In other words, 2024 should be a busy year for the company. The work it does throughout the next 12 months should help it lay a foundation for future major regulatory success beyond Casgevy. In the next five years, expect the company to earn approval for at least one more CRISPR-based gene editing treatment.

How is CRISPR being used to make pigs into organ donors? ›

The pig kidney was provided by eGenesis of Cambridge, Mass., from a pig donor that was genetically-edited using CRISPR-Cas9 technology to remove harmful pig genes and add certain human genes to improve its compatibility with humans.

How can pigs be genetically modified? ›

The resulting embryos are surgically implanted into the wombs of adult female pigs. Four months later, cloned piglets are born with 10 genetic modifications designed to make sure their organs don't grow too big, won't cause complications like blood clots and won't be rejected by the human immune system.

What can CRISPR do for animals? ›

CRISPR tools could be used in determining offspring sex, increasing muscle mass, improving disease resistance, improving heat tolerance, and more.
  • Current & future applications of genome editing in livestock.
  • Offspring sex.
  • Increasing muscle mass.
  • Improving disease resistance.
  • Improving heat tolerance.
  • Removing allergens.

How pig genes are edited? ›

Two ways to generate genome-edited pigs are shown: embryo injection of engineered nucleases and somatic cell nuclear transfer. In genome editing process, engineered nucleases induce a DSB at the target site.


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