A Glitch in the multi dimensions chapter 15 (pg14) (2024)

by Suzie on May 17, 2024

[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 15 negotiation with the queen[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Suzie woke up to find her body intertwined with glitch under the blanket. “Yawn, morning glitch sweety,” Suzie said, burying her head in his chest. “Morning, MORNING, morniNG” Glitch said, still glowing and glitching. “You ready to talk to that queen, or ya wanna spend a few more minutes in this position, i'm quite enjoying having my hips this close,” suzie said murmuring the last part. “Oh, right negotiations, we should do that now, YEAH, but after sleep, I mean breakfast, I mean sleptfast” Glitch said. “Oh glitch sweetheart you sound like a jumbled up book,” Suzie said giggling as her legs tightened around him. “OKAY I AM GOING TO GO NEGOBREAKFAST” Glitch said getting up and falling on his face. “Oh you ok glitchy~?” Suzie asked, touching his face. “Waffles and cheese,” Glitch replied. “Hehe, as you wish my little angel~” Suzie said playfully, stretching her arms and moaning a little. Glitch shook his head and got himself back to normal. “Dang, I don’t think I got any sleep,” Glitch said, looking around. “Really? What could have possibly stopped you from getting any sleep?” Suzie questioned playfully as she put her shoes on. “Oh something I’m sure, anyways gotta go negotiate” Glitch said about to go to Sans’ house. “Wait before ya go here's your hoodie,” suzie said as she quickly grabbed his hoodie off the bed and hurried over to him. “Thanks” Glitch said while grabbing it and leaving. Suzie quickly grabbed her brush and followed on after glitch. “Hey Glitch, are you going to go talk to Chrysalis?” Cozy asked. “Yeah,” Glitch replied. “Can I come along with you, me and Tirek I mean” Cozy asked kindly and with a smile. “No,” Glitch said, walking off and Cozy flying behind him. “Listen I understand why you would say no, I’m sure you know how to negotiate but I just want to make sure all goes smoothly, we just want to help out is all” Cozy said to Glitch. “Hey cozy, you can help with breakfast,” Suzie suggested. “Sure thing” Cozy said smiling. They arrived at sans house. Suzie knocked on the door and was greeted by venom. “Hey rainbow,” Venom said happily as he opened the door for them. Bombshell were sitting on the couch together awkwardly. “Well I'm glad to see your better bombshell,” suzie said, relieved. “Thanks,” Bombshell replied. “Sooo, how was last night for you two?” venom asked, smirking a lot. “Where’s the queen, we need to negotiate and get our army” Glitch replied. “Hold your horses glitch, I asked a question first,” Venom said, rolling his eyes. “Do you think we have time for trivial questions, the universe is at stake, every second we waste the enemy gets stronger” Glitch replied. “It's fine, besides I already know what happened last night…i may or may not have teleported outside your room and listened in. “VENOM YOU LITTLE-” suzie said before taking a couch pillow and hitting the back of his head with it knocking him down. “Feisty are we now,” Venom said while chuckling. “ENOUGH” Glitch said, stomping his foot on the ground with red glitches around him and his eyes red. “Where is the queen?” Glitch asked again. Venom shut up instantly and pointed to the couch where she was sitting. Glitch walked over to the queen. “You bug, let’s talk negotiations, now” Glitch said firmly. “First untie me, then we will talk” the queen replied. “How about I make this clear to you, you will be free when you agree to our terms, so I’ll make this quick, the universe is in danger, there is a force coming that if we don’t stop will destroy us all, everyone and everything you love, or care for will be gone, so here are your options, you will join us and stop this enemy and do something good for once in your life” Glitch stated. “Or what?” The changeling asked. Glitch grabbed the changeling tightly. “Or I will rip you limb from limb until all that remains are your insides” Glitch said with red eyes. “Humph hypocrite,” Suzie mumbled underneath her breath so no one else could hear. Venom almost wanted applause for that intimidating act but Suzie nudged him not to. “I thought you were the nice one” Chrysalis questioned. “ENOUGH” Glitch said before throwing her at a wall in anger before picking her back up. “Today is NOT A DAY TO CROSS ME, so I will tell you again, choose, you will either live or die” Glitch said, summoning a sword and pointing it at Chrysalis neck. “Okay okay, fine, I will join you and your crusade” the queen said before Glitch dropped her and walked away. At this time both Venom and Suzie were sitting on the ground watching the scene play out with shocked faces. “Dang, wow glitch,” Suzie said, very impressed as she and Venom applauded him. “The hell you're clapping at” Glitch said, looking at Venom with anger in his eyes. “I'm impressed kid you really have a way with words,” Venom complimented. “Oh really, you must love colorful words you *%*##” Glitch said, walking away. “Let's keep it pg here glitch,” venom said snickering. Suzie just elbowed him up and followed after glitch. “Hey glitch, is everything ok, you seem really on edge today.” Suzie asked, concerned. “Oh so when you do something or say something like that it’s okay, but when I do it, I’m on edge, I'M ON EDGE '' Glitch said with his eyes Glitching red and his jacket turning red. “H-hey it's not t-that it's just you and venom. I know he likes to tease and stuff but he does care about you,"Suzie said, trying to calm him down. “I don’t consider someone beating the hell out of you caring, not one bit, that’s just abuse” Glitch said putting his hand to his head. “I promise you he will never do that to you again. Like you said forgetting and moving on makes you a better person, so i think ya just need to move on from venom's past actions,” suzie said patiently. Glitch went back to normal with green eyes. “I-I shouldn’t have done what I did, or said what I said, I-I lost my temper, this is unusual for me, I threatened the queen and was a jerk to Venom” Glitch said shedding a tear. “Oh glitch,” Suzie said before wrapping him in a hug. “I don't blame you for anything, I know you want to do the right thing all the time, I wish everyone was like you. But congratulations we have more allies because of you." Suzie said comfortingly. “That partnership won’t last long if I don’t make things right, she may double cross us because of how I treated her, even if she is unsuccessful we have lost allies, I must apologize to them both” Glitch replied. “If that's what you see right then do it. oh and before you apologize to venom hit him for me then apologize,” suzie said positively. Glitch entered back in and was seeing Cozy give everyone pancakes. “Here you go Mr. Skeleton guy” Cozy said, giving Venom pancakes. “Why thank you very much. Say, are you a monster or just a regular pony?” venom questioned taking a bite of the pancakes. “Who me, a monster, oh no Mr. Skeleton, I’m just a pony” Cozy said innocently. “Ok, usually I don't see a talking pony.” venom said, shrugging. “Oh and the names Venom,” venom said, giving her a toothy smile. “Well Mr. Venom I hope you enjoy your pancakes, hopefully Tirek comes to get some too” Cozy said happily. “Heya venom quick word with you,” Suzie said, walking up to him with a neutral face. “And what might that be my empress?” venom asked curiously. “Tell anyone what happened and i personally will make u have to sleep with syntax error,” Suzie threatened before walking away. “W-wa b-b-but he would kill me!?” Venom said sweating a lot. “Exactly why you shouldn't tell,” Suzie said snickering as she walked away. “Can someone untie me already?” Chrysalis said, annoyed. “Sorry queeny~ not till the boss gives dem orders then i will,” venom said teleporting right next to the queen and wrapping his arms around her. “But I agreed to your negotiations, which means you have an ally hostage,” the queen replied. “You're right, I bet you're hungry for breakfast!” venom said as he teleported back to his plate of pancakes. He grabbed the pancakes, teleported right back to the queen, and put some pancakes on a fork for her. “Open up, here comes the airplane,'' Venom said as he made airplane noises with his mouth moving the food closer to her mouth. “I will not eat this food, the only food I will eat is love,” Chrysalis replied, refusing to eat the food. “Well listen girl, if ya wanted a kiss of love you are out of luck cause i have no lips,” venom said winking at the queen. “No, I mean love, your emotion, but I would expect you to get it, you don’t depend on it for survival” Chrysalis replied. “Aww, that's sweet cause if a hug for breakfast will satisfy you then by all means let's hug it out,” venom said, doing his best to annoy the queen. Tirek walked in the room. “What is going on here?” Tirek asked. “Feeding the queen my love with a hug and a kiss,” Venom replied smirkingly. “Isn't that right queeny~?” venom asked, winking at the queen. “Well why don’t you go find another queen to annoy” Tirek said angrily. “Well buster, i'm too lazy to go find another and besides i'm not allowed to leave her, isn't that right queeny~?” venom said, poking the queen's cheek with his finger. “GET AWAY YOU WORM” the queen said angrily. “ENOUGH, you don’t have to be directly next to the queen, I suggest you sit over there next to your breakfast and chew on it” Tirek said, cracking his knuckles. “Or what? Ya gonna hit me or something cause I'd advise not,” venom said in a solemn tone no longer jokingly. “I’d watch your back if I were you, you may think you're invincible, but everyone has a breaking point, the question is which bone is the easiest to break” Tirek said intimately. “Pssshhh the easiest bone to break is the funny bone, cause you can [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]crack[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] it up,” venom said winking and doing the finger guns. “What is going on here?” Glitch said entering the room. “I was telling a few jokes that will tickle your funny bone,” venom said snickering. “But it really seems to be [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]bugging[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] the queen,” Venom said as he bursted into laughter. “STAY AWAY FROM ME, I'D RATHER HEAR YOUR ANNOYING JOKES THAN BE NEAR THAT KILLER” Chrysalis said backing away from Glitch. “Someones [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]buzzing[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] with excitement,” Venom said, glancing over at the queen. “Listen queen I apologize, I don’t normally act in such a manner, but we still need you to agree in order for you to be free” Glitch explained. “Please, you're just saying that so you won’t have to have that on your conscience, you don’t mean it” Chrysalis said. “Look, I will ask again without intimidation, join us, we will save the universe, and you will be left alone afterwards” Glitch explained. “Fine, just untie me already,” Chrysalis said, ready to be freed. Glitch uses his sword to free the queen. “Oh yeah, and Venom” Glitch said before punching him in the arm. “That is from Suzie, and my apologies” Glitch said before walking off. “Ah, ah ya I deserved that, I guess that's what I get for spying on an empress at night with her boyfriend,” Venom said, clutching his arm in pain. “I’m not, ugh never mind” Glitch said walking off. “Oh my sweet glitch little do you know~,'' Venom said before shutting up realizing the queen was present. “Well now that the gangs all here we should all enjoy some of my pancakes,” cozy said smiling. “Thanks cozy,” Suzie said smiling as she took some pancakes. “So glitch, what universe do you want to head to next?” Suzie asked curiously while eating her pancakes. “Hmm, perhaps we should head back to the pony universe, we have an army there after all” Glitch replied. “And where might we store that army?” Suzie questioned. “Hmm, good point, I guess we will leave them there for now, do you have any world in mind?” Glitch asked. “Well actually, I think we could store them in the celestial zone, there is plenty of space.” Suzie admitted. “Yeah, they may be on our side but do you really want to take the risk of them causing chaos?” Glitch asked. “I think you have forgotten that I have a universe destroyer there. If any conflict was to break out he has the ability to end it," Suzie replied. “I will probably keep that army in the military soul base and have them well fed,” Suzie offered. “How, they feed off a literal emotion, how will you feed them” Glitch asked. “Hey queen, how do you eat love?” Suzie asked the queen. “I don’t think a creature like you would understand, but to dumb it down, it’s an emotion, we steal the emotion of love from the creatures until they have none left, or spare them some love for the next day” Chrysalis said with a grin. “Well then glitch, I could just give her living things that can express love..like souls,” suzie said thinking out loud. “We can’t just give her a soul, how would that even work?” Glitch questioned. “I have two friends that feed off of emotion. One being dream, the skeleton who just helped us. The other being his brother nightmare, the leader of the bad sans. Both of them feed on emotion.” Suzie explained. “And by doing that they need souls to express that emotion.” Suzie explained. “I guess if that works, hopefully it’ll be enough to feed them all” Glitch replied. “I'm a creator glitch, there will be an infinite amount,” Suzie said, rolling her eyes a bit. “Right, anyway that settles that,” Glitch replied. “For the next universe to head to, let's go to the one where you and bombshell went to..the one with darth vader in it,” suzie said trying to recall the name. “Okay, but before that I just need to make sure that you all agree to make an alliance, no betrayals” Glitch said looking at Cozy Glow, and Tirek. “You can count on my help, however that may be,” Cozy said with a smile. “Yeah yeah, just don’t piss me off,” Tirek said, rolling his eyes. “Don't worry, I'm going to have blade watch over you, you two will get along just fine,” Suzie said deviously. “I’m serious, and no one will watch over me,” Tirek said, crossing his arms. “Yeah but while you're in my universe you are gonna be watched over just in case.” Suzie said a bit firmly. “Then have me leave your world, I have lived for thousands of years, your help or being watched over is not wanted, nor needed, I can wait in my own world” Tirek said looking Suzie in the eyes. “Sigh fine, if that's what you really want,” Suzie said, sighing. “I will see you guys soon then” Tirek said walking off. “Aww man, well guess it’s just me and you Chrysalis” Cozy said flying near her while smiling. “Wait Tirek, WAIT FOR ME YOU FOOL” Chrysalis said flying after Tirek. “Um glitch, I don't think we should let the queen leave,” Suzie said nervously. “Why’s that?” Glitch asked. “I don't know, in case she tries to run away.” Suzie shrugged. “Hey, I heard you guys talking and how about this, I will stay with you guys while Tirek and Chrysalis inform the army, that way they are sure to come back since they wouldn’t leave me behind” Cozy offered. “Ok then, venom, can you please go get tirek and the queen so we can send them back into their universe?” Suzie asked. “Will do your majesty.” venom said, saluting and teleporting away. A few minutes later venom teleported back into the room holding the queen by her wings and tirek by his horns. “Got them,” Venom said proudly as he let go of them. “DON’T EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN” Chrysalis and Tirek both yelled angrily. “Sorry, the empress orders.” venom said smirking as he teleported in front of the doorway leaning on it. “You could have just told us rather than DRAG US, we are teammates, but if this is how you do business, perhaps this alliance should be off,” Chrysalis said angrily. “Calm yourself, we are allies, not enemies, we won’t do it again, right dude?” Glitch said, looking at Venom. “Erm, cant make promises but i will try,” venom said awkwardly since he was used to doing everything with brute force and not by talking. “Let’s go then,” Chrysalis said, walking through with Tirek. “Um, queen. You gotta go through a portal to get back to your universe,"Suzie said as she made a portal with her brush. “Uh huh” Chrysalis said, flying through the portal. “We will be back,” Tirek said, also entering the portal. Suzie closed the portal behind them and turned to glitch. “Okay glitch, while they are telling the news about this whole alliance thing let's take a trip to the anti void to meet darth vader..if he’s still alive.” Suzie said making another portal. Glitch went through the portal. Suzie entered as they seemed to be in an endless white room that went on forever. “Hmmm, I wonder where to find him..” Suzie said, looking around. “Oh darth vader, where are you,” Suzie called out glancing around. “You will pay for what you’ve done to me” Vader responded. Suzie looked around panicking not seeing him anywhere. “YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME, SHE COULD BE DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU” Vader yelled. “What are you talking about!?” Suzie said, looking around. “She was all I had left, I lost my mother, my master, my weapon, it’s all gone, ALL OF IT, AND PADME IS GONE BECAUSE OF YOU” Vader yelled angrily. “Can we talk about this face to face, cause right now i'm just talking to an empty endless room,” suzie said looking around. “I have been relying only on the force to keep me alive, my HATRED FOR YOU, FOR KENOBI, FOR DOOKU, EVERYONE I HATE” Vader yelled. “Man wouldn't nightmare love to feast on his emotion,” Suzie mumbled. “You are just as corrupt as the Jedi consul, just as corrupt as the sith, you vile being” Vader said angered. “Do ya want to get out of this anti void or not?” Suzie questioned. Vader came out from being hidden but half his flesh withered away. “You made me suffer for who knows how long, I just wanted to protect her and you took me here, I have spent MONTHS IN HERE, using only the force to survive” Vader said limping. “Sheesh man, killing a bunch of people like a mad man isn't the best way to save her,'' Suzie commented, looking in horror at his skin. “Do you need some medical attention or something?” Suzie asked, hurrying over to him concerned. “BACK UP, and don’t tell me the best way to protect those who I love, you wouldn’t understand, you probably don’t care for anyone but yourself, but me, I will do anything to save Padme, I actually love her, you love no one” Vader said weakly. “I think we should get this guy some food cause right now he is fading before his eyes practically,” Suzie whispered to glitch. “She is most likely gone, killed by the empire, so you know what, I don’t know why you came here, but do me a favor, leave and let me die in peace, cause whatever you are offering I ain’t interested” Vader said. “Fine by me, but I'm gonna let glitch decide your fate.” Suzie said, patting glitch on the shoulder. Glitch approached Vader and was quickly stopped. “Leave me ALONE, I mean it, just leave” Vader said, turning his head away. “Listen how bout I just ask you some questions and then if you don’t change your mind we will leave” Glitch asked. “Tell her to leave and I will answer your questions” Vader responded. “Fine, hey Suzie, can you please give us some time alone to talk for a bit” Glitch asked. “Of course glitchy~ but call me if he causes you any trouble,” Suzie said winking as she turned into a paint puddle on the ground. “What do you want now?” Vader asked. “So how did you end up here exactly?” Glitch asked. “Ask your friend, she seems to know what is best” Vader said annoyed. “You sure there isn’t a particular reason?” Glitch asked. “I was doing my masters bidding, so I could help save Padme” Vader responded. “What exactly did you do?” Glitch asked. “ My orders, at least before your friend interfered,” Vader replied. “Sure dude,” Glitch said. “So do you plan on helping us?” Glitch asked. “No, your friend took me here, nearly killing me, and Padme is most likely dead and she doesn't even care, so no I won’t help you” Vader replied. “How do you know she doesn’t care?” Glitch asked. “Oh I don’t know, maybe because she was fine with leaving me for dead” Vader angrily responded. “She is offering to heal you,” Glitch replied. “That won’t bring back my dead wife now will it” Vader said crossing his arms. “No, but you could at least save the universe with us,” Glitch responded. “My universe is dead, there is nothing left to save,” Vader said. “So I assume there is no more asking you to help” Glitch asked. “No, now leave me alone?” Vader said, limping away. Suzie was listening in on the whole conversation and decided to stick her head out of the paint puddle as she leaned on her arm resting her face on her hand. “Ya know there is a way to bring the dead back to life,” suzie said. “If this Padme is human then her soul will persist even after death, if you find her soul then you can make a vessel for her body to live in,'' Suzie said as she crawled out of the paint puddle. “No, I don’t want her to have to live again to suffer more, she will just be hunted again, I will let her rest in peace, as will I, leave me to die” Vader said sitting down. “Ya know I'm not gonna let you die in the anti void cause you won't rest in peace after death here,'' Suzie said, glancing around. “Which speaking of that, the sooner we get out of here the better because there are some universe destroyers that roam around here,” Suzie said nervously, realizing how long they had been in there. “I don’t care how I die, I won't help you anyway, so just leave” Vader said, limping away slowly. “This isn't about you anymore, if they find your soul they will use it to get stronger so i'm going to bring you with us whether you like it or not,” suzie said a bit frustrated on how she was such an idiot for leaving a human in the anti void. “You’ll have to drag my corpse” Vader said, raising an arm to try to force choke but too weak to do so. “oR yOu cOulD jUsT lEt mE hAvE hIm,” came a glitchy voice from behind them. Suzie turned around to see error there smirking. “E-error, what brings you here?” Suzie asked, putting on a nervous smile. “I LiVE hErE,” error said annoyedly. “tHat HumAn iS obViouslY nO hElP tO yOU sO jUsT lEt mE tAkE hIm,” error said calmly. “oH waIt a Sec..” error said, squinting at glitch. “yOur ThaT GliTcH ThAt nIGhtmaRe oRdeREd foR uS tO cApTuRe, Aren'T yOu,” error said with an evil smile. “Me, no my name is Jimmy, sorry you got the wrong guy” Glitch nervously said. “dOnT PlAy DuMb WiTh Me, If yOu WerEnT One Of SuzIe’S cReaTiOns I wOulD aLreAdy haVe yOu aS a PuPpEt,” error said glitching more. “And on that note let's get out of here glitch,'' Suzie said as she sent a wave of paint over glitch and vader so she could send them back into undersummon sans house. Suzie was about to leap through the paint with them before blue strings wrapped around her soul and yanked her back. “yoUrE nOt LeAvInG Mid ConVeRsAtIoN,” error hissed. “HEY” Glitch said, throwing a sword at Error Sans. “tHe HelL,” Error said as he teleported out of the way. Error summoned a gaster blaster behind glitch and fired it at him. Glitch got hit not expecting the blast. “Aww, shoot,” Glitch said, losing some blood. “ERROR STOP, WE CAN BE REASONABLE!!” Suzie yelled desperately at error. “i'M gOnNa hAvE tO sAy nO kId, tHinK oF tHiS aS a PuNiShMenT fOr wOrkInG wItH InK tO gAthEr aN arMy oF mOnsterS,” error said glitching more. Error used the string attached to Suzie's soul to make suzie attack glitch with her lightsaber. “E-error stop,” Suzie said, trying to resist his control. “M-my lightsaber, has been modified” Vader said looking at the double bladed lightsaber. Glitch got a sword out and began swinging at Error with it. Error made suzie block every attack. “G-glitch, m-make a portal and get out of here before you end up dying,” Suzie pleaded as she struggled against the strings. “Not without you” Glitch responded, defending himself from Error’s attacks. “I’ll be fine just go!” Suzie said desperately. “AwW iSnT tHiS sWeEt, Ya knOw SuZ MaYbE iF yOuR cReATioN aCtuAlLy LisTeNed To yOu hE wOulDn't hAve tO dIe bY yOur hAnd,” error said laughing evilly as he made suzie attack glitch more fiercely. “But who will lead the group?” Glitch said, defending himself from the attacks.. “You will, i will be right back with you once error has had his fun. Now go!” Suzie ordered. Glitch nodded his head and summoned a portal as he entered through. “tsK, TsK diD yOu ReAlLy tHiNk I wAs gOnNa LeT yOu OuT oF tHiS ONE,” Error said smirking as he hurled suzie across the room with his strings. “GAH, error c’mon were friends,” Suzie said wincing. “AnD? YoU lItErAlY sEnT iNk oN a MiSsIon tO gAtHeR a MOnStEr ArmY,” error said upset. “What is your problem with that!?” Suzie asked, confused. “I wOnT HaVe a CrEaToR tO fIgHt If InK iS bUsY,” error said glumly. “For creation's sake just think of it as a week off from your job,” Suzie said, trying to reason. Error stopped banging her around and thought for a second. “yA knOw WhAt YoUr RigHt, I wIlL sToP On OnE cOndItIon,” error said slowly. “And that is?” Suzie questioned. “YoU gIvE mE tHaT hUman.” error said gesturing to vader. “N-no, that wouldn't be right of me to sacrifice him for my safety..'' Suzie said, looking down. “So bE iT tHeN,” Error said as he wrapped Suzie in a string cocoon and left her hanging in the air from the ceiling. Error then used his strings to grab Vader's soul and haul Vader through a portal with him. “Oh fiddlesticks..” Suzie said with a muffled voice. “I'm so sorry, glitch..” Suzie thought to herself as she helplessly dangled knowing error was not in a good mood to let her go. Now it was up to glitch to lead the group till ink found her which she highly doubted would happen..hopefully someone would come to rescue her before she went insane in this desolate place. But for now she could only wait. Meanwhile venom was alone pacing back and forth. Something wasn't right, they should have been back by now. He couldn't explain the feeling but he knew something was wrong deep down. “They've been gone too long,'' Venom finally said out loud to cozy. “Somethings not right..i don't know what, but i've got a bad feeling,” venom said, pacing even more. “Maybe you should go check on them,” Cozy replied. “Yeah, but it would be irresponsible to leave you,” Venom pointed out. “Hey I may be a kid but I have lied for thousands of years, I’ll be fine” Cozy replied. “Huh uh, welp the other trouble is i don't know where exactly they ended up in the anti void.'' Venom said a little bit worried. “Gosh darn it, Glitch better bring Suzie back in one piece. This has been taking an absurd amount of time,” venom said, one of his eyes flickering green for a sec then going back to normal. “Maybe you should just go try to find them, no matter how long it takes, just to be sure they are safe,” Cozy said, looking at Venom. “Yeah, but I can't leave ya here,” Venom said nervously. “Why not, I can take care of myself,” Cozy replied. “It's complicated,” Venom said slowly, unsure of what to tell cozy. “No it’s not, you go and find your friends and I’ll stay here and make sure things stay good over here, simple” Cozy replied. “Maybe in your viewpoint it's simple, but my empress gave me some very important instructions, one of them is to watch over you,'' Venom said, patting cozy on the head. “True, but what if something happens to your empress, you wouldn’t be there to protect her and then what would you do?” Cozy asked. “Glitch is with her and will protect her…i think. I mean if my empress comes back dead it wont end pretty.” venom said, mumbling the last part. “Listen buddy, Glitch is fun and all but let’s be honest, do you really think he could protect her, Glitch, I mean are we talking about the same guy,” Cozy explained. “I believe in glitch, he may be chill and doesnt look for a fight but when threatened he has great defense and would probably try and help in all good ways,” Venom pointed out with confidence. “Speaking of glitch, I think I heard something outside,” Venom said as he hurried to the front door. “What is it?” Cozy said as she followed. Venom opened the front door to see glitch coming out of a portal. “Glitch, my man, what took ya so long,” Venom asked, leaning on the doorway. Glitch was speechless and out of breath. Venom looked at him curiously but didn't see Suzie next to him. “Hey, where's Suz?” Venom asked walking over to glitch slowly, noticing that he was injured. “I need to go back” Glitch mumbled to himself trying to get up. “Glitch what happened to ya? Did ya get in a fight or something?” venom asked, helping glitch to his feet. “That thing took her, one of the Sans’ with strings” Glitch replied. “W-what…'' Venom said, his eye lights going out. “I think he called himself Error, he took her” Glitch said glitching. “AND YOU LEFT HER WITH THAT INSANE UNIVERSE DESTROYER!?!?!?!” venom asked, shocked and infuriated. “Under her orders, I had to leave, I need backup” Glitch replied. “DARN IT GLITCH, you are allowed to break her orders sometimes. I know she is an empress and all but for peaks sake she is also a kid,” venom said vigorously shaking glitch before storming into the house. “Everything okay” Cozy asked Venom. “Just wonderful*” Venom said, covering his face with his hands. “Glitch, we gotta go back for her,” Venom said, trying to calm down. “We need backup, that guy with strings ain’t playing around” Glitch replied. “Oh i know glitch, he happens to be an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE VERSION of me,” venom said with disgust. “It's too late to get back up, who would we ask for help?” venom questioned. “Don’t you have that little blue sans and that dream guy” Glitch asked. “They are currently on a mission, remember and besides error would love to have them dusted, they have been enemies since forever.” venom exclaimed. “Then I’ll get Bombshell,” Glitch replied. “Bombshell would just become one of his puppets. The only chance of getting Suzie back is by stealth,” venom said as he summoned a scimitar in his left hand. “Fine, then let’s just get going and get Suzie back” Glitch replied. “What about cozy here, should we just leave her?” Venom asked. “What’s a dumb kid gonna do? '' Glitch replied.. “True i guess, alright let's get suzie back now,” venom said determinedly. “Yeah,” Glitch replied ready. “Do ya think you can make a portal to where ya last left her,” venom requested a bit impatiently. Glitch used his powers and summoned a portal. “There” Glitch replied. Venom ran through the portal not waiting a second later. Glitch jumped through the portal quickly after. Venom looked around the anti void to find it only to be empty with no one around. “Where is she?” Venom asked. “The anti void” Glitch replied. “Duh no kidding, but where in the anti void.” venom retorted. “How do you expect me to know, you're the au guy, figure it out” Glitch said walking around. “Your pushing my sanity limit here glitch, i trusted you to bring suzie back safely, not come crawling back to me in need of help saving her,” venom said glaring at glitch. “YOU were not my first choice, hell your last on my dang list, but right now it ain’t about me is it, all I am interested in is finding Suzie, so quit you chatting and start looking” Glitch said with red eyes but not looking at Venom. “Tsk, we wouldn't be in this situation if ya didn't show up at our doorstep in the celestial zone in the first place,” venom said sourly. “You know what Venom, SCREW YOU, I never even liked you from the first moment I met you to now, you have been nothing but an annoying little %#*^ When this is all over, I will never see you or your ugly mug ever again, I WILL LEAVE THIS ENTIRE UNIVERSE IF I HAVE TO” Glitch yelled. “I DON'T GIVE A CRAP IF YA CARE ABOUT ME OR NOT!!! I only cared about my best friend..and she happens to care about you too…that girl cared way too much about you. I frickin let it happen and now she might be dead cause you ditched her here!!!” venom said his left eye blazing green. “ARE YOU DEAF, SHE TOLD ME TO LEAVE, THE ONE TIME I OBEY AN ORDER AND YOU GIVE ME CRAP ABOUT IT, no, you know what, stop talking to me okay, shut up and just look around, I am wasting my damn time talking instead of looking” Glitch said walking away. “Glitch you are such an-” venom said angrily before hearing something and shutting up, looking around with full alert weapons in hand. Glitch summoned his sword which had a red color instead of green as well as his eyes and jacket. “Do you hear that?” venom whispered hearing something that sounded like a muffled yell or was it crying. “Yeah man, like crying” Glitch replied. “Wait a second,” Venom said, pausing and looking up. Up right above them was a body wrapped in blue string hanging high on the ceiling. “Holy crap…that might be Suzie,” Venom said nervously. “Then let’s get her,” Glitch said, throwing a sword at the string’s trying to cut them open. Suzie came plummeting down as soon as the strings broke as she gave out a muffled yelp. Venom quickly teleported and caught her and started to quickly cut the strings off her. “Suz, thank heavens you're ok,” Venom said, relieved, still trying to cut through all the strings. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Quit wasting time and leave fools, NOW” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said in an angered state. “Dam it glitch, give me a frickin sec,'' Venom said as he tried to get Suzie untangled. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]We don’t have a sec, that thing could come back any time, and here you are doing something we could do back at home”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] Glitch said angrily. “Tsk fine venom said as he picked up Suzie who was still tangled in string and teleported her over to glitch. “Make a portal, c’mon, what's taking you so long?” Venom said mockingly. Glitch summoned a portal below Venom. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Get moving snake,” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said. “What the-” venom said before plummeting back to snowdin outside of undersummon’s sans house. Glitch came from behind also. “Alright there, we're out of the anti void,” venom said a bit ticked as he went back to trying to free suzie. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]No duh you boneheaded fool, make yourself useful why don’t you”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] Glitch said walking off. “Darn it, these stupid strings aren't cutting,” Venom said as his weapons seemed to not affect the strings as if some magic was preventing it. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Are you done yet, or are you gonna keep wasting time?” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch asked, annoyed. “Ya know what glitch, why don't ya get over here and help cause my magic doesn't seem to be working with cutting errors strings,” venom said trying not to lose his temper. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]No, your lazy a$$ hasn’t done anything, make yourself useful for once, I ain’t helping ‘till then” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said with a mean smirk on his face with his sharp teeth. “Willyatwojustshutitandgetmeoutofhereivehadenoughofyourfighting,” Suzie said muffled. “Sorry Suz, i couldn't make out what ya said, maybe if someone would just help we could get ya out of there,” venom said kindly as he glared at glitch. “Youguysareseriouslygettingonmynervescouldyajustgetalong?” Suzie said, muffled, trying to squirm free in all the strings. Venom used his magic, grabbed Glitches soul and flung his body down by suzie. “Cut, now.” venom said gesturing at his sword. Venom got up and headed inside in hopes to find something sharp that wasn't made of his magic. ”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]DON’T TOUCH ME AGAIN, EVER AGAIN OR I'LL CUT YOU UP INTO 1 MILLION PIECES.” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch angrily yelled as he grabbed the strings and ripped the strings with his anger and they began to burn away while Glitch’s hands began to glow red. “I'm free at last,” Suzie said, gasping for air as she unwrapped the strings around her legs. “Glitch, thank creations you're ok,” suzie said relieved, hugging him tightly around the waist and burying her face in the crook of his neck which was surprisingly very very hot. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Whatever, it’s not like I did all the damn work or nothing while Mr. Lazy Bones over there did!” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said with fire around him. “Hey, at least you're ok, I'm so thankful that you came back for me,” Suzie said, not releasing from the hug. Glitch growled with anger before slowly pushing her away. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Yeah yeah whatever, let’s move on and crap” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said walking away. “H-hey are you ok, did i say something?” Suzie asked, concerned quickly following him. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Ain’t you buddy, just let me be for a little” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said walking away. “Ok…” Suzie said a bit down trodden. “Drat, venom, what did ya do this time..” Suzie said grumbling as she headed into the house to talk with venom. “Hey venom,” Suzie said as she spotted him rummaging through kitchen drawers. “Oh Suzie, glad to see you not tangled in strings,” Venom said happily, bounding over to her. “Uh huh, mind you telling me why glitch is upset?” Suzie asked, sitting on the couch. “Oh, um i kinda lost my cool with him, since he left you…” venom said looking down. “Yeah, I heard the entire argument…it breaks my heart that two of my greatest friends are arguing with each other.” Suzie said sadly. “It won't happen again, I promise..” Venom said reassuringly. “If you say so, but for now I want you to go apologies to glitch and make up,” Suzie said as she pointed to the door. Venom nodded and headed outside to find glitch. Glitch was playing around with his sword and cut his finger watching as blood dripped from his finger. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Pain, such a weakness for those who can’t take it, in my normal form it seems that pain sucks, but in this form it seems I love pain, and power of course” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said while laughing at the pain. “Heya glitch,” Venom said, suddenly teleporting right by his side. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Ugh, maybe only some pain I love” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said walking away watching his finger still drip blood. “Hey um sorry about what i said earlier…i didn't mean any of that,” venom said walking after glitch. Glitch wasn’t listening to Venom and instead watching the blood drip before cutting his hand as even more blood dripped. “Yeesh, nasty cut ya got there,” venom said looking down at glitches hand. “Maybe you should head back so Suz can get ya some bandages before that gets infected,” venom said, placing his hand on glitches shoulder. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]DON’T TOUCH ME FOOL” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, getting his sword out with his bleeding hand and pointing it at Venom. “Woah hey glitch were on the same side here man,” venom said backing up with his hands in the air. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Then keep your distance and DON’T. TOUCH. ME. EVER, this blood is my own problem, although for a being like myself that’s no problem” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, putting his sword away and waving his hand before the cut disappeared and the blood stopped dripping. “I didn't know you could do that..'' Venom said, impressed. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“I don’t expect you to know much anyway” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said walking away. “Suzie did mention you were a shapeshifter..why is it now that you decided to shape shift?” venom asked curiously. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]This isn’t shapeshifting, this is only using my anger as a weapon, in this emotional form I am much more powerful, and will tolerate much more pain, but i don’t have patience for fools like yourself, but this would be shapeshifting” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said before shapeshifting into a monster. “Sweet, but um don't ya think ya should let a little steam off?” Venom asked. Glitch shapeshifted back into his original form. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Steam? You mean go back to being weak, haha no, this form gives me power, much more than before, I can do things like heal cuts or shapeshift, I will soon be even more powerful than before, and then I will be unstoppable” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said laughing. “Ok then..welp as long as this doesn't affect your relationship with suzie then it's fine by me,” venom said shrugging. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Yeah yeah, oh do me a favor would you Venom” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said smiling. “ what's the favor?” Venom asked. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]GET OUT” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, summoning a portal below Venom. Venom rolled his eyes and teleported away from the portal underneath him. “Like i said, as long as you don't hurt suzie’s feelings with all your anger i'm fine with this..erm..new you,” venom said before walking off. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Tch, screw feelings, they are weak and make one weak, only anger is a feeling worthy of recognition” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said before cutting his hand again. “Oh one more thing glitch, anger isn't the strongest emotion,” venom said as one of his eyes lit up for a sec before he teleported away. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]He is blind if he thinks that, only anger will destroy my enemies, all of them,” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said before starting to cut his face with a dagger. “Hey um suzie,” Venom said walking into the house. “What is it venom?” Suzie asked as she was lounging on the couch petting cozy. “Your boyfriend could use a bit of love right now,'' Venom said in a non joking tone. “Ok first off he’s not my boyfriend and second what do ya mean by love?” Suzie asked, concerned. “You're just gonna have to see for yourself,” Venom said as he walked up stairs. “Well that's not the type of thing I would want to hear,” Suzie said, hoping that they would just make amends, but now she has to deal with glitch. Hopefully he was ok and didn't take anything personally that venom said. Suzie headed outside to find glitch. Glitch continued to cut himself watching blood go everywhere. “Hey, glitch is that you?” Suzie asked, seeing him in the bloody state with terror in her voice. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Ugh who is it now, whoever it is go away, I’m very busy” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, still cutting himself. Suzie ignored that and hurried over to him. “Glitch your hurt, y-you gotta stop hurting yourself,” suzie said, her face going pale. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Are you deaf, just leave me alone” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, healing himself instantly making all the blood disappear. “W-what how?” Suzie asked in a whispered voice. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]How about I make this plain and simple, go back to where you were and talk to someone else, and don’t go telling that dumb boneheaded idiot that your “sad” cause the angry guy doesn’t want to see you, I have to get back to work” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said summoning his sword and looking at it. “G-glitch, are you ok? This is so unlike you,"Suzie asked concerned. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Ugh, my patience is dying my friend, so I will ask you calmly again, leave me be” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said trying to be calm. “Glitch im not leaving you till you tell me whats wrong,” suzie said standing her ground in hopes he would just open up and tell her what was bothering him. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Hahahahhaaha, you want me to tell you what’s wrong?” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said laughing maniacally. “Why yes glitch, i'm your friend after all and i care deeply about you,” suzie said kindly walking closer to him. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Fine, I’ll tell you what’s wrong, what’s wrong is I asked you multiple times to leave, and yet your still HERE, AND I AM LOSING MY PATIENCE RIGHT NOW” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said with his hand starting to glow red as he walked away from Suzie while yelling. Suzie took a breath and followed after him concerned. “Glitch, i-i dont think thats the reason why you're cutting yourself though,” suzie asked, eyeing his glowing hand. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]You wanna know something, I simply enjoy pain is all, that’s why I’m cutting myself, what i don’t enjoy is people asking me questions when I TOLD THEM TO LEAVE” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said getting his sword and throwing it at the wall. “I-i think you need to let some steam off glitch, pain will just harm you,” suzie said trying to calm him down. Glitch laughed maniacally again. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]It’s funny how you and that idiot said to let off steam, you know what, I’m calm, I’m calm” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, putting his hand up before getting his sword and trying to strike at Suzie. Suzie was caught off guard and found the blade making contact with her shoulder gashing it open. “G-glitch, why?” Suzie said before blacking out in a puddle of blood on the ground. Glitch’s smile quickly turned into shock as he looked in horror at what he did with green eyes. “Th-the hell did I do” Glitch said quickly reverting back to red. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Tch, don’t be so pathetic, she’ll live, maybe, but if not I now have a new skull for my collection, 1 of many” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said before going back to green. “Stop it, are you crazy we need to call for help” Glitch said, picking up Suzie teleporting her to the house before taking her downstairs to find help. “HELP SOMEONE HELP, PLEASE HELP” Glitch urgently yelled. But nobody came. “Damn it, the one time I actually need help” Glitch said before thinking of an idea. “I’ll have to heal her myself, maybe if I use some of my own blood” Glitch said before reverting to being angry. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“FOOL, let her bleed out don’t help her, she wasn’t strong enough to survive, just let her die” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said before quickly cutting himself but while in his green form. “OW, o-over my dead body” Glitch said before using his blood and putting it over her gash to heal it. After a few minutes Suzie slowly opened her eyes, wincing a bit. Glitch laid her on the couch slowly before deciding to leave. “G-glitch?” Suzie asked, confused, sitting up slowly clutching her head. Glitch was walking outside trying not to let his anger take over again. “What in blazes..he attacked me…he actually attacked me..” suzie said before starting to sob into a couch pillow. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“What is your problem, you had power, you had strength and yet you wasted it for what, a girl” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Angry Glitch asked Green Glitch. “Shut up, this isn’t what I wanted at all, my anger consumed me, it blinded me, I, I can’t let that ever happen ever again” Glitch said to his other angry self. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]And how’s that, as long as you all work together you will always see her, and she will never forget what I did, oh wait, but it wasn’t me, it was us, we are one, you and me” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Evil Glitch said laughing. “I am going to turn myself in,” Glitch replied. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“To who, the authorities?” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Evil Glitch asked.[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]“To death” Glitch said to himself before his evil half no longer spoke as Glitch sat on the ground. Suzie slowly got off the couch, slowly she felt her shoulder to find that the gash was gone but there was a nasty tear in her hoodie and that it was stained with blood and something else. She decided to go find glitch but this time she brought her saber in case he was going to attack her. It didn't take long before she found him sitting on the ground. She activated her saber, trembling a bit, pointing it at glitch. “Glitch?” Suzie asked in a shaky voice. “If you're here to kill me, go ahead, I won't fight back” Glitch replied. “Glitch, I would never kill you, we're friends…or at least I thought we were..” Suzie said before tearing up a little backing up. “I lost control, my anger took over me, I-I couldn’t stop it, just kill me, I can’t do any more harm if I’m dead” Glitch replied. Suzie dropped her saber and ran over to glitch hugging him and crying softly. “I’m sorry,” Glitch said sadly. “You are such-a-a” Suzie said before shutting up and hugging him more tightly. “Hypocrite, a$$hole, I know,” Glitch replied. “I was gonna say a spicy chilly pepper but a$$hole works too,” suzie said not letting go of him. “Fair enough,” Glitch replied. “I would never kill you, ever..although i probably should since you put my entire life at stake.” Suzie mumbled, kissing him on the cheek. “I don’t understand why after I almost ended you, why still come back to me, I’m a monster” Glitch said. “Oh my sweet glitch, i care a lot about you, a lot more than you might think,” suzie said smiling. “Well I will try to return the favor then, oh and uh, what will we tell the others” Glitch asked. “Nothing, what they don't know won't hurt them,'' Suzie said, smirking a bit. “Did you heal me?” Suzie asked curiously. “Even against his wishes I did heal you” Glitch replied. “Whose wish?” Suzie asked, confused. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“MINE” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Angry Glitch replied before reverting back to green Glitch. Suzie released the hug and quickly backed up. “Y-you m-mean to t-tell me that a part of you wanted to kill me!?” Suzie asked, terrified. “I didn't know you hated me to the point of death..” Suzie said, trembling again. “I don’t hate you, nor do I want you dead, my anger just blinds me, when it takes over its like I’m a totally different person, I have no intentions of hurting you, my anger however wants power, and it believes that power equals death, that’s why I can’t control it, it’s stronger than I am, it freed you from Errors strings after all” Glitch replied. “Well thats, how do i say this…freaky.” Suzie said, trying to calm down. "How do I know you aren't going to try to kill me again?” Suzie asked suspiciously. “I didn’t kill you, or I guess my anger didn’t kill you, but my guess is stay away from me when I’m mad” Glitch replied. “Uhg, that's gonna be a challenge for me..” suzie said, frowning. “How’s that?” Glitch asked. “Cause” Suzie said, turning her head a bit, unable to meet glitches gaze. “Cause what, I’m confused” Glitch asked again. “Cause I care too much about you..” Suzie mumbled under her breath. “Suzie, now is not the time to play games, just tell me” Glitch insisted. “Icaretoomuchaboutyou” suzie said hurriedly. “Nevermind, let’s just go back and continue the mission then” Glitch said walking off. Suzie sighed relieved and walked after glitch. Suzie caught up with him and slowly found her hand intertwining with his. “Ya know, you never told me how you were able to heal me, i didn't know you had that ability in the first place,” suzie said casually trying to start a conversation. “There’s lots of ways to heal people with magic and I'm curious, what was your method? I know I can heal people by painting on them, another way is with potions..so how did you do it?” Suzie asked curiously. “Well when I was in my enraged state I was able to heal myself with ease, I guess it’s my blood, I cut myself which hurt a lot and gave you some of the blood” Glitch explained. “Excuse me?” Suzie asked, a bit grossed out. “I know, not practical, but it worked, at a small cost of pain” Glitch replied. Suzie shuddered at the thought that glitch did that for her. “Well, erm, that was very dangerous glitch…your lucky your blood has healing potential cause if not..and we happen to mix blood…then that would be very toxic or fatal,” suzie said, feeling her shoulder. “I am also not a human, my blood has healing factors that allow me to quickly heal, guess I am only now just utilizing it” Glitch replied. “But still, ya put your blood in me..do think that might affect me genetically?” Suzie asked curiously, hoping that she would turn black at any second. “Well besides healing your wound, not really sure what else it’ll do” Glitch replied. “Do you think I will have the ability to turn black?” Suzie asked curiously. Glitch looked at her like she was crazy then answered. “You realize I’m not human right, I simply chose this form, I could be any race I wanted to be” Glitch explained. “So you can be white?” Suzie asked, smirking a bit. “If I really wanted to be, yes I could be,” Glitch responded. “So what you're saying is that you are like a chameleon?” Suzie asked. “What?” Glitch asked, confused. “It's an animal that can change color,” Suzie explained. “I guess that is similar” Glitch responded. “Can you change your form into anything?” Suzie asked, wondering if he could turn into some sort of house pet. “I suppose” Glitch responded. “Can you turn into a dog?” Suzie blurted out but quickly shut her mouth realizing that sounded really stupid. “Um, ya know I think I’m just gonna head inside and uh, get back on track with the mission” Glitch responded. “Wait but can you at least shape shift into one? Can you shapeshift into me?” Suzie asked, still holding his hand. “Yes, if I really wanted to I could shapeshift into you, but shapeshifting requires lots of power, that’s why I can easily shapeshift in my angry form, but we aren’t bringing that out” Glitch replied. “So you aren't going to shapeshift into me?” Suzie asked, disappointed. “It requires lots of energy and given the circ*mstances we need to focus on the mission” Glitch replied. “Oh c’mon the day is almost over sooo why not shapeshift as in training your inner power as practice?” Suzie suggested. “Please, I don’t need to train in shapeshifting, it’s useless” Glitch replied. “I don't think it is, if i can request as your very very good friend that i would like you to shape shift into me, would you do it?” Suzie asked with pleading eyes. Glitch said nothing and started floating a little and then began glowing green and then landed and looked and sounded like Suzie but was more masculine and had shorter hair. “Oh my creations,” Suzie said in excitement. “Well now I’ll be stuck like this for a little while, who knows when I’ll be back to my original form” Glitch said with his hands in his pockets. “I see a very fun upside to this,” Suzie said, smirking that they were now the same height. “Ya know i've always been curious if i could pick up myself,” suzie said as she inched closer to glitch. “I'm also curious if you are just as ticklish as me now,” Suzie said, getting closer. “NO, we are now the same, so no touchy feelings' ' Glitch said backing up. “Curious, you're now in the form of a guy me, I'm gonna have some much fun with this,” Suzie said, bringing her face close to glitch. “Backup buddy, we are both alike now, even though I am technically still glitch, but still no close or touch stuff since I’m stuck in this form, let’s just get back to work” Glitch said walking away. “Where do ya think you're going,” suzie said as she wrapped her hands around glitches waist giggling. “Embrace your inner suzie-self and become one with the physical touch,” suzie said playfully. “No, I will not do this, I have work anyway” Glitch said, prying Suzie off. “Im not letting go of myself,” suzie said, tightening her grip around glitch. “Suzie, the universe could be destroyed, and instead of focusing on that you want to play around and perhaps die, wake up Suzie, playtime is over” Glitch stated. “Aww, angry me is adorable…no wonder venom doesn't listen when i'm mad,” suzie said as she brought glitch to the ground and sat on him. “Get off me, I HATE BEING RESTRAINED, OFF” Glitch angrily yelled. “Hmmm nah, not after I have tickled myself,” Suzie said, tickling all the ticklish places that she knew were on her. “Stop, what if my anger comes back huh, I can’t control it, just let me go” Glitch replied. “How can one be angry while laughing?” Suzie giggled. “Alright i will get off soon, there is just one last thing i've always wanted to do to myself,” suzie said smirking. “Don’t do it, just let me go, I feel the anger coming out, and it’s not in a good mood” Glitch stated. Suzie rolled her eyes and brought her face close to glitches and kissed him right on the lips. Glitch was very shocked but his anger calmed as he kissed her back. Suzie was taken off guard but deepened the kiss enjoying it. “So, know what?” Glitch asked. “Woah..that was amazing,” Suzie said, getting off him. “Y-yeah, it w-was” Glitch said blushing. “Too bad that was a one time thing,” Suzie said blushing as she got up. “Yeah, but at least we got 1 time,” Glitch replied. “What's that supposed to mean? Does my male self want another one?” Suzie asked, leaning in again. “Maybe later, we had a long day, you all should probably get some rest” Glitch replied. “Yeah..so does that later mean tonight cause we are still spending the night together?” Suzie asked curiously, tilting her head. “Not necessarily, I need to deal with this anger problem before it gets worse, after that is dealt with maybe things will go back to normal” Glitch explained. “Well ya don't get angry when i kiss ya though?” Suzie questioned. “No, but before that I still felt anger, look I just want to get rid of the anger first is all, after what happened earlier and all” Glitch said looking away. “Oh yeah, it's in the past,” Suzie said, waving it off. “Right, well I should probably go to deal with that then, so see you later” Glitch said walking off. Suzie just followed after him giggling. “Suzie, I need to be alone, so don’t follow me” Glitch said looking at Suzie. “You know, last time..or a few times i left you alone, the bad sans kidnapped you,” suzie pointed out. “I don't like leaving you alone.” Suzie said, holding his hand. “We are in a more secure place though, plus I can defend myself, especially if my anger takes over” Glitch replied. “You are in the multiverse where the bad sans roam,” Suzie pointed out. “Suzie, seriously I just need to be alone. I will contact you if I need help” Glitch responded. “Can I keep an eye on you from a distance?” Suzie asked. “No, please just go to the hotel, I will be fine, okay” Glitch replied. “Alright, but promise me you will be back at the hotel in twenty minutes.” Suzie said, kissing his hand. “I can’t promise how long it will take, it could take hours for my anger to leave” Glitch replied. “Well..just try to be quick.” Suzie said as she kissed his hand one more time and walked off towards the direction of the hotel. “I will try,” Glitch said as Suzie walked off. Glitch looked outside to see the snow before sitting down on the couch to try and think. Venom walked in the door and froze in terror looking at glitch. “SIMON!? Is that you?” venom asked bewildered. “Ugh, go away Venom” Glitch said, upset. “Simon-wait you're not simon..who are you?” Venom asked, so confused. “It’s Glitch, now leave me alone” Glitch replied. “Glitch? You look almost like Suzie or one of her brothers at least..” venom said curiously. “I don’t know what you're talking about, just leave me alone, why don’t you” Glitch asked, annoyed. “Ya ya ok i’ll leave,” venom said, taking one more glance at glitch before heading upstairs to check on bombshell. Glitch tried to relax but ended up falling on the floor and began glowing red. Venom watched him from the upper floor a bit concerned but decided it would be best to leave him alone. Glitch went back to his angry form and went outside. “Sigh, that looks a lot like Suzie's brother,” Venom said, shaking his head as he headed into the room where bombshell was resting. As angry Glitch was walking outside he shapeshifted back to his original form and walked to the hotel. “Oh glitch your back,” Suzie said happily coming down the stairs. Her hoodie was fixed and it wasn't stained with blood. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“I would be so happy to see me,” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said with an evil smile. Suzie froze realizing he was in his angry form. Without waiting a second she sprinted upstairs quickly on her feet. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Aww running so soon, I thought we were friends” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said using portals to go after her. “Nope, we are,” Suzie said, running into her room and locking it. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]You know, before I was about to kill you, but my other half stopped that, but perhaps he was right in stopping me, maybe you have potential” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, shoving his sword in the door. “W-what kind of potential?" Suzie asked, backing up from the door. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]To be a powerful being of course” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said as he took his sword out and looked inside with his glowing red eyes. “Yeah, you're gonna have to come in here if ya want to get at me,” Suzie said, grabbing her saber. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Is this good?”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] Glitch said, appearing behind her in the room. “Wha-” Suzie said, fumbling with her saber in surprise. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Last time I suppose wasn’t fair, but what’s the fun in being fair huh” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said grabbing her arm. Suzie dropped the saber and tried to drag her arm away. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Seriously, didn’t you beat Glitch the first time, now you can barely hold on to your weapon” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, letting go of Suzie and picking up the saber. “I-i don't want to fight you,'' Suzie said standing her ground. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Why don't you want to pursue power, to reach your full potential, it would be nice to be stronger don’t you think?” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, igniting the red blade of the saber. “Yeah I do, actually, but I have a different plan on doing that than you might think,” Suzie said, making a paint hand appear out of the ground. The paint hand grabbed the saber and yanked it out of glitches hand, accidentally breaking it in the process and then the paint hand melted away. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Hmm, didn’t account for stupidity, but I guess that’s to be said about many of you, including Glitch” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said walking towards Suzie. Suzie stood her ground and glared at the angry glitch. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“You know, you were right, some people need to die, but I wonder, do you need to die?” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch asked, summoning a sword. “Why do you want to kill me? you're not gonna get stronger killing someone who won't fight back…that would be a cheap kill,” Suzie said, eyeing the sword. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]I don’t care if it’s a cheap kill, I just want to get stronger, and get it or not killing you will do so” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said walking closer to Suzie. “Say, is there another way you could get stronger from me without killing me?” Suzie asked nervously, still keeping her ground. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Hmm, nah, but don’t worry I’ll keep your skull as a trophy” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, aiming the sword at Suzie. “You are gonna regret even thinking you can kill me.” Suzie said bravely. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Think, you fool, I almost did before your boyfriend stopped me, but this time I will,”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] Glitch said, inching his sword closer. “Wait but aren't you him?” Suzie asked, confused. “Wait a sec-” Suzie said, going down a spiraling trail of thoughts about a part of glitch calling his other half her boyfriend which started to make her blush. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Haha, well looks like you're gonna die, goodbye fool, wait why are you blushing” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch asked confused. “Erm, no reason at all, carry on, something about me dying and stuff,” Suzie said quickly waving it off. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Are you trying to mock me?” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, taking his sword and taking it near her neck. “I wouldn't dream of it,” Suzie said, bringing her face close to his, staring him in the eyes. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]What are you doing, fine, you won’t fight, then I will” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said kicking her. Suzie toppled onto the ground but quickly scrambled to her feet. “You're gonna have to do better than that,” Suzie said, getting back on her feet. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Are you INSANE, WHY AREN’T YOU FIGHTING BACK YOU FOOL?” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch asked, confused. “Cause, the person that you're in control of, I happen to care too much about them to fight them,” Suzie said, shrugging. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Fine, then I guess I’ll have to hurt someone else” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said, using a portal to travel away. “Not so fast,” Suzie said, turning into shades of gray and grabbing Glitch with a paint hand and slamming him on the bed pinning him down. “You're gonna stay here till you have calmed down,” Suzie said, turning back to her normal colors. Suzie made another paint hand appear and grabbed glitch so he couldn't escape easily. Suzie sat on the corner of the bed tiredly glancing at glitch, a little worried. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Fool, you think I will stay here, if I tap into full power I will be free, then I’ll kill you, like I should have before” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said looking at Suzie. “Do you seriously think anger is the strongest emotion that can give you that type of power?” Suzie asked curiously. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Of course it is, anger is the most powerful tool, if you understand the power of anger and understand how to use it you could be invincible” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch explained from his point of view. “Tsk, there is a stronger emotion than that, that emotion can beat anger alone,” suzie said, moving and sitting next to glitch. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Please, anger actually gets you somewhere, how else do you think I wounded you” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said with an evil grin. “Yeah, and what saved me?” Suzie questioned. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Pity is what saved you fool, otherwise you would have bled out” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch replied. “I don't think it was pity that saved me,” Suzie said, inching closer to glitch. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]You fool, nothing else saved you” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said looking at Suzie. “I believe it was love that saved me,” Suzie said slyly, looking at glitch. “It was also the same emotion used to calm down glitch when he shapeshifted into a guy version of me,” Suzie said. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Aww love, how cute, ya know if you love me, why don’t you give me a kiss” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said looking at Suzie as he smiled. “Hmm, tempting but I don't know if you will try and bite me,” Suzie said, smirking a bit. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Bite, what are you talking about?” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch asked. “It's kinda weird that you offered for me to kiss you since we aren't in a relationship, it's kinda suspicious.” Suzie said, leaning closer to him. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Oh right, you're a fool I forget, listen fool, I was being sarcastic. I don't believe in the power of love, it’s among the weakest emotions and does nothing for you but make one weak” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch replied. “Actually you're wrong, love is what brings us together, perhaps love might even bring the good glitch back,'' Suzie said thinking a bit. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Please, love is weak just like you, my advice is to give up on it, a hopeless and useless element” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said bored. “Maybe for you but i've got a feeling that love is an emotion that will make the good glitch stronger.'' Suzie said, leaning even closer. Glitch started trying to jump at Suzie to bite her. “Feisty, but you're gonna have to cut that out so I can bring the good glitch back,” Suzie said. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Ya know, I must question why you think Glitch would even want to come back, after all that happened, and with all the anger he holds” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch stated. “Oh shut up,” Suzie said, unable to take this angry guy any longer. Suzie closed her eyes and brought her lips down to his and kissed him deeply. Glitch started using his sharp teeth and biting her tongue a lot. Suzie whimpered but continued to kiss him, the paint hands around glitch started to loosen. Glitch kept biting and felt himself being loosened. Suzie could taste blood in her mouth and let out a small moan. Glitch heard the moan and pushed her off of him. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]WHAT THE HELL” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch yelled. “Hey i wasn't done,” suzie said, making the paint hands grip him harder making him unable to escape or move. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]It’s cute you think I can feel the “love” but I’m afraid as long as I’m here, the love will die, but I’m still up for round 2” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said before laughing. “Tsk, glitch, the good glitch will be able to feel my love, i believe he can,” suzie said getting back on the bed and getting on glitch kissing him again. Glitch used his sharp teeth and started smashing them on Suzie’s tongue. “A little more gentle will ya..” Suzie whispered into the kiss. [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Nah, I think I’ll go a little harder,”[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] Glitch whispered, biting with full force. Suzie moaned louder and gripped his shoulders but continued to kiss him deeper. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Fine, you win this time fool” [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch said before the anger left him. Suzie quickly pulled back from the kiss gasping for air, blood dripping from her mouth. Glitch got up with his hand on his head. “W-what the, Suzie, is that you, what is going on” Glitch asked confused. The paint hands quickly disappeared and suzie tackle hugged him. “You're ok,” Suzie said cheerfully. “Are you okay, there’s blood” Glitch asked looking around. “I-i, I just bit my tongue trying to calm your angry self down.” Suzie explained hurriedly. “Really, you bit your tongue trying to calm my angry half down,” Glitch asked suspiciously. “Ya, speaking of which i'm gonna go wash out my mouth,” suzie said hurrying over to the sink in the bathroom spitting out blood. “Yeah I don’t think one can bite their own tongue that hard that blood goes everywhere, you sure that’s what happened, or did something else happen? Glitch asked. “Oh my sweet glitch, you wouldn't believe me if i told you,” Suzie said grinning as she inspected her tongue in the mirror wincing at it. “It wasn't just my tongue..um angry glitch also got hurt but he healed very fast, his blood still lingers.” Suzie said, gesturing to the bloody bed sheets. “Man, what am I gonna have to tell the room service? '' Suzie sighed as she used a marker to make an ice cube to place on her tongue. “So how do you feel Glitch?” Suzie asked with an ice cube in her mouth. “Fine, but I do have a question, did you kiss angry me” Glitch asked suspiciously. Suzie choked on her ice cube blushing a lot. “W-why d-do you ask that!?” Suzie said in a flustered mess. “YOU DID, wait so you kissed me, but my other half” Glitch said glowing green. “I DIDN'T SAY I DID GLITCH!!” Suzie said, grabbing a pillow and stuffing it in her face. “But yes i did,” suzie said, mumbling the last part embarrassed. “Suzie, your body language says it all, and I must say I’m disappointed” Glitch said, turning his head. “Oh for creations sake it worked though,” Suzie said, chucking the pillow at glitch and grabbing a new one to stuff in her face. “I am not talking about the method, I mean, well nevermind” Glitch said sadly. “What? What are you so disappointed in?” Suzie asked, her tomato red face looking at him. “You kissed angry me to the point of bleeding which must have been really passionately, but you didn’t kiss me like that,” Glitch said, looking away. “Oh, eh i just kissed him pretending as if i was actually kissing you,” suzie said a bit surprised. “But still you kissed him and not me, but it’s okay, I guess I understand,” Glitch said, about to walk out the door. “If you want a kiss like that you can just ask,” Suzie said, smirking a bit. “Okay, your majesty, may I kiss you?” Glitch asked a bit nervously. “Oh glitch, I give you full permission, just this one time though,” Suzie said, kicking off her shoes and getting on the bed. “O-Okay” Glitch said, getting on the bed sitting next to Suzie and wrapping his arms around her before going in for a kiss. Suzie leaned into the kiss, whimpering a little because of her tongue. Glitch heard the noise and backed out quickly. “WHAT W-WHAT ARE YOU OKAY?” Glitch asked, concerned that he accidentally hurt her. “I-it's fine, my tongue just hurts, that's all,” suzie said reassuringly. “Are you sure, do you need to heal it so the pain stops?” Glitch asked. “Healing would be nice,” Suzie said gazing into glitches eyes. “Okay hold on” Glitch said getting a dagger out. “I gotta get some of my blood first,” Glitch explained. “Oh ew,” Suzie said, shuddering. Glitch cut himself as he felt the pain and saw blood dripping. “Ow, here, this should do it,” Glitch said, placing blood on Suzie’s tongue. “I feel like a vampire,” Suzie said horsley. “Sorry, but hopefully it helps the pain,” Glitch replied. “Yeah, but now you're injured,” Suzie said, glancing at his fresh cut. “It’ll heal, I’ll be okay, plus it’s worth it to help you out.” Glitch reassured her. “Alright, my tongue feels a lot better now, thanks,” Suzie said, smiling happily. “Of course, anything to help,” Glitch said smiling. “So um, you want to continue or..” suzie said blushing. “If it’s fine with you your majesty” Glitch said smiling back. “Oh it is, i just didn't know if you were ready,” suzie retorted back blushing more. Glitch put his arms back around Suzie and began kissing her passionately. Suzie kissed back even more passionately, enjoying every second. Glitch then put his hand on Suzie’s face and brought her closer to him. Suzie deepen the kiss roaming around in his mouth. Glitch then began putting his tongue in her mouth. Suzie tried to fight off his tongue with hers but gave up and let it happen. Glitch then let her tongue go in his mouth then started grabbing her closer to him. Suzie gripped his shoulders tighter feeling a lot of heat rise to her face. Glitch began dripping saliva from all the kissing. Suzie tilted her head and kissed more deeply, intertwining her tongue with his. Glitch grabbed Suzie even harder. Suzie slowly pulled back gasping for air from the long kiss. “Sorry I forgot you need air, are you okay?” Glitch asked. “Never been better glitch,” Suzie said, wiping saliva from her mouth. “I feel the love,” Glitch said, wiping the saliva off him. “This was a one time thing glitch, you tell no other living soul about this,'' Suzie said firmly, still blushing a lot. “About what?” Glitch said winking at Suzie. Suzie smirked and layed down on the bed exhausted. “Should we get some sleep then?” Glitch asked. “Yes..” Suzie said slowly. “Okay good night Suzie” Glitch said laying on the bed. “Oh and just between us I don't let anyone else kiss me like that,” Suzie said, closing her eyes a little. “Wait a sec, how old are you again?” Suzie questioned just to be cautious. “16” Glitch responded. “Ok cool, cool, just double checking so this isn't illegal.'' Suzie said. “Have I ever told you my age before?” Suzie asked curiously, laying down facing him. “No, what is it?” Glitch asked. “So you actually didn't know my age but you wanted to kiss me anyways?” Suzie asked curiously. “You didn’t know mine either though” Glitch replied. “Touche,” Suzie replied, smirking. “Well I'm 15,” Suzie said, smiling to herself gleefully. “FIFTEEN, THAT’S YOUNGER THAN ME,” Glitch said shocked. “Wait, does that mean I’ve been listening to a 15 year old this entire time” Glitch asked himself. “I may be 15, but I've had a heck of a lot of experience in my lifetime, more than you could ever fathom. Besides that's only like one year apart,” Suzie said, smirking. “Welp night glitch, i've had my fun for today.” Suzie said, pulling the sheets over herself and falling asleep. “Night,” Glitch said, falling asleep in the bed.[/font]

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A Glitch in the multi dimensions chapter 15 (pg14) (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.